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Microwave Circuits and Systems

Design of a Passive Microwave Circuit

Abd-El-Rahman Mostafa Mohamed 1900866

Ahmed Hamdy Muhammed 1900206
Ahmed Shafeek Shafeek 1900112
Hady Gamal Abdallah 1900408

26th Apr. 2024

Ain Shams University
Faculty of Engineering
Electronics and Electrical Communications Dept.
Hand Analysis
We chose designing a Quadrature 90◦ Hybrid for having f◦ = 6.5 GHz and
Rogers RT/Duroid 5880 substrate.

Figure 1: Quadrature 90◦ Hybrid

f◦ 6.5 GHz
Thickness (d) 787.41 µm
εr 2.2 ± 0.04
tan δ 0.0009 @ 10 GHz
Copper Thickness 34 µm

Table 1: Rogers RT/Duroid 5880

We start by assuming that d ≤ 2, so we use the equation:

W 8eA
= 2A (1)
d e −2
Where r  
Z◦ εr + 1 εr − 1 0.11
A= + 0.23 + (2)
60 2 εr + 1 εr
So, for the lines having Z◦ = 50 Ω, we have A = 1.159. Substituting this
in equation 1 results in Wd = 3.1256 > 2, which makes us go to the other
equations for Wd > 2 as:
W 2 εr − 1 0.61
= B − 1 − ln (2B − 1) + ln (B − 1) + 0.39 + (3)
d π 2εr εr
B= √ (4)
2Z◦ εr
From equation 4, we get B = 7.985, which results in d = 3.177. Which gives
W = 2.5 mm.
Now, we want to get its length, we will put it as √λ◦ .
4, where λg = εeff So,
we need to calculate
εr + 1 εr − 1 1
εeff = + q (5)
2 2 1 + 12 d W

So, we get εeff = 1.8745. This results in λg = 33.71 mm and L = 8.43 mm.
As for the √ 2
lines, we will also use the previous equations to get the
dimensions of the line. So, from 2, we get A = 0.85. This results in Wd =
3.1256 > 2, which also makes us use the other equations. So, from 4, we get
B = 11.2926, which results in Wd = 5.1174. So, we get W = 4.03 mm. Also,
we get εeff = 1.928. This gives λg = 33.239 mm. Which gives L = 8.31 mm.

Z◦ Lines
Width 2.5 mm
Length√ 8.43 mm
Z◦ / 2 Lines
Width 4.03 mm
Length 8.31 mm

Table 2: Hand Analysis Results

Simulation Results

(a) Z◦ Line (b) Z◦ / 2 Line

Figure 2: Calculation of Lines Widths and Lengths

Figure 3: Network Schematic

The lines are shorter due to modifications from the T-junction.

Figure 4: Network Layout

Figure 5: Substrate details

SP Simulations Without Layout

Figure 6: S parameters Magnitude

Figure 7: S parameters Phase

Figure 8: Bandwidth

EM Simulations for Layout

Figure 9: S parameters Magnitude

Figure 10: S parameters Phase

Figure 11: Bandwidth

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