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Tseni 1

Fragko Tseni

Julie Baker

English 1301- 280


"The Shape of Water" poster

Movie posters are not only promotional tools; they serve as complex visual

stories that convey underlying messages and themes of the films they represent.

Among these, the poster for the Academy Award-winning film "The Shape of Water"

emerges as a captivating illustration, weaving together intricate elements to convey its

thematic depth and emotional resonance. The "Shape of Water" poster is a great

example of visual storytelling, it uses symbols and meaning to draw viewers into its

world and explore its themes. Crafted to intrigue and captivate viewers, the poster

strategically employs color choices, symbolism, and composition to evoke the film's

narrative essence. Through a detailed analysis of its visual elements, this essay

contends that the poster for "The Shape of Water" transcends its role as a mere

advertisement, serving as a visual gateway to the cinematic journey that awaits its

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This essay is going to embark on a close examination of the visual elements

present in "The Shape of Water" poster. By dissecting its color palette, symbolism,

and composition, it delves into how these aspects collaborate to express the film's

themes and evoke emotions. Through this exploration, it aims to reveal how the

intentional decisions in the poster's design deepen the audience's understanding of the

movie's storyline, creating a more profound and captivating experience. Through the

analysis, it unravels the intricacies of visual storytelling, highlighting how each

element contributes to the poster's ability to resonate with viewers on a deeper level.

In exploring the poster's intricate visual storytelling, it aims to show how these

elements connect viewers to the world of "The Shape of Water," making their

experience richer and strengthening their bond with the movie's story.

The colors in "The Shape of Water" poster create a captivating atmosphere that

draws viewers into the film's world. The dominant shades of blue remind us of the

deep ocean and the mysteries it holds. The blue tones also reflect the protagonist's

profound connection to water, which plays a significant role in the story. Moreover,

the subtle hints of green add another layer of depth to the poster. They symbolize

growth and renewal, suggesting that even in the depths of uncertainty, there's always

room for new beginnings. Just like the foliage thriving underwater, the characters in

the film experience personal growth and transformation throughout their journey. By

using these specific colors, the poster not only sets the tone for the film but also taps

into the audience's desire for escapism and emotional resonance. The deliberate

choice of colors in the poster not only aligns with the film's thematic elements but

also enhances the overall viewing experience, making it more immersive and

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In "The Shape of Water" poster, there's a powerful image of a woman holding

a mysterious creature underwater. This scene tells a lot about the story without using

any words, it unfolds a story about a woman's connection with the creature that shows

intimacy and acceptance, even though it's different from her, the way light and

shadow play around them adds also to the sense of mystery and romance, pulling

viewers into the story. Also, there are other symbols like aquatic motifs and the

ethereal lighting that add depth to the poster, they represent themes of love,

acceptance, and the beauty of being different, the symbols connect with viewers

emotionally and remind us of the film's message about embracing diversity and

finding love in unexpected places. Overall, the symbol in the poster helps people

connect with the characters and unfold the story.

The "Shape of Water" poster is carefully put together to make us focus on

important parts while making everything look harmonious. In the center, you see the

main character with the creature, surrounded by swirling water and underwater plants,

something that shows their unique connection and how they belong together. The

lines and arrangement of things guide our eyes to this main point, making sure we

notice their emotional bond and the movie's main idea of acceptance. The poster's

gentle typography enhances the sense of beauty and love in the film, reinforcing its

message of compassion and empathy. These choices not only capture viewers' interest

but also remind them of the movie's important message about kindness and

understanding, mirroring the characters in "The Shape of Water".

In conclusion, the analysis of 'The Shape of Water' poster shows its ability to

transcend the boundaries of traditional film promotion, acting as a visual masterpiece

that captures the thematic richness and emotional depth of the film. Through a close

examination of its color palette, symbolism and composition, it becomes apparent that
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every part of the poster is designed to immerse viewers in the world of the film and

evoke a range of emotions. The dominant blue hues symbolize the film's relationship

with water and mystery, while subtle greens suggest themes of growth and renewal.

The powerful image of a woman embracing a mysterious creature speaks volumes for

the film's narrative of acceptance and love towards diversity, further enhanced by the

watery elements and ethereal lighting. In addition, the harmonious arrangement of

elements and soft typography guide viewers' focus on the film's central message:

acceptance and empathy. Essentially, The Shape of Water poster goes beyond its role

as a simple advertisement, inviting viewers on a visual journey that deepens their

understanding of the film's story and fosters a stronger connection to its characters

and themes. A testament to the power of visual storytelling, the poster serves as a

gateway to the cinematic experience that awaits its audience, leaving an impression

long after the credits roll.

Tseni 5

Works Cited:

Murphy, Mekado. “The Hand-Drawn Journey of the “Shape of Water” Poster.” The

New York Times, 3 Nov. 2017,


Abrams, Simon. “The Artist behind Awards Season’s Most Stunning Movie Posters.”

Vanity Fair, Vanity Fair, 8 Dec. 2017,


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