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B1 Vocabulary

1. The cat climbed __________ the tree to chase a bird.

a) Under
b) On
c) Up
d) Across

2. I enjoy taking long walks in the __________ to relax.

a) Ocean
b) Forest
c) Desert
d) Mountain

3. Can you __________ me your phone number so we can stay in touch?

a) Tell
b) Speak
c) Write
d) Show

4. Don't forget to __________ your homework on time.

a) Finish
b) Begin
c) Submit
d) Ignore

5. My grandmother enjoys baking __________ for the family.

a) Cookies
b) Burgers
c) Salads
d) Pizzas

6. I always __________ my keys in the same place to avoid losing them.

a) Hide
b) Place
c) Forget
d) Find

7. The children played happily in the __________ during the summer.

a) Snow
b) Rain
c) Sun
d) Wind

8. She needs to __________ her passport before travelling abroad.

a) Lose
b) Renew
c) Destroy
d) Forget
9. The teacher asked the students to __________ the poem aloud.
a) Read
b) Sing
c) Dance
d) Eat

10. My brother is __________ at fixing computers.

a) Good
b) Bad
c) Happy
d) Sad

11. We had to __________ the meeting due to unexpected circumstances.

a) Cancel
b) Start
c) Finish
d) Attend

12. The baby is __________ and needs to be fed.

a) Hungry
b) Thirsty
c) Sleepy
d) Angry

13. The students had to __________ a difficult exam to pass the course.
a) Fail
b) Pass
c) Quit
d) Ignore

14. My grandmother has a beautiful __________ in her backyard.

a) Garden
b) Pool
c) Garage
d) Kitchen

15. It's important to __________ the environment by reducing waste.

a) Destroy
b) Protect
c) Ignore
d) Forget

16. The __________ of the mountain was covered in snow.

a) Top
b) Bottom
c) Side
d) Inside
17. We enjoyed a delicious __________ at the restaurant last night.
a) Breakfast
b) Lunch
c) Dinner
d) Snack

18. I need to __________ my friend's call, it might be important.

a) Answer
b) Ignore
c) Miss
d) Reject

19. The traffic was so __________ that I was late to the meeting.
a) Fast
b) Slow
c) Busy
d) Quiet

20. Can you __________ me the way to the nearest post office?
a) Show
b) Tell
c) Ask
d) Share

21. The kids built a __________ in the backyard using blankets and pillows.
a) Castle
b) Bridge
c) Tunnel
d) Tower

22. I have to __________ my grandmother at the airport tomorrow.

a) Pick up
b) Drop off
c) Leave
d) Forget

23. The __________ of the book was fascinating, and I couldn't put it down.
a) Cover
b) Title
c) Author
d) Plot

24. We need to __________ our energy consumption to save the planet.

a) Increase
b) Decrease
c) Maintain
d) Ignore
25. The chef used various __________ to enhance the flavour of the dish.
a) Spices
b) Fruits
c) Vegetables
d) Meats
B1 Vocabulary Answer Key
1. c) Up
2. b) Forest
3. c) Write
4. a) Finish
5. a) Cookies
6. b) Place
7. c) Sun
8. b) Renew
9. a) Read
10. a) Good
11. a) Cancel
12. a) Hungry
13. b) Pass
14. a) Garden
15. b) Protect
16. a) Top
17. c) Dinner
18. a) Answer
19. c) Busy
20. b) Tell
21. a) Castle
22. a) Pick up
23. a) Cover
24. b) Decrease
25. a) Spices
B2 Vocabulary

1. The ___________ of the ancient building fascinated the tourists.

a) architecture
b) promotion
c) tendency
d) confusion

2. The new employee exhibited a high level of ___________ in adapting to the company's culture.
a) versatility
b) isolation
c) uniformity
d) stagnation

3. The manager's decision had a profound ___________ on the team's morale.

a) impact
b) withdrawal
c) speculation
d) exposure

4. The diplomat's skillful ___________ helped diffuse the tension between the two nations.
a) negotiation
b) transition
c) prevention
d) deception

5. Despite facing numerous challenges, she maintained a sense of ___________ throughout the
a) resilience
b) detachment
c) discrepancy
d) conformity

6. The professor's lectures were known for their clarity and ___________.
a) coherence
b) dispersion
c) proliferation
d) dissension

7. The team's collaborative effort led to the ___________ completion of the project ahead of
a) efficient
b) redundant
c) precarious
d) arbitrary

8. The author's use of vivid imagery added a layer of ___________ to the novel.
a) nostalgia
b) obscurity
c) profundity
d) ambiguity
9. His ___________ to detail ensured that every aspect of the plan was thoroughly examined.
a) negligence
b) devotion
c) discrepancy
d) competence

10. The company implemented a new policy to ___________ workplace diversity.

a) promote
b) ignore
c) impede
d) withdraw

11. The film's unexpected plot twist added an element of ___________ to the storyline.
a) suspense
b) repetition
c) monotony
d) consensus

12. The team's innovative approach led to the ___________ of a groundbreaking product.
a) inception
b) dismissal
c) prohibition
d) conformity

13. The candidate's eloquent speech left a lasting ___________ on the audience.
a) impression
b) conviction
c) indifference
d) disposition

14. The manager's decision to cut costs had a ___________ impact on the company's profitability.
a) detrimental
b) peripheral
c) complementary
d) ambiguous

15. The artist's work was characterised by a unique blend of colours and ___________.
a) textures
b) illusions
c) distortions
d) illusions

16. The scientist's research ___________ a breakthrough in renewable energy technology.

a) facilitated
b) instigated
c) validated
d) inhibited
17. The organisation aims to ___________ awareness about environmental sustainability.
a) propagate
b) depreciate
c) neutralise
d) compromise

18. The company implemented a comprehensive training program to enhance employee

a) proficiency
b) hostility
c) negligence
d) conformity

19. The journalist's ___________ reporting shed light on the social issues faced by the community.
a) unbiased
b) erratic
c) redundant
d) conspicuous

20. The athlete's dedication and perseverance were ___________ in her remarkable achievements.
a) evident
b) obscure
c) ambiguous
d) irrelevant

21. The detective's ability to ___________ subtle clues led to the successful resolution of the case.
a) overlook
b) discern
c) dominate
d) stagnate

22. The government's economic policies aimed to ___________ inflation and stabilize the currency.
a) induce
b) mitigate
c) exacerbate
d) fluctuate

23. The novel's intricate plot and well-developed characters contributed to its literary ___________.
a) essence
b) merit
c) divergence
d) redundancy

24. The new law was designed to ___________ citizens' rights and protect them from discrimination.
a) infringe
b) uphold
c) confound
d) obscure
25. The entrepreneur's ___________ vision inspired others to join his ambitious venture.
a) pragmatic
b) obscure
c) audacious
d) docile

26. The team faced a daunting challenge but approached it with a sense of ___________.
a) enthusiasm
b) monotony
c) indifference
d) distortion

27. The comedian's ___________ jokes resonated with the diverse audience.
a) mundane
b) poignant
c) discreet
d) contingent

28. The scientist conducted a series of experiments to ___________ a hypothesis about climate
a) formulate
b) impede
c) dispel
d) perpetuate

29. The company's decision to downsize was met with ___________ from employees.
a) applause
b) animosity
c) detachment
d) coherence

30. The politician's speech was filled with ___________ promises but lacked concrete plans.
a) vague
b) explicit
c) divisive
d) redundant

31. The teacher encouraged students to ___________ their creativity in the art class.
a) suppress
b) cultivate
c) dismantle
d) diminish

32. The orchestra's ___________ performance captivated the audience and received a standing
a) mediocre
b) mediocre
c) stellar
d) precarious
33. The author's use of ___________ language added depth to the emotional impact of the story.
a) mundane
b) eloquent
c) arbitrary
d) indifferent

34. The company implemented a new policy to ___________ the use of sustainable materials.
a) endorse
b) exploit
c) curtail
d) impede

35. The manager's decision to delegate responsibilities showed trust in the team's ___________.
a) incompetence
b) acumen
c) reluctance
d) deviation

36. The athlete's dedication to training was ___________, leading to improved performance.
a) tenacious
b) precarious
c) apathetic
d) redundant

37. The team's success was attributed to their ___________ communication and collaboration.
a) meticulous
b) sporadic
c) dubious
d) arbitrary

38. The artist's work reflected a blend of traditional techniques and modern ___________.
a) stagnation
b) innovation
c) negligence
d) conformity

39. The community rallied together to ___________ funds for a local charity.
a) amass
b) dissipate
c) vilify
d) conceal

40. The student's ___________ in the classroom caught the teacher's attention, leading to academic
a) apathy
b) diligence
c) stagnation
d) animosity
41. The novel's complex characters and intricate plot added a layer of ___________ to the story.
a) simplicity
b) convolution
c) consensus
d) disparity

42. The manager's ___________ decision-making led to increased efficiency in the workplace.
a) impulsive
b) judicious
c) arbitrary
d) redundant

43. The team's ability to adapt to unexpected challenges showcased their ___________.
a) flexibility
b) rigidity
c) apathy
d) conformity

44. The scientist's groundbreaking research had a profound ___________ on the field of medicine.
a) impact
b) withdrawal
c) ambivalence
d) stagnation

45. The artist's use of vibrant colors and bold strokes created a sense of ___________ in the painting.
a) monotony
b) diversity
c) turbulence
d) harmony

46. The speaker's ___________ address resonated with the audience, sparking a thoughtful
a) eloquent
b) mundane
c) ambiguous
d) discordant

47. The committee worked collaboratively to ___________ a set of guidelines for the project.
a) formulate
b) negate
c) confine
d) alleviate

48. The team's successful completion of the project was a result of their ___________ effort.
a) sporadic
b) cohesive
c) divisive
d) negligent
49. The diplomat's ___________ negotiations led to a diplomatic resolution between the two nations.
a) assertive
b) arbitrary
c) subdued
d) tentative

50. The journalist's ability to uncover hidden facts added a sense of ___________ to the investigative
a) transparency
b) clandestinity
c) vulnerability
d) ambivalence

51. The architect's design incorporated both modern elements and a nod to historical ___________.
a) decadence
b) aesthetics
c) stagnation
d) rigidity

52. The company's commitment to ___________ practices contributed to its positive reputation.
a) ethical
b) ambiguous
c) indifferent
d) obsolete

53. The student's ___________ for knowledge was evident in her constant pursuit of academic
a) apathy
b) zest
c) conformity
d) stagnation

54. The organisation's efforts to promote ___________ resulted in increased awareness among the
a) conservation
b) exploitation
c) negligence
d) discord

55. The playwright's ability to evoke a range of emotions showcased his ___________ storytelling.
a) poignant
b) mundane
c) arbitrary
d) redundant

56. The leader's ___________ management style empowered employees to take initiative.
a) authoritarian
b) egalitarian
c) indifferent
d) stagnant
57. The project's success relied on the team's ___________ coordination and communication.
a) meticulous
b) sporadic
c) dubious
d) arbitrary

58. The explorer's ___________ journey through uncharted territories captured the imagination of
a) arduous
b) stagnant
c) indifferent
d) redundant

59. The artist's work was characterised by its ___________ use of symbolism and metaphor.
a) subtle
b) blatant
c) ambiguous
d) redundant

60. The entrepreneur's ___________ strategy allowed the business to thrive in a competitive market.
a) innovative
b) stagnant
c) indifferent
d) precarious

61. The company's commitment to ___________ responsibility is reflected in its sustainable practices.
a) corporate
b) indifferent
c) redundant
d) arbitrary

62. The professor's lecture was so ___________ that even complex concepts became easily
a) convoluted
b) articulate
c) arbitrary
d) stagnant

63. The team's ___________ efforts resulted in a product that exceeded customer expectations.
a) collaborative
b) sporadic
c) contentious
d) indifferent

64. The author's ability to ___________ diverse perspectives enriched the novel's narrative.
a) disregard
b) incorporate
c) disperse
d) stagnate
65. The government's initiative aimed to ___________ access to education for all citizens.
a) impede
b) facilitate
c) complicate
d) arbitrary

66. The actor's ___________ portrayal of the character earned critical acclaim.
a) nuanced
b) stagnant
c) redundant
d) indifferent

67. The team's ___________ approach to problem-solving led to innovative solutions.

a) pragmatic
b) negligent
c) arbitrary
d) stagnant

68. The chef's ___________ use of spices created a unique and memorable dining experience.
a) subtle
b) redundant
c) ambiguous
d) indifferent

69. The scientist's groundbreaking discovery had far-reaching ___________ for medical research.
a) implications
b) stagnations
c) discrepancies
d) arbitrariness

70. The organisation's mission is to ___________ awareness about mental health issues.
a) propagate
b) diminish
c) arbitrate
d) indifferent

71. The athlete's rigorous training routine was a testament to his ___________ for excellence.
a) apathy
b) zeal
c) stagnation
d) indifference

72. The filmmaker's ___________ storytelling captivated audiences worldwide.

a) evocative
b) redundant
c) indifferent
d) arbitrary
73. The team's ability to adapt to changing circumstances demonstrated their ___________.
a) resilience
b) negligence
c) conformity
d) stagnation

74. The diplomat's ___________ negotiation skills were crucial in reaching a diplomatic resolution.
a) assertive
b) arbitrary
c) subdued
d) stagnant

75. The project's ___________ success was a result of meticulous planning and execution.
a) resounding
b) stagnant
c) indifferent
d) arbitrary

76. The student's ___________ to learning was evident in her consistent academic achievements.
a) aversion
b) dedication
c) stagnation
d) indifference

77. The organisation strives to promote ___________ in the workplace through inclusive policies.
a) diversity
b) conformity
c) stagnation
d) arbitrary

78. The architect's design aimed to ___________ the building seamlessly into its natural
a) integrate
b) disperse
c) stagnate
d) indifferent

79. The manager's ___________ decision-making contributed to a positive work environment.

a) judicious
b) arbitrary
c) negligent
d) stagnant

80. The author's ___________ language conveyed a sense of urgency in the novel's climax.
a) eloquent
b) mundane
c) arbitrary
d) indifferent
81. The team's ability to maintain focus and work efficiently under pressure demonstrated their
a) adaptability
b) negligence
c) conformity
d) stagnant

82. The artist's use of contrasting colours and textures added a sense of ___________ to the
a) disarray
b) harmony
c) stagnation
d) arbitrary

83. The CEO's vision and ___________ leadership style inspired a culture of innovation in the
a) autocratic
b) egalitarian
c) arbitrary
d) indifferent

84. The environmentalist's efforts to ___________ deforestation received widespread support.

a) propagate
b) mitigate
c) exacerbate
d) arbitrary

85. The novel's plot was characterized by unexpected twists and ___________ turns.
a) arbitrary
b) stagnant
c) transparent
d) redundant

86. The team's ability to find ___________ solutions to complex problems set them apart.
a) pragmatic
b) stagnant
c) indifferent
d) arbitrary

87. The author's use of humour added a ___________ touch to the otherwise serious novel.
a) poignant
b) redundant
c) ambiguous
d) whimsical

88. The teacher encouraged students to ___________ critical thinking skills through class
a) foster
b) inhibit
c) stagnate
d) arbitrary
89. The company's commitment to employee ___________ led to a positive work environment.
a) engagement
b) negligence
c) conformity
d) stagnant

90. The government implemented policies to ___________ economic growth and stability.
a) impede
b) facilitate
c) aggravate
d) arbitrary

91. The playwright's ___________ dialogue brought the characters to life on the stage.
a) mundane
b) eloquent
c) arbitrary
d) indifferent

92. The project's ___________ success was attributed to careful planning and collaboration.
a) resounding
b) stagnant
c) ambiguous
d) arbitrary

93. The athlete's dedication to her training regimen was ___________, resulting in improved
a) tenacious
b) stagnant
c) indifferent
d) arbitrary

94. The team's ability to handle diverse opinions and reach a ___________ showcased their unity.
a) consensus
b) stagnation
c) redundancy
d) indifference

95. The philanthropist's ___________ efforts to support education earned admiration from the
a) sporadic
b) diligent
c) arbitrary
d) stagnant

96. The scientist's research had significant ___________ for the development of new medical
a) implications
b) stagnations
c) arbitrary
d) indifference
97. The company's decision to invest in renewable energy sources reflected a commitment to
a) sustainability
b) stagnation
c) ambiguity
d) arbitrary

98. The journalist's ___________ reporting shed light on social issues in the community.
a) unbiased
b) stagnant
c) redundant
d) arbitrary

99. The organisation's mission is to ___________ awareness about climate change and
environmental issues.
a) propagate
b) depreciate
c) stagnate
d) arbitrary

100. The team's ___________ collaboration on the project resulted in a successful outcome.
a) cohesive
b) stagnant
c) arbitrary
d) indifferent
B2 Vocabulary Answer Key
1. a) architecture 51. b) aesthetics
2. a) versatility 52. a) ethical
3. a) impact 53. b) zest
4. a) negotiation 54. a) conservation
5. a) resilience 55. a) poignant
6. a) coherence 56. b) egalitarian
7. a) efficient 57. a) meticulous
8. c) profundity 58. a) arduous
9. b) devotion 59. a) subtle
10. a) promote 60. a) innovative
11. a) suspense 61. a) corporate
12. a) inception 62. b) articulate
13. a) impression 63. a) collaborative
14. a) detrimental 64. b) incorporate
15. a) textures 65. b) facilitate
16. b) instigated 66. a) nuanced
17. a) propagate 67. a) pragmatic
18. a) proficiency 68. a) subtle
19. a) unbiased 69. a) implications
20. a) evident 70. a) propagate
21. b) discern 71. b) zeal
22. b) mitigate 72. a) evocative
23. b) merit 73. a) resilience
24. b) uphold 74. a) assertive
25. c) audacious 75. a) resounding
26. a) enthusiasm 76. b) dedication
27. b) poignant 77. a) diversity
28. a) formulate 78. a) integrate
29. b) animosity 79. a) judicious
30. a) vague 80. a) eloquent
31. b) cultivate 81. a) adaptability
32. c) stellar 82. b) harmony
33. b) eloquent 83. b) egalitarian
34. a) endorse 84. a) propagate
35. b) acumen 85. a) arbitrary
36. a) tenacious 86. a) pragmatic
37. a) meticulous 87. d) whimsical
38. b) innovation 88. a) foster
39. a) amass 89. a) engagement
40. b) diligence 90. b) facilitate
41. b) convolution 91. b) eloquent
42. b) judicious 92. a) resounding
43. a) flexibility 93. a) tenacious
44. a) impact 94. a) consensus
45. d) harmony 95. b) diligent
46. a) eloquent 96. a) implications
47. a) formulate 97. a) sustainability
48. b) cohesive 98. a) unbiased
49. a) assertive 99. a) propagate
50. a) transparency 100. a) cohesive

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