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Unit 5 Vocabulary Test A

1 Dopasuj liczby 1–5 do określeń a–e.
1___ 2___ 3___ 4___ 5___
1 1/4 a a hundred
2 1/2 b a thousand
3 100 c a quarter
4 1,000 d a million
5 1,000,000 e a half

2 Zakreśl odpowiednie wyrazy.

1 There are 1440 months / minutes / hours in a day.
2 Elephants are very heavy animals. They weigh up to 6 tons / kilos / metres.
3 Queen Victoria was Queen of England in the 19th century / decade / millennium.
4 A moment / metre / kilo is a small measure of time.

3 Od podanych czasowników i rzeczowników utwórz nazwy osób.

1 maths _______________

2 music _______________

3 compose _______________

4 science _______________

5 invent _______________

4 Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi wyrazami z ramki.

artist genius programmer player professor
1 She’s a really bad tennis ______________.

2 Pablo Picasso was a famous Spanish _______________.

3 My brother works as a computer ______________.

4 My mum is a History ______________ at the university.

5 Albert Einstein was a _______________.

5. Przetłumacz podane słowa.

Blood vessels – mózg -

Artificaial – składniki –

Average - zawierać –

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