Criminology Written Project - Mohamed Abdi

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Mohamed Abdi

November 26, 2023


Behind Cesare Beccaria and His Impact on Criminology

Cesare Beccaria (1738-1794), an Italian jurist and philosopher, is one of the most

influential people in criminology. His views and changes on humane punishments are still

important in criminology today. His essay On Crimes and Punishments laid the groundwork for

modern criminology. The essay includes the contributions of Cesare Beccaria and the impact of

his work on the criminal justice system.

Cesare Beccaria was born in Milan, Italy, on March 15, 1738. His parents were aristocrats

and his ancestors were known in different fields. During Cesare’s youth, it was not apparent he

would become a defined figure in criminology (Elio Monachesi.) He attended the Jesuit College

in Parma and law at the University of Pavia. After he graduated he did show interest in scholarly

works. However, his scholarly friends said he did not show interest in writing and was easily

distracted (Elio Monachesi.) His mentor also gave him assignments, one of which became

successful with the help of Alessandro Verri, Dei delitti e delle pene. From the above

information, we can infer that Cesare Beccaria became interested in criminology

with time and it wasn’t something he already had a passion for.

After both successful and unsuccessful works, Cesare Beccaria wrote On Crimes and

Punishments. The book quickly gained popularity as it was the first of its kind. It challenged

inhuman laws and practices in place for hundreds of years. The book also explained the

importance of the government maintaining order. A line from On Crimes and Punishments that
supports this states, “…that great crimes do always produce the destruction of a nation.”

Beccaria’s work also inspired works after it such as Dei delitti e delle pene.

Many nations have abolished torture and the death sentence for non-lethal crimes as a

result of Beccaria's legal changes. The criminal laws have been updated as a result of his support

for a more reasonable and compassionate judicial system. Beccaria emphasized reason,

individual rights, and the rule of law in his writings, which was also characteristic of

Enlightenment principles. Beccaria emphasized the significance of practicality in criminal justice

by arguing that rules should be created to promote the greater good for the largest number of

people. He emphasized how important it is for those who are charged to have the rights to having

a fair trial and access to legal counsel. Since then, these ideas have grown to be essential to the

framework of modern law.

The study of criminology, and especially Cesare Beccaria's work On Crimes and

Punishments, has had a significant influence on the criminal justice system. His theories

fundamentally changed how we think of crime, punishment, and accused people's rights. The

focus that Beccaria placed on humanity and reason in criminal justice has had a lasting impact on

modern legal systems and continues to have an impact on current debates about justice,

punishment, and the defense of individual rights. Modern law is proof of his ability in law and

changes he has brought to society.

Work Cited

Excel High School. (2022). Criminology. 2.2 - Cesare Beccaria: Criminology EHS (.5

Credit) (

Elio Monachesi. (1956). Pioneers in Criminology IX--Cesare Beccaria (1738-1794)


Cesare Beccaria. (1764). Online Library of Liberty: An Essay on Crimes and Punishments -

Portable Library of Liberty (

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