Quasi-Delict and Damages (PJA)

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QUASI-DELICT AND DAMAGES (2020-2021, 2nd Sem)

Atty. Elmer Rabuya PJA

QUASI DELICT (QD) Q: X, a passenger of a karitela operated by
operated by Y, died by reason of an
Distinction from other sources of accident while he is riding the karitela.
Instead of filing a crime for reckless
The obligation is by reason of a private imprudence resulting to homicide (a crime
act which is unlawful and unilateral committed by culpa), the family of X opted
to recover by QD.
In law, there is no need for a
private act Y opposed the same, considering that it is
a crime punishable by law, then the proper
In contracts, the act is lawful remedy is within the scope of delict. Is Y
and bilateral correct?

In quasi contracts, the act, No, as QD is broad enough to include

while unilateral, is lawful acts and omissions punishable by law.

In delict, while the act is an An interpretation to the contrary

unlawful and unilateral private would defeat the very intention of the
act, there must be a law framers of the law.
punishing it
Thus, an act or omission punishable by
QD v. delict law gives rise to two distinct and
separate sources of obligation:
In delict, there are two liabilities:
1. Delict; and
1. Criminal; and 2. QD (Barredo v. Garcia)
2. Civil
(NOTE: The ruling in the above cited
On the other hand, in QD, it is purely case was made in 1940s.
civil in character, and thus, NO
CRIMINAL LIABILITY Thus, even prior to the enactment of
the Civil Code, the ruling is already is a
Q: Is it correct to say that QD covers precedent)
ONLY those NOT covered by delict? Or,
in the alternative, is QD limited to those Q: Considering that a crime punishable by
acts NOT punishable by law, as delict law gives rise to two (2) distinct sources of
covers those acts punishable by law? obligation, is it correct to say that there
would be recovery from both sources?
No, if QD is limited to those acts NOT
punishable by law, it would defeat the No, as double recovery is prohibited
purpose of the law. under our laws, to wit:

It is broad enough to cover acts or “Art. 2177. Responsibility for

omissions which are punished by law as fault or negligence under the
crimes. (Barredo v. Garcia) preceding article is entirely
separate and distinct from the
civil liability arising from
QUASI-DELICT AND DAMAGES (2020-2021, 2nd Sem)
Atty. Elmer Rabuya PJA
negligence under the Penal 3. There must be a causal connection
Code. But the plaintiff cannot (cause and effect) between the act
recover damages twice for the or omission and the injury
same act or omission of the
defendant.” Proximate cause

The above cited article rooted from the The injury suffered by the
ruling in Barredo v. Garcia plaintiff/creditor must have been
proximately cause by the act or
Q: In the case of Barredo v. Garcia, the omission of the defendant/debtor
crime committed was a crime committed
by culpa (negligence). Fault or negligence

Will the ruling that a crime gives rise to Art. 1173; The fault or negligence of the
obligations from delict and QD still hold obligor consists in the omission of that
true, if the crime is intentional (dolo)? diligence which is required by the nature of the
obligation and corresponds with the
Yes (Elcano v. Hill) circumstances of the persons, of the time and
of the place. When negligence shows bad faith,
Q: May recovery based on QD be made if the provisions of Articles 1171 and 2201,
the crime committed is homicide? paragraph 2, shall apply.

Yes, the scope of QD is broad enough If the law or contract does not state the
to include acts or omissions committed diligence which is to be observed in the
intentionally (dolo) (Elcano v. Hill) performance, that which is expected of a good
father of a family shall be required.
QD defined
Negligence (culpa) under this
Art. 2176; Whoever by act or omission causes provision, carries the same meaning as
damage to another, there being fault or fault, and thus, one and the same
negligence, is obliged to pay for the damage
done. Such fault or negligence, if there is so Q: In relation to Art. 2176, is negligence
pre-existing contractual relation between the and fault the same, considering Art. 1173?
parties, is called a quasi-delict and is governed
by the provisions of this Chapter. No, in the case of Elcano v. Hill the
court held that fault refers to those
Thus, the requirements are as follows: committed intentionally (dolo)

1. Injury suffered by the: (NOTE: In the case of Gashem

a. Plaintiff; or Shookat Baksh v. CA, the SC,
b. Creditor through then Associate Justice (AJ)
2. The debtor/defendant committed Davide, stated that QD is limited only
an act or omission (unlawful act) to cases of negligence.
characterized by fault or
negligence; However, the statement is
merely an obiter dictum, as the

QUASI-DELICT AND DAMAGES (2020-2021, 2nd Sem)
Atty. Elmer Rabuya PJA
issue in the case is a breach of the accused, is it correct to say that NO
promise to marry CIVIL LIABILITY may be recovered?

Atty. Rabuya said that it is an erroneous No, as recovery may still be made from
ruling. Take note, however, that it is a other sources of obligations.
mere obiter)
What is extinguished is merely the civil
Scope of QD liability arising from the crime (civil
liability ex delicto).
To summarize, QD covers the
following acts or omissions Thus, in line with the cases of Barredo
and Elcano, civil liability arising from
1. NOT punishable by law; quasi-delict, based on the same act or
2. Punishable by law, whether omission may still be had
committed through
a. Negligence/culpa (Barredo Prescriptive period to recover civil liability
v. Garcia); or based on QD
b. Fault/intentionally/dolo
(Elcano v. Hill) It is 4 years from the accrual of the
right of action/commission of the
Q: X has been convicted for the crime of act
rape, and thus a judgment holding him
guilty criminally and civilly has been Q: Assume, from the time X’s case for rape
promulgated. has been filed up to the time of his death,
ten (10) years has already elapsed.
X appealed the case. During the pendency
of appeal, X died. May the family of the victim still recover
civil liability from other sources,
What is the status of X’s civil and criminal considering that it has already been ten (10)
liability? years from the accrual of the right of
action/commission of the act?
Both the civil and criminal liability are
extinguished. Yes, as the prescriptive period for filing
civil liability based on sources of
As to the criminal liability, obligation other than delict shall be
death extinguishes the liability, interrupted during the pendency of the
considering that there is still no criminal action. (People v. Bayotas)
final judgment against the
accused. Concept of QD under Spanish v. American
On the other hand, as to the
civil liability, there can be no Under Spanish law, QD is designated
more criminal liability upon as culpa aquiliana.
which the civil liability may
attach to. (People v. Bayotas) Under this concept, it is limited
to acts or omissions caused by
Q: Considering that the civil liability has negligence (culpa)
been extinguished by reason of the death of
QUASI-DELICT AND DAMAGES (2020-2021, 2nd Sem)
Atty. Elmer Rabuya PJA
Thus, under the Old Civil Code performance, that which is expected of a good
based on Spanish laws, the father of a family shall be required.
obiter dictum in Baksh v. CA as
held by AJ Davide holds true. Thus, negligence, in general, is the
failure to observe the required degree
On the other hand, under American of diligence
law, QD is designated as tort
Diligence required
Under this concept, it includes
“battery” or It is relative, depending on:
intentional/deliberate acts
(dolo) 1. Kind of obligation;
2. Time;
Thus, under the New Civil 3. Place; and
Code enacted under 1950s, it 4. Person bound to render obligation
included the concept of tort
However, ordinarily, negligence
Concept of QD under New Civil Code consists in the failure to observe the
diligence of a good father of a family
Considering the above stated
influences, our QD under the civil code Diligence of a good father of a family
includes the following acts or
omissions committed by: It is a diligence expected from a
reasonable and prudent person
1. Negligence (culpa aquiliana);
AND Rule as to diligence required
2. Battery/intentional/deliberate
(tort) GR: Good father of a family

(NOTE: Thus, under the curriculum, ER: If a different diligence is

it must be called QD, rather than torts) required by:

2. Parties; or
In general 3. Situation confronted with

Art. 1173; The fault or negligence of the Concepts affecting diligence

obligor consists in the omission of that
diligence which is required by the nature of the The following concepts affect diligence
obligation and corresponds with the required:
circumstances of the persons, of the time and
of the place. When negligence shows bad faith, 1. Emergency rule;
the provisions of Articles 1171 and 2201, 2. Unforeseeability;
paragraph 2, shall apply. 3. Both parties negligent;
a. Contributory negligence;
If the law or contract does not state the and
diligence which is to be observed in the b. Last clear chance;

QUASI-DELICT AND DAMAGES (2020-2021, 2nd Sem)
Atty. Elmer Rabuya PJA
4. Res ipsa loquitur On the other hand, if the
proximate cause of the injury is
Emergency rule the defendant’s negligence,
then, recovery may still be had,
If there is an urgency, or shortage of but the courts may temper into
time, which would likely affect the the liability considering the
person’s decision making as to choose plaintiff’s contributory
the best possible course of action, the negligence
person cannot be held as negligent
Last clear chance
Q: X, while driving, lost his car brakes,
which caused his inability to slow down While both the plaintiff and defendant
during a “stop” signal as pedestrians are are negligent, the defendant had the
crossing. last opportunity to avoid the injury by
observing the diligence required
To save the lives of the passengers, X
shifted his steering wheel to the right, to In such a case, the entire liability shall
crash into a mansion instead. be upon the defendant.

Can X be held negligent by his act, if it Q: X is suing Y, as the latter caused injuries
appears that he would have caused no by his being involved in a car crash with
damage if he turned left, as there is a river another driver Z.
on that side without any person or property
to be destroyed? Y claims that if it had not been for Z, X
would not have been injured. Is Y’s defense
No, in line with the emergency rule, valid?
X is without the luxury of time to think
of the best option possible No, as the defendant cannot use last
clear chance by pointing to another in
Effect of foreseeability order for his being absolved from
If the event can be foreseen, the
person may be held negligent Q: Still on the same case, but instead, Z
sued Y.
If, however, the act is unforeseeable,
the person CANNOT be held as Y argued that he is on his lane, and thus
negligent protected his lane, but Z insisted on
overtaking while on the opposite lane.
Effect if both parties are negligent
Can Y be absolved from liability?
It would depend on who caused the
proximate cause of the injury suffered Yes, it is a proper invocation of last
by the plaintiff. clear chance, considering that Y is in
the correct lane, while Z is on the
If the proximate cause of the wrong lane in such a way that Z could
injury is the plaintiff’s have prevented the incident if only he
negligence, then, no recovery returned to his lane right away.
can be made.
QUASI-DELICT AND DAMAGES (2020-2021, 2nd Sem)
Atty. Elmer Rabuya PJA
Res ipsa loquitur No, as the burden is shifted to Dr. Jan
to deny the negligence and prove
It means that “the thing speaks for diligence, as res ipsa loquitur applies,
itself”. considering the following facts:

It refers a rule on evidence, as an 1. Atty. Jen could not have any

exception on who has the burden of contributory negligence,
proving negligence, to wit: considering she has been sedated;
2. The gauze would not be left if not
GR: Plaintiff must prove for Dr. Jan’s negligence;
negligence 3. It is only through Dr. Jan’s
negligence may the injury occur,
ER: Defendant must prove considering that he administered
diligence, as he is the surgery
presumed negligent, as
in res ipsa loquitur, Q: Is it true that as long as it is a negligent
act, QD shall apply?
Requisites for res ipsa loquitur to apply
No, as there are different kinds of
The requisites are as follows: negligence

1. The incident could not have Kinds of negligence

happened if not for the defendant’s
negligence; The following are the kinds:
2. Contributory negligence of
plaintiff must be excluded: 1. One which arises during the
a. Thus, the plaintiff must not performance of a contractual
have had a share in the obligations (culpa contractual);
negligence; and 2. One which arises by negligence and
3. The instrumentality which causes there is no pre-existing contractual
injury is totally within the obligation (culpa extra-
defendant’s control contractual);
3. Negligence which is a breach of an
Q: Dr. Jan conducted the surgery of Atty. existing law (Art. 20, NCC);
Jen. 4. Arising from crime (culpa
Atty. Jen was sedated during the surgery.
CC CEC Art. 20
Source Contract Negligence
A week has passed and Atty. Jen suffered Existence of There is a
stomach pains, and thus consulted Dra. Contract contract NONE
Jun, and the latter found that gauze has
been left in the former’s stomach. Negligence During the NOT a Violation
performance breach of a of an
of the contractual existing
If Atty. Jen filed a case against Dr. Jan, is contractual obligation; law
Atty. Jen bound to prove Dr. Jan’s obligation and
negligence? NOT a
violation of

QUASI-DELICT AND DAMAGES (2020-2021, 2nd Sem)
Atty. Elmer Rabuya PJA
an existing 1. Quasi-contract; and
2. Quasi-delicts
Culpa contractual (CC) In effect, quasi-delict is alternatively
known as a culpa extra-contractual
Art. 1170. Those who in the performance of
their obligations are guilty of fraud, negligence, Negligence under Art. 20, NCC
or delay, and those who in any manner
contravene the tenor thereof, are liable for Art. 20; Every person who, contrary to law,
damages. wilfully or negligently causes damage to
another, shall indemnify the latter for the same.
Thus, the negligence occurred from the
performance of the contract Under Art. 20, NCC, the negligence is
as follows:
Culpa extra-contractual 1. There is an injury caused to
Title XVII. - EXTRA-CONTRACTUAL 2. The injury is caused by a negligent
OBLIGATIONS act or omission;
3. The act or omission is in breach of
CHAPTER 1 a law
Art. 20 v. Art. 2176, NCC
Art. 2142; Certain lawful, voluntary and
unilateral acts give rise to the juridical relation “Article 20 concerns violations of
of quasi-contract to the end that no one shall existing law as basis for an injury.
be unjustly enriched or benefited at the
expense of another. It allows recovery should the
act have been willful or
xxx negligent.
CHAPTER 2 Willful may refer to the
QUASI-DELICTS intention to do the act and the
desire to achieve the outcome
Art. 2176; Whoever by act or omission causes which is considered by the
damage to another, there being fault or plaintiff in tort action as
negligence, is obliged to pay for the damage injurious.
done. Such fault or negligence, if there is no
pre-existing contractual relation between the Negligence may refer to a
parties, is called a quasi-delict and is governed situation where the act was
by the provisions of this Chapter. consciously done but without
intending the result which the
Thus, the following are deemed as plaintiff considers as injurious.
extra-contractual obligations,
considering that it arose without ANY xxx

QUASI-DELICT AND DAMAGES (2020-2021, 2nd Sem)
Atty. Elmer Rabuya PJA
Article 2176 covers situations where an 2. There is no violation of an existing
injury happens through an act or law
omission of the defendant.
Rule as to existence of contractual relations
When it involves a positive act,
the intention to commit the GR: Can recover from CC ONLY,
outcome is irrelevant. but NOT QD

The act itself must not be a ER: Can recover from BOTH QD
breach of an existing law or a and CC, if the negligence which
pre-existing contractual breaks the contract is also a tort
obligation. (or negligence itself is the
reason for the breach of
What will be considered is contract) (Air France v.
whether there is "fault or Carascoso)
negligence” attending the
commission of the act which Liability in case of recovery based on QD
necessarily leads to the committed by two or more persons
outcome considered as
injurious by the plaintiff. Art. 2194. The responsibility of two or more
persons who are liable for quasi-delict is
The required degree of solidary.
diligence will then be assessed
in relation to the circumstances Q: Due to an accident, an action was filed
of each and every case. against a driver and his employer.

Thus, with respect to negligent acts or The driver was sued based on QD. On the
omissions, it should therefore be other hand, the driver’s employer was sued
discerned that Article 20 of the Civil based on contract.
Code concerns "violations of existing
law as basis for an injury", whereas Can the employer and the driver be held
Article 2176 applies when the negligent solidarily liable?
act causing damage to another does not
constitute "a breach of an existing law Yes, as the negligence in this case also
or a pre-existing contractual amounts to tort, then recovery can be
obligation.” (St. Martin Polyclinic, made based on QD despite a contract
Inc. v. LWV Construction of common carriage.
Corporation, citing the separate
opinion of Justice Leonen in the While it is true that solidarily liability of
case of Alano v. Magud-Logmao) the employer and his employee can
only be made based on a QD, this case,
Q: What then is QD? while involving a contract, can be
deemed as a QD, based on the ruling in
In line with the above cited provisions, Air France v. Carascoso
there is QD if:
Q: While waiting for the train in the
1. There are no contractual relations; premises of the LRT station, X, a supposed
QUASI-DELICT AND DAMAGES (2020-2021, 2nd Sem)
Atty. Elmer Rabuya PJA
passenger, engaged in a fist fight with Y, a The owners and managers of an establishment
security guard under ABC Security Agency. or enterprise are likewise responsible for
damages caused by their employees in the
By reason of such fist fight, X fell on the service of the branches in which the latter are
railroad and was struck by the train. employed or on the occasion of their functions.

Can LRTA, X, and ABC Security Agency Employers shall be liable for the damages
be held solidarily liable? caused by their employees and household
helpers acting within the scope of their
Yes, based on the ruling of Air France assigned tasks, even though the former are not
v. Carascoso, recovery may be had engaged in any business or industry.
from QD if the negligence amounts to
tort itself. The State is responsible in like manner when it
acts through a special agent; but not when the
That it is QD, the parties may be held damage has been caused by the official to
solidarily liable, despite the basis of whom the task done properly pertains, in
liabilities of the following are as which case what is provided in article 2176
follows: shall be applicable.

LRTA: Contract Lastly, teachers or heads of establishments of

X: QD (Art. 2176) arts and trades shall be liable for damages
ABC: Vicarious caused by their pupils and students or
liability (Art. apprentices, so long as they remain in their
2180) custody.

That the act of X amounts to a tort, The responsibility treated of in this article shall
recovery may be had from QD, and cease when the persons herein mentioned
thus, may be held solidarily liable. prove that they observed all the diligence of a
(LRTA v. Navidad) good father of a family to prevent damage.

VICARIOUS LIABILITY A person may be held liable NOT only

for his own negligence, but also for the
Art. 2180; The obligation imposed by article negligence of another, by reason of a
2176 is demandable not only for one's own acts special relationship existing between
or omissions, but also for those of persons for them, such as:
whom one is responsible.
1. Parents, as to their children;
The father and, in case of his death or 2. Those exercising special parental
incapacity, the mother, are responsible for the authority, over children of
damages caused by the minor children who live another:
in their company. a. Teachers;
b. Principals
Guardians are liable for damages caused by the c. School Administrators;
minors or incapacitated persons who are under 3. Employer, as to their employees
their authority and live in their company.
Parental authority

QUASI-DELICT AND DAMAGES (2020-2021, 2nd Sem)
Atty. Elmer Rabuya PJA
Laws governing parental authority is living with the parent’s
company as to enable them to
The following laws govern: exercise supervision. (Art. 236,
FCP). Thus, the rule is as
1. Family Code of the Philippines (FCP); follows:
2. Art. 2180, NCC GR: The parents of
a person of
When FCP or Art. 2180, NCC applicable legal age
cannot be
FCP shall apply if the child is still a held
minor. (17 and below) vicariously
If the QD was committed by
the child while in the actual ER: Despite a
supervision, instruction, or person being of
custody of those persons legal age, the
exercising special parental parents of a
authority (e.g. school), the person may be
liabilities are as follows: held vicariously
liable if:
Those persons
exercising special 1. 18 years
parental authority shall old, but less
be primarily liable; or than 21
years old;
Parents or those and
exercising substitute 2. The person
parental authority shall of legal age
be subsidiarily liable lives under
the parent’s
As to the parents’ liability, company
the father and the mother are
simultaneously liable As to school’s liability, it is as
On the other hand, Art. 2180, NCC,
shall apply if the child is already at the Academic: Teacher
age of majority/emancipation. (18 and in
above) charge

As s general rule, a person 18 Non-

years of age may be held liable academic: Head
for any acts of civil life of the
However, as an exception, on
parents of a person already 18
years of age, but below 21 years Take note, however,
of age, provided that the child that the one causing
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QUASI-DELICT AND DAMAGES (2020-2021, 2nd Sem)
Atty. Elmer Rabuya PJA
injury, and the one who Q: Can a school be made liable ONLY for
suffered injury, must QD committed by a minor child whilst in
belong to the same school premises?
No, as the school may still be made
As to the parents’ liability, it liable if the child is engaged in an
is as follows: extracurricular activity authorized
by the school (e.g. fieldtrips)
GR: Father
ER: Mother, in the Q: ABC Montessori of Nueva Ecija
absence of the required students to accomplish a waiver
father for their fieldtrip to Baguio City. In the said
waiver, it is stated that:
Q: X, a minor child, committed a QD while
in the school premises. “ABC shall not be liable for any
mishap, and will not be deemed
Who is liable for the act of X? under special parental authority
during the field trip”
Only the school personnel, as the
persons exercising special parental Is the waiver valid?
No, as special parental authority cannot
Q: Assume that the school is insolvent, who be waived, considering that it is given
is liable? to them by law, thus:

It may be the parents or those Art. 210; Parental authority and

exercising substitute parental authority, responsibility may not be
as they are liable subsidiarily renounced or transferred
except in the cases authorized
(NOTE: Thus, in case of subsidiary by law.
liability, there is only one party who
may be liable, either the one: In effect, no parental authority, in
whatever form (including substitute
1. Primarily liable (special parental or special) may be waived.
authority) who must be solvent; or
2. Subsidiarily liable (parents or Q: Forced by the situation that the grades
substitute parental authority) if the of their children might be affected if they
above is insolvent do not sign the waiver, the parents of the
children signed the waiver.
Defense available to one primarily or
subsidiarily liable in case of QD committed In case of an accident, can the parents
by a minor child recover damages from ABC?

If they can prove that they exercised Yes, as the waiver is void, and thus
due diligence to prevent damage their signatures thereon have no effect.

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QUASI-DELICT AND DAMAGES (2020-2021, 2nd Sem)
Atty. Elmer Rabuya PJA
That it has no effect, the parents may No, as an enrollment contract has a
recover against the school exercising built-in obligation, whether stated or
special parental authority not, that the student shall be provided
with an environment which is
Q: X, a student of UST, came to the school conducive to learning.
during the semestral break to inquire on
the requirements for the incoming To be conducive to learning, there
semester. must be no threat to a student’s right
or limb while within the premises
If X suffered damages during such visit, (PSBA v. CA)
can UST be held liable under Art. 2180?
Q: Is the above rule absolute?
Yes, as the SC held that it does not
matter whether the injury occurred No, as the school may claim that it
during the semester or not, so long as exercised due diligence in preventing
the purpose is for a legitimate the injury. (e.g. turnstiles, security
student objective guards)

Q: Assume, that after X completed the Q: X, is a 2nd year law student of FEU. One
purpose of his visit in UST, X made day, X had an argument with Y, a security
“tambay” in Lovers Lane. guard of FEU.

During his “tambay”, a fight ensues with Due to the argument, and Y being stressed
his rival and classmate, Y, as the two are out from his 72-hour straight duties, Y fired
suitors of Ms. Z. a gun against X, which ultimately led to his
By reason of such fight, X suffered
damages. May UST be held liable under Can FEU be held liable?
Art. 2180?
Yes, based on the enrollment
Yes, as it remains, that the purpose of contract rule.
his visit is a legitimate student objective
Art. 2180, NCC cannot apply,
Q: Assume, that Y, is a student of UE. Can considering that it can only apply if it is
UST still be held liable if the brawl between and among the students of the
occurred in its premises? same school.

No longer, as the one causing an injury The injury was committed by a security
is an outsider to the school. guard, and thus, there is a failure to
provide a conducive environment for
Art. 2180, NCC is applicable only in learning (Saludaga v. FEU)
cases committed by one student,
against another student, of the same Q: St. Luke’s Medical College (SLMC)
school requires their 4th year medical students to
undergo internship for a period of three (3)
Q: Does it mean, then, that UST cannot be months.
held liable for any kind of damage caused
by the brawl within its premises?
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QUASI-DELICT AND DAMAGES (2020-2021, 2nd Sem)
Atty. Elmer Rabuya PJA
As there are numerous students, and If the employee (EE) committed QD,
SLMC’s facility is not able to cater all it creates a presumption of negligence
interns, SLMC collaborated with on the part of the employer (ER)
municipalities for the creation of municipal
clinics, by a memorandum of agreement The ER’s negligence consists in the
(MOA). EE’s:

In one of the municipalities which SLMC 1. Selection; and

collaborated with in the northern part of 2. Supervision
Luzon, several students were taking their
internship therein. Requisites for presumption of negligence
to attach
To save money, the interns requested
SLMC to allow them to stay at the 2nd floor The plaintiff must prove:
of the municipal clinic during the
internship period, which SLMC allowed. 1. Existence of ER-EE relationship;
One day, a fire occurred which caused the 2. That EE, at the time of the injury,
death of some of the interns. May SLMC be was pursuing an assigned:
held liable for damages? a. Task; or
b. Duty
Yes, under the enrollment contract
rule. Effect if presumption proved

While NOT strictly within school The burden of proof shall be shifted to
premises, the municipal clinic became the ER to rebut the presumption of
an extension of its own premises liability
considering the requirement of the
curriculum and the MOA. (St. Luke’s Defense of ER against presumption
Medical College v. Sps. Perez)
That the ER exercised due diligence in
Q: Assume, that the windows are solidly selecting and supervising his EE
built, and the whole building is without any
sprinklers nor fire exits, can SLMC raise Negligence of EE v. ER
the defense of due diligence?
EE: Own negligence (Art. 2176)
No, as they failed to provide the ER: Presumed negligence in the
students a conducive area for learning. selection and supervision of his
EE (Art. 2180)
Non-academic schools
Q: If a victim suffered an injury by reason
They are those schools teaching arts of the EE’s negligence, is it correct to say
and trades that the proximate cause is due to the EE’s
negligence as he is the one who directly
Employer caused the injury, and NOT the ER?

Presumption of negligence No, both are considered as proximate

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Upon whom may recovery be made in case Q: If X opted to sue based on contract
of injury caused by EE’s negligence against ER, and the EE is negligent, is
there a need to prove such negligence?
Recovery may be made against:
No, as it is sufficient that breach of the
1. EE; contract is proved
2. ER; or
3. Both EE and ER, solidarily Q: If X opted to sue based on contract
against ER, may he raise the defense that
(NOTE: Thus, in QD, liability may be he exercised diligence in the supervision
solidary) and selection of EE?

Q: X rode a taxi driven by EE, which is No, as the issue is the breach of
owned by ER. contract.

In case of an accident, what are the Thus, despite diligence in the selection
possible sources of obligation? of an EE, the fact remains that the
contract is breached
It may be:
Q: If X opted to sue based on delict, to
1. Contract, as there is a breach in the whom should it be filed against?
contract of carriage;
2. QD; and Against EE, as one primarily liable
3. Delict
Q: If X opted to sue based on delict, can
Q: If X opted to sue based on contract, to both the ER and EE be BOTH liable?
whom should it be filed against?
No, only one of them can be made
Against the ER, as it is a contract liable
between passenger X and ER as the
owner of the taxi Q: If X opted to sue based on delict, as only
one can be made liable, how can ER be
Q: If X opted to sue based on contract made liable?
against EE, what is the effect?
As the ER is only
The case shall be dismissed, for lack of secondarily/subsidiarily liable, he
cause of action, considering that EE is can ONLY be made liable if the EE is:
a stranger to the contract.
1. Insolvent; AND
EE is merely and employee of ER 2. Convicted (Art. 102, RPC)

Q: If X opted to sue based on contract Q: If X opted to sue based on delict, and

against ER, what would be the effect of eventually, EE was acquitted due non-
EE’s negligence? authorship of the crime, but held that EE
was civilly liable, may ER be held
ER shall be held liable for additional subsidiarily liable if EE is insolvent?

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No, as there is no conviction, but Summary of liabilities of ER and EE
rather an acquittal
Who? ER ER; EE;
Q: If X opted to sue based on delict, and EE; or primarily
eventually, EE was convicted, but EE is Both
solidarily ER;
insolvent, may ER raise the defense that he subsidiarily
exercised due diligence in the selection
Ratio As the EE and ER’s As EE
and supervision of EE? contract is negligence committed
between the are different the act.
injured party from each
No, as the law provides that ER’s and the ER other (Arts. ER is
liability is automatic upon a 2176 and subsidiarily
2180) liable only
conviction and insolvency of EE upon EE’s
If both are insolvency
sued, they are and
Q: What could be the possible defense of deemed as conviction
ER? joint
tortfeasors, ONLY ONE
as each has OF THEM
The he is NOT an ER of EE different MAY BE
negligence MADE
which LIABLE
Q: If X opted to sue based on QD against contributed
to the injury
both ER and EE, can the liability of one be (Art. 2194)
separated from the other?
Solidary NOT available Available NOT
liability available
No, as their respective negligent acts between ER
and EE
contributed to the injury suffered.
Effect of Additional
EE’s damages to
In case of multiple tortfeasors, they are negligence ER’s liability Negligence
deemed as solidarily liable must be Every
Necessity to NOT proven, as it criminal
prove necessary, as is the very action has
Q: If X, in one case, opted to sue based on negligence mere proving basis of the negligence
of breach is obligation
QD against EE, and contract against ER, sufficient
can they be held solidarily liable?
Defense of NOT available Available NOT
diligence in available
Yes, as an exception, if the negligence selection
causing the injury amounts to tort, supervision
solidarily liability may still attach of EE
considering that the provisions of QD
shall apply, despite the existence of a Registered owner rule
pre-existing contractual relation.
In case of injury caused by motor
Thus, if the reason for the breach of vehicle operations (e.g. taxis, buses,
contract is QD itself (negligence), then jeeps), the registered owner shall be
the existence of the contract cannot liable
prevent the recovery of civil liability
under QD. (Air France v. Carascoso; Q: Junk Trans (Junk) and Pul-Pol Trans
see also LRTA v. Navidad where (PP) entered into an agreement, where the
there are three joint tortfeasors former shall sell to the latter all of its buses,
based on contract, Art. 2170, and subject to a condition.
Art. 2180)
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There is also an agreement to the effect Under the ER’s vicarious liability,
that, PP is allowed to use the buses and the following requisites must be
operate them whilst the condition has yet proved:
to be fulfilled, but any liability caused by
such operation shall be on the account of 1. Existence of ER-EE relationship;
PP. and
2. That the EE was doing an assigned
One day, PP, while operating Junk’s buses, task or duty during the time of
an accident occurred. Junk claims that he injury
is not liable, considering that as per the
contract, he cannot be held liable for the On the other hand, under the ROR, it
use during the time that it is used while the is sufficient that the ownership be
condition is not yet fulfilled. Is Junk proven
When to use ROR
No, considering that insofar as the
public is concerned, the registered ROR is to be used, if the ER is also the
owner rule shall apply. registered owner (Caravan Travel
and Tours v. Abejar)
That the registered owner is still Junk,
he is liable for the accident. Effect of proving ownership in case of ER
who is also the registered owner
The agreement cannot be held valid
against the public. It will create a presumption that:

Q: Is Junk left with no remedy? 1. There exists and ER-EE

relationship; and
No, as he may file a third-party 2. The EE was pursuing an assigned
complaint against PP, considering that task or duty during the injury
PP is the actual operator.
Thus, the plaintiff is no longer
It is allowed, considering that PP will required to prove such, and the ER is
be unjustly enriched if Junk would now burdened to deny the
NOT be allowed to recover. presumption

Q: If the victims sue Junk based on QD, (NOTE: Thus, the role is reversed as
specifically vicarious liability as ER, may compared to Art. 2180, as it is now the
Junk raise the defense that he is NOT the defendant who must disprove the
ER, as the drivers operating the buses are same)
EEs of PP?
Defenses available in case of ER who is
No, as the registered owner rule also the registered owner
operates despite the actual employees
are NOT his own The following defenses are available to
the ER:
Requisites of proving ER’s vicarious
liability v. Registered owner rule (ROR) 1. That there is NO existing ER-EE
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2. That at the time of the injury, the
EE was NOT doing an assigned It is as if, the State/LGU is a private
task or duty; or person
3. That he exercised due diligence in
the selection and supervision of his Nature of liability if doing a proprietary
EE function

State The State/LGU is liable as if it is a

private ER
When applicable
(NOTE: Thus, the applicable
The State/LGU shall be liable is paragraphs under Art. 2180 are
performing: paragraphs four (pertaining to the
State) and five (ER’s vicarious liability).

1. Governmental function; or It follows, that the requisites shall

2. Non-governmental (propriety) apply, to wit:
function (e.g. private, commercial,
GOCCs) 1. That there is an existing ER-EE
relationship; and
When State liable while performing 2. The EE is, at the time of the injury,
government function doing an assigned task or duty)

If he is acting through a special agent DAMNUM ABSQUE INJURIA

Special agent Q: Are all injuries actionable?

He may be a: No, as there may an injury where there

is no negligence or bad faith
1. Private individual given an
assignment by the State; or Q: X, while in the Philippines, withdrew
2. Public official/employee given an from his foreign deposit account with ABC
assignment which is NOT his Bank an amount of $1,000, which is
official function denominated into $100.

Q: X, a public employee, committed a QD While X was in Thailand, he used one of

while doing his official function. May the the $100. The store owner noticed that it
State be held vicariously liable for the QD was fake and thus did not accept the $100.
of its public employee X?
As he suffered embarrassment, X sued
No, as X is NOT deemed as a special ABC.
agent, considering the performance of
his official functions. Experts observed that even upon checking,
it cannot be readily detected as fake. Can
Thus, only X is liable for the QD ABC bank be held liable?

Effect if State/LGU is doing a proprietary

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No, even if there was injury, by the
observations of the experts, it appears
that ABC had no:

1. Negligence; and
2. Bad faith

It is a case of damnum absque

injuria, where despite the presence of
damage or loss, there is no injury

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DAMAGES Exemplary/ corrective Imposed by way of
example or correction
for the public good
Liquidated Agreed upon by the
The kinds are as follows: parties, paid in case of
breach of a contract
1. Actual/compensatory; Attorney’s fees Payable to the client, as
2. Moral; an indemnity for
3. Nominal; damages (for the trouble
4. Temperate/moderate; of seeking assistance of a
5. Exemplary/corrective; lawyer)
6. Liquidated;
7. Attorney’s fees ACTUAL/COMPENSATORY


Actual/ compensatory Those awarded to
compensate a party for Natural justice, as to repair the wrong
suffering: done
1. Loss; or
2. Injury Components

Moral Compensation for any: Damnum

emergens: Value of loss suffered
1. Physical (actual damage)
2. Mental anguish;
3. Fright; Lucrum
4. Serious anxiety; cessans: Profits which the
5. Besmirched creditor failed to obtain
reputation; (compensatory
6. Wounded
feelings; damages)
7. Moral shock;
8. Social Q: That it consists of two components, can
humiliation; reward be only be made based on one
and component?
9. Similar injuries
unjustly caused
No, as both may be awarded. (MD
It is awarded to achieve a Transit & Taxi Co., Inc. v. CA)
“spiritual status quo”.
Nominal For vindication or
recognition of a violated
or invaded right It is intended to put the injured in the
position prior to his injury
Temperate/ moderate Awarded when there is
pecuniary loss, but the Rule as to requirement of proof
amount cannot be
proved with certainty
GR: There must be proof (capable
of proof) before damages may

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be awarded, thus, there must GR: SOA is self-serving,
be: and thus insufficient to
prove damages
1. Pleading; and
2. Proof of actual damages ER: Despite a SOA being
suffered self-serving, it may be
given probative weight
ER: NO proof required, if if it is with other
provided by: corroborative
1. Law; or
2. Stipulation (Art. 2199, Requirement as to court’s order of
NCC) damages

Standard required as to proof The court must state the factual bases
of the award
It must be proven with reasonable
certainty, based on: It is so, as actual damages cannot be
predicated proof which are:
1. Competent proof; or
2. Best evidence obtainable 1. Flimsy;
2. Remote;
Thus, the following are considered as 3. Speculative; and
best evidence available in support of 4. Insubstantial
Effect if loss cannot be proved with
1. Receipts: certainty (due to absence of competent
a. Sales; and proof)
b. Delivery;
2. Vouchers; Temperate/moderate damages may
a. Cash; and be awarded, so long as:
b. Check; and
3. Other pieces of documentary 1. Court found pecuniary loss;
evidence of the same nature 2. But the amount cannot be proved
with certainty; and
(NOTE: However, as an exception, 3. The amount should be reasonable,
loss of earning capacity may be proved bearing in mind that such kind of
by testimonial evidence in specific damages must be:
circumstances) a. More than nominal;
b. But less than compensatory
Q: To prove damages, the plaintiff showed
as sole proof of such, a statement of Measure of damages
account (SOA). Can the court give
probative weight to the SOA for the Generally Contract QC Delict QD
purpose of damages? Damnum Good faith: Natural and
emergens; Natural and probable probable
consequences, consequences,
No, as the rule is as follows: and whether foreseen or whether

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Lucrum reasonably foreseen foreseen or Loss of earning capacity
cessans at the time the reasonable
contract was foreseen
Bad faith: circumstance: It is to compensate the heirs for the
ALL damages Increase income their decedent would have
attributable to non- received if not for his death
performance of the Mitigating
obligation circumstance:
Decrease Rule as to measure

DAMAGES RECOVERABLE IN CASE GR: As proved by statistics and

OF DEATH CAUSED BY DELICT OR actuarial presented by the
QD plaintiff

The following damages are recoverable ER: In case of absence of the

in case of death caused by delict or QD: above, the presumption is as
1. Death indemnity;
2. Loss of earning capacity; 2/3 x (80 – ATD) x (GAI – RNLE)
3. Support;
4. Moral damages; Where:
5. Injury to plaintiff’s business
standing ATD: Age at the time
of death
Death indemnity
GAI: Gross annual
It is at the fixed rate of Php50,000 income

(NOTE: It was initially fixed at RNLE: Reasonable and

Php3,000) necessary living
Rule as to requirement of proof
Its nature is as follows:
GR: Documentary evidence
1. Separate and distinct from other
indemnity for damages; and ER: Despite no documentary
2. Automatically awarded evidence, the court may still
award if:
What need be proved
1. Deceased is a minimum
In order for death indemnity be wage earner under current
automatically awarded, the following labor laws:
must be proved: a. Self-employed, that
in the line of work
1. Fact of death; and there is no
2. Responsibility of accused documentary

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evidence available; Q: Who determines the length of time to
or give support?
b. Daily worker;
2. Proved by testimonial The court shall determine, which in no
evidence of: case shall exceed five (5) years
a. Employer; or
b. Co-worker Moral damages

Support Basis

Art. 195. Subject to the provisions of the Mental anguish caused by the death
succeeding articles, the following are obliged to
support each other to the whole extent set To whom available
forth in the preceding article:
It is available to:
1. The spouses;
2. Legitimate ascendants and 1. Surviving spouse;
descendants; 2. Legitimate and illegitimate:
3. Parents and their legitimate children a. Descendants and
and the legitimate and illegitimate ascendants
children of the latter;
4. Parents and their illegitimate children Rule as to availability in relation to brothers
and the legitimate and illegitimate and/or sisters (collateral blood relatives)
children of the latter; and
5. Legitimate brothers and sisters, GR: NOT entitled to moral
whether of full or half-blood damages caused by the death

ER: Entitled, if exercising

Art. 196. Brothers and sisters not legitimately substitute parental
related, whether of the full or half-blood, are authority, as they are
likewise bound to support each other to the full considered as ascendants in
extent set forth in Article 194, except only such a case
when the need for support of the brother or
sister, being of age, is due to a cause imputable Injury to Plaintiff’s Business Standing or
to the claimant's fault or negligence.
Commercial Credit
Requisites Basis
The requisites are as follows: It is a prized and valuable asset,
considering it is a part of the
1. The person: foundation of his business (Art. 2205,
a. Is entitled to support from NCC)
the deceased;
b. Is NOT an heir called to Effect if definite proof of pecuniary loss
succeed the decedent; and unavailable
2. The support must NOT exceed
five (5) years

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As long as there is indeed a pecuniary i. Detention or
loss, temperate/moderate damages arrest:
must still be awarded 1. Illegal; or
2. Arbitrary;
MORAL ii. Illegal search
e. Defamatory crimes:
Purpose i. Libel
ii. Slander; or
It is awarded to alleviate the moral iii. Any other form of
suffering caused by the defendant’s defamation
culpable action. The award, in relation f. Any person who:
to alleviation, shall serve as: i. Shows disrespect
to the dead; or
1. Means; ii. Wrongfully
2. Diversions; or interferes with a
3. Amusements funeral (Art. 309);
iii. Causes loss or
Requisites injury, contrary to:
1. Morals;
The requisites are as follows: 2. Good
customs; or
1. Evidence of claimant’s: Public
a. Besmirched reputation; or policy (Art.
b. Suffering: 21)
i. Physical; iv. Violates privacy of
ii. Mental; or another (Art. 26)
iii. Psychological; v. Refuses to do
2. Culpable act or omission; official duties as a
3. The above is the proximate cause public servant (Art.
of the damages sustained; and 27)
4. It falls under the following: vi. Engages in unfair
a. Physical injuries, caused by competition,
i. Criminal offense; through:
or 1. Force;
ii. QD 2. Intimidatio
b. Lascivious acts: n;
i. Seduction; 3. Deceit;
ii. Abduction; 4. Machinatio
iii. Rape; n;
iv. Other lascivious 5. Other
acts; similar
c. Crimes relating to married methods
persons: (Art. 28)
i. Adultery; or vii. Acquitted based on
ii. Concubinage; reasonable doubt
d. Crimes relating to (Art. 29)
deprivation of liberty: viii. Separate civil
action (Art. 30)
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ix. Obstruction of Governed by its own peculiar facts,
constitutional with a limitation that it should NOT
rights (Art. 32); be excessive:
x. Peace officer
refusing to give aid 1. Palpably; or
in case of threat to 2. Scandalously
life of another (Art.
34) Thus, it must be commensurate to the
xi. Refusal to file loss or injury suffered
criminal action
(Art. 35) NOMINAL
5. Willful injury to property which are
justly due; and Purpose
6. Breach of contract, if in:
a. Bad faith; or For a right to be vindicated or
b. Fraudulent recognized

Recoverability in case of breach of contract It is NOT for actual present loss or

substantial injury
GR: NOT recoverable, as NOT
enumerated To which cannot exist concurrently

ER: Recoverable, if: Nominal damages cannot exist with the

1. Death of a passenger;
2. Carrier guilty of: 1. Compensatory;
a. Bad faith; or a. As there is an actual injury
b. Fraud; 2. Temperate/Moderate:
3. Act of breach constitutes a. Likewise, there is a
tort pecuniary loss, but cannot
be determined
Rule as to juridical persons (includes the
State) Measure of damages

GR: Cannot recover moral damages It is left with the discretion of the court


1. Libel; Q: Plaintiff submitted proof of actual

2. Slander; or damages, however, it was held as
3. Any other form of insufficient and incompetent. Is it correct
defamation (Art. 2219(7), to say that no damages may be awarded AT

Measure of damages No, as the court may award temperate

damages, even if there is a proof which
is insufficient.

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Atty. Elmer Rabuya PJA
Thus, temperate damages may still be entitled to moral, compensatory, or
awarded if there is: temperate damages

1. No proof; or When awarded

2. Proof, but it is insufficient
Contracts QC Delict QD
Measure of damages Defendant acted in a If one or Defendant
manner which is: more acted with
aggravating gross
It is left to the discretion of the court, 1. Wanton; circumstance negligence
which must be more than nominal, but 2. Fraudulent is/are
less than compensatory 3. Reckless; present
4. Oppressive;

Purpose Amount
To permit the courts to reshape Dependent on the other damages
behavior that is socially deletirious by awarded, with a limitation that it
negative: should not:
1. Incentives; or 1. Enrich one party; or
2. Deterrents 2. Impoverish another
Q: Is it a matter of right? LIQUIDATED
No, as it is discretionary upon the court
When distinction must be made between
between penalty for breach v. for damages
Effect of being discretionary
It need not be pleaded in the complaint PENALTY
Requisite partial/ NO distinction
There must first be a showing that the compliance
plaintiff is entitled to:
NO partial/ Serves as Serves as
1. Moral; irregular penalty for indemnification
2. Compensatory; or compliance breach of the for damages
3. Temperate contract

Q: Can it exist if there is an agreement as Limitation

to liquidated damages?
It should NOT be:
It on its own, it cannot.
1. Iniquitous; or
Thus, despite liquidated damages, the 2. Unconsionable
plaintiff must still show that he is

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It is limited, considering the legal a. Workmen’s compensation;
maxim contra bonos mores. Such a and
penalty shall be deemed as immoral. b. Employer’s liability laws;
10. Separate civil action;
ATTORNEY’S FEES 11. At least double judicial costs are
awarded; and
Ordinary v. extraordinary concept 12. Other cases where the court deems
it just and equitable
In its ordinary concept, it is the
compensation received by a lawyer for Nature of damage
his services.
On the other hand, it is in its
extraordinary concept if it is: Consequence if it is actual

1. Paid by the losing party; Proof is necessary, and must be

2. To the winning party-litigant (client specifically prayed, not merely a general
of the lawyer) prayer

Q: May a lawyer, nevertheless, be given Q: Under the contract, there is a stipulation

attorney’s fees? that in case of an action between the
parties, the attorney’s fees shall be paid at
Yes, if it has been agreed upon by the the amount of Php500,000. What is the
lawyer and the client, as additional nature of the stipulation?
It is a liquidated damage, which
When available should be awarded to the litigant (not
his lawyer)
It is available in the following cases:
That it is a liquidated damage, it must
1. There is stipulation to that effect; NOT be iniquitous or unconscionable
2. Exemplary damages are awarded;
3. When the defendant’s act or
omission caused the plaintiff to:
a. Litigate with third persons;
b. Incur expenses to protect
his interest;
4. Malicious prosecution;
5. Clearly unfounded civil action;
6. Defendant refused the plaintiff’s
valid, just, and demandable claim,
acting with bad faith which is:
a. Gross; and
b. Evident;
7. Legal support;
8. Recovery of wages;
9. Indemnity under:
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