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一个去过的新地方 new place&去过的乡村 village&曾去过的度假场所 a place visited

during vacation 并想推荐给他人

Where: once visited a scenic spot in Xiamen-a beach located in rural areas-not so famous for

tourists to travel-but people recommended it for vacation destination-famous for watching

sunrises-it is not far away from my city-only takes 3 hours in total

When: last summer holiday-wasn’t busy with my homework-planned to travel to a beautiful

scenic spot to witness sunrise-a 5-day trip-left early in the morning and arrived at home late at

Who: travelled with my friend…who studied in Xiamen-invited me to have fun here on the

beach-didn’t get a chance to see sunrise either-had a great time together

What: (on the first and second day) ate some local food and seafood-very cheap and tasty-

made friends with local people-they taught us how to dance with their traditional music-

refreshing air and cool breezes-wander around and saw plenty of palm trees and coconut

trees-(on the third and fourth day) got up early to watch the sunrise-everything went to plan-

sunrise was spectacular-both of us were so touched by this splendid view-all of a sudden-fell

into the seawater because of my excitement-was so embarrassed and scared-people around me

were all shouting and laughing-I felt like making a fool of myself
Why: although I fell into the water-still a wonderful trip to remember-would surely

recommend it to others-local people were passionate-sceneries were unforgettable and

How: if I have another chance I would go back there once again

远距离步行&organize 组织成功的快乐活动&曾经早起的经历

Where: decided to walk from my high school to the science museum-(I was the monitor of

my class-in charge of organizing a trip)-my high school is located downtown-while the

museum was far away from the city-the distance was about 20 km-was very challenging for

most of us-none of us had hiking experience

When&What: the last year of my high school-decided to organize a trip for our class as a

monitor-everyone wanted to participate in this hiking activity-I decided to start off on a sunny

day on weekends-we all needed to get up early that day (具体几点起)-everyone should meet

up in front of the school gate at…-we planned to arrive there at…-after having tour in the

museum we started to walk back at…-at around…we should safely return back to our school-

I left 1 hour for my classmates to have snacks and take rests along the way-(陈述有没有在当

天 执 行 你 的 计 划 )-packed my luggage the day before-got up really early in the morning-

couldn’t wait to see my classmates-along the way we chat and gossip about life and school-

many girls sang songs while boys tried to dance-we shared our snacks such as bread and

candies-everyone felt so excited and nobody felt exhausted-after we arrived the science

museum-we spent time in watching the documentaries and got to know all kinds of scientific

facts about wild animals-when we walked back from the museum-we started to feel a bit

tired-but all of us were too cheerful and delightful so we didn’t feel that tiredness until we

went back home

Who: all of us
How: though we got up really up that day-it was worthy to go hiking with my all of my

classmates-what’s more it was such a success-it could be hard for us to see each other again

after graduate-all of my classmate thanked me for organizing this sweet and unforgettable

trip-they all said it was quite meaningful

Why: we had to get up early to meet up in front of the gate-some of us lived in rural areas

while others didn’t





Where: in the classroom/study online-to learn Spanish-wish to study in Spain a few years ago
When: got up at 8 in the mornings to take subways-spent lots of time on learning vocabs and

reciting-only went to that Spanish class once a week-the class was about 6 hours in total-took

me a year to master Spanish

What: this course was designed for beginners-however it was still difficult-the course taught

us about alphabet, pronunciation and grammars in Spanish in the first couple of months-then

it taught us simple conversations like greetings in Spanish-the teachers set quizzes and tests

from time to time-to make sure that students can understand the context-as I mentioned I

wasn’t good at language learning-thought I should put double efforts in-I started to get up

early in the morning-I even recite Spanish words while eating-I sometimes dreamed about

talking fluently in Spanish-I made progress at last-my teacher was happy for me as well
Why: (I am bad at memorizing things/I am not an arts person/I don’t spend lots of time on

language contexts like I don’t spend time on watching Spanish films or tv series…Spanish is

very complex, and it has a very rigorous grammar…) I firstly decided to enroll in this course

simply because of a teacher-he was very strict-often ask questions in class-encouraged us to

challenge him and to think critically-felt very impressive about the way he taught-moreover

the course itself is well-designed-it allowed us to talk to Spanish people face-to-face-it also

had varies of activities like playing games in Spanish and introducing Spanish culture


Where: I used to lose weight in my dormitory . My friend was a great person who was keen on

losing weight, she told me that I had to stop to eat dinner to keep fit.So I didn't eat dinner for a
long time. At first, I started by going to the market above 3o ’clock in the afternoon to buy some

fruit to combat hunger. But next to the market was a restaurant which I liked very much. Every

time I passed there , I could see some delicious food. But I had to come to this market often

because there was nothing to eat in my dormitory.

When: My friend told me that I had to eat something before 4o’clock.she thought it have enough

time to digest the food.But I was starved painfully that i gave up finally. I really liked eating

something delicious to make me the addition,I had a lot of homework in the evening so I

needed much food to keep energetic.although I extremely wanted to lose weight,I need enough

foot to give me some power after 4o'clock in the afternoon.

What: At first I didn't eat dinner, but something happened that really scared me. I fainted. I only

ate a cucumber for lunch that day to lose weight. I had classes in the afternoon and had to prepare

a presentation in the evening, so I didn't go to the market to buy food. I stayed on the fourth floor

of the dormitory and there was no elevator. when I had taken the shower and went upstairs,

suddenly my eyes went black, and I fainted on the stairs. My classmate gave me a candy and then

I got better soon.

Why: Not having dinner for a long time will make me very weak and even ill. And I often don't

eat nutritious food at noon. So I fainted

Who: me
How: After fainting on the stairs, I had dinner again. In my opinion, being healthy is more

important than losing weight. I gave up this habit and now I enjoy delicious dinner every day.


Where: I used to live in my own home with my grandparents before college. My grandfather was

good at cooking. My favorite dish was grandpa's tomato and egg. On weekends I always

companied and watched him cooking in the kitchen. He also taught me a lot of cooking skills.

Later, I tried cooking and my grandfather guided me. He taught me how to cut vegetables and how

to control the temperature. We havd so many fond memories in the kitchen.

When: I loved watching my grandfather cook when I was very young. Now when I grew up, I was

more interested in cooking . Grandpa often spoke highly of me, and I became more and more
confident in cooking . However, last year my grandpa was seriously ill. He could not cook

again.Nowadays ,i am keen on cooking some dishes, and I pack them and take them to the hospital

for grandpa to eat. He still praise me.I hope grandpa gets better and we can cook together.

What: I am deeply influenced by my grandfather. I like cooking very much. I used to cook

tomatoes first and then add eggs. But my grandfather told me to put eggs first to eat better. After

trying, personally, I really prefer the taste of putting eggs first. My grandfather will also learn

some new dishes online. I know he is actually expressing his love for me in this way. I was so

grateful to him.

How: Now grandpa is ill, I will learn to cook, and try to become a family chef like my grandpa.


Where: In a fashionable coffee shop. I was talking to my friend about a band called Blur. I spoke

highly of a song named Tender. This song gave me much company in a lot of important moments.

I listened to this music in the night before many exams. There were a lot of people in the shop ,

and everyone was talking with their friends. No one will notice me. As I was trying to describe the

power this song gave me, the coffee shop suddenly played the song.

When: I remembered this song was played twice. I was so surprised. Because not many people

heard the song. I was so excited and I happily talked with my friends about the background of the

song. Then a stranger chatted with me and told me that he was the owner of the shop. and he was a

big fan of the band. We shared our own reviews of the song. It was a really interesting experience.

Who: a cool and fashionable man

Why: The funny thing was that while we were talking about the song, the people around us were

singing it quietly at first .st So we stopped talking to sing.I also heard someone say it was really a

great song.

How: Before I left, the owner of the coffee shop gave me some stickers of the band. He invited

me to come again and talk to him about music.


Where: had a normal day at school-expected to receive birthday presents-they led you into a

classroom/dorm with your eyes closed-thought that they would give you some gifts like…-it

was dark in the room but the candles on the cake were glittering-there were many balloons

fleeting in the air-there were also many ribbons on the wall

What: that day was my birthday-I didn’t expect many of my classmates to notice this-only a

few close friends of mine knew that it was my birthday-thought that my close friends will

bring me surprises-and they seemed to hide things away from me-I was very self-assured-to

my surprise all of my classmates prepared a birthday gift for me together-they made a cake by

themselves-a very classical cake with my photos on it-I was so shocked and I didn’t know

how to react
Why: I didn’t expect people to remember this day-what’s more I wasn’t prepared for this big

When: when I was in middle school-that was my 14 th birthday-from morning till night

(birthday party)-they sang birthday song to me together-after that they brought out the cake
How: I had already seen through their games-but I still pretended not to notice-I was touched

by their warmth-was grateful for what they did


Where: In my high school,my teacher forbade us to bring our Walkman to school.She told us

the classroom was used to study not relax. Some of us really hated this school rule. Because

the Walkman was very helpful to us.For me,as a high student,i was under a lot of stress.I liked

to listen to the music to reduce stress.

Why: At first I didn't like life without a Walkman.At first,It made me extremely dejected. I

tried to bring my Walkman to classroom,but my teacher found it and she punished me to stand
outside. It embarrassed me so much.
What: Until today,I still think the rule is wrong.And I supposed that using a Walkman to listen

the music is a great way to relax.

How: Without Walkman,i choose to sing by myself to relax.I thought it was a useful way to

reduce stress.


Where: When I was a child, my parents often took me over to my aunt's house. My aunt has a

boy and a girl. They are both older than me. My aunt is a very rich entrepreneur. She also

took good care of my brother and sister. She often took them to the mall to buy some

fashionable clothes. Once she took me to the mall.

When: It was an autumn night. I didn't bring my coat and I followed them to the mall. Their

clothes were very valuable. I didn't think I could spend the same money on clothes.My aunt

noticed me had a cold because of of my thin coat.She wanted to buy a new coat to me.I

refused quickly .My mother told me that I couldn’t accept my aunt’s gift in the daily life.But

my aunt insisted to give away me some new clothes, and my sister and brother both persuaded

me to buy a dress.So I got a new and beautiful coat. Until today, it is still in my wardrobe.
Who: My generous aunt who gave me a expensive coat away.
Why: Although my aunt usually gave me a lot of gifts like books and play dolls.But it was the

first time she gave an expensive gift. I was grateful for my aunt.
What: After I got home, my mother and I called my aunt and thanked her for her generosity.


Where: When I was nine years old, I studied in a primary school in my hometown.i was shy

to talk with students.But my classmate was a very enthusiastic girl.She usually was the first

people to speak between us.She brought me a lot of happiness and interest. We had many

happy memories, like that we went to the amusement park together and we visited the science

museum. We took a lot of pictures.

When: She was my best friend until I moved. We had a friendship for two years. After that I

went to a new school because of my parents' job change.

Who: My classmate who gave me a lot energy.
Why: We both didn’t have some social apps at that time. Fortunately,I forgot her phone

numbers We were no longer in touch. But I still think that she is the one of my best friends.
What: Once I was very weak in the exam and I was asked to the office by the teacher. The

teacher punished me to stand in her office. I missed a morning of my projects. I returned to

the classroom in the afternoon, I was surprised to find that she took two notes, and she also

helped me review the textbook after class. I really appreciated her for her kindness.
How: Every time I think back to my childhood, I think of her and the wonderful memories

she brought to me.



Where: people can always see Bill Gates on newspaper/twitter/Facebook/weibo -many news

reports about his success and personal life-most of this news are positive-he is a low-key

person and never wear luxuries

When: first knew him when I was in…-he caught my attention and I started to follow up his

news-keep seeing him on social media-influence me till now

Who: he was born in Washington-started to learn programming when he was only 13 years

old-quit Harvard and started his own business-at first it was very hard for him to run his

company-he insisted and with the help of his friends finally succeeded-he is famous for

establishing Microsoft-a billionaire-well-known for doing charity-he topped the world’s

richest list for 13 years-he didn’t waste his money on himself-instead he donated most of it to

charity to help poor people and children

Why: it was unimaginable for a college student to establish his own business-especially in the

field of programming-everyone knows that it is hard to write programs-without creativity it is

impossible for him to make achievements-he also has great charms-he not only donates
money to help others-but also has a funny and humorous manner-thus I am interested in his

life experience-I also admire him for his accomplishments and persona

What: 他私下是个怎样有趣的人 In my high school,i used to listen to his speech to improve

my English level.He was so humorous that he often made jokes to cheer the audience up.I

think he must be a interesting people in private.

How: a successful businessman-a responsible citizen-a warmhearted charitarian-a funny



Where: bought a gift for my friend online-the gift was delivered to my house first-went to her

high school to send her the gift in person-hid behind the back door of the classroom-there

were lots of students in the classroom-some of them noticed me standing outside and were

looking at me curiously-I felt very embarrassed

When: bought this gift a week ago before her birthday-spent few days to receive the gift-

wrapped up the gift in beautiful packaging papers-decided to give her a big surprise by

visiting her school on the day of her birthday-when I arrived at her school-she was still in

class-waited for a long time till she went out-spent a night celebrating her birthday together

Who: my friend was surprised seeing me here-she didn’t expect me to be here-she was

worried about my study because I was absent from school that day-she was so amazed by the

gift-she thought that I must spend too much on the gift-I lied and told her it wasn’t that

expensive-she was so happy and satisfied-tried it on immediately

What: bought a necklace for my friend-went bankrupted because of buying it-didn’t tell my

friend the truth-spent a happy night together

Why: told me she liked this so much-didn’t have enough money to buy it-I wanted to help her

out-saved enough money by doing part-time jobs-didn’t expect the necklace to be that

expensive-but decided to buy it for her even though it was over my budget-thought birthday is
so important for everyone-it was worthy to see her smiley face
How: felt so desperate when seeing the price of the necklace-difficult decision to make-but it

brought me happiness at the same time


Needle and thread

Where:When I was a child,my mother gave me a cute Teddy bear, I really liked it so that

I used to sleep with it . I was keen on talking with it and dressing it up.Until mt cousin’s

birthday,I went over to her house with my teddy bear.

What: my cousin kept a big dog.Unfortunately, the dog bit off one of its legs, I was so sad that

I was crying and I forgot to celebrate my cousin’s birthday.

When: And I went home painfully ,with the broken teddy bear. My grandma noticed that I

was crying.She pat my head slowly and carefully placed my teddy beat on the table in her

bedroom.Then she sat at my bed and accompany me to sleep.When I woke up the next day ,I

surprisingly found my teddy beat was mended perfectly.My grandma smiled and told me it

was easy for her to recover it with needle and thread. But my mother said that my grandma

stayed up late to help me to make it recovered.

Why: I cried again because of my grandma’s love.
How: I am also extremely grateful to my grandma.


Where: my grandpa used to live in a small and humble village-the village only got one way

out-a narrow trail that was connected to the outside world-the trail was very steep and

vehicles couldn’t pass through-led to isolation and poverty-people living here couldn’t go

outside while people living outside couldn’t went in-so the villagers hoped that one day this

problem will be solved-my grandpa decided to be that hero for his villagers-he told everyone

that he was going to extend the width of the road and made it wider-he gathered all the males

in the village and began to purchase supplies and tools-started with clearing the wasteland
with hoes-then laid the foundation with cement-the project was too difficult-took them great

When: during the 80s-the poor transportation in here has troubled the villagers for decades-

spent 5 years for my grandpa to rebuild the road-the process was on and off because of the

natural disaster and bad weather conditions-the project was accomplished finally in a summer

in 1990-I was told this story when I was a child

Who: my grandma told me this story-she wanted me to know how great my grandpa is-she

told me all the villagers were so thankful for what he did-all of my families were proud of

him as well
Why: I was so proud of him-he is my hero-he dared to face difficulties-didn’t compromise

and give up easily-sacrificed for others-a great man who worths respect from all of us


Where: I traveled to Qingdao with my parents when I was a child.We went to a peaceful park

in the morning , and I saw a beautiful woman who was playing the violin.
She was so elegant that I kept looking at her.. The breeze ruffled her hair. Her music sounds

I thought she must have her own special experience. But I was too shy to talk to her
When: That morning I met her. she was one of the most elegant women I've ever seen.
Who: She had a long and straight hair, big eyes and beautiful smile. I took a photo of her but

I was so shy to talk to her.Nowadays,that photo still was placed carefully in my drawer
Why: I really regretted that I didn’t say a word to her. I think she will become famous one


Where: In my college, I have to take part in club activities at least twice.Some teachers think

that it’s useful for college students to attend in clubs .I don’t think so,I think most of the club

activities are wasting my precious time. Last week I attended a graffiti club , It was so boring

that I played a lot of mobile games to kill time. The president gave us a piece of paper for

drawing .But he didn’t teach us how to paint it and he said we must stay in this classroom for

an hour before we left. So I finished my painting and then I played the mobile games.
What: Every time when I go to this club, I am asked to do something boring .And the

president was bossy , he liked commanding people. In the end ,some students including me

quit this club .

Why: It not only wasted my time, but also made me feel unhappy.


When: When I was a child in primary school,I was keen on reading novels.Sometimes I even

read novels in class .My classmate was a bookworm too, she recommended Harry Potter to

me. At first,I didn’t like it because there were so many English name .It was really difficult

for me to remember.But I still thought it was very interesting.So I was absorbed in it. From

this book,I learned courage and wisdom.

Who: The character of this book is a little boy named Harry Potter. He is an orphan.He is

fighting bad guys .But he meet a lot of great people who help him and encourage him to make

his dreams come true.

What: This novel has a lot of exciting plots. I cried for their love and friendship and was

encouraged by their courage.


Where: go to Tibet-travel from Yunnan-go straight to the north-travel through the Yunnan-

Tibet highway-on the way to Tibet-witness a number of famous scenic spots-snow

mountains/glaciers/grasslands/lakes/forests-travel across Jinsha River/Lancang River/Nu

When: after I graduate from college-plan to spend 15 days in total-for the first day drive from

Kunming to Shangri-la for about 600 kilometers-pass by Lijiang ancient town and Dali-the

second day from Dali to Meili snow mountain-for the third and fourth day we will need to

climb peaks and drive on mountain roads (the twists and turns) for about 300 kilometers-on

the fifth day we will successfully arrive at Tibet

Who: travel there with my parents-wish to spend time with them-I will have less time in the

future to stay with them once I go to work-all of us can drive-I got my driver’s license

What: I want to go to Tibet because I heard that it has the most beautiful scenery in China-

would like to see the pilgrimage-willing to try traditional food like milk tea and barley
Why: self-driving tour has much freedom-we can spend much time on the way-comparing to

taking flights or taking trains it is easier for us to change schedules-we can enjoy the

breathtaking scenery along the way

How: by car-suvs or sedan car


When: I remembered that when I first saw him on TV,it was a champions league final .My

father liked watching soccer events. So he asked me if I could watch it with him.At first ,I

was so bored that I just watched the event with eating snacks.I might think soccer is a really

boring sport.Amazingly ,I saw a man shooting a perfect soccer ball.The whole audiences were

cheering and screaming .At that time,I suddenly fell in love with this sport and the man.

Benzema created a lot of miracles with the soccer ball in some events.
Who: Benzema is my favorite soccer player. I am a big fan of him for seven years. I think he

is one of the best soccer players in the world.

Why: I really think he is brilliant at soccer .I don’t miss any events he attends.
How: I hope that one day I can watch him in the soccer field in Spain.


Where: my friend and I were in different cities-usually chat online about our daily lives-
When: one day she called me and cried-told me that she had a fight with her boyfriend-her

boyfriend gave her a silent treatment-she felt so upset and desperate-she complaint to me that

her boyfriend sent a gift to a girl-I was so angry and told her to break up with him

immediately-after a few days they got back together-they even posted selfies on wechat

Who: 增加朋友和她男朋友性格的刻画

What: I knew what her boyfriend what was trying to do-I thought that it was very dishonest

for him to lie and give her a bad mood-he was just wasting her time and love-so I suggested

that they should separate-I felt that I should protect my friend from a bad guy-although I

knew that it wasn’t a good idea to intervene others ‘relationship-I just wanted to help out and

save her from this toxic relationship

How: I felt so shocked about the fact that she turned back to him again-I didn’t know why she

would forgive him that quick-I don’t understand how relationship works either- in the future I

will never give suggestions about people’s relationship anymore


Where: Shanghai is an interesting city. I studied in Shanghai.It is a place with no rest for all

day.I can see many 24-hour opened store at night.Although in the middle of night, there are

many people crossing the city for relax .I can enjoy different people here
What: I met a lot of interesting people and saw a lot of beautiful landscapes. In the heart of

the city, I often see people walking and talking on the phone for work. The style of the city is

fast-paced. But there are also a lot of interesting people living here. I once had a chat and

drink with a strange aunt in the city center, and she told me she was a photographer. She told

me that the meaning of life is about change. It's something I've never heard of before.

Shanghai also has some cool views. Some art exhibitions are often held in Shanghai. I also

watched some interesting shows, such as the Van Gogh Exhibition and the Light Show.
Why: Shanghai is the most convenient city ,such as transportation and shopping.I think it's the

best city in the world.


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