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Department: Electrical Subject : Instrumentation

Academic Year: 2023-2024 Semester: Spring

Lecturer : Prof.Dr. Salah Alian Sheet:IV

➢ By The aid of neat sketch clarify the following :

1. Cathode ray oscilloscope

2. Deflection Section
3. Deflection Amplifiers
4. Waveform Display (H.A &V.A)
5. Horizontal Sweep Generator
6. Automatic Time Base
7. Dual Beam Oscilloscope
8. Split Beam Oscilloscope
9. Oscilloscope probe
10. Attenuator Probes
11. Lissajous figures………..
12. Converting analog signals to digital format and storing it in memory.
13. Process of storing a signal
14. Real time sampling vs equivalent time sampling
15. Pulse rise time and sampling rate ……
16. Emitter follower voltmeter
17. Practical Emitter follower voltmeter
18. FET input voltmeter
19. Op Amp voltmeter
20. Low voltage measurement
21. Current measurement using electronic voltmeter
22. Resistance measurement
23. Low level AC voltage measurement
24. Voltage to current converter
25. Voltage to current converter with full wave rectification

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