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Early release, published at on February 9, 2015. Subject to revision.

CMAJ Review
Intravenous immunoglobulin as clinical
immune-modulating therapy

Laurent Gilardin MD, Jagadeesh Bayry DVM PhD, Srini V. Kaveri DVM PhD

ntravenous immunoglobulin is derived from inhibitory Fcγ receptor IIB on macrophages.3 Fcγ Competing interests: None
pooled plasma from thousands of healthy receptor IIB contains an immunoreceptor tyro- declared.
donors and contains polyspecific IgG. In ad- sine-based inhibitory motif that switches off the This article has been peer
dition to its indication for immunodeficiency dis- intracellular inflammatory cascade. Intravenous reviewed.
orders, immunoglobulin is used in a variety of immunoglobulin inhibits complement-mediated Correspondence to:
immune-mediated disorders. Several issues re- tissue damage and modulates the cytokine net- Srini Kaveri, srini.kaveri​
main un­resolved: optimal dose, differences in work: it suppresses the production of proinflam-
composition between products, and combination matory cytokines4 while increasing the produc- CMAJ 2015. DOI:10.1503​
therapy with other biologics. More importantly, tion of anti-inflammatory mediators such as
the mechanisms of action of immunoglobulin re- interleukin-1 receptor antagonist.
main elusive, although several mutually nonex- Intravenous immunoglobulin modulates dif-
clusive effects have been proposed.1 ferent cells of the innate and adaptive immune
In this article, we summarize the impact of compartments, including dendritic cells, mono-
intravenous immunoglobulin on the immune cytes and macrophages, granulocytes, natural
system. We also discuss clinical use, emphasiz- killer cells, B cells and various subsets of
ing the evidence supporting immunoglobulin’s T cells.5 It expands the number of regulatory
use as an immune-modulating agent. Depending T cells, which play a critical role in maintaining
on the disease, there is huge variability in the immune tolerance,6 and inhibits the differentia-
quality of evidence, from single case reports to tion and function of T helper 17 and T helper 1
well-conducted randomized controlled trials cells,7 which are involved in several autoimmune
(RCTs). The search strategy used for this review diseases. Intravenous immunoglobulin alters B-
is presented in Box 1. and T-cell interactions and downregulates patho-
genic antibody production.8
What is the immunologic basis
For which diseases is intravenous
for intravenous immunoglobulin
immunoglobulin effective?

Autoimmune and inflammatory diseases are Autoimmune diseases are rare and heterogeneous,
associated with a highly perturbed immune sys- involve complex and different physiopathologic
tem implicating various immune cells and mechanisms and demand multiple treatment strat-
inflammatory mediators such as cytokines and egies with varying outcomes. Determining the ef-
chemokines. It is therefore unlikely that a single ficacy of intravenous immunoglobulin for these
component of intravenous immunoglobulin pro- conditions requires selection of clinically relevant
vides the immunologic basis for its use as an outcome measures that are assessed at appropriate
immune-modulating agent. Depending on the points. Although a limited number of placebo-
disease and models, different mechanisms of
action have been identified, although it is possi- Key points
ble that these mechanisms work in a synergistic
manner (Figure 1). • Intravenous immunoglobulin exerts anti-inflammatory and immune-
modulating effects through broad and possibly synergistic mechanisms.
One of the first identified mechanisms of
• Conditions for which clear evidence favours first-line use of intravenous
action of intravenous immunoglobulin was immunoglobulin include idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, Kawasaki
blockade of Fcγ receptors on macrophages, disease and polyneuropathies such as Guillain–Barré syndrome.
thereby inhibiting platelet phagocytosis in idio- • Most unlicensed and off-label use is supported by little or no evidence.
pathic thrombocytopenic purpura. 2 Subse- • Prioritization of indications for this limited and costly product is important
quently, immunoglobulin was shown to exert an to avoid the risk of shortages owing to increasing off-label use.
anti-inflammatory effect through upregulation of

©2015 8872147 Canada Inc. or its licensors CMAJ 1


controlled trials have shown its efficacy, intra­ exacerbated or worsened clinical conditions,
venous immunoglobulin is helpful and may avoid because first-line treatment with oral cholinester-
the excessive use of immunosuppressive agents ase inhibitors is sufficient in most patients.14 Lim-
such as corticosteroids or invasive procedures ited evidence from a subgroup of 28 patients with
such as plasmapheresis. Use of intravenous im- severe disease in an RCT of immunoglobulin
munoglobulin is established as a first-line treat- (2 g/kg) versus placebo showed clinically impor-
ment in patients with the following indications. tant improvement after 14 days in the quantified
myasthenia gravis score, a validated measure of
Neurologic disorders target organ function (mean difference −3.40,
Intravenous immunoglobulin is effective in 95% CI −5.74 to −1.06). In another RCT, involv-
the treatment of peripheral nervous system ing 84 patients, intravenous immunoglobulin
disorders.9,10 showed an improvement rate similar to that seen
In chronic inflammatory demyelinating poly- after five sessions of plasmapheresis (69% v.
neuropathy, evidence for the use of immuno- 65%, p = 0.74).15 A lower dose of 1 g/kg may be
globulin (2 g/kg) is supported by a meta-analysis sufficient, because it showed similar efficacy to a
of seven RCTs involving 287 patients.11 Com- dose of 2 g/kg in an RCT involving 168 patients.16
pared with placebo, immunoglobulin resulted in In Guillain–Barré syndrome and myasthenia gra-
significantly higher rates of improvement overall vis, the choice between intravenous immunoglob-
(44%, 95% confidence interval [CI] 32% to ulin and plasmapheresis should be based on the
62%, v. 18%) and reduction in degree of disabil- practical availability and respective contraindica-
ity (relative risk [RR] 2.4, 95% CI 1.72 to 3.36) tions related to each therapy.
over study durations of two to six weeks. The High-dose immunoglobin treatment (2 to
short-term efficacy of intravenous immunoglob- 2.5 g/kg) is indicated for use in multifocal motor
ulin is similar to that of plasma exchange and neuropathy, based on a meta-analysis of
corticosteroid therapy but with a better tolerance four RCTs involving 34 patients.17 Compared
profile.12 The benefit of immunoglobulin is tran- with placebo, immunoglobulin showed greater
sient, however, and long-term management of (albeit nonsignificant) reductions in disability
the disease may require regular infusions. (39% v. 11%; RR 3, 95% CI 0.89 to 10.12) and
Intravenous immunoglobulin is used in addi- significantly higher rates of improvement in
tion to supportive care in patients with Guillain– muscle strength (78% v. 4%; RR 11.00, 95% CI
Barré syndrome and should be started within 2.86 to 42.25). Intravenous immunoglobulin
two weeks from disease onset according to should be considered as first-line therapy in view
expert opinion. A Cochrane systematic review13 of the lack of alternative treatments with an
showed that, in at least three RCTs enrolling up acceptable safety profile. However, cost–benefit
to 536 patients, daily doses of 0.4 g/kg for issues should be considered, because mainte-
five days improved motor function at one month nance therapy is often required.
and reduced time to recovery, efficacy similar to
that seen with plasmapheresis. However, intra­ Autoimmune mucocutaneous blistering
venous immunoglobulin did not significantly diseases
change the disability grade (mean difference Intravenous immunoglobulin may be effective in
−0.02 of a grade, 95% CI −0.25 to 0.2). corticosteroid-resistant pemphigus vulgaris or
In myasthenia gravis, the indication for intra- pemphigus foliaceus.18 Only one RCT, involving
venous immunoglobulin is restricted to either 61 patients, compared a single cycle of immuno-
globulin (0.4 or 0.2 g/kg daily for five days) with
placebo.19 Patients who received 0.4 g/kg of im-
Box 1: Evidence used in this review
munoglobulin stayed on the protocol significantly
We used national guidelines from France, the United States, the United longer than those given placebo (p < 0.001) with-
Kingdom, Canada and Australia to identify approved indications for
intravenous immunoglobulin in autoimmune and inflammatory diseases
out the need for additional treatment during an
(Appendix 1). In addition, we searched MEDLINE (1980 to present) and the 85-day observation period. The most effective
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews using the following terms: way of using immunoglobulin in pemphigus has
“immunoglobulins, intravenous,” “immunoglobulins,” “IVIg” and the not yet been determined, and response rates ap-
relevant diseases mentioned in the national guidelines. We excluded the pear higher when the agent is given in combina-
diseases for which there was insufficient evidence and restricted our review
to the literature published in English or French. Additional articles were tion with other biologics than when given alone
identified through manual searches of the reference lists of relevant articles. (91% v. 56%).20 In particular, combination ther-
We used the US Department of Health and Human Services’ Agency for apy with rituximab seems promising.
Healthcare Research and Quality system to assess the level of evidence (see In bullous pemphigoid, weak evidence suggests
details in Appendix 2). [Appendices are available at www​.cmaj​.ca/lookup​
that intravenous immunoglobulin could be used as
adjuvant therapy to corticosteroids in refractory


cases or as a sparing agent to prevent adverse ef- cytopenic purpura has long been shown to be
fects of immunosuppressive drugs. A recent re- similar to that of steroids, with some advan-
view of 41 published case reports showed that a tages.23 Several dosage regimens of immuno-
cycle of immunoglobulin of 2 g/kg was clinically globulin have been designed, and in a meta-
effective in about 80% of the patients and led to analysis of 13 trials enrolling 646 patients,24 a
the withdrawal of other immunosuppressive treat- dose of 1 g/kg for two consecutive days had an
ment.21 In view of the limitations owing to diverse efficacy rate of about 80% in obtaining an in-
definitions for outcome measures,22 it is difficult to crease of more than 50 000 platelets per mm3
compare the efficacy of therapeutic alternatives (50 × 109/L) on day 5. In relapsing idiopathic
and to indicate a schedule of treatment. thrombocytopenic purpura, repeat infusion of
immunoglobulin could constitute an alternative
Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura for splenectomy,25 although newer strategies
The efficacy of intravenous immunoglobulin on such as rituximab and thrombopoietin receptor
the recovery of platelets in idiopathic thrombo- agonists are currently favoured.

Complement-mediated damage
(1) Neutralization of pathogenic
Tissue and soluble autoAbs by anti-idiotypic Abs
(6) autoantigens


Mo M
(5) (2)
C TL Functions, Pl
Antibody-dependent activating and
cellular cytotoxicity
(2) inhibitory FcγR-
mediated signalling
C D4+

C D8+ Th1 Th2 B

Mathieu Ing and Laurent Gilardin

Proinflammatory Cytokines
cytokines (IL-2, (4)
IL-1β, IFN-γ) (4) Th17 Treg Modulation of B-cell
repertoire, regulation
of Ab production

Figure 1: Impact of intravenous immunoglobulin on the immune system. Exposure of autoantigens triggers the recognition by antigen-
presenting cells, leading to activation and polarization of T helper cells. T helper cells and innate cells provide activation signals
through cytokines, which leads either to production of autoantibodies from the differentiated B cells into plasma cells or to tissue
damage from the release of inflammatory mediators by immune cells, complement activation and antibody-dependent cell-mediated
cytotoxicity. Intravenous immunoglobulin interacts with various cellular and soluble components of the immune system involved in
the inflammatory and autoimmune process: (1) it neutralizes pathogenic autoantibodies through the anti-idiotypic network; (2) it mod-
ulates the expression of Fc receptors and inhibits the maturation and activation of antigen-presenting cells; (3) it regulates antibody
synthesis and the B-cell repertoire; (4) it shifts the balance between subsets of T helper cells and downregulates the production of pro-
inflammatory cytokines by T cells; (5) it blocks antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity; and (6) it blocks complement activation.
Orange antibody structures = intravenous immunoglobulin; dark grey arrows = activation signalling; red arrows = agonist effect of
intravenous immunoglobulin; red T bars = inhibitory effect of intravenous immunoglobulin. Ab = antibody, B = B cell, CTL = cytotoxic
T cell, DC = dendritic cell, FcγR = Fcg receptor, IFN = interferon, IL = interleukin, Mo = monocyte, MΦ = macrophage, NK = natural killer
cell, Pl = plasma cell, Th = T helper cell, Treg = regulatory T cell.


Kawasaki disease and guidelines35,36 specify the level of evidence,

Beneficial effects of intravenous immunoglobulin the details of which are summarized in Table 1.
have been clearly shown in patients with Kawa-
saki disease.26 In one trial, involving 85 children, For which diseases is intravenous
high doses of immunoglobulin (0.4 g/kg daily for
four days) reduced the occurrence of coronary
immunoglobulin not
artery abnormalities at day 30 compared with ace- recommended?
tylsalicylic acid (ASA) alone (15% v. 42%, p =
0.006).27 A meta-analysis of several studies, In certain diseases, the use of intravenous immu-
involving more than 1000 children, showed that noglobulin has met with only little efficacy and
immunoglobulin given at a high infusion rate is therefore not recommended. In others, it is not
(2 g/kg over 10 h) and in combination with ASA recommended based on a strong level of evi-
and steroids reduced the rate of coronary artery dence (RCTs or meta-analyses of RCTs). For
defects significantly more than a standard immu- ­example, in relapsing–remitting multiple sclero-
noglobulin regimen combined with ASA (7.6% v. sis, an RCT involving 150 patients showed no
18.9%; odds ratio 0.3, 95% CI 0.20 to 0.46).28 improvement in the occurrence of relapses with
immunoglobulin versus placebo.37 Immunoglob-
Kidney transplantation ulin was found to be ineffective in secondary
Few treatment options are available to enable progressive multiple sclerosis in a placebo-
patients highly sensitized to human leukocyte anti- controlled RCT involving 197 patients.38 A re-
gens (HLA) to undergo kidney transplantation. An cent placebo-controlled RCT failed to show a
RCT involving 24 patients showed that, compared beneficial effect in Alzheimer disease.39 In ju­
with placebo, intravenous immunoglobulin at a venile rheumatoid arthritis, inclusion body myo-
dose of 2 g/kg monthly for four months before sitis and eczema, evidence from small RCTs
transplantation significantly reduced anti-HLA failed to support immunoglobulin use.40–42
antibody levels and the projected mean time to In other diseases, alternative treatments are
transplantation (4.8 v. 10.3 yr, p < 0.05).29 Another more effective. In an observational study involv-
RCT, involving 30 patients with steroid-resistant ing infants with autoimmune neutropenia, 50%
graft rejection, showed that intravenous immuno- of those given intravenous immunoglobulin
globulin at 0.5 g/kg daily for seven days provided before elective surgery or because of severe
a two-year graft survival rate of 80%, similar to infection responded to treatment, as compared
that achieved with muromonab-CD3.30 with 100% of the eight patients given granulo-
cyte colony-stimulating factor.43 In chronic
Inflammatory myopathy fatigue syndrome, asthma and schizophrenia, the
Intravenous immunoglobulin has been used suc- efficacy of immunoglobulin seems to be unlikely
cessfully in steroid-resistant and severe forms of because the physiologic rationale is not sound.
myopathy. 31,32 In dermatomyositis, a pivotal In certain conditions, intravenous immuno-
RCT of three monthly injections of immuno- globulin has been shown to be deleterious and
globulin (2 g/kg) versus placebo in 15 patients should be avoided. A trial of immunoglobulin
showed a rapid and significant improvement (p < therapy for the DRESS (drug reaction with eosin-
0.02) in the mean muscle strength score in the ophilia and systemic symptoms) syndrome was
treatment group (from 76.6 ± 5.7 standard devia- stopped because of serious adverse events (severe
tions to 84.6 ± 4.6), compared with no change in malaise with hemodynamic changes during
the placebo group (from 78.6 ± 6.3 to 78.6 ± immunoglobulin infusion, and pulmonary embo-
8.2). In polymyositis, no randomized studies lism and hemophagocytic syndrome during fol-
were identified in the literature search, but intra- low-up).44 Although use of immunoglobulin as
venous immunoglobulin was found to be effec- first-line treatment in diseases such as hemo-
tive in uncontrolled studies.33,34 phagocytic syndrome has been reported in a few
cases,45 another report46 suggests that it is not
Other diseases adequate for secondary hemophagocytic syn-
Evidence, albeit relatively weak, has shown drome related to Epstein–Barr virus infection and
promising outcomes with the use of intravenous would delay the appropriate treatment.
immunoglobulin in several other conditions. For
some of these indications, use of immunoglobu- What are the adverse effects?
lin is authorized by national drug agencies; for
others, it is off-label use. The lack of evidence is The most common adverse events associated
due mainly to underpowered studies related to with intravenous immunoglobulin use are mild
small numbers of patients. Systematic reviews and transient (Table 2).47 Potentially serious but


Table 1: Autoimmune and inflammatory diseases* with limited evidence for intravenous immunoglobulin use2,3

Level of
Disease Context Outcome expected evidence†

Stiff-person syndrome • Presence of anti-glutamic acid decarboxylase • Reduction in stiffness, in number of 1b‡
antibodies spasms (score)
• Second- or third-line treatment • Improvement in 10-m up-and-go walk test
ANCA-associated vasculitis • Persistent disease activity or relapse in patient • Short-term reduction in disease activity 1b§
and central nervous system previously treated with immunosuppressive
vasculitis drugs
Acquired von Willebrand • Life- or limb-threatening bleeding • Cessation of bleeding 2a
syndrome • Prior invasive procedures • Sustained or longer response
• Combination with steroids or other
immunosuppressive drugs
• Second- or third-line treatment
Toxic epidermal necrolysis • Severe form (life threatening) • Resolution of disease 2a
and Stevens–Johnson • Contraindication to other immunosuppressive • Reduction in mortality and in severity
syndrome drugs score
• Combination with steroids
Rasmussen syndrome • Second- or third-line treatment • Reduction in frequency of seizures 2b
• Improvement in cognitive state
Severe Rh hemolytic disease • Aggravation despite phototherapy • Resolution of hyperbiliburinemia 3
• Combination with other treatments • Reduction in need for exchange
Erythroblastopenia due to • Relapse and third-line treatment (failure of • Correction of anemia 3
human parvovirus B19 steroids and other immunosuppressive drugs)
Autoimmune uveitis and • Sight threatening • Increase in visual acuity 3
birdshot chorioretinopathy • Flare-up or requirement of high dose of • Reduction in macular edema
steroids • Reduction in dose of steroids
Autoimmune hemolytic • Positive result of antiglobulin test (IgG) • Correction of anemia 3
anemia • Second- or third-line treatment (failure of
steroids and other immunosuppressive drugs or
• Combination with other treatments
Streptococcal or • Infection refractory to aggressive therapy, • Improvement in survival 3
staphylococcal sepsis and with persistent organ failure • Reduction in length of hospital stay
toxic shock syndrome • Life-threatening infection
• Combination with other treatments
Alloimmune • Fetal: first-line treatment in pregnant women • Increase in live-birth rate 3
thrombocytopenia (fetal or with history of neonatal alloimmune • Rise in platelet count
neonatal) thrombocytopenia
• Neonatal: failure of platelet-rich plasma
therapy, or not available or advisable
Systemic lupus erythematosus • Severe cytopenias • Correction of cytopenias 3
• Combination with other treatments
Autoimmune congenital • Presence of anti-Ro or anti-La antibodies in • Improvement in degree of heart block at 3
heart block pregnant women with history of heart block birth
Systemic onset juvenile • Severe disease with prominent cutaneous • Reduction in systemic symptoms 3
idiopathic arthritis (Still involvement • Reduction in dose of steroids
disease) • Failure of steroids and other
immunosuppressive drugs
• Combination with other treatments
Catastrophic antiphospholipid • Combination with anticoagulation and • Improvement in survival 3
syndrome supportive therapy
• Plasmapheresis not available
Secondary hemophagocytic • Associated with viral infection, cancer, • Improvement in survival 3
syndrome lymphoma or lupus • Correction of pancytopenia

Note: ANCA = antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies, RCT = randomized controlled trial.

*Indications for use of intravenous immunoglobulin as first-line treatment are discussed in the text.
†We used the US Department of Health and Human Services’ Agency for Healthcare Policy and Research system to assess the level of evidence (see details in
Appendix 2, available at www​.cmaj​.ca/lookup/suppl/doi:10.1503/cmaj.130375/-/DC1).
‡RCT involving 16 patients.
§RCT involving 34 patients.


less common events include volume overload, followed by chemical or physical virus inactiva-
acute renal failure, thromboembolism and ana- tion help improve the safety of the product.48
phylaxis. Adverse reactions are generally man-
aged with supportive treatment and by slowing Unanswered questions
or stopping the immunoglobulin infusion.
Contamination of immunoglobulin with infec- Although intravenous immunoglobulin has been
tious agents is always a possibility. However, mul- widely used as an immune-modulating agent for
tiple steps of chemical and enzymatic purification more than 30 years, little is known about factors

Table 2: Adverse effects associated with intravenous immunoglobulin use

Frequency, Preventive strategies

Adverse event % Risk factors Mechanism of action and treatment Severity

Flu-like syndrome: 1–15 • Fast infusion rate • Fc receptor–mediated release • Slow infusion rate Mild and
flushing, headache, chills, • IgA proportion of prostaglandins, platelet- • Discontinuation of infusion transient
low-grade fever, nausea, • First infusion of IVIg activating factor and • Product brand substitution
malaise, mild cytokines from leukocytes • Premedication with one or
hypotension, muscle • Aggregation of IgG, leading more of antipyretic,
aches during infusion to complement activation corticosteroid or antihistamine
• Formation of immune • Subcutaneous infusion
Intravascular acute < 0.1 • High-dose infusion • Passive transfer of antibodies • Blood type cross-matching Moderate
hemolysis during infusion • Blood group other than (isohemagglutinins) against • Determination of anti-A and (should not
and lasting up to 3 d type O antigens of ABO and Rh anti-B antibody titer before require
after infusion • Multiparous women • Underlying inflammatory infusion transfusion)
• Higher titers of anti-A or state • Post-transfusion testing for
anti-B IgG antibodies hemolysis within 36 h in
patients with anemia
Acute aseptic meningitis < 0.1 • Fast infusion rate • Release of inflammatory • Anti-inflammatory agents Moderate
within 48–72 h after • History of migraine cytokines and pain killers and
infusion • Presence of ANCA-like transient
Arterial or venous < 0.1 • First infusion of IVIg • Rheological properties of IVIg • Prophylactic hydration Moderate
thromboembolic event • Age > 60 yr leading to hyperviscosity • Slow infusion of IVIg to severe
(transient ischemic attack, • High dose • Contamination with clotting • Early treatment of high-risk
stroke or peripheral deep • Previous thrombotic event factors patients
thromboembolism) and thrombophilia • Vasospasm secondary to • Prophylactic anticoagulation
starting within 24 h after • Risk factors for cardiovascular release of vasoactive
infusion events (e.g., dyslipidemia, molecules
hypertension, diabetes) • Formation of platelet–
• Autoimmune disease or leukocyte aggregates
Hypertension and fluid <1 • Previous elevated plasma • Hypergammaglobulinemia • Adequate hydration Moderate
overload during infusion viscosity (e.g., polycythemia, and viscosity to severe
and lasting up to 2 d paraproteinemia)
after infusion • Previous heart and kidney
Acute renal failure (from <1 • Age > 60 yr • Direct toxicity on proximal • Adequate hydration Mild to
transient mild alteration • Obesity and type 1 diabetes renal tubular epithelial cells, • Monitoring of renal function severe
in renal function to renal • Pre-existing renal disease osmotic tubular injury before and after infusion
failure requiring dialysis) • Sepsis secondary to stabilizers used • Use of sugar-free stabilizers
starting within 1–10 d • Paraproteinemia in IVIg preparation (sucrose, • Avoidance of concomitant
after infusion • Use of nephrotoxic agents maltose, glucose) nephrotoxic therapy
• Cryoglobulin precipitate • Avoidance in cryoglobulinic-
positive patients
Non–IgE-mediated < 0.1 • IgA deficiency (20% related • Anti-IgA antibodies (IgG • Discontinuation of infusion Moderate
anaphylactic reaction to anti-IgA antibodies, isotypes) reacting with IgA in and supportive treatment to severe
(from tightness of throat particularly in patients with IVIg preparations (intensive care unit)
or chest, chills and rigor to systemic lupus erythematosus • Screening of IgA deficiency
breathlessness, dizziness, or myasthenia) in patients before infusion
fainting or collapse and • Use of IVIg preparation with
death) starting early lower concentration of IgA
during infusion
Local reaction to 8–50 • Initiation of subcutaneous • Local irritant effect • Symptomatic management Mild to
subcutaneous therapy • Monitoring to ensure no moderate
immunoglobulin (swelling, long-term changes such as
redness, itching or burning fat necrosis or fibrosis

Note: ANCA = antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies, IVIg = intravenous immunoglobulin, SCIg = subcutaneous immunoglobulin.


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