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1. En cada frase hay dos verbos. Decide cuál es el correcto y

1. We’ll go / We’re going to the theatre tonight. We’ve got tickets.
2. ‘What will you do / are you doing tomorrow evening?’ ‘Nothing. I’m free.’
3. They’ll go / They’re going away tomorrow evening. Their train is at 8.40.
4. I’m sure your aunt will lend / is lending us some money. She’s very rich.
5. ‘Why are you putting on your coat?’ ‘I’ll go / I’m going out.’
6. Do you think Claire will phone / is phoning us tonight?
7. Steve can’t meet us on Saturday. He’ll work / He’s working.
8. Will you / Shall you be at home tomorrow evening?
9. A: What are your plans for the weekend?
B: Some friends will come / are coming to stay with us.

2. Subraya el verbo correcto.

1. I phone / I’ll phone you tomorrow, OK?
2. I haven’t done the shopping yet. I do / I’ll do it later.
3. I need some exercise. I think I go / I’ll go for a walk.
4. Gerry is going to buy / will buy a new car. He told me last week.
5. ‘This letter is for Rose.’ ‘Ok. I’ll give / I’m going to give it to her.’
6. A: Are you doing / Will you do anything this evening?
B: Yes, I’m going / I’ll go out with some friends.
7. I can’t go out with you tomorrow night. I’m working / I’ll work.

3. Are these sentences OK? Correct the verbs that are wrong.
1. I’ve got an appointment. I will see the dentist tomorrow. am seeing
2. The new road will be open in the summer. __OK___
3. Come in, Joe. You look cold. Sit down. I’m making you a cup of tea. ________
i´m will make you
4. Where do you go for lunch tomorrow? ________
are you going

5. Shall we learn Spanish next year? ________

6. Do you think it’s snowing later? ________
7. I can’t come because I’ll be on holiday. ________

8. (on the phone) You need to speak to Ann. Just a moment. I’m going to call
her. ________
9. Don’t worry about me. I’ll email you every day from London. ________
i´m goin to

4. Complete the dialogues with will or going to. Use the

infinitive of the verbs in brackets.
1. A: Remember to turn off the lights when you leave.
B: Don’t worry, I won’t forget (not forget).
2. A: What are Mike’s plans for the summer?
is going to stay
B: Well, first he ________________ (stay) with a friend in Italy, and then he
going to travel (travel) round France and Spain.
3. A: Here’s my phone number.
will call
B: Thanks. I ________________ (call) you tomorrow morning.
4. A: How much is this sweater?
B: 24.99.
will take
A: Fine. I ________________ (take) it.
5. A: What ________
are you ________
going to do(do) tonight?

B: I ________________
going to stay (stay) at home. I have to study.
6. A: Have you decided what to do on Saturday night?
B: Yes, we have tickets for the theatre and after that we
going to have (have) dinner at the Italian restaurant.
7. A: I’ve had a terrible day today.
will make
B: Sit down, I ________________ (make) you a cup of tea.
going to
8. A: My parents are away this weekend, so I ________________ (have) a
will bring
B: Great! I ________________ (bring) some food.
9. A: Would you like fruit juice or mineral water?
B: I ________________
will have (have) an orange juice please.
going to stay
10. A: ________
are you ________ (stay) here tonight?
B: No, I ________________
will catch (catch) the last train home. I have a
return ticket.
will pay
11. A: I ________________ (pay) for the coffees.
B: No, please. I ________________
will pay (pay) this time. It’s my turn.
going to painting
12. A: I ________________ (paint) my flat at the weekend.

B: I ________________
will help (help) you if you like.
13. A: Why are you turning on the television?
will watch
B: I ________________ (watch) the news.
14. A: Oh, I’ve just realised. I haven’t got any money.
will lend
B: Well, don’t worry. I ________________ you some. (lend)
15. A: Have you decided what to do about that job that was advertised?
B: Yes, I ________________
´m not going to (not apply) for it.
16. A: Why are you filling that bucket with water?
B: I ________________
´m going to wash (wash) the car.

17. A: Where are you going? Are you going shopping?

B: Yes, I ________________
´m going to buy (buy) something for dinner.
18. A: Did you post that letter for me?
B: Oh, I’m sorry. I completely forgot. I ________________
will doing (do) it now.
19. A: I’ve got a headache.
B: Wait here and I ________________
will get (get) an aspirin for you.
20. A: Has George decided what to do when she leaves school?
B: Oh, yes. Everything is planned. He ________________
going to have (have) a holiday
for a few weeks and then he ________________
going to do (do) a computer
programming course.

5. Complete the sentences with the appropriate future (will

or going to) of the verbs in brackets.
1. This year he _’s going to celebrate his birthday with a huge party. (celebrate)
will demolishing
2. I think they ________________ these old offices. (demolish)
3. Joseph works hard; he _______
will definitely ________
get ahead and do well. (get)
4. What ________
are you ________
going to do when you grow up? (do)
5. It ________________
will taking me ages to catch up on all my work! (take)
6. Who ________________
will take over your job when you leave? (take over)
7. I hear they ________________
going to advertise my old job again. (advertise)

8. I wonder how many of the applicants ________________

will get an interview. (get)
9. Who ________________
will organize the office Christmas party this year? (organize)
will increase
10. Sales ________________ thanks to Christmas. (increase)

11. ‘There are no aspirins in the closet.’ ‘I ________________
will geting some from Dr
Smith’s office.’ (get)
will have
12. We ________________ lunch with Dr Dawson next Friday. (have)
13. ‘I promise, doctor. I ________________
won´t eat so many sweet things this month.’
(not eat)
14. The new secretary ________________
going to meeting the Board of Directors this afternoon.
15. Are they already at the hotel? We ________________
will see them at the
conference then. (see)
going to falling
16. Look at that man! He ________________ into the hole. (fall)
17. “Could somebody answer the phone, please?” “I ________________
will get it.”
18. “What would you like to have, coffee or tea?” “I ________________
will have a coffee,
please.” (have)
19. “Where are you going?” “I ________________
will visit a customer.” (visit)
20. “Would you like to come to my house for dinner and talk about this?” “Good
idea. I ________________
will bring some wine.” (bring)
21. “It’s really hot in here.” “I ________________
will put on the air-conditioning.”(put)
22. “Why are you wearing your best suit?” “I ________________
´m going to have lunch with my
biggest customer.” (have)
23. Just a moment. I ________________
will help you with the bags. (help)
24. Mark ________________
going to have a party next week. (have)
25. We ________________
going to fly to Paris in July. (fly)

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