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How does a water wheel work ?

A water wheel works by converting the kinetic energy (energy of motion) of flowing
water into mechanical energy and further into electrical energy . Here's a breakdown
of the process:
1. Water Flow and Wheel Design: Water wheels are typically placed in rivers,
streams, or man-made channels where there's a moving current. The wheel itself
is a large circular structure made of wood or metal with paddles or compartments
(buckets) fixed around its rim.
2. Force of the Water: The moving water pushes against the paddles/buckets of
the wheel. The design of the paddles and the point of water impact on the wheel
determine how efficiently this force translates to rotation.
3. Rotation and Energy Transfer: As the water pushes against the paddles, it
creates a turning force, causing the wheel to rotate on its axle (central shaft).
This rotation is the captured mechanical energy that can be used for various
4. Transfer of Power: The axle of the water wheel is often connected to a gear
system or a shaft that extends further. This connection transfers the rotational
energy to other machinery, depending on the application.

Here are some additional points to consider:

 Types of Water Wheels: There are three main types of water wheels depending
on where the water hits the paddles: overshot (water enters on top), undershot
(water hits the bottom), breastshot (water strikes the middle),and horizontal
wheel also known as a turbine. Each type has advantages depending on the
water flow and desired output.
 Efficiency: The efficiency of a water wheel depends on the design and water
flow. Overshot wheels are generally the most efficient, while undershot wheels
are simpler but less efficient.

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