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16 Dune migration and encroachment

Andrew S. Goudie

16.1 Introduction identified on old maps and air photographs (see, for exam-
ple, Stokes et al., 1999). Increasing use is being made of
As Cooke et al. (1993, p. 339) remarked, ‘Mobility is a very
remotely sensed imagery to monitor dune migration (Yao
striking property of dunes, matched only by their sound-
et al., 2007). Dune movement can also be monitored on the
production. Sound and movement ostensibly bring dunes
ground using stakes, markers, and pins (Bristow and
closer to life than anything else in the inorganic world.
Lancaster, 2004; Hugenholtz et al., 2009), as has been
Movement is inexorable and can be exasperating.’ While
done in the context of the Namib by Livingstone (1989).
this statement was made in the context of desert dunes,
Radiocarbon dates on buried trees can also be used (Wiles
coastal dunes have also proved to be a major cause of
et al., 2003). In addition, optical dating can be employed to
exasperation, especially where deforestation, rabbit infes-
establish rates of dune accumulation and movement
tation and other factors have caused them to become reac-
(Stokes and Bray, 2004), and this can be used in tandem
tivated. This was a favourite theme of G. P. Marsh in his
with ground penetrating radar (GPR) (Bristow et al., 2005,
Man and Nature (1864), and attempts to control errant
2007). Data from such sources are increasingly being incor-
dunes on mid-latitude shorelines, such as the Culbin
porated into GIS data bases (Marín et al., 2005; Mitasova
Sands of north east Scotland or the Landes in south west
et al., 2005).
France, go back a long way (Kittredge, 1948). The migra-
tion of dunes can lead to abandonment of settlements
(Figure 16.1), the overwhelming of agricultural land, the 16.3 Rates of dune movement
infilling of canals, and the blocking of railway lines Barchan dunes, isolated crescentic features that are trans-
(Figure 16.2), runways, and roads (see, for example, Han verse to the dominant winds and have their horns facing in
et al., 2003; Dong et al., 2004). Although movement is a the direction of movement, are the most studied of dune
natural and normal part of dune development, human pres- types with respect to rates. They are also one of the most
sures, such as trampling, burning, and deforestation, can dangerous of dune types because of their ability, particu-
make dunes less stable. larly if small, to move at high velocities. Many barchans
move at rates of some tens of metres per year and small
barchans move more quickly than large barchans. Cooke
16.2 Methods of study
et al. (1993, p. 23) show a large number of plots of dune
A whole array of methods has been developed to establish height against rates of dune movement. As Thomas (1992)
dune field activity and the rates of dune migration. Chinese explained, ‘Size dependency is not surprising as the whole
workers (see Chapter 15) have successfully used ancient dune migrates forward by a “rolling” process whereby
archival data to identify phases of dune encroachment. sediment exposed at the foot of the stoss slope is trans-
Topographic maps are another major source of information. ported up to the dunecrest to be deposited on the slipface…
Air photographs have also been used to establish dune The larger the dune, therefore, the more sediment that has to
movement histories over the last 90 or so years (Bailey be moved per unit of forward movement.’ There is some
and Bristow, 2004; Forman et al., 2008), while GPS ena- debate as to whether the form of the relationship between
bles rapid and accurate remapping of dunes that have been dune size and rate of movement is linear or exponential.
Geomorphological Hazards and Disaster Prevention, eds. Irasema Alcántara-Ayala and Andrew S. Goudie. Published by
Cambridge University Press. © Cambridge University Press 2010. 199
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200 Andrew S. Goudie

may occur on largely inactive plinths. Linear dunes,

may, however, undergo some lateral movement, as GPS
and optical dating studies in the Namib have shown
(Bristow et al., 2007). The amount of movement that
occurs on linear dunes may vary from decade to decade
in response to changes in vegetation cover and wind
strength (Bullard et al., 1996).
Data on the movement of coastal dunes include a study of
the Ceará Coast of north eastern Brazil by Jimenez et al.
(1999). They found average migration rates for coastal
barchans of 17.5 m per year, and 10 m per year for sand
sheets. Similarly, also in north east Brazil, Barbosa and
FIGURE 16.1. Dune sand invading the old mining town of Dominguez (2004) found that zibar-type dunes moved at
Kolmanskop, near Luderitz, southern Namibia.
between 20 and 24 m per year. Maia et al. (2005) found that
rates of dune migration in this part of Brazil were acceler-
ated considerably during El Niño events. In North Wales,
Bailey and Bristow (2004) found that at Aberffraw the
average rate of migration of parabolic dunes was 1 m per
year, with a maximum of only 3.6 m per year. At Cape Cod
in the north east of the USA, Forman et al. (2008) found that
rates of parabolic dune movement during a relatively dry
interval (1938–77) were about 4 m per year, but that
between 1987 and 2003 dune movement slowed to about
1 m per year in response to wetter conditions. In Denmark,
Anthonsen et al. (1996) found that a large parabolic dune
had migrated by approximately 1 km since AD 1887, but
that its shape had changed over that time in response to
FIGURE 16.2. A disrupted railway line between Swakopmund changes in the wind regime. The migration of some inland
and Walvis Bay, central Namibia. parabolic dunes in Colorado has also shown temporal var-
iability, with rates in dry years (30 m per year) being about
six times those in wet years (Marín et al., 2005). Indeed, the
Rates of movement will also depend on wind energy con- occurrence of mega-droughts is very important in determin-
ditions, and Lancaster (1989, p. 94) has commented on the ing the degree of dune activity in the western USA (Hanson
very high rates of barchan movement in the southern et al., 2009). Data on rates of movement for transgressive
Namib for dunes of any particular size in comparison with transverse ridges (sometimes called precipitation ridges) are
many other areas. He attributes this to the extremely vigo- provided by Hesp and Thom (1990, p. 261), who suggest
rous wind energy conditions in the coastal environment of that the rates of advance of their slipfaces may range from
the area between Luderitz and Alexander Bay. Equally, in almost stationary to as much as 10–20 m per year.
his long-term study of rates of barchan movement in the
Libyan Desert of Egypt, Embabi (1986/7) found that dunes
at Kharga had between 1930 and 1961 moved on average 16.4 Control
some 280 m, while those at Dakhla had averaged some
The methods that are available for the control of blowing
170 m. The explanation he offered was in terms of differ-
sand and mobile dunes have been well reviewed by Watson
ences in sand drift potential between the two areas, with the
(1990). Four main techniques have been used to control
Kharga figure being 245 vector units compared with 73
drifting sand:
vector units at Dakhla.
Data on the movement of linear dunes are much (1) Promotion of the deposition of drifting sand (upwind of
sparser and much more difficult to interpret. In general, the problem area) by such devices as ditches, barriers
however, linear dunes are less threatening than barchans and fences, and vegetation belts.
and they appear to undergo little movement of the dune (2) Enhancement of the transportation of sand by means of
form as a whole (Thomas, 1992, p. 35). Active crests aerodynamic streamlining and surface treatments.
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Dune migration and encroachment 201

Taklamakan desert, checkerboards, reed fences, and nylon

nets were found to be effective (Dong et al., 2004). In north
west Nigeria, Raji et al. (2004) found that shelterbelts were
the most effective technique, and were superior to mechan-
ical fencing. Some success has also been claimed for chem-
ical stabilizers (Han et al., 2007), and also for geotextiles
(Escalente and Pimentel, 2008). Some devices are prohib-
itively expensive (e.g. chemical fixers) (Dong et al., 2004),
while others, such as checkerboards, are not.

16.5 Conclusions
FIGURE 16.3. Sand fences constructed in an attempt to control the An array of techniques has been employed to try and
movement of transverse (barchanoid) dunes near Walvis Bay, estimate the speed with which mobile dunes move, and
Namibia. there are now plenty of data on this with respect to barch-
ans. Rates of dune movement depend on a variety of factors
of which dune type and dune size are important. However,
(3) Reduction of the sand supply by surface treatments
land cover changes, changes in wind energy conditions,
(e.g. water spraying, chemical stabilizers, mulches),
and changes in moisture levels mean that rates vary con-
fences, and vegetation strips. Among the plants that
siderably in time and space. Numerous techniques have
can be used are marram grass (Ammophila arenaria),
been developed to try to reduce problems posed by dune
Tamarix spp., Eucalyptus spp., Hippophae rham-
mobility, though they have met mixed success, and can
noides, Prosopis juliflora, and Acacia cyanophylla
sometimes be either costly or unsightly. Finally, it is likely
(Pye and Tsoar, 1990, pp. 303–306).
that in a warmer world dune activity may be greater. This is
(4) Deflection of the moving sand by fences, barriers and
a topic addressed briefly in Chapter 20.
tree belts.
With regard to the control of moving dunes, the main
techniques that are available are:
Anthonsen, K. L., Clemmensen, L. B. and Jensen, J. H. (1996).
(1) Removal of the dunes by mechanical excavation and
Evolution of a dune from crescentic to parabolic form in
transportation to a new location. response to short-term climatic changes: Råbjerg Mile,
(2) The dissipation of a mobile dune by disrupting its Skagen Odde, Denmark. Geomorphology, 17, 63–77.
aerodynamic profile (a process termed dissipation) by Bailey, S. D. and Bristow, C. S. (2004). Migration of parabolic
means of reshaping, trenching, or surface treatment. dunes at Aberffraw, Anglesey, north Wales. Geomorphology,
(3) Dune immobilization by surface strips, fences, etc. 59, 165–174.
(Figure 16.3). Barbosa, L. M. and Dominguez, M. L. (2004). Coastal dune
fields at the Sao Francisco River Strandplain, northeastern
Frequently these techniques are not particularly success- Brazil: morphology and environmental controls. Earth
ful and very often the best solution is to site and design Surface Processes and Landforms, 29, 443–456.
engineering structures to allow free movement of sand Bristow, C. S. and Lancaster, N. (2004). Movement of a small
across them. Alternatively, by mapping different dune slipfaceless dome dune in the Namib Sand Sea, Namibia.
types and knowing their direction and rate of movement, Geomorphology, 59, 189–196.
structures should be located out of harm’s way. Avoidance Bristow, C. S., Lancaster, N. and Duller, G. A. T. (2005).
may be better than defence. Combining ground penetrating radar surveys and optical dat-
ing to determine dune migration in Namibia. Journal of the
Various studies of the comparative effectiveness of dif-
Geological Society, 162, 315–321.
ferent stabilization techniques have been undertaken in
Bristow, C. S., Duller, G. A. T. and Lancaster, N. (2007). Age and
recent years. For example, Zhang et al. (2004) found that
dynamics of linear dunes in the Namib Desert. Geology, 35,
the best means of stabilizing moving dunes in Inner 555–558.
Mongolia, China, were wheat-straw checkerboards and Bullard, J. E., Thomas, D. S. G., Livingstone, I. and Wiggs, G. F. S.
the planting of Artemisia halodendron. This finding was (1996). Wind energy variations in the southwestern Kalahari
confirmed by a study in the Kerqin Sandy Land of northern Desert and implications for linear dunefield activity. Earth
China (Li et al., 2009). Along a major highway in the Surface Processes and Landforms, 21, 263–278.
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