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Differential Diagnosis - Preschool Stuttering

Place a check mark by the characteristics that are present:

Risk Factors
Characteristics of stuttering Characteristics of typical disfluencies

Family history of stuttering No known risk factors present

Stuttering began 6 or
more months ago
Speech Sound
Production Disorder
Expressive- Receptive
Language Disorder

Types of Disfluencies
Characteristics of stuttering Characteristics of typical disfluencies
(Stuttering-like Disfluencies) (Typical Disfluencies)
Stuttering-like disfluencies multisyllabic word repetition

monosyllabic word repetitions phrase repetition

sound repetition interjection

part-word/syllable repetition revision/incomplete phrase.

prolongations of sounds multisyllabic word repetition

Physical tension or struggle when

Frequency of Disfluencies
Characteristics of typical
Characteristics of stuttering
9 or more disfluencies out of 100 8 or less disfluencies out of 100
words words

Secondary Behaviors/ Negative Reactions

Characteristics of stuttering Characteristics of typical disfluencies

Eye blinking No secondary behaviors

Head nodding/movement No negative reactions

Atypical facial movement or tension

Atypical body movement (hands,

Cavenagh, P., Costelloe, S., Davis, S., & Howell, P. (2015). Characteristics of young children

close to the onset of stuttering. Communication Disorders Quarterly, 36(3), 162–171.

Coleman, C. (2015, June 19). How can you tell if childhood stuttering is the real deal?

Retrieved from


Gregg, B. A., & Sawyer, J. (2015). Assessing disfluencies in school-age children who stutter.

Communication Disorders Quarterly, 37(1), 36–43.

Pellowski, M. W., & Conture, E. G. (2002). Characteristics of speech disfluency and stuttering

behaviors in 3- and 4-year-old children. Journal of Speech, Language & Hearing

Research, 45(1), 20.

Recognize the risk factors for stuttering. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Weidner, M. E., Louis, K. O. S., & Glover, H. L. (2018). Changing nonstuttering preschool

children’s stuttering attitudes. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 27(4),


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