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Task 2, Retelling passage 5

Technological innovation in the United States has progressed rapidly since the 1920s. These
technological advances create fundamental changes to human life. Advances in communication
technology make it easier for humans to interact with each other. The printing press is equipped
with rapid printing machines, typesetting devices, and page-plate processors which make
printing easily accessible. Communication tools such as phonograph telephones, silent films,
radio and sound pictures have had an impact on advances in communication technology.
Technological advances in the field of transportation make it easier for people go to distant
places. Bicycles and trolleys became putting the nation on wheels. Then, cars became the main
land transportation because of their speed and mobility. Cargo trucks are turning to rail revenue
since 1920’s. Airplanes are the main form of air transportation because they can be used to go to
very distant places in a short time. Transportation advances influence innovation in the
development and refinement of vehicle engines such as cars, airplanes, ships, etc. Advances in
the field of electricity makes things easier for humans because electrical energy has become a
primary need for all humans. Electrical energy is produced from hydropower, wind power, coal
power, solar power, etc. Electrical energy is used for indoor and outdoor needs. Electrical
consumers consist of household consumers, public road lighting consumers, factory consumers,
and commercial consumers (for commercial consumers such as hotels, malls, hospitals,
stadiums, etc)
Task 3

Mengubah suatu paragraf (passage) ke conversation minimal 15 conver per orang

Passage 8

a1 : hi, what are you doing here?

b1 : oh hi, I’m just reading the article
a2: what article are you reading?
b2 : I’m reading the article about the sutro tunnel
a3 : oh thats a very famous tunnel in the united states, right?
b3 : yes, do you know about thats tunnel?
a4 : no more, I’ve only heard of thats tunnel. what do you know from this article?
b4 : this article describe that initially this tunnel was built due to a problem in the mine.
a5 : whats a problem?
b5 : Inside the mine a pool of hot water appeared
a6 : where does the hot water come from?
b6 : it comes from hot igneous rocks that might be producing more mineralization
a7 : really?
b7 : yes, The water temperature reached 64 degrees Celsius in some places
a8 : wow, thats so extremely hot
b8 : you’re right, there were even 53 miners who died because they fall into the water or tired of working in
mining areas with very high temperatures
a9 : oh my god, thats so scary imagining how things are in there
b9 : thats why sutro tunnel was bulit
a10 : so, how did the construction of the sutro tunnel solve the problem?
b10 : this tunnel is used for air ventilation and drainage of the hot water out of the mine
a11 : That means, this tunnel can decrease the temperature where the miners work, right?
b11 : yeah, you’re right. In addition, the successful construction of his tunnel made it beginning of the
development of railway across the united states.
a12 : oh i understand it, thats why the sutro tunnel becomes very famous. By the way, how long is the sutro
tunnel ?
b12 : the length of the sutro tunnel is 6 km
a13 : wow, thats a long tunnel
b13 : thats right. With the Sutro tunnel, it’s hoped that mining can be done 1000 meters below the surface
a14 : why the mining can be done deeper with the sutro tunnel?
b14 : Because the sutro tunnel can reduce the temperature of hot water
a15 : oh i see, i’m so sorry. i’m very interested in discussing about sutro tunnel, but i have class soon. i’ll go
first, see you next time.
b15 : okay, see you again

Homework video

1 Nama: M Reza Fahlendi

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2 Nama: Elsa fazira Parangin angin

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3 Nama : M Raihan Rahul

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4. Nama: Lilis Suryani

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5. Nama: Epi Wulandari

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6. Nama : Puji Ayu Lestari

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7. Nama : Yudistira Dwi Ananda

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