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Name___________________________________________ Date_____________

Party Time!
Directions: Read or listen to the text and answer the questions. Then ask a
question you have about the text.

Timmy is throwing a party for all his friends. He has invited his 5 closest friends.
His mom is in the kitchen making treats. He will be serving chips and dip, mini
tacos, trail mix and fruit. He prepares for the party by
moving the furniture around in the living room, so they
have plenty of room to play games. He also brings his
games and comic books out into the living room, so
everything is ready to go when his friends arrive. But
before they play games and read comic books, they are going to have a water
balloon fight. Timmy’s dad is outside filling the water balloons. Now, everything is
all set for Timmy’s party. It’s party time!

Timmy is throwing a party for his:

a. mom b. friends c. dad d. sister

Who is in the kitchen making the treats? ________________________________

What does Timmy do to the living room?________________________________

What are the 3 activities that Timmy has planned? _________________________


If you were to throw a party, what would you serve your guests and what
activities would you have planned? ______________________________________

Ask a question about the text.


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