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Name Read and Comprehend Literature

Abigail’s Power
When it came to being a superhero, the greatest power of all was the power to fly. All the budding
heroes and heroines at Superhero School hoped that they would turn out to have that power. But one
by one, their powers were revealing themselves at last, and still no one could fly. But at least they all
had superpowers. Abigail believed she had yet to manifest even so much as an inclination towards
something, let alone a full‐fledged power. The other kids thought that her ability to empathize with
others and her acute intuition practically amounted to ESP, but Abigail wasn’t so sure. She’d always
been this way. These qualities weren’t superhuman. They weren’t spectacular. And they sure weren’t
The clock was ticking. Any student that didn’t present with a power by the end of the first semester
of school was sent home for good. But that was okay with Abigail because she wanted to go home. She
was tired of being used by the other kids as guinea pigs for powers that they had only just discovered
and couldn’t begin to control. When she was called to her counselor’s office for a conference, instead of
being apprehensive, Abigail was hopeful. Maybe she’ll just send me home now and get it over with,
Abigail thought to herself.
“I’m not a superhero,” Abigail told Miss Crump as soon as she sat down.
“You know Abigail, it’s no good pretending that you’re just like everyone else when you’re not.
You’ll always know you’re not living up to your full potential, and living a lie will always make you
“I would still like to go home.”
“I think that would be unwise.”
“But you said that anyone who hadn’t made some progress by the end of the semester would be
sent home.”
“Do you feel that you’ve made no progress?”
“When Gary jumped the other day I saw him hang in the air for two whole seconds.”
“So I understand.”
“He’s going to be the flyer, isn’t he?”
She nods. “Most likely.”
“Maybe I have something – and I’m not saying that I do – but say that I do, for the sake of argument.
What if it’s not something that I want? What if the person that I turn out to be isn’t the person that I
want to be?”
“What kind of person do you want to be?”
“I just want to be able to do something well. I just want to be able to
do one thing that makes people go, wow, did you see that? You know what
I mean?”
“You’re the only student that hasn’t disclosed your gift. I have this
form for you to fill out here.”
“I think you should put ‘no discernible talent’.”
“Really. You think I should put that.”
“I do. I really do.” But even as she spoke, Abigail was overcome
by her “feeling”. It was part dizzy, part sick, part elation, but this
time, unlike all the other times she’s experienced this, the
strongest thing that came through was the knowing. She looked up at
Miss Crump. “I think something is about to happen,” she said.
“Something bad.”

CCSS. RL.5.10 |©

Name Read and Comprehend Literature

“Advance notice that a crime is going to take place sounds like a gift to me,” Miss
Crump said.
Abigail jumped up. “Come on,” she said. “I have it now. Someone is about to break into
the school safe!”
“There is just one thing,” Miss Crump said.
“But there’s no time!”
“Does this mean that you admit to and own your gift?”
“Yes! Hurry!”
“I just need you to fill out this form,” Miss Crump said. She pushed the form towards Abigail with
one hand and picked up the phone with the other. “Marcia, it’s me. You can tell Hank that there’s no
need to blow the door off that safe. We’re finished here.” She set the phone down, and Abigail looked
up at her, aghast. “You tricked me!”
“I prefer to think of it as encouraging you.”
Abigail filled out the form and passed it back to Miss Crump. “Thank you,” she said. “I doubted
myself. I just wasn’t sure...”
“It was my pleasure, Abigail. Welcome to Superhero School!”

1. What does Abigail want in the beginning of this story, and why?

2. Why won’t Miss Crump give it to her?

3. How does Miss Crump solve the problem?

4. How does Abigail feel when the problem is solved?

CCSS. RL.5.10 |©

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