(SV) The 5 Languages of Love

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Watch the video titled “What is Your Love Language?” by Psych2Go.

What do you love to do in your free time? Can you create a list of 10 things?

1. _____________________________________

2. _____________________________________

3. _____________________________________

4. _____________________________________

5. _____________________________________

6. _____________________________________

7. _____________________________________

8. _____________________________________

9. _____________________________________

10. _____________________________________

Answer the following questions.

a. Do you have a partner? When and how did you meet?

b. Have you ever used dating apps?

c. Do you want to get married?

ESL Pals 1 General English

Task 1: Match the words from the box to the correct definitions.

compliments materialistic neglected favours counsellor affectionate

a. money-oriented; really interested in material possessions.

b. suffering a lack of proper care.

c. a professional who is trained to give guidance on personal problems.

d. expressing love and fondness.

e. polite words to show appreciation.

f. acts of kindness to help someone.

Task 2: Complete the video summary given below with the words from the box.

Relationship ________________ Gary Chapman, found that there are 5 love languages.

1. Words of Affirmation.
People with this love language like to hear ________________ and kind words. When you
use negative words with them - they feel offended and hardly forget about it.

2. Quality Time.
This involves giving your partner your undivided attention. Someone with this love
language appreciates when their partner spends time with them. Rescheduling dates or
not paying attention makes these people feel ________________.

3. Receiving Gifts.
Someone with this love language prefers to receive gifts. This does not mean that they
are ________________. They simply enjoy that you bought a gift with them in mind.

4. Acts of Service.
These people prefer it when their partners help them during difficult times. They often
appreciate the ______________ you do for them and value anything you do to help them.

5. Physical Touch.
This involves any physical touch such as hand holding, hugs and kisses. People with this
love language prefer ________________ touches over affirming words or compliments.

ESL Pals 2 General English

Task 1: Say whether the following statements are true or false according to the video .

a. People with the love language of physical touch do not like to hold hands.

b. People all have different ways of showing and receiving love.

c. If your love language is receiving gifts - you are materialistic.

d. Knowing someone’s love language will help you to communicate with them.

e. Some people prefer it when their partners help them with favours when life gets

f. People with the love language of spending quality time like to have their partners’
undivided attention.

Task 2: For the false statements above, give the correct answer.

Task 3: Discuss the following questions as a class.

1. Have you ever heard about these love languages before?

2. What is your love language? Explain.

3. Do you think it is important to know your partner’s love language?

4. Do you think love languages only apply to romantic relationships; or can you apply
them to friends and family?

5. Is it easier to communicate with a partner when you know their love language?

6. Why do couples with different love languages often argue?

7. How can harsh, negative, and insulting comments affect someone who prefers
words of affirmation as their love language?

8. What is the difference between quality time and words of affirmation as love

9. What does it mean if someone's love language is receiving gifts?

10. Why is it important to avoid making broken promises or showing laziness if

someone's love language is an act of service?

ESL Pals 3 General English

Task 1: Put the following actions into the correct box.

going to a restaurant together giving a hug after a long day

buying your partner’s favourite chocolate washing the dishes at night

going on holiday together giving a compliment

holding hands taking them lunch to work

throwing a surprise party giving flowers

Receiving Gifts Acts of Service

Quality Time Physical Touch

Words of Affirmation

Task 2: Explain why each of these is or isn’t important to you in a relationship.

ESL Pals 4 General English

Read the theory about ‘wish structures’ and then complete the exercises that follow.

Use Structure Example

I wish I spoke Spanish (I don’t

If you want a situation in speak Spanish).
1. the present or future to “wish” + past simple
be different. I wish it were the weekend (It
is Wednesday).

I wish I hadn’t eaten cake

yesterday (I ate cake
To express regret; or to yesterday).
“wish” + past perfect
2. wish a situation in the
past was different. I wish I had travelled when I
was younger. (I didn’t travel
when I was younger).

I wish you would stop

smoking. (You are smoking at
the moment and it is
To express impatience,
annoying me).
annoyance or “wish” + would +
dissatisfaction with a infinitive
I wish it would stop raining. (I
present situation.
am annoyed because it is
raining and I want to go

Now, look at the actions in the box and make sentences with the wish structure:

hold my hand take out the trash wash the dishes

make the bed give me compliments listening more intently

buy me gifts watch a movie with me go hiking with me

Example: I wish my partner would give me more compliments.

I wish my brother listened to my stories more intently.
I wish my roommate had cooked dinner last night, because I was tired.

ESL Pals 5 General English


Study the statements, then decide if you agree or disagree with them. Use the language
in the table at the bottom of the page to help structure your answer.

Express an opinion Express disagreement

It seems to me that… I don’t agree with you about…
I feel that… I can’t accept your view that…
I’m absolutely convinced that… I have a different opinion…
In my opinion,… I’m not sure if…
I believe / suppose / feel (that)… I’m not convinced that…

Express pro’s and con’s Summarise

There are two sides to this point... So, in conclusion…
On the one hand…,on the other hand… To summarise..
An argument for / against is… Overall, it is clear that…
Some people think that…,others say that… As a result..
The advantages / disadvantages are... The bottom line is...

ESL Pals 6 General English

Let’s recap wish structures. Use the word prompts to write a wish about your life.

Example: (TV) - I wish I watched less TV during the week.

1. (Cook)

2. (Language)

3. (Exercise)

4. (Work)

5. (Clean)

6. (Clothes)

7. (House)

ESL Pals 7 General English

Use the theory learned about wish structures to correct the mistakes in the sentences:

1. I wish I am skinnier.

2. I wish I haven’t eaten so much last night.

3. I wish he drinks less alcohol.

4. I wish I hadn’t smoke.

5. I wish she will be quiet.


Use the information from this lesson and write a paragraph about your love language.
You need to say why you think this is your love language and give examples.

ESL Pals 8 General English

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