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(Madrid, November 14, 2011) On Tuesday November 8, Gestamp Wind, the wind energy division of Gestamp Renewables (Corporation Gestamp) had a dedication ceremony for the wind farm Roth Rock, in the Garret County-Maryland. The wind farm is composed by 20 turbines with Nordex Technology of 2, 5 Mw each, summing up 50 Megawatts of nominal installed power. Out of the 50 MW energy production, 80% will be sold to Delmarva Power (Utility) through a 20 years power purchase Agreement. The 20% left will be sold through two contracts with dependent state entities concretely to the University System of Maryland and the Maryland Department of General Services. The wind farm will overcome the 130 Gwh of annual production. Javier Mateache, CEO of Gestamp Wind North America, thinks This is the

culmination of great teamwork, partnership and talent to build this facility in the beautiful state of Maryland. he also added We have the land, we have the wind, we have the team, a great future for Gestamp Wind.

About Gestamp Wind Gestamp Wind is the wind energy division of Gestamp Renewables, specialized in the development, construction and operation of wind farms with projects in Europe, Brazil, EEUU, Turkey and South Africa. Gestamp Wind is one of the leading companies in the wind energy business. Gestamp Wind integrates vertically, the development, construction and operation of wind farms. The company has over 460 Mw in operation and an important pipeline of over 2,000 MW in the different markets where the company is currently active. About Gestamp Renewables-Corporacin Gestamp Corporacin Gestamp, the parent company of Gestamp Renewables, is a multinational leader in Europe in the steel, automotive components and renewable energy sectors It is currently present in over 25 countries throughout Europe, the Americas and Asia, with

nearly a hundred industrial plants. Composed by a global workforce of over 27,000 employees, Corporacin Gestamp had total revenues of over 5.5 billion in 2010. Gestamp Renewables (, a division of Corporacin Gestamp, is an industrial group that operates and supplies components within the renewable energy sector. Since 2005, Gestamp Renewables has aspired to position itself as an international leader within the renewable energy sector, using a unique and integrated business model encompassing the entire value chain from the manufacture and supply of components, to the development, construction, maintenance and operation of wind, solar and biomass energy projects. Gestamp Renewables integrates the three lines of renewable energy activities of Corporacin Gestamp: Solar, Wind and Biomass energy. In 2010, the revenues were of over 154 million Euros, with an Ebitda of 33 million Euros. With a clear international vocation, currently it is present in Europe, USA, India and Turkey. Gestamp Renewables integrates the three lines of renewable energy activities of Corporacin Gestamp: Solar, Wind and Biomass energy. In 2010, the revenues were of over 154 million Euros, with an Ebitda of 33 million Euros. With a clear international path, currently it is present in Europe, USA, India and Turkey.

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