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English for Today's World

Joan Saslow • Alien Ascher

With Top Notch Pop Songs and Karaoke

by Rob Morsberger

Learning Objectives Top Notch Fundamentals is desig ned for true beg inning students or for
students need ing t he support of a ve ry low-leve l begin ning course. No prior
knowledge of Eng lish is assumed or necessary.

Unit Communication Goals Vocabulary Grammar

1 • Tell a classmate your occupation
• Identify you r classmates
• Occupations
• The alphabet
• Verb be:
o Singu lar and plural statements, contractions

Names and
• Spell names
· .: :,.
o Yes / no questions and sho rt answers
o Common errors

• Subject pronouns
• More occupations
Occupations • Articles 9. / an
page 4 • Nouns:
o Singu lar and plural / Common and proper

lii~·f:~'~'~= . Extra practice

• Introduce people • Relationsh ips (non-fami ly) • Possessive nouns and adjectives
• Tell ~omeone your first and last • Titles • Be from / Questions with Where, common errors
name • First and last names • Ve rb be: information questions with What
About People • Get someone's contact • Numbers 0- 20

page 12
info rmation
.. ; ; f'
~;gj~~.~:~,~,~ • Extra practice
• More relationships

3 • Ta lk about locations
• Discuss how to get places
• Discuss transportation

Places in the neighborhood
Ways to get places
• Verb be: questions with Whe re
• Subject pronoun it
• The imperative
Places and How • Means of transportation • fu' to express means of transportation
• Destinations
to Get There
page 20
· . ; :,.
· :, , • Extra practice

• More places

4 • Identify people in you r fa mi ly

• Describe yo ur relatives
• Talk about your family
• Family re lationsh ips
• Ad jectives to descri be
• Verb be:
o Questions with Who and commo n errors
o With adjectives

Family • Numbers 21 - 101 o Questions with How old

• Adverbs ~ and ~
page 28 Verb have / has: affirmative statements
• More adjectives · :,. • Extra practice

5 • Confirm that you're on ti me

• Ta lk about t he t ime of an event
• Ask about birthdays

What time is it?
Ea rly, on time, late
• Verb be: questions about t ime
• Prepositions in, Q!l, and gJ; for dates and times
• Common errors
[vents and • Days of the week " ;., • Extra practice
• Ord inal numbers
Times • Months of the year
page 36
· ':
• More events
:. ,

G • Give and accept a compliment

• Ask for colors and sizes
• Descri be clothes
• Clothes
• Colors and sizes
• Opposite adjectives to
• Demonstratives ~ .tM.t these. those
• The simple present tense : !!kg, want. need, and have:
o Affirmative and negative statements

Clothes describe clothes o Questions and short answers

o Spelling ru les and contractions
page 44 ': :" • Adjective placement and common errors
• More clothes • One and ones

,~~~~.~:~,~,~~ • Extra practice

7 • Ta lk about morning and evening

• Describe what you do in your
• Daily activities at home
• Leisu re activities
• Household chores
• The simple present tense:
o Third-person singular spe ll ing ru les
o Questions with When and What time

Activities free time

. : :,.
o Questions with How often, time expressions

• Discuss household chores o Questions with Who as subject, common errors

page 52 • More household chores • Frequency adverbs and t ime expressions:
Units 1-7 Review o Usage, placement, and common errors

page 60 • : I , • Extra p ractice


Conversation Strategies Listening / Pronunciation Reading / Writing

• Use And you? to show in terest in another Listening task: Reading Text:
person • Circle the letter you hear • Simple forms and business cards
• Use Excuse me to initiate a conversation • Identify co rrect spelling of names Writing Task:
• Use Excuse me? to indicate you haven't heard • Write the name you hear spelled • Write affirmative and negative
or didn't understand • Identify the correct occupation statements about people in a picture
• Use Thanks! to acknowledge someone's • Write the missing information: names and
complying with a request occupations
• Syllables

• Identify someone's relationship to yo u whe n Listening task: Reading Text:

making an introduction • Complete statements about relation ships • Short descriptions of famous people,
• Use too to reciprocate a greeting • Circle the correct information their occupations, and countries of
Begin a question with And to indicate you Fill in names, phone numbers, and e-mail ori gin
want add it ional information addresses you hear Writing Task:
• Repeat part of a question to clarify Pronunciation: • Write sentences about you r relationships
• Repeat information to confirm • Stress in two-word pa irs

• Use You're welcome to formally acknowledge Listening task: Reading Texts:

thanks • Wri te the places you hear • Simple maps and diagrams
• Use OK to acknowledge advice • Write the directions you hea r, using affirmative • Introductions of people, their
• Use What about you? to show interest in and negative imperatives relationships and occupations, where
another person • Circle the means of transportation they live, and how they get to work
• Wri te Qx phrases, check destinations you hear Writing Task:
Pronunciation: • Wri te questions and answers about the
• Falling intonation for questions with Where places in a comp lex picture

• Use Well" .. to indicate one is deciding how Listening task: Reading Texts:
to begin a response • Identify the picture of a relative being • A fam ily tree
• Use And how about " ,? to ask for more described • A magazine article about famous actors
information • Choose the adjective that describes the people and their families
• Use Rea lly? to show interest or mild su rprise mentioned in a co nve rsation Writing Task:
Pronunciation: • Write a description of the peopl e in
• Number contrasts your fami ly

• Use Uh-oh to indicate you may have made a Listening task: Reading Texts:
mistake • Identify events and circle the correct times • A world map with time zones
• Use Look to focus someone's attention on • Write the events you hear in a date book • Events posters
so mething • Circle the dates you hear • Conversations
• Use Great! to show enthu siasm for an idea Pronunciation: • A zodiac ca lendar
• Offer someone best wishes on his or her • Sentence rhythm Writing Task:
birthday • Write about events at your school or in
your city

• Acknowledge a compliment with Thank you Listening task: Reading Text:

• Apologize with I'm sorry when expressing • Confirm detail s about clothes • A sales flyer from a department store
disappointing information • Determine colors of garments Writing Task:
• Use That's too bad to express disappointment Pronunciation: • Write se ntences about the clothes you
• Use What about you? to ask for someone's • Plural endings have, need, want, and like
• Use Well to soften a strong opin ion

• Say Me? to give yourself time to thi nk of a Listening task: Reading Text:
persona l response • Match chores to the people w ho performed • A review of housekeeping robots
• Use Well to introduce a lengthy response them Writing Tasks:
• Use So to introduce a conversation topic Pronunciation: • Write five sentences about robots
• Use How about you? to ask for parallel information • Third-person singular ve rb endings • Describe your typical week, using
• Say Sure to indicate a w illin gness to answer adverbs of frequency and t ime
• Begin a response to an unexpected question expressions
with Oh

Unit Communication Goals Vocabulary Grammar

B • Describe your neighborhood

• Ask about someone's hom e
• Ta lk about furniture and

Types of buildings
Places in t he neighborhood
• The simp le prese nt tense:
o Questions w ith Where, prepos it ions of place
• Th ere is and there are:
Home and appli ances • Furniture and appl iances o Statements and m / no questions
o Contractions and common erro rs
Neighborhood • Questions with How many
page 64 • More home and office
~li/iilllillli6/ll'IiI'Iii;ill'. 'iMiit- • Extra practice
vocab ul ary

9 • Describe today's weather

• Ask about people's activities
• Discuss plans
• Weather express ions
• Present and future time
exp ressions
• The present continuou s:
o Sta teme nts: form and usage

o Yes / no questions

and Plans
· .: ; .,
o Information questions
o For future plans

page 72
• More weather voca bulary
: ..
• The presen t parti cipl e: spelling ru les

• Extra practi ce

10 • Discuss in gred ients for a recipe

• Offer and ask for foods
• Invite someone to join you at the
• Foods and drinks
• Places to keep food in a
• Count nouns and non-count nouns:
o Meaning, form, and co mm on errors

• Count nouns: How many / Are th ere any

Food tab le • Conta in ers and quantities • Non-count nouns: How mu ch / Is there any
• Cooking ve rbs • The simpl e present tense and the present
page 80 continuou s: usage and co mm on errors

e~~~·~·~;~,~,~L ' Extra practice

• More vegeta bles and fruits

11 • Tell someo ne about a past even t

• Describe past activiti es
• Talk about outdoo r activities
• Past-time exp ress io ns
• Outd oor activities
• Th e past te nse of be:
o Statements, questions, and co ntractions

• Th e simple past te nse

Past [vents o Regu lar ve rbs, irregu lar verbs
o Statements, questions, and short answers
• More outdoor activities
page 88
~~~~~.~;~,~'~l?' • Extra practice

• Describing people with be and have

12 • Describe appearance
• Show concern about an injury
• Suggest a remedy

Adjectives to d escribe hair
Th e face
Parts of t he body
• Should + ba se fo rm for advice

; iI'iI'iMi • Extra practice
Appearance • Accide nts and injuries
• Ailments, remedies
and Health
page 96 · . ;

• More parts of the body


• Can and ca n't fo r ab ility

13 • Express a wish
• Politely decline an invitation
• Ask fo r and agree to do a favor
• Abilities
• Adverbs we ll and badly
• Reaso ns fo r not doing
• Too + ad jective, comm on errors
• Po lite req uests w ith Cou ld yo u + base fo rm
Abilities and so m ething
~iIiiI_Iliifi";IIiI'IIiI'iM._ • Extra practice
• Favors
page 104
· .: :"
• More mu sica l instruments

14 • Get to know so m eo ne's life sto ry

• Discuss plans
• Express wishes for t he future

Some life even ts
Academ ic subjects
Leisure activities
• Be going to + base form
• Would like + infini t ive :
o Statements

Life [vents and • Life cycle events o Questions

Plans · .. o Short answe rs

.: : o Co ntracti ons

page 111 • More acade mi c su bj ects .' : • Extra practice

• More leisure activit ies
Units 8-14 Review
page 110

Countries and nationalities / Numbers 100 to 1,000,000,000 / Irregular verbs / Pronunciation table .... page 125
Vocabulary Booster ....... ...... .. ......... .. ... .. .... .. .. .... .......................... ....... .................... .................................. page 126
Grammar Booster .. .... .. .... .. .... ........ ... ................ .................. .. .. .... ............ ... .. ... ... ..... .................. .............. . page 136

Conversation Strategies Listening / Pronunciation Reading / Writing

• Use Rea lly? to introduce contradictory Listening task: Reading Texts:
information • Determine the best hou se or apartment for • House and apartment rental listin gs
• Respo nd positively to a descrip tio n wi th clients of a rea l estate company • Descriptions of peopl e and their homes
Sounds nice! • Complete statements about location s of Writing Task:
• Use Actual ly to introduce an opini on that furniture and appliances • Compare and co ntrast your home w ith
might su rprise Pronunciation: homes in a compl ex illustration
• Say I don' t know. I' m not sure to avoid making • Linking sounds
a direct negative statement

• Use!::!i and !::!.ey to greet people info rm ally Listening task: Reading Texts:
• Say No kidding ! to show surp rise • Determin e weath er and temperatures in cities • A daily planner
• Answer the phone w ith Hello? in a w eather report • A newspaper co lumn about activities in
• Identify you rself w ith This is _ on the ph one • Complete statements about people's activities, a town
• Use Well actually to begin an excuse using th e present co ntinuous Writing Task :
• Say Oh, I'm so rry after interru pting Pronunciation: • Write about plans for the week, usi ng
• Say Talk to you later to indicate the end of a • Rising and fa lling intonation of ~ I no and the present co ntinuous
phone conversation information questions

• Say I'll check to indica te you ' ll ge t Listening task: Reading Texts:
information for som eone • Identify th e food s discussed in conve rsations • Recipe ca rd s
• Decl ine an offer politely w ith No, thanks Pronunciation: • A week ly sc hedule
• Use Please pass the ... to ask fo r something at • Vowel sounds: lil, Ir/, ler/, /El, lrel Writing Task:
the tab le • Write about w hat yo u eat in a typ ical
• Say Here you go as you offer someth ing day
• Say Nice to see yo u to greet so meone yo u
already know
• Use You too to repea t a greeting poli tely

• Ask w hy? to ask fo r a cl earer expla nation Listening task: Reading Text:
• Use What about ? to ask for more • Circle the year you hear • A bl og in w hich peopl e desc ri be what
inform ation • Infer the correct day or month th ey did th e previous weekend
• Use il&t to minim ize th e importance of an action • Choose acti vities mentioned in conversation s Writing Tasks:
• Use a double question to clarify Pronunciation: • Write about th e activities of two people,
• Say Let me think to gain tim e to an swer • Simple past tense regu lar ve rb endings ba sed on a compl ex picture
• Say Oh yeah to indicate you just rem embered • Write about your weekend and w hat
so meth ing you did

• Use Oh to indicate you 've understood listening task: Reading Text:

• Say I'm so rry to hea r that, Oh no, and • Identify the peopl e desc ribed in conversation s • A magazine article about two celebrities
That's too bad to express sympathy • Compl ete statements about injuri es Writing Task:
• Use What's wro ng ? to ask about an illness • Identify th e ailments and rem edies suggested • Write a descriptio n of someone you
• Use rea lly to intensify advice w ith should in conversations know
• Respond to good advice w ith Good idea Pronunciation
• Say I hope yo u feel better w hen so meon e feels • More vowel sounds

• Use I wis h I co uld ... to express a w ish Listening task: Reading Text:
• Use But to introduce co ntrasting information • Complete requests for favors • A journal articl e abou t infant-toddler
• Suggest a shared cou rse of action wi th Let 's Pronunciation developm ent
• Pol itely decli ne a suggestion with I'm rea lly • Assimilation of sound s: Could you Writing Task:
sorry but and a reason • Describe thin gs peopl e ca n and can ' t
• Accept a refusa l w ith M aybe so me oth er tim e do w hen they get old
• Use Su re and No problem to ag ree to
someone's req uest for a favo r

• Use Not really to soften a nega tive response Listening task: Reading Text:
• Ask What do yo u mean? to requ est clarification • Choose correct statements • A short biography of Harry Houdini
• Use We ll to expl ain or cl arify • Circle correct wo rds or phrases Writing Task:
• Use emphatic stress on and to indica te two • Complete statements about activities, using the • Write your own illu strated life story,
answers present continuous including pl ans and w ishes for the
• Infer people's wishes for the future and complete fu ture
statements, using wo uld like
• Diphthongs

Top Notch Pop Lyrics ...................... ....... ... .. ...... .. ...... ...... .... .. ...... .... ... .. .......... ..................................... .... page 147
ActiveBook Self-Study Disk .. .. .... .... ...... ... ............. ... ... ...... .......... .. ......... ... ............ .. .... .. ...... ...... ... Inside back cover


What is Top Notch?

Top Notch is a six-Ievel* communicative course that prepares adults and young adults to
interact successfully and confidently with both native and non -native speakers of English .

The goal of the Top Notch course is to make English unforgettable through :
~ Multiple exposures to new language
~ Numerous opportunities to practice it
~ Deliberate and intensive recycling

The Top Notch course has two beginning levels: Top Notch Fundamentals for
true beg inners and Top Notch 1 for false beginners.

Each full level of Top Notch contains enough material for 60 to 90 hours of classroo m
instruction. A wide choice of supplementary components makes it easy to tailor
Top Notch to the needs of your classes.

* Summit 1 and Summit 2 are the titles of the fifth and sixth levels of the Top Notch course.
All Student's Books are availab le in spl it editions with bound-in workbooks.

The Top Notch instructional design

Daily confirmation of progress Intensive vocabulary development
Each easy-to-follow two-page lesson begins with a Students actively work with a rich vocabulary
clearly stated communication goal. All lesson activities of high-frequency words, collocations, and
are integrated with the goal and systematically build expressions in all units of the Student's Book.
toward a final speaking activity in which students Clear illustrations and definitions clarify meaning
demonstrate achievement of the goal. "Can-do" and provide support for independent study,
statements in each unit ensure students' awareness review, and test preparation. Systematic recycling
of the continuum of their progress. promotes smooth and continued acquisition of
vocabulary from the beginning to the advanced
A purposeful conversation syllabus levels of the course .
Memorable conversation models provide essential
and practical social language that students can A dynamic approach to grammar
carry "in their pockets" for use in real life. Guided
An explicit grammar syllabus is supported by
conversation pair work enables students to modify,
charts containing clear grammar rules, relevant
personalize, and extend each model so they can use
examples, and explanations of meaning and use.
it to communicate their own thoughts and needs.
Numerous grammar exercises provide focused
Free discussion activities are carefully crafted so
practice, and grammar usage is continually
students can continually retrieve and use the language
activated in communication exercises that
from the models. All conversation models are informed
illustrate the grammar being learned .
by the Longman Corpus of Spoken American English .

An emphasis on cultural fluency A dedicated pronunciation syllabus

Recognizing that English is a global language, Focused pronunciation, rhythm, and intonation
Top Notch actively equips students to interact practice is included in each unit, providing
socially with people from a variety of cultures and application of each pronunciation point to the
deliberately prepares them to understand accented target language of the unit and facilitating
speakers from diverse language backgrounds. comprehensible pronunciation.


2 A;
8. She's my moc~

B, He's Mr.'s grandson.

NOW YOU CAN ntrf people in your family

f) CONVERSATION MODEl Rod and 'it~.

A Digital Student's Book

(with complete audio)



£lick On the correct anS'Ner.

Self'Ch Unit StudY GUIde

S eck W"t (U '
tUdenrs B ea cheCkmark nl/ 4)
Our granddaughters are so _ ' oak to "nd and study ~;~xt to the language
anguage You are n~~u know
o cute
fl!t QueStions
bl , Un./ " YOUr
Return to

o old (page 29)

° fl!twith .
d i
e test preparatton __
S"' Q _.

o tall
o Adverbs
30) ad}ec/;"es (pa
(page 30rm' and §Q
ge an rev ew
O Verb~ /has. AdjeCI/.es t
PeOPle describe
affirmative t · 0
(page 32) s aternents O Prelty

Interactive practice (with daily activity records)

O Se·
-.". Questions
) With ~ o handSome
Extra listening and reading comprehension ° o gOOd"OOking
O Shon
Record-yourself speaking O 'af/

Grammar and vocabulary practice o Old

o YOung
Games and puzzles
Top Notch Pop and karaoke

~ A bound-i n Methods Handbook for profess ional development
~ Detailed lesson plans with suggested teaching t imes
~ La nguage, cultu re, and corpus notes
~ Student's Book and Workbook answer keys
~ Aud ioscr ipts
~ Top No tch TV t eaching not es

A Digital Student's Book with interactive whiteboard (IWB) software

Instantly accessible audio and Top Notch TV video
Interactive exercises from the Student's ActiveBook for in-class use
A complete menu of printable extension activities

TopNotch TV
A hilarious situation comedy, authentic
unrehearsed on-the-street interviews,
, :":"","_'ICI _,_IoIoo"")"_"'_b-I!o''''''''
.....,..... .,,- and Top Notch Pop karaoke .

Printable Extension Activities

• Writing process worksheets
• Vocabulary flash cards
• Learning strategies
DATE: _ - -- -
NAME: _ _- - - - -
• Graphic organizers
Writing Process WOfKshe
et en • Pronunciation activities
o U 0\ 6 page 51)
c • Video activity worksheets
(ACCOmpaOles o. ,
need you want, you liKe, and
and more 0 0 0

NAME : _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ 1!l!!~~~~~~~ ;

ASSIGNMENT : Write about clothe:r ~~~'t h3v'e.

,.. clothes you have -~o"

Learn ing Strategy

(Unit 7, page 58, Reading)
1. lathes . Then fill In the chart.
ThInk abOut your c
REAOING STRATEGY: taking notes
What are the clothes you ... have'?
like? \
r-- need? want? . :' ,," .. ~'.
Take notes abou t key details to help you understand a reading
As you read the article on page 58, use the simple present to write what each
robot does or doesn't do.

The i Robot Roomba

have or dont The iRobot Scooba

2. WRITING ou want you like . and clotheS yOU
Wnte about clotheS you need, Y Add more InformatiOn If you can
have Use the ,nformatlon from Step 1

For example:
, .. ~
.. .,./t',""- I .'1,._. ,r) "' • .La.
•••• • 100<; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .

Th .. I ?nn i= u n l "I;,... I

.loan Saslow . A1lenAscher

Audio Program Full-Course
Includes a variety of Ready-made achievement tests. Placement Tests
authentic regional and Software provides option to edit, Choose printable
non-native accents. ! delete, or add items. or online version.

't"'-;\" "l~

Activity 26 GROUP WORK - ~o.~d game


'MI.lIIJuctyldDI J


". "" I~
..,."0Ihf< OI!MpIf'o

- ,,-......
101"'''''' ~-~
"... "'
J 101M

."" ......
I ...
".- .. "'''
, ....,

::;.. :~:
l1li11'.1" . '''' ..... ....""

An optional online learning tool with :
• An interactive Top Notch Workbook

Read about Madonn e.
Then choose all of the correct answers
to the questions. •

Speaking and writing activities
Pop-up grammar help
• Student's Book Grammar Booster exercises
• Top Notch TV with extensive view ing activities
• Automatically-graded achievement tests
• Easy course management and record-keeping

l.IIadonna's occupations?
What are '"

_ phOtographer

Welcome to Top Notch!

GOAL Introduce yourself
- . -'-' . ~.., -- '-
1,0 2

1 ~ l)) CONVERSATION MODEL Read and li sten.

A: Hi. I'm Martin. A: Nice to meet yo u, Ben.

S: Hi, Martin . I'm Ben. S: Nice to meet you, too .

2 ~ l)) RHYTHM AND INTONATION Listen aga in and repeat. Then practice the Conversation Mode l
with a partner.


NOW YOU CAN ~~troduce yourself

PAIR WORK Now introduce yourself to your classmates.

" l)) Responses

Nice to meet you
1:04 Glad to meet YOU '
-4l)) Greetings It's a pleasure to ~eet you.
Hi .
I'm (Usa).

------==-=t~1!l; .
~:s~==:=======-~=___._.__=~~ -----
----- ----___=~=---=====--.--
__-___ ~'. _._. .__ _ -
-~~ .. _.

1 ~~
A .' Hi Len . How are you.
. , thanks. An d y ou?.
B: Fine,
· I'm fine. . again and
1 07
RHYTHM A . the Conversation
repeat. Then practice
. Model

with a partner. . S Read and

. andgreetmg
3 listen. Th en liste n again


- - -............'\; -

----------------- -
PAIRW OR K Now greet your classmates.

, ,09 ting s
..;. ))) Gree 7
~HoW are yOU.thing.7 1:10
w's every 7
Ho , 't gOing. .. )) Responses
Fine.I I'm fine.
© { Great.
.. { Not bad.
Q So-so.

2 Welcome


1 ~ »)) CONVERSATION MODEL Read and listen.

A: Good-bye, Charlotte.
B: Good-bye, Em ily.
A: See you tomorrow.
B: OK. See you!
U 2

2 ~ »)) RHYTHM AND INTONATION Listen again

and repeat. Then practice the Conversation
Model with a partner.

--- --- - - -- - - - -- - - ~~-- - -~--.--------

NOW YOU CAN Say good-bye

PAIR WORK Now say good-bye to your classmates . 1:13

".») W
ays to say good-b e
Good-bye. Y
See you later
Take care. .


Names and Occupations



1 a teacher 2 a student 3 an architect 4 an actor 5 an athlete

6 a musician 7 an artist 8 a banker 9 a singer lOa flight attendant

More occupations • p. 726

2 PAIR WORK Say the name of an occupation . Your partner points (t:* ) to the picture.

3 GRAMMAR · Verb be: singular statements / Contractions

Articles!! / an
Affirmative statements / Contractions Negative statements / Contractions a teacher
an actor
I am Ann. / I'm Ann . I am not Jen. / I'm not Jen.
You are an architect. / You 're an architect. You are not an artist. / You 're not an artist. / You aren't an artist.
He is a teacher. / He 's a teacher. He is not a student. / He 's not a student. / He isn 't a student.
She is a singer. / She 's a singer. She is not a banker. / She's not a banker. / She isn't a banker.

4 UNIT 1

4 GRAMMAR PRACTICE Write the article 9. or an for each occupation.

1 .. architect 3 ... banker 5 .. singer
2 .... student 4 .... musician 6 .. athlete

5 PAIR WORK Point to the people on page 4. Say He 's _ or He's a teacher.
She 's _.
, , Sh e's a flight attendant. , ,
6 INTEGRATED PRACTICE Read the names and occupations.
Write affirmative and negative statements.

1 Matt Damon HeJ?af)actc>r·Hel~00taf)architect, 3 Hee-Young Lim .

2 Carlos Vives ........ . .. . .. . 4 Constantina Tomescu


1 ~ »)) CONVERSATION MODEL Read and listen.

A: What do you do?
B: I'm an architect. And you?
A: I'm a banker.


again and repeat. Then practice the
Conversation Model with a partner.

3 PAIR WORK Personalize the

conversation . Use your own
A: What do you do?
B: I'm ........ . And you?
A: I' m .

4 CHANGE PARTNERS Tell another

classmate your occupation .


GOAL Identify your classmates

- - - ,--


1 ~ )) VOCABULARY • More occupations Read and listen . Then listen again and repeat.

1 She's a chef. 4 She's a scientist.

5 He's a doctor. 6 She's an engineer. 7 He's a photographer. 8 He's a pilot.

2 GRAMMAR · Singular and plural nouns / Be: plural statements

Subject pronouns
Singular nouns Plural nouns Singular Plural
a chef 2 chefs I we
an athlete 3 athletes you you
he they
Affirmative statements / Contractions Negative statements / Contractions
We are photographers. / We're photographe rs. We are not chefs. / We're not chefs . / We aren 't chefs.
You are scientists. / You 're scientists. You are not pilots. / You 're not pilots. / You aren 't pilots .
They are writers . / They're writers. They are not artists. / They're not artists. / They aren 't artists.

3 GRAMMAR PRACTICE Complete each statement with a singular or plural form of be.
1 ... a writer. 3 We .... doctors. 5 We ........... man agers .
2 She . . . .. not a pilot. 4 They . not scientists.

4 INTEGRATED PRACTICE @ the correct word or words to complete each statement.

1 I am (an artist / artists / artist) . 3 She is (banker / a banker / bankers) .
2 We are (a flight attendant / flight attendants / 4 They are (a writer / writers / writer) .
flight attendant) .

6 UNIT 1
5 GRAMMAR · Be: ru / no questions and short answers

Yes / no questions Short answers

Are you } Yes, I am. No, I'm not.
Is he an architect?
Is Tanya Yes, { ~~e } is.
he 's }
No, { she 's not.

Are you }
Yes , { ~~y } are .
Are they musicians? we 're }
No, { they 're not.
Are Ted and Jane
Be careful!
Yes, I am. NOT ¥es;-Ifft.
Yes, she is. NOT ¥es, she's.
Yes, we are. NOT ¥es,we're.
6 GRAMMAR PRACTICE Complete the conversations. Use
contractions when possible.
1 A: .Are .. .
they Abby and jonah? 4 A: .............. a chef?
B: Yes, ...................... . B: Yes, I ........... .
2 A: ........... she Hanna? 5 A: ........... he Evan?
B: No, ...................... . . ........ Ella . B: No, . . ....... not. He' .. Michael.
3 A: ... .. . .. you Rachel and Philip? 6 A: Is ... Tim?
B: No, w e' .......... . ........... judith and jack. B: . .. , he' . .. . . He's Louis.

7 PAIR WORK Practice the conversations from Exercise 6.

8 PAIR WORK Ask your partn er

two question s. Answer your
partner's questions.

NOW VO U CAN ft• • •_ ._ _


1 ~ ))) CONVERSATION MODEL Read and listen.

A: Excuse me. Are you Marie?
B: No, I'm not. I'm Laura. That's Marie.
A: Where?
B: Right over there.
A: Thank you .
B: You're welcome.

2 ~ ))) RHYTHM AND INTONATION Listen again and repeat.

Then practice the Conversation Model with a partner.

3 PAIR WORK Personalize the conversation. Use real names.

Then change roles .
A: Excuse me. Are you . . ..... ?
B: No, I'm not. I'm . . That's .
A: Where?
B: Right over there .
A: Thank you.
B: You're welcome .

4 CHANGE PARTNERS Identify other classmates .
GOAL Spell names
.-.~-- -' - --

1 ~ ») VOCABULARY • The alphabet Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat.


2 ~ ») LISTENING COMPREHENSION Listen. Circle the letter you hear.

1 IAIKI 4 1u 0 7 1F X 10 I J G 13 ID G

2 1B IEI 5 1B z 8 1X s 11 I L N 14 IH K

3 1M I N 6 1T c 9 1z V 12 IK J 15 IP E

3 PAIR WORK Read 10 letters aloud to you r partner. 4 ~ ») LISTENING COMPREHENSION Listen . Circle the
Point to the letters you hear. co rrect spelling. Then spel l each name aloud.

1 Green Greene Grin

2 Leigh Lee Li
3 Katharine Katherine Catharine


conversations. Write the nam es.
2 ............. . ........... .
3 ..... .. .... .

6 GRAMMAR · Proper nouns and common nouns Capital letters

Proper nouns Lowercase letters
The names of people and places are proper nouns. Use a capital letter to begin a proper noun.
Melan ie Pepper New Delhi Nicaragua
Common nouns
Other nouns are common nouns. Use a lowercase letter to begin a common noun.
morning doctor student

8 UNIT 1
7 GRAMMAR PRACTICE @ the proper nouns. Underline the common nouns .
1 Mary Chase 3 name 5 partners
2 letter 4 France 6 alphabet

8 GRAMMAR PRACTICE Check ~ the common nouns. Capitalize the proper nouns .
1 pl'arie 0 3 sarah browne 0 5 canada 0 7 letter
Ilf 2 partner o 4 teacher o 6 noun o 8 grammar

9 ~ }») PRONUNCIATION • Syllables Read and listen . Then listen again and repeat.

1 syllable 2 syllables 3 syllables 4 syllables

chef bank • er ar • chi • tect pho • tog • ra • pher

10 ~ }») PAIR WORK First, take turns saying each word. Write the number of syllables.
Then listen to check your work.
1 teacher . 3 vocabulary 5 occupation .
2 students 4 alphabet 6 they're .

-----------------------~-- -
NOW YOU CAN Spell names

1 ~ }») CONVERSATION MODEL Read and listen.

A: Hello. I'm John Bello .
B: Excuse me?
A: John Bello .
B: How do you spell that?
A: B-E-L-L-O.
B: Thanks!


Listen again and repeat. Then
practice the Conversation
Model with a partner.

3 PAIR WORK Personalize the

conversation. Use your own
name. Then change roles .

A: Hello. I' m ........ .

B: Excuse me?
A: ........ .
B: How do you spell that?
A: ........ .
B: Thanks!

Don't stop! ( )
Ask about occupations. " What do you do? ' ,

4 CHANGE PARTNERS Personalize the conversation again.


grammar . voca bulary . listening

U8 reading . speaking . pronunciation
1 ~ »)) LISTENING COMPREHENSION Listen to the conversations . Write the
number of the co nversation in the boxes.

U 9
2 ~ »)) LISTENING COMPREHENSION Listen to the conversations. Complete the information.

Al'lIi1able for dwrlt'n

World Language
John In s titute
PILOT Lorraine Clare 1-800-555-6788
3 PAIR WORK Choose a famo us person. Write Liccn ... cd
that person's information on the form . Then Eng li sh
play the role of that person and introduce
"yourself" to your partner.

, , Hi. I' m Sean Penn.
I'm an actor. And you? "

4 INTEGRATED PRACTICE Answer the questions about four famous

people. Use subject pronouns and contractions.

Denzel Washington Tania Libertad Se Ri Pak Gabriel Garcia Marquez

actor singer athlete writer

1 Is Denzel Washington 3 Is Se Ri Pak a teacher? 5 What's Gabriel Garcfa

an actor or a singer? Marquez's occupation?
fie') ()f) ()ci:or, ........ . 4 Are Se Ri Pak and Gabriel
2 What's Tania Libertad's Garcfa M arquez scientists? 6 Is Se Ri Pak an athlete?

5 PERSONAL RESPONSES Write responses with real information.

1 " Hi. I'm Art Potter." 3 "What do you do?"
C@). C@). .............................. ..... .
2 "Are you a teacher?" 4 "Thank yo u."
C@). .................... . C@). ............ .
10 UNIT 1 ~ ~;;3~otch Pop
"What Do You Do?" Lyrics p . 147

POINT Name the occupations in the

pictures. For example:
She') af) arti)t
1 Ask and answer questions about the
people. For example:
h JOhf) a photo9rapher? Ye), he i).
2 Create conversatio ns for the people . For
Hi. I'm _ .

WRITING Write affi rmative and negative

statements about the people in the picture.
For examp le:

Ro)e i) af) arti)t She') f)ot af)


About People


GOAL Introduce people


1 ~ »)) VOCABULARY • Relationships Read and listen . Then listen again and repeat.

a classmate 2 a friend 3 a neighbor

: ,,
More relationships • p. 727

4 a boss 5 a colleague

2 GRAMMAR . Possessive nouns and adjectives

Possessive nouns Possessive adjectives Subject Possessive
AI Smith is Kate's boss. He is her boss. pronouns adjectives
Larry's colleague is Teresa. Teresa is his colleague. 1-+ my
We are Sara and Todd's neighbors. We are their neighbors. you -+ your 3
I am Ms. Tan's student. She is my teacher. Ms. Elli s is Joe's teacher. he -+ his
We are Marty's classmates. Marty is our classmate. Joe is her student. she -+ her
We -+ our
they -+ their
3 GRAMMAR PRACTICE Circle the correct word or words to complete each sentence.
1 Mr. Thomas is (my / I) boss . 6 He's (my / I) colleague.
2 Is Mrs. Cory (you / your) teacher? 7 Mr. Bello is (Alec / Alec's) neighbor.
3 Is (she / her) Dr. Kim? 8 Jake is (Ms. Rose / Ms. Rose's) student.
4 Are (they / their) Connie and Sam? 9 (He's / His) an architect.
5 Are (your / you) Barry's friend? 10 (Kyle / Kyle's) and Ray's new classmate is Gail.
4 PAIR WORK Tell a classmate about at least three
, , Jerry is my classmate. Ted and
of yo ur relationships. Use the Vocabulary. 4
Jan Keyes are my neighbors. "

12 UNIT 2 _ _ _, ____ ~ _ ____ _ _ ____ L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l.-.~t.:Z. ___
'~_\..: _____________ .______ _ _ ____________ :-Li....:.lliL.::lUI
...... ~~~:!~ :"- --- --- - -- - - - - - ----------~_~~LLf.?!. -r"


5 ~ ») LISTENING COMPREHENSION Listen to the conversations. Write the relationships .

1 Bruce is her 3 Mr. Grant is her ........... ..... . 5 Carlos is his .
2 Patty is his 4 Rob is her ..... . .... . ........ .

6 GRAMMAR . Be from / Questions with Where

Are you from Paraguay? Yes, I am . / No, I'm not.

Is she from Moscow? Yes, she is. / No, she's not. Contractions
Where are you from? We 're from Bangkok. Where is -+ Where's
Where 's she from ? She 's from Canada. Where are NOT V/here're

Be careful! Are you from Spain?

Yes, I am . NOT Yes , I'm from.

7 GRAMMAR PRACTICE Complete the conversations with be from. Use contractions wh en possible.
1 A: . .whl?r~)>. .. your neighbor ....... .. . . ... ? 3 A: . .. yo ur boss . . ......... ?
B: She .. Canada . B: He ............... Fortaleza.

2 A: ......... . ...... they . ......... ? 4 A: .... you and you r friend ......... .. .. ?
B: ......... Paris. B: Pusan .



1 ~ ») CONVERSATION MODEL Read and listen.

A: Tom, this is Paula . Paula's my classmate.
B: Hi, Paula .
C: Hi, Tom . Nice to meet you.
B: Nice to meet you, too .

2 ~ ») RHYTHM AND INTONATION Listen again and

repeat. Then practice the Conversation Model
with a partner.

3 GROUP WORK Personalize the conversation.

Introduce classmates. Use your own names.
Then change roles .
A: ... ,this is ...... 's my
B: Hi,
C: Hi, ........ . Nice to meet you.
B: Nice to meet you, too.

Be sure to recycle this language.

Don 't stop! Where are you from?

What do you do?
Ask questions.


other classmates.
LESSON 2 4 '

GOAL Tell someone your first and last name

),3 6

1 ~ »)) VOCABULARY • Titles and names Read and listen. Then listen agai n and repeat. ••
More titles • p. 727

~ €)r
Ij q
tl r
Be careful!
Mr. C~arles Lee OR Mr. Lee
Mrs. V,vian Lee OR Mrs. Lee
2 Mrs. r r r f./ NOT Mr. Charles
3 Miss r f./ r r
4 Ms. r f./ r f./
Mr. CharleS' Lee MrS'. Vivial) Lee
5 first name 6 last name
2 PAIR WORK Introduce yo urself to a classmate. Use a title and your last name.

" Hi . I'm Mr. Wilson. "

" Nice to meet you,
Mr. Wilson . , ,


3 ~ »)) LISTENING COMPREHENSION Listen. Circle the correct information .

Then listen again and check your answers.

1 00 Mr.
00 Mr. 2 o Mrs. Frank
o Mrs. o Miss -fir--'st-"n=am':':"e-- - -I-as""'tSun
=na"-m- e - -
Q§? Davis o Mr. o Ms.
o Miss first name last name o Mrs.
o Ms. OM ISS' -::-~Na=noqt:V,---_
first name
/Xl Ms. last name

o Mr.
o Mr. o Mrs. Pam
[RI Mrs. Wenav Roberts
o MiSS-fir-st-na-m-'e- - -la-st-na-m-e- 5 o Miss first name last name
W1 lZl Ms.
0 Ms.
o Mr. lA! Mr.

o Mrs. -----------------r~~ o Mrs. o Mrs. IT

Fred Roberts
o Miss -fi-rst-n-a-m-e- ---'-Ia-'-st-'-n'-am-e--I o Miss
OLIVE/RA o Miss fiIrst enry _ _ 50las

DMs. IKl Ms.

first name last name
o Ms. name
last name

14 UNIT 2
4 VOCABULARY PRACTICE Fill out th e forms . Ch eck or circle th e correct titl es.
You: A classmate:

D Mr.
o Mrs. first name
first name last name o MiSS LI_ _ _ __ _ __

Your teacher:
° Ms . last name

_M_ r_s._ D_M
_ iS_S_ D_M_S._ _ {
first name last name
---------~--~ .. -~--

NOW YOU CAN Tell someone your first and last name

1 ~ })) CONVERSATION MODEL Read and listen.

A: What's your last name, please? A: Thank you, Mr. Fava .

B: Fava . B: You're welcome .
A: And your first name?
B: My first name? Bob .

2 ~ })) RHYTHM AND INTONATION Listen again and repeat.

Then practice the Conversation Model with a partner.

3 PAIR WORK Personalize the conversation . Use your own names. Mr.
Write your partner's information on the form . Then change roles . Mrs . _ __ _ _ __
Miss first name last name
A: What's your last name, please? Ms.
A: And your first name? Be sure to recycle this language.
B: My first name? . How do yo u spell that ?
Don't stop!
What do you do?
A: Thank you, . Ask more questions. Where are yo u from ?
B: You're welcome .

4 CHANGE PARTNERS Personalize the conversation ag ain .


. 6 I1

GOAL Get someone's contact information

•• _. _, _~Zt..! _____ .~_ ••


1 ~ ») VOCABULARY • Numbers 0 - 20 Read 2 PAIR WORK Read a number aloud from the picture.
and listen. Then listen again and repeat. Your partner writes the number on a separate sheet
of paper.

zero '71 seven ~~ I fourteen

/ f")

one eight fifteen

~ two rs · nine
/ ~
0 sixteen
three ten ~'7I seventeen

~ I! f
our 4J ~ eleven ~ eighteen
five : ~ twelve nineteen

six thirteen twenty

3 GRAMMAR • Be: information questions with What

What's his name?

What's his last name?
(Mark Crandall.)
Wh"" ~ Wh,,', 'I
What's Ellen's address? (18 Main Street.)
What's her e-mail address? ( .) How to say e-mail addresses
What's their phone number? (835-555-0037.) and phone numbers: 1
Say "dover fourteen at hipnet dot com ."
What are their first names? (Luis and Samuel.)
Say "oh" for zero: 0037 ="oh-oh-three-seven."

1:4 1

4 ~ ») PRONUNCIATION • Stress in two-word pairs Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat.

• •
first name
• •
phone num ber
• •e-mail• address

5 ~ ») LISTENING COMPREHENSION Listen to the conversations . Write the 2

information. Then listen again and check your work.


1 Valerie Peterson @
--- -----
2 Mathilda
- - - -- - - -- - - -
3 Quinn
--- ---- @

4 Joseph
- - - - - -- - -- -

16 UNIT 2
6 INTEGRATED PRACTICE Complete the questions .

1 A: v./hat:'Lhir . address? 2 A: . . phone 3 A: . address?

B: 11 Main Street. number? B: 18 Bank Street.
B: 22-63 -140.

4 A: . phone 5 A: . e-mail 6 A: . phone

number? address? number?
B: 878-456-0055. B: It's B: 44-78-35.

NOW YOU CAN Get someone's contact information

1 ~ »)) CONVERSATION MODEL Read and listen .

A: What's your name?
B: Dave Mitchell.
A: And what's your phone number?
B: 523-6620.
A: 523-6620?
B: That's right.

2 ~ »)) RHYTHM AND INTONATION Listen again and repeat.

Then practice the Conversation Model with a partner.

3 PAIR WORK Personalize the conversation . Write your

partner's answers on a separate sheet of paper.
Then change roles . ~ Be sure to recycle this language.
A: What's your 7 first name / last name
address / e-mail address
B: ........ . Don't stop!
Thank you.
A: And what's your phone number? Continue the conversation.
You ' re welcome.
Ask more questions.
B: Nice to meet you .
A: . ?
B: That's right.

4 CHANGE PARTNERS Get other classmates' contact information .


grammar . vocabul ary . listening

1:45 reading • spea king , pronunci ation
1 ~ ))) READING Read about six famou s people. Where are they from?

This is Frank This is Paco This is Maria

Cehry. Where de Lucia, from Sharapova.
is Mr. Cehry Spain. What's She's from
from 7 He's his occupation? Russia . What's
from Canada. He's a musician. Ms. Sharapova's
And what's his occupation?
occupation? She's an athlete.
He's an arch itect.

This is John This is

Travolta . Angelique Kidjo. • Yoshimoto .
Mr. Travolta has What's her Ms . Yoshimoto
. two occupations. occupation 7 is from Japan .
He's an actor Ms . Kidjo is a What's her
and a pilot . singer. She's occu pation?
He's from the from Benin. She's a writer.
United States.

7 · .-

2 PAIR WORK Ask and answer questions about people in the Reading. Use the verb be.
On yo ur ActiveBook Self-Study Disc:
" Is Maria Sharapova from Extra Reading Comprehension Questions
C" Is Frank Gehry a doctor? " ) the United States? , ,

( Wh ere's Mr. Travolta from ? )

3 SPEAKING Point to th e people in the photos . Ask your

partner questions about their contact information.

.•. .
. . ,

'.: ~ . ~ Extra practice . p . 737

~ ~-; ,I
a 12 Bank St. ~ 33-55-0078 ~ 34-67-9899
~ [ID iii 13 Quinn St.
1:46/1 :47

18 UNIT 2 Top Notch Pop

" Excu se Me, Pl ease" Ly rics p. 147

First name: ILast name: 1 Create a conversation for the people
Address: in the first picture . Complete the form with your
partner's information . Sta rt like this:
Phone: I e-mail: What') your _ ?
2 Create a co nversation for the people in the
second picture . Introduce the two women. Start
like this :
Thi) i) _ _ She') my _ _
WRITING Write sentences about your relationships.
For exa mple:

Nancy Lee i) my friend _ She') from Vancouver_

She') a __ _


Places and How to Get There

GOAL Talk about locations
-- - - .. - - --- ... '. - -
-~ ,
1,48 6 I

1 ~ »)) VOCABULARY • Places in the neighborhood Read and listen. Then

listen again and repeat.

2 a restaurant
a pharmacy 3 a bank

6 a bookstore
4 a school 5 a newsstand :, ,
1A9 More places . p. 727
2 ~ »)) LISTENING COMPREHENSION Liste n. Write the places you hear.
1 3
2 4

3 PAIR WORK Say the name of a place. Your partner writes the word.

4 ~ »)) VOCABULARY • Locations Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat.

2 down 3 around 6 next to the bank 7 between the booksto re

the street the corner and the bank

20 UNIT 3

5 PAIR WORK Take turns making statements about , , The bank is across the street. , ,
the location of t he places.

21.......L--L._ _ _- . . J 3L.-_ _ _ _ _ _--I 4L--._ _--.JL..--'---' sL...-______---'
1:5 1

6 GRAMMAR · Be: questions with Where / 7 ~ »)) PRONUNCIATION • Falling intonation for
Subject pronoun jJ questions with Where Read and listen .
Then liste n again and repeat.
Ask questions with Where for locations. Contractions 1 Where is it?
Where's the restaurant? Where is -+ Where's
It is -+ It's
2 Where's the bank?
Use it to replace the names of places . 3 Where's t he school?
It's down the street. C!1 =the restaurant) ~
4 Where's the newsstand?

_.. _ 0 ' •• _ . . . . _ _ • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ...... , _ _ _ .. ___ .. L .......... ~

NOW YOU CAN Talk about locations


1 ~ »)) CONVERSATION MODEL Read and listen . 3 PAIR WORK Find the people on the map. Talk about
the location of places on the map. Then change roles .
A: Excuse me . Where's the bank?
A: Excuse me . Where's the ........ ?
B: The bank? It's around the corner.
B: ........ ? It's ........ .
A: Thanks!
A: Thanks!
B: You're welcome.
1053 B: You ' re welcome.
2 ~ »)) RHYTHM AND INTONATION Listen again
and repeat. Then practice t he Conversation 4 CHANGE PARTNERS Ask about other locations .
Model with a partner.

. 4 ~

GOAL Discuss how to get places 2
-' -

1 ~ »)) VOCABULARY • Ways to get places Read and listen . Then listen again and repeat.

1 walk 2 drive 3 take a ta xi 4 take the train 5 take the bus

2 GRAMMAR · The imperative 2

Use imperatives to give instructions and directions. 3

Affirmative imperatives Negative imperatives
Drive [to the bank]. Don't walk.
Take the bus [to the pharmacy]. Don't take the train.

Do not -+ Don't

3 INTEGRATED PRACTICE Follow the directions.

Partner A: Read a direction.
Partner B: Say the letter of the correct picture.

1 Walk to the bookstore .

2 Don't drive to the restaurant.
3 Take the bus to the bank.
4 Don't wa lk to the pharmacy.
c d -~~ ......====__
5 Drive down the street.

Partner B: Read a direction.

Partner A: Say the letter of the correct picture.

6 Take the bus down the street.

7 Don't take the bus to the bank.
8 Walk to the bank.

9 Take a taxi to the restaurant.

10 Drive to the pharmacy.
9 h


22 UNIT 3
, ,55

4 -" )) LISTENING COMPREHENSION Listen. Write th e directions. Use an affi rmative and a negative imperative.
3 5
2 4



1 -" )) CONVERSATION MODEL Read and listen.

A: Can I walk to the bookstore?
B: The bookstore? Sure .
A: And what about the school?
B: The school? Don't walk. Drive.
A: OK. Thanks!
U 7

2 -" )) RHYTHM AND INTONATION Listen again and repeat.

Then practice the Conversation Model with a partner.

3 PAIR WORK Change the model. Use the photos below.

Ask how to get to places in the neighborhood . Then
change roles .
A: Can I walk to the ........ ?
B: Th e . .?
A: And what about the ... ?
B: The ........ ? Don't
A: OK. Thanks!
Don't stop!
Ask about location s.
Be sure to recycle this language.
Where is it?
across the street.
down the street.
It's aro und the corne r.
{ next to t he _ .
between th e _ and th e _.

4 CHANGE PARTNERS Discuss more places. 23

GOAL Discuss transportation

. -'-~.-


1 ~ ))) VOCABULARY · Means of transportation Read and listen . Then listen again and repeat.


6 ~)

2 a bicycle
3 a moped

Also remember:
a bus
a train
a taxi

4 a subway 5 a motorcycle

2 PAIR WORK Take turns. Spell a Vocabulary word aloud . Your partner writes the word .

3 GRAMMAR · fk to express means NC


1 •

by taxi by bicycle by motorcycle

2 •
4 ~ ))) LISTENING COMPREHENSION Listen . Circle the means of transportation you hear. a

1 2 3
3 F

4 5

4 C

24 UNIT 3

5 ~ ») VOCABULARY • Destinations Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat.

1 go to work 2 go home 3 go to school

1,6 1

6 ~ ») LISTENING COMPREHENSION Listen. Use a !li phrase to write the means of

transportation. Then check the box for work, home, or school.

11 by car

_. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~~ _ _ _ _ _ _~;1.._

NOW YOU CAN Discuss transportation


1 ~ ») CONVERSATION MODEL Read and listen.

A: How do you go to school?
B: By subway. What about you?
A: Me? I walk.

2 ~ ») RHYTHM AND INTONATION Listen again

and repeat. Then practice the Conversation
Model with a partner.

3 PAIR WORK Personalize the conversation.

Ask about work, school, and home. Answer (
with a !li phrase . Then change roles .

A: How do you go ........ ?

B: ... . What about you?
A: Me? I .

Don't stop!
Ask about other places.

4 CHANGE PARTNERS Personalize the

conversation again.

grammar . vocabulary . listening

1:64 read ing . spea king . pronunciation
1 ~ »)) READING Read about how people go to work and school.

I'm Kim Lee. I'm I'm Jennie Beck. I'm a doctor. My I'm Katie Simpson, and
an engineer. I'm lucky. I'm a w riter from New name is Jasper Wh ite. this is my teacher, Ms. Clark. I'm a
I can wa lk to work. My York. I go to work by I go to work by train, student. My school is right next to
office is around the subway. I take the and I go home by car my home. I walk to school with my
corner from my home. subway home, too. with my colleague, Dr. friends. We wa lk home together,
Randall Marshall. He's too.
a neighbor down the I'm Hillary Clark. I'm Katie's
street from my home. teacher, but my home is not next
to our school. Can I wa lk to school?
Definitely not! I take the
bus to school, and I go
home by train.

2 PAIR WORK Ask and answer the questions. On your ActiveBook Self-Study Disc:
Extra Reading Comprehension Questions

1 Is Jasper White a doctor?

2 Is Randall Marshal! Dr. White's friend or his co lleague?
3 Is Dr. Marshal! Dr. White's neighbor?
4 Is Katie Simpson a teacher?
5 What is Katie's teacher's name?
6 Is their school next to Ms. Clark's home? Extra practice. p. 138

7 Where is Kim Lee's office?

8 Your own question: ?

3 GROUP WORK On the board, make a map

of places near your school. Write the names
~ Be sure to recycle this language.
of the places. Then take turns describing the Where's the [pha rm acy]? Walk / Don 't [drive].
locations of the places. It's _. Go by bus.
Can I [walk] to the [restaurant]? Don't go by train.
Take / Don 't take the [bus].

26 UNIT 3

CONTEST Study the picture for one

min ute. Then close yo ur books. Who can
remember all of the locations? For exa mple:
The S"chool is" down the S"treet
PAIR WORK Create co nversations for the
people . For exa m ple:
A How do you 90 to work?
{3; {3y buS".

WRITING Write fi ve question s and answe rs

about the places in the picture. For exa mple:

Where'S" the reS"taurant?

It'S" acroH the S"treet


GOAL Identify people in your family
- _. - - --

1 ~ ))) VOCABULARY • Family relationships Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat .

• one child / two children

2 PAIR WORK Point to two people in the family. Describe their relationship . " Sh e's hi s daug hte r. "
2 ,0 3

3 ~ ))) LISTENING COMPREHENSION Listen to a man identify people in his family. Check the correct photo .

2 3

4 5 6

28 UNIT 4

4 GRAMMAR · Be: questions with Who

Who is he? (He's my dad.*) Who are they? (They're my sisters.) Contraction
Who 's Louise? (She's my mom.*) Who are Nina and Jan? (They're my daughters .) Who is -+ Who's
Be careful!
* mom and dad = informa l for mother and father
Who are NOT Wftefe

5 GRAMMAR PRACTICE Write questions. Use Who's or Who are and ~ she, or they.

1 A: 'W.hO', he .............. ? 4 k ............................ ?

B: He's my grandfather. B: They're Pat's grandparents.

2 A: . ......... ? 5 A: ........................... ?
B: She's my mother. B: She's Ed's wife.

3 A: ............................ ? 6 A: ............................ ?
B: He's Mr. Fine's grandson. B: They're my brother and sister.

------------ -- - ------------------
NOW YOU CAN Identify people in your family

1 ~ ))) CONVERSATION MODEL Read and listen.

A: Wh o's that?
B: That's my father.
A: And who are they?
B: They're my sisters, Mindy and len .

2 ~ ))) RHYTHM AND INTONATION Listen again and repeat.

Then practice the Conversation Model with a partner.

3 PAIR WORK Bring in fa mily photos .

(O r write the names of people in your
fa mily.) Personalize the conversation
with names of your family members.
Th en change roles.

A: Who's th at?
B: That's ........ .
A: And ........ ?

B: Don't stop!
Talk about occupations.
Ask more questions.
Be sure to recycle
this language.
He's / She's [an engineer] .
Th ey're [architects] .
What's his / her name?
What are their names?
How do you spell that?

4 CHANGE PARTNERS Personalize the

conversation again.


1 ~ ))) VOCABULARY . Adjectives to describe people

Read and listen . Th en listen aga in and repeat.

pretty 2 handsome
3 good -looking
4 cute 5 short 6 ta ll 7 o ld 8 young
6 11
2 GRAMMAR · Be with adjectives / Adverbs verv and so 3 PAIR WORK Use t he Vocab ulary to ir
describe two people in y ou r class. d
Describe people with a form of be and an adjective.
" Gin a and De bora h
She 's pretty. They're good-looking . are ve ry pretty. , ,
He 's handsome . Your ch ildren are cute . N
The adverbs very and so make adjectives strong er.
They're very good-looking. She's so pretty ! 1
He's very handsome . Your chi ldren are so cute !


4 ~ ))) LISTENING COMPREHENSION Listen to the conversations.

Circle the adjective that describes each person.
1 Her husband is (h andsome / tall / old) . 4 His son is (tall / good-looking / short) .
2 His daughter is (tall / good-looking / cute) . 5 Her father is (tall / old / short) . 2
3 Her brothers are (ta ll / good-looking / young) . 6 His sisters are (tall / good-looking / short) .

5 INTEGRATED PRACTICE Look at the pictures. Complete each sentence with

a fo rm of be and an adjective.

1 Your sisters .... ... .. . . 3 Our grandfather ... .. . . . .. .

so . very
2 Your daug hter 4
so . ... !

30 UNIT 4

4 His girlfriend . 5 His wife .. so .. ! 6 Your brother .......... so

very . tall. And his colleague
. ....... very .

6 INTEGRATED PRACTICE Write three sentences about people

in your family. Use adjectives and the adverbs very or so to My brother i~ very tall.
describe the people.

... _ - - - - - - - - -~,.--.-~- ."".~~-

NOW YOU CAN Describe your relatives


1 ~ ))) CONVERSATION MODEL Read and listen.

A: Tell me about your father.

B: Well, he's a doctor. And he's very tall.
A: And how about your mother?
B: She's a scientist. She's very pretty.


again and repeat. Then practice the
Conversation Model with a partner.

3 PAIR WORK Personalize the

conversation. Describe your
relatives . Then change roles .

A: Tell me about your

B: Well, ........ . And
A: And how about your 7


Don't stop!
Ask about other people
in your partner's family.

4 CHANGE PARTNERS Ask about other

classmates' relatives .


GOAL Talk about your family

1 GRAMMAR . Verb have / has: affirmative statements
I have one son
and one daughter.

~eu } have a brother. ~~e } has three sisters.


2 GRAMMAR PRACTICE Complete the sentences. Use have or has. Then complete the sentence
about your own family.
1 Mark . . .... two brothers. 5 Carl and Anna . ......... two children.
2 My grandmother . . five grandsons. 6 She .. five sisters .
3 They .... a granddaughter. 7 They . . ... no brothers or sisters.
4 We ... twelve grandchildren. (§).. I " " " " " " " " " " " " .. .. . . .

3 ~ »)) VOCABULARY • Numbers 21-101 Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat.

twenty-one 25 twenty-five 29 twenty-nine 40 forty 80 eighty

twenty-two twenty-six thirty ninety

twenty-three twenty-seven thirty-one

twenty-fou r twenty-eight thirty-two seventy one hundred one

2 ,11

4 ~ »)) PRONUNCIATION • Numbers Listen 5 PAIR WORK Take turns saying a number from
and repeat. Then practice saying the the chart. Your partner circles the number.
numbers on your own .

23 45 40 18 94 21 20 14
13 • 30 17 • 70
58 1102 43 89 90 44 53 \ 13
14· 40 18· 80
30 19 60 99 22 50 52 100
15 • 50 19 • 90
16· 60
15 I 47 33 54
1 17 66 77 j 70
64 78 95 80 87 101 1 I 31

32 UNIT 4
6 GRAMMAR · Be: questions with How old

he? He 's nineteen years old .

How old is she? She's thirty-three.
{ your sister? She's twenty.

H w Id { they? They're twenty-nine.

o 0 are your parents? They're fifty and fifty-two .

7 GRAMMAR PRACTICE Complete the questions. Use How old is or How old are .
1 · .. your sister? 4 ... . .. . . . . .. Helen's husband?
2 · .. Matt's parents? 5 . ... her children?
3 .. your grandfather? 6 .... his son?

- -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~~ '_."'._'=='T~'n> ,.--,

NOW YOU CAN ·Talk about your family


1 ~ ») CONVERSATION MODEL Read and listen .

A: I have one brother and two sisters.

B: Really? How old is your brother?
A: Twenty.
B: And your sisters?
A: Eighteen and twenty-two.

2 ~ ») RHYTHM AND INTONATION Listen again

and repeat. Then practice the Conversation
Model with a partner.

3 PAIR WORK Personalize the conversation.

Talk about your own family. Then
change roles .

A: I have ........ .
B: Really? How old .... . ... ?
B: And your ........ ?
A: .

Don 't stop! Ask more questions.

Tell me about your [motherl .
And your [father]?
How about your [grandparents]?
What's his / her name?
What are their names?
What's his / her occupation?
What are their occupations?

Personalize the conversation again .

g rammar .
reading . spea king . pron unciation

1 ~ ») READING Read about some famous actors and their families and friends .

Thi s is This is She's an actress This is on the left,

Mr. Ch an is an actor and a from the United States. She 's very young, with his good friend , on the
singer from Hong Kong. and she's a movie star, too. She has two right. Mr. Garcfa Bernal is a famous actor
His wife is Joan Lin. She is brothers, Ryan and Spencer. Spencer is also from Mexico. His parents , Patricia Bernal
an actress from Taiwan. Her an actor. Miss Breslin lives with her parents, and Jose Angel Garcfa, are actors, too . He
Chinese name is Lin Feng-Jiao. Michael and Kim Breslin, in New York. Her has one sister and two brothers . Mr. Luna
They have a son , JC Chan . He's grandparents, Catherine and Lynn Blecker, is also an actor. Many people think they are
an actor and a singer, too. say she's very cute in her movies. both very handsome .

2 READING COMPREHENSION Read about the people again . Complete the sentences.
1 Jackie Chan is JC Chan 's . 5 Gael Garda Bernal is Diego
2 is Lin Feng-Jiao's husband. Luna's .

3 Abigail Breslin's . is an actor. 6 Patricia Bernal, Jose Angel Garda, and

Diego Luna are .
4 Miss Breslin is Lynn Blecker's .
On yo ur ActiveBook Self-Study Di sc:
3 PAIR WORK Interview your partner. Complete the notepad with Extra Reading Comprehension Questions
information about your partner's family.

Relative's name Re lation ship I Age IOccupation I De scription

I brother 1'1 ftvdent /ie'f very tall.

IRelative's name Relationship Age Occupation Description

I . . :,'
I Extra practice · p. 73 8

4 GROUP WORK Now tell your classmates about Doug is Laura's broth er.
your partner's family. He's 14 .. . .
~ 2~:;'~otch Pop
34 UNIT 4 " Tell M e All About It" Lyri cs p . 14 7

1 Ask and answer questions about the
people. For example:
A: Who', Me9?
{3 ; She', SlIe', mother.
A: I, Dora Me9" dall9 hter?
{3; No, ,he', not
2 Take turns making statements about
the family relationships. For example:
Mike ha, two children. Pia i,
hi, dall9hter.
DESCRIPTION Choose a photo.
Use ad jectives to describe the people
in the family. For example:
Pia i, very clIte.

WRITING Write ten sentences to

describe the people in your family.
For examp le:

IMy 9rand parent, are very 9ood-lookin9'

5 I

Events and Times

GOAL Confirm that you're on time
. - .

2 ,17

1 ~ ))) VOCABULARY • What time is it? Read and li sten . Then listen again and repeat .

It's on e o'clock. 2 It's one fifteen. 3 It's one twenty. 4 It's one thirty.
It's a quarter after one. It's twenty after one. It's half past one.

24:00 ~ 11 :59 = A.M.

12:00 ~ 23:59 = P.M.

Say "eight A-M."

or "eight P- M."
' ,
5 It's one forty. 6 It's one forty-five. 7 It's noon. 8 It's midnight.
) 2


It's twenty to two. It's a quarter to two. 7 6 5

2,18 3
2 ~ ))) PRONUNCIATION • Sentence rhythm Read and listen.
Then listen again and repeat.
1 It's TEN after FIVE. 2 It's TWEN ty to ONE. 3 It's a QUARter to TWO.

3 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE Read the times in the Vocabulary aloud again .

Pay attention to sentence rhythm.

4 PAIR WORK Look at the

map. Ask your partner
about times around
the world . Say each
time two ways.

, , What time is it
in Vancouver? , ,

It's nine forty A.M.

It's twenty to ten. ,
Lim a
12:40 PM

7:40 PM

36 UNIT 5


5 .. »)) VOCABULARY • Ear/v, on time, and late Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat.

£n~ I;'~ ClaSS


1 She's early. 2 They're on time. 3 He's late.


~ »)) CONVERSATION MODEL Read and listen.

A: What time is the meeting?

B: 10:00.
A: Uh-oh. Am I late?
B: No, you're not. It's five to ten.
A: Five to ten?
B: That's right. You're early.



again and repeat. Then practice the
Conversation Model with a partner.

3 PAIR WORK It's 2:15 P. M. now. Change

the model. Use the pictures . Then
change roles .

A: What time is the .. . ?

B: ........ .
A: Uh-oh . Am I late?
B: ........ . It's ... . .. .. .
A: ........ ?
B: That's right. you're ...... . . .

4 CHANGE PARTNERS Change the model again.

LESSON 2 5 ~


1 .. ))) VOCABULARY • Events Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat.


6 ~

1 a party 2 a dance 3 a game

4 a dinner 5 a movie 6 a concert

2 :23

2 .. ))) LISTENING COMPREHENSION Listen to the conversations about events.

Write the event and circle the time.
1 ......... .. .. (7 :15 / 7:45) 4 ............ .. . . .. (12 :00 A. M. / 12:00 P.M. )

2 .... (8 :00 / 9:00) 5 .. (9 :15 / 9 :50)

3 .... (3 :30 / 3:15) 6 ..... (12 :00 A.M. / 12:00 P.M .)

3 .. ))) VOCABULARY • Days of the week Read and listen . Then listen again and repeat.
-..,,..- 2
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

~r _ _ .... ~

4 GRAMMAR · Be: questions about time / Prepositions at and on

What time is it? (It's) five twenty.

What time 's the party? (It's) at nine thirty. Contractions
What day is the concert? (It's) on Saturday. What time is -+ What time's '
When is -+ When's
(It's) at ten o'clock.
When 's the dance? { (It's) on Friday at 10:00 P.M. Be careful!
What time is it? NOT What tim6 it?
When is it? NOT Wfteffs it?

38 UNIT 5
5 GRAMMAR PRACTICE Complete the questions and answers .
A: When . .. the party? 3 A: What ........... is the concert? 5 A: . .......... is the dance?
B: It's ... 11 :00 P.M. B: It's ... 8:30. B: It's ........... Friday at 9:00.
2 A: ........... day is the game? 4 A: What . .... is the dinner? 6 A: What .... is the class?
B: It's ........... Saturday. B: It's .... Tuesday. B: It's . . noon .

6 ~ ») LISTENING COMPREHENSION Listen to the conversation . Write the events on the calendar.

5:30 5:30
~ 6 '30 ...>-
'C 6:30

:::J 7:00 meetil19
7:15 7:15
5:30 5:30
.{; 6:30
' t:
~ 7:00 u.. 7 :00
7:15 7:15
5:30 5 :30 5:30
...>- ...>- ...>-
~ 6:30 6 :30 6:30
Q> 'E 'C
.g 7:00 '1;j 7 :00 :::J
7 :00
~ U)
:> 7:15 7 :15 7 :15

~ - ~~--


Talk about the time of an event

1 ~ ») CONVERSATION MODEL Read and listen .

A: Look. There's a dance on Wednesday.
B: Great! What time?
A: 10:30. At Pat's Restaurant.
B: Really? Let's meet at 10:15.


again and repeat. Then practice the
Conversation Model with a partner.

3 PAIR WORK Change the model. Ask your

partner about an event. Use these events
or your own events. Then change roles.

A: Look. There's a .. . on ....... .

B: Great! What time?
A: ........ . At ........ .
B: Really? Let's meet at ........ .

Basketball Game
10:00 A.M.

M Mhlete

4 CHANGE PARTNERS Talk about different events.

LESSON 3 6 (
GOAL Ask about birthdays
- --

1 ~ ») VOCABULARY • Ordinal numbers Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat.

nd .n

rd .,../1i
fourth fifth
7 G
th h th t th
seventh eighth ninth tenth
twelfth thirteenth fourteenth fifteenth

7th 2 t
sixteenth seventeenth eighteenth nineteenth twentieth
S th th h
twenty-first twenty-second thirtieth fortieth fiftieth

2 PAIR WORK Say a number. Your partner 2

says the ordinal number.
2 ,29

3 ~ ») VOCABULARY • Months of the year Read and listen.

Then listen again and repeat. 3

rt.h 1l~r.I"" - 1:r::I'1'i1'F.T'i'fl' IfJ.EJ1!1i] h'lEl"J .... I!l!I:iEl

1 2 3 4 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
26 27 28 29 30 31 23 24 25 26 27 28 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 27 28 29 30 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 2930
30 31 ii'l ';".~
.1:l:l~ - • -fi' Ir", •• -If:' I ~ I il"T:'ffi1 iTID' • • -[t{- • -11'
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 1 1 2 3 4 5 6
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
27 28 29 30 31 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 28 29 30 26 27 28 29 30 31 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 28 29 30 31
31 30

4 ~ ») LISTENING COMPREHENSION Listen to 5 PAIR WORK Say a date from the calendar.
the dates. Circle the dates on the calendar. Your partner writes the date.
4 I

" July thirty-first "

40 UNIT 5
6 GRAMMAR · Prepositions in, on, and at for dates and times: summary

When 's the party? In January.

Be careful!
When 's the meeting? On Tuesday.
When 's the dance? On January 15th in the morning
On the 12th in the afternoon
When 's the dinner? in the evening
What time 's the movie? At noon . BUT at night
What time 's the dance? At 8:30.

7 GRAMMAR PRACTICE Complete the sentences. Use in, .Q!l, or at.

1 The concert is . . .. July 14th ........ 3:00 ........ the afternoon .
2 The dinner is ........ December ........ the 6 th •
3 The party is .. midnight ........ Saturday.
4 The movie is ........ November p t ........ 8:30 r.M.
5 The game is ........ Wednesday .. . .. noon .
G The meeting is at the State Bank .. 11 :00 .. the morning ...... July 18 th .

----------------- --- -

NOW YOU CAN Ask about birthdays


1 ~ »)) CONVERSATION MODEL Read and listen.

A: When's your birthday?

B: On July 151h • When's yours?
A: My birthday's in November. On the 13 th •


again and repeat. Then practice the
Conversation Model with a partner.

3 PAIR WORK Personalize the

conversation with your own birthdays.

A: When's your birthday?

B: ........ . When's yours?
A: My birthday's

Don't stop!
Ask questions to
complete the chart.

brother's birthday:
sister's birthday:
mother's birthday:
father's birthday:
grandmother's birthday:
grandfather's birthday:

4 CHANGE PARTNERS Ask about other ~ »)) On someone's birthday say:
people's birthdays.
" Happy birthday! , , ( " Th ank you! , , )

gramma r voca bulary listeni ng

2:34 reading speaking pronunciation PAIR
1 ~ »)) READING Read the conversations. What are the even ts? peopl
1 Tal~
1 A: Hey, it's A lec's birthday on 2 A: There 's a dance tomorrow Lo
June 1st. at 10:30. 2 COl
B: Really? That 's on Friday. B: Hey, let's go! Where is it? eve
A: That 's right. And there's a party. A: At Casey's Resta ura nt. W
B: Great! Where? B: Is th at next to the
A: At the New School , ri ght a ro und bookstore?
the corner. A: That's right.
B: What time?
A: 11 :30.

3 A: There's a movie tonight at 8:00. 4 A: Where is the meeting?

B: Really? What movie? B: At Un ited Bank. e 1
A: The Party, with Peter Sellers. A: Can we walk there?
B: The E nglish actor? B: No, let's go by taxi.
A: Right. A: Are we late?
B: That's an old movie! B: No. The meeting's at 10:00.
A: Yes, but it's good . Let's go. OK? I t's only 9:30.

2 INTEGRATED PRACTICE Correct all the mistakes . Use the information in the Reading.
1 The dance is at half past .Affie... 6 The dance is at the bookstore.
2 The movie is at 8 :00 A.M. 7 The meeting is at the New School.
3 The meeting is at half past ten. 8 Alec's party is at United Bank.
4 The bi rthday party is at midnigh t. 9 United Bank is around the corner.
5 Alec's birthday is in Ju ly. 10 Peter Se ll ers is an English si nger.
On yo ur ActiveBook Self-Study Disc:
3 GROUP WORK Ask about classmates' birthdays. Complete the chart. Extra Reading Comprehension Questions

Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Aries Taurus

Dec. 22 - Jan. 20 fan. 2 \-Feb. \9 Feb. 20 - Mar. 20 Mar. 2 \ - Apr. 20 Apr. 2 \- May 2 \

Name Birthday Zodiac Sign

Sagittarius Gemini
Nov. 22 - Dec. 2 \ May22 - Jun. 2 \

Virgo Leo Cancer
Ocl. 23 - ov.2 \ Sep. 23 - Oct. 22 Aug. 24 - Sep. 22 Ju!. 23 - Aug. 23 Jun. 22 - Ju!. 22

42 UNITS ~ 2;;;3~otCh Pop

" Let's Make a Date" Ly rics p. 147

PAIR WORK Create conversations for the CONTEST Study the events for one
people . minute. Then close your books. Who
1 Talk abo ut the events. For example: can remember all the times, dates, and
Look. There» a _ .. . locations? For examp le:
There» a _ 011 _ at _ .
2 Confirm that you are on ti me for an
event. For example: WRITING Write five sentences about events
What time» the _? at your school or in your city. For exa mple:

There» a cOl1cert 011 Friday at ...




5 .
5 GR

1 -4 ))) VOCABULARY • Clothes Read and listen . Then listen again a nd repeat.

1 a shirt 2 a sweater 3 a tie

6 GR.
3 J
4 a jacket 5 a skirt 6 shoes
2,38 * Pants is a plural noun. Use ~ no t ~ with pants .
2 -4 ))) PRONUNCIATION • Plurals Read and listen . Then listen again and repeat.

1 CZill shirts = shirt/si 2 [/z/ 1 shoes = shoe/z/ 3 [/rz/ 1 blouses = blouse/rz/

jackets = jacket/si sweaters = sweater/z/ dresses = dress/ lz/ 1 ~

3 GRAMMAR · Demonstratives this, that, these, those

2 ~

3 P
this sweater that sweater these ties those ties y'
4 GRAMMAR PRACTICE Look at the pictures. Write this, that, these, or those and th e name of th e clothes. B

4 C

1 tj.,oS'e }ack~tS' 2 .................. . .. ... 3 ...... .. ... ....... . 4

44 UNIT 6

5. 6 . 7 ... . . .. . . .. . .. . . 8

5 GRAMMAR · The simple present tense: affirmative statements with like, want, need, and have

YouI { want
like }
We need those sweaters .
They have
Sara and Jlm
Tina likes these shoes. Lisa wants that shirt.
He { likes }
She wants those sweaters , too.
Cassle needs
Ivan has
For ~~and ]!,add -s
to the base form .
Rob needs a book. Now he has a book. like -+ likes
want -+ wants
need -+ needs
6 GRAMMAR PRACTICE Complete each statement with the correct form of the verb. BUT: have -+ has

.. . . .. your tie. 4 Peter . ............. that jacket.

like / likes have / has
2 My friends . . .. / ...... this suit. 5 We . . .. our dresses.
want wants like / likes
3 Janet ............... this skirt. 6 Sue and Tara those suits.
need / needs want! wants



1 ~ ))) CONVERSATION MODEL Read and listen.

A: I like that dress.

B: Thank you.
A: You're welcome .

2 ~ ))) RHYTHM AND INTONATION Listen again and repeat.

Then practice the Conversation Model with a partner.

3 PAIR WORK Personalize the conversation. Compliment

your classmates on their clothes and shoes. Then change roles.

A: I like ........ .
B: ........ .
A: You're welcome.

4 CHANGE PARTNERS Compliment other classmates' clothes .
2 :42
LESSON 2 5 ~ »)) L

GOAL Ask for [olors and sizes T F
- ,

1 ~ »)) VOCABULARY • Colors and sizes Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat. T F

11 small


2 black 3 red 4 orange

~ ..
5 yellow
12 medium

2 :43
1 ~ »))

13 large B: .

6 green 7 blue 8 purple 9 gray 10 brown 14 extra la rge

, My shoes are brown.

2 PAIR WORK Make two statements about My shirt is medium. ,
your clothes.

3 GRAMMAR · The simple present tense: negative statements and

~ / no questions with like, want, need, and have

Negative statements
doesn 't like Contractions
I { don 't want
You don 't need extra large. ~~ { doesn 't need red shirts. do not -+ don 't
does not -+ doesn't
They don 't have e doesn 't have 2:44

2 ~ »))
Yes / no questions

{ they
~e do . No,{~e
want 3 PAIR

y have
Do { r~~ need the suit in large? Yes,
don 't. and :
Use 1
Yes , { ~~e
A: [
Does { hhe } need those shoes in black? does. No , {heshe doesn 't.
s e have B:
4 GRAMMAR PRACTICE Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb . Use contractions. B:
1 A: .... P9 ... your children . ),.QI/g ... sweaters for 4 A: .... ....... you . like that green A:
school? shirt?
4 CHA~
B: My daughter ... .. , but my son . dp~s.f)Jt . . B: Actually, no, I ........... . convl
2 A: ........... you r husband .......... a black tie? 5 A: We ... the clothes in this store.
need · notfike
B: No, he . . ......... . He .. . have .. two black ties . B: Really, that's too bad . We .

3 A: I ......... a blue suit for work. . . ....... you 6 A: ........... you ... have .. this black jacket in
size 34?
. il·eed . one too?
B: Yes, I . B: No, I'm sorry. We .
46 UNIT 6

5 ~ ») LISTENING COMPREHENSION Listen to the conversations about clothes. For each

statement, circle I (true) or E (false) . Then listen again and circle the color.

T F 1 They like the dress . __ T F 4 He needs a tie.

T F 2 He needs shoes. __ T F 5 She needs the sweater in small .

T F 3 Matt needs a suit for work. __ T F 6 They don't have his size.

------------------~ --_.- - - - ------

NOW YOU CAN Ask for (olors and sizes

.. ») CONVERSATION MODEL Read and listen. A: Great. And my husband needs a shirt .
Do you have that shirt in large?
A: Do you have this sweater in green?
B: No, I'm sorry. We don't.
B: Yes, we do.
A: That's too bad.


2 .. ») RHYTHM AND INTONATION Listen again and

repeat. Then practice the Conversation Model with a partner.

3 PAIR WORK Now change the model. Ask for co lors

and sizes of clothes for you and a member of your family.
Use the pictures. Then change roles.

A: Do you have ....... . in . .?

A: ........ . And my ........ needs ........ .
Do you have ........ in ...... . . ?
B: ........ .

4 CHANGE PARTNERS Practice the

conversation again. Ask about other clothes.


GOAL Describe clothes
2: 45

1 ~ ») VOCABULARY • Opposite adjectives to describe clothes Read and listen . Then listen again and repeat.

1 new

9 long 10 short

5 loose 6 tight 7 cheap 8 expensive

2 GRAMMAR · Adjective placement 3 PAIR WORK Look at your classmates. Take 1

turns describing their clothes.

Adjectives come before the nouns they describe .

a long skirt tight shoes a red and black tie
Adjectives don't change. " joe's shoes are old .
He needs new shoes. , ,
a clean shirt / clean shirts NOT GlaafIS shirts.
Be careful! 2
It's a long skirt. NOT It's a sl~irt long .

4 GRAMMAR PRACTICE Write two descriptions for each picture. Follow the model.

1 The .~.IC>(,JJe,........... are cl~afl

They're ..GleC)f1 ~I.o(J~~1

2 The .................... is .
It's .... .. ... .

3 The .......... . .. are ..... . ........ .

They're 4 C
48 UNIT 6
5 GRAMMAR . The simple present tense: questions with What, Whv, and Which / One and ones

Use a question word and do or does to ask information questions in the simple present tense.
What do you need? (A blue and white tie .) What does she want? (New shoes.)
Use because to answer questions with Why.
Why do they want that suit? (Because it's nice.) Why does he like this tie? (Because it's green .)
Use Which to ask about choice. Answer with one or ones.
Which sweater do you want? (The blue one .) Which shoes does she like? (The black ones .)

6 GRAMMAR PRACTICE Complete the conversation s. Answer each question in your own words .
Th en practice the conversations with a partner.
A: Which skirt . . ...... ? 4 A: Why . . .... new shoes?
.. she /want . . you i warit
B: The .. . ... ... ..... .. .. .. one . B: .

2 A: What . . ... ? 5 A: Which shirts . ... you) iike . ........ ?

B: ............ . B: The . . ...... ones .

3 A: What color shoes .. ..... 'yC)U / (ike ......... 7. 6 A: What size shoes ...... you)rieed ·
B: ... . .. . .. .. .. ... . ... .. . . . B: .. . ... ... ... . .. .. .

"-", -----------~.----

NOW YOU CAN Describe clothes


~ »)) CONVERSATION MODEL Read and listen .

A: What do you think of this jacket?

B: I think it's nice. What about you?
A: Well, it's nice, but it's a little tight.
B: Let's keep looking.

2 ~ »)) RHYTHM AND INTONATION Listen again and repeat.

Then practice the Conversation Model with a partner.

3 PAIR WORK Now change the model. Use different

clothes . Use different problems. Then change roles.

A: What do you think of . .. ?

B: I think . . .... nice . What about you?
A: Well, ........ nice, but . a little .

B: Let's keep looking .

Be sure to recycle this language.

Clothes Problems
shirt pants ex pe nsive
sweater skirt tight
dress jacket loose
tie shoes lo ng
sho rt

4 CHANGE PARTNERS Talk about different clothes and problems.


grammar . vocabulary
reading . speaki ng . pronunciation
2 :48

1 ~ ») READING Read the advertisement from today's newspaper.

Which clothes do you like?
TODAY ONLY! low, low Prices!
112 Price Sale MEN'S & WOMEN'S CLOTHES

Many more
styles available.

'~.'. . <:,. . ',. '. .
~ ,t1~t~'':. t,it- I l~ ~ ... ,~
".WI! . ~
_ ,"
-~ --

Blue at King Street store only. White not available at

South Street Station location.

Other sale items today: Children's jackets and shoes


2 READING COMPREHENSION Read the statements about the advertisement. Check True or False.
True False True False
1 The sa le is every day this week. 0 0 5 All locations have blue sweaters. 0 0
2 The store has three locations. 0 0 6 The Emporium doesn't have 0 0
3 Th e Emporium is a clothes store. 0 0 children's shoes.
4 White blouses are on sa le at
two locations.

3 PAIR WORK Discuss the sa le at the Emporium . Use the advertisement.

0 On yo ur ActiveBook Self·Study Disc:
Extra Reading Comprehension Questions
@ Be sure to recycle this language. ( , , What do you need? , , )
Do you want _ ?
Do you like this / that _? , , I need a white blouse for work, and my
Do you need [a gray] _ ? children need shoes for school. Let's go
What do you need / li ke / wa nt / to the Emporium . They have a great sa le. , ,
Which _ do you _?
Why do yo u _ these / those _?

.. ; ..
Extra practice . p. 140

50 UNIT 6

GAME Describe people's clothes . Your partner points to the

picture. For example:
He has a yellow Shirt
1 Point and ask and answer questions about the picture . Use this /
that / these / those and ~ want, need, and have. For example:
Do you like these Shoes?
2 Create conversations for the people. For example:
A: Do you wantthese pants?
B: No, I don't
WRITING Write about clothes you need, you want, you like, and
clothes you have or don 't have. For example:

I need a neW white blouse. Myoid blouse is a

little ti9ht I want red Shoes and a lon9 skirt...




GOAL Talk about morning and evening activities 4

, I 1 _ :_

3, 02

1 ~ »)) VOCABULARY • Daily activities at home Read and listen . Then listen again and repeat.
5 GF

6 GF
1 get up 2 get dressed 3 brush my teeth 4 comb / brush my hair 5 shave wr


1 I

6 put on makeup 7 eat breakfast 8 come home 9 make dinner 10 study

2 I

11 watch TV 12 get undressed 13 take a shower / a bath 14 go to bed 3

2 PAIR WORK Tell your partner about your daily activities. ( , , I eat lunch at 12:00. , , ) ~);) Meals
3 GRAMMAR · The simple present tense: spelling rules with he, she, and jJ lunch
Add -s to the base form of most verbs do -+ does
gets shaves combs go -+ goes
have -+ has
Add -es to verbs that end in -s, -sh, -ch, or -x. study -+ studies
brushes watch es
4 I

5 I

52 UNIT 7 __ ~_________ _ ___ ___ _ _ . _. __ ._______ ~:...:.~L.:~.

""," .. .:...._"'--_ . . . . . __________ ___ _ ____________________ ; ~:-fl~

I."iillkli::~( ...... ___ _ _______ ___ _ ... _ _ _ .___. _______ ~l_~ :.....~ __
."... - • I ' _~ ~ .... t-q

4 GRAMMAR PRACTICE Complete the statements. Use the simple present tense.
1 Tom ...... . .... up at 6:00, but his wife, Kate, 5 Kate . .. to bed at 10:00 P.M., but
get go
.......... up at 7:00. Tom . . .. to bed at 11 :00.
get go
2 Kate ......... breakfast at 7:30 A.M. , but 6 Kate .. dinner on weekdays, and
eat make
Tom . . .... . .. breakfast at 6:30 . Tom .. dinner on weekends.
eat make
3 After breakfast, Tom ........... , and Kate 7 Tom ... take .. a shower in the morning, but
. .... ... on makeup. Kate . .. a bath .
put . take
4 Tom and Kate .. watch .. TV in the evening . 8 Tom and Kate .. their teeth in the morning
. brush
and in the evening .

5 GRAMMAR · The simple present tense: questions with When and What time

When do you take a shower? (In the morning.) before 8:00 I after 8:00
What time does she get up? (Before 7:00 A.M.)

6 GRAMMAR PRACTICE On a separate sheet of paper, 1 W/-'attime doe> I<ate get up? . . . - - - - - ---..
write five questions about Tom and Kate in Exercise 4. " She gets up
Then listen to and answer a classmate's questions aloud. at 7:00. "

NOW YOU CAN Talk about morning and evening activities

~ »)) CONVERSATION MODEL Read and listen.

A: Are you a morning person or an evening person?

B: Me? I'm definitely an evening person.
A: And why do you say that?
B: Well, I get up after ten in the morning. And I go
to bed after two. What about you?
A: I'm a morning person. I get up before six.
3: 05

2 ~ »)) RHYTHM AND INTONATION Listen again and

repeat. Then practice the Conversation Model with
a partner.

3 PAIR WORK Personalize the conversation.

Use your own information.

A: Are you a morning person or an evening person?

B: Me? I'm definitely . Don't stop!
A: And why do you say that?
B: Well, I . .. . ... . . What about you?
A: I'm .. . .. . I ........ .
When do yo u _ ?
What time do you _ ?
4 CHANGE PARTNERS Personalize the What about your [parents]?
conversation again.

5 CLASS SURVEY Find out how many students are

morning people and how many are evening people.
. 5 GRAN

GOAL Describe what you do in your free time

_ _~ __ • _ --1 • ___ _

1 ~ ))) VOCABULARY • Leisure activities Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat.


1 ~ )):


exercise 2 take a nap 3 listen to music 4 read A:


3: 08

2 ~ ):

5 play soccer 6 check e-mail 7 go out for dinner 3 P~


8 go to the movies 9 go dancing 1 0 visit friends A

2 INTEGRATED PRACTICE Write six questions for a

classm ate about his or her leisure activities . Use
When or What time and the simple present tense. 1 Whe n do yov vif it frie"df?

2 5

3 6
4 C
3 GRAMMAR · The simple present tense: frequency adverbs

100% I always play soccer on Saturday. Be careful!

Place the frequency adverb before
I usually check e-mail in the evening .
the verb in the simple present tense.
I sometimes go dancing on weekends.
Don't say: I p lay al'.... ays soccer.
0% I never take a nap in the afternoon . He checks usua lly e-mail.

4 PAIR WORK Now use your questions from Exercise 2 to ask

your partner about leisure activities. Use frequency adverbs
, , I usually visit fri end s on Saturday. , ,
and time expressions in your answers.

54 UNIT 7
5 GRAMMAR PRACTICE Write sentences about yo ur part ner from Exe rci se 4 on a
separate sheet of paper.

l Seoit ","ally v;"', f,;eod, 00 Sat",dax·

-----------~ ~-- -"---------

NOW YOU CAN Describe what you do in your free time

~ )) CONVERSATION MODEL Read and listen .

A: What's your typical day like?
B: Well, I usually go to work at 9:00 and
come home at 6:00.
A: And what do you do in your free time?
B: I sometimes read or watch TV. What
about you?
A: Pretty much the same.

2 ~ )) RHYTHM AND INTONATION Listen again

and repeat. Then practice the Conversation
Model with a partner.

3 PAIR WORK Write your typical daily activities

on the notepad . Then personalize the
conversation with your own information.

A: What's your typical day like?

B: Well, l .
A: And wh at do you do in your free time?
B: ........ . What about you?
On weekdays
A: ... .. ... .
Don 't stop!
~sk about other
tIm es and days.

Be sure to recycle this language.

Time expressions
in the morning at nig ht
in the afternoon on [Friday]
in the evening I On weekends

4 CHANGE PARTNERS Personalize the

co nversation aga in .

5 GROUP WORK Tell th e cl ass about your

pa rt ner's activities.


LESSON 3 7 ~ ))) II

3, 09

1 ~ ))) VOCABULARY • Household chores Read and listen . Then listen again and repeat.

wash the dishes 3 do the laundry 5 go shopping

2 clean the house 4 take out the garbage

2 GRAMMAR · The simple present tense: questions with How often / Other time expressions 4

How often do you take out the garbage? M T W T F 5 5

I take out the garbage every day. 1./ 1./ 1./ 1./ 1./ 1./ 1./ I
M T W T F 5 5 Also

How often does she go shopping? • once a year
She goes shopping on Saturdays. • twice a day
• three times a month 8 GRM
Other lime expressions M T W T F 5 5 • every weekend ques1

once a week • every Friday
twice a week
three times a week
How often do you go shoppi ng? 1 ~ ))
3 PAIR WORK Ask and answer questions about how often you do
household chores. " Twice a week. , , A:
3 ,10

4 ~ ))) PRONUNCIATION • Third-person singular verb endings Read and listen . Then listen again and repeat. B:
1 /s/ 2 /z/ 3 /Iz/ B:
takes = take/s/ cleans = clean/z/ washes = wash/Il/
checks = check/s/ does = doe/z/ practices = practice/Iz/
makes = make/s/ plays = play/z/ exercises = exercise/Il/ B:

2 ~ ):
5 INTEGRATED PRACTICE Tell your class how often your partner from Exe rci se 3 Tt-
" John goes shopping
does household chores. Practice pronunciation of third-person ve rb endings. twice a week. , , Tt-
6 GRAMMAR · The simple present tense: questions with Who as subject
3 P~

Who washes the dishes in your family? { I do. / My sister does. A:

We do. / My grandparents do. B:
Be careful! A:
Always use a third-person singular verb when who is the subject.
Don 't say: Who GJ.aa.A the house? B:
Don 't use do or does when who is the subject. A
Don 't say: Who does clean the house?
56 UNIT 7

7 .. »)) LISTENING COMPREHENSION Listen to the conversations and the questions with Who.
Check the chores each person does.

She .. . ( ( ( (
Her husband ... ( ( ( ( (
Her son ... ( ( ( ( (
Her daughter .. . ( ( ( ( (
2 He ... ( ( ( ( (
His brother. .. ( ( ( ( (
His sister. .. ( ( ( ( (
3 She ... ( ( ( ( (
Her husband .. . ( ( ( ( (
4 He ... ( ( ( ( (
His wife .. . ( ( ( ( (
His son ... ( ( ( ( (

, , In Conversation 1, who washes the dishes? "

8 GRAMMAR PRACTICE W ith a partner, ask and answer
questions about the people in Exercise 7. Her husband does. ,


NOW YOU CAN Discuss household chores

] ,12

1 ~ »)) CONVERSATION MODEL Read and listen .

A: So how often do you do the laundry?
B: About twice a week. How about you?
A: Me? I never do the laundry. Could I ask another question?
B: Sure.
A: Who cleans the house?
B: Oh, that's my brother's job.
] ,13

2 ~ »)) RHYTHM AND INTONATION Listen again and repeat.

Then practice the Conversation Model with a partner.
Then change roles.

3 PAIR WORK Persona lize the conversation.

A: So how often do you ........ ?
B: ........ . How about you? 4 CHANGE PARTNERS Ask another classmate
A: Me? . . Could I ask another question? about household chores.

B: ........ . 5 GROUP WORK Tell your classmates about your

Don't stop!
A: Who ........ ? Ask about other chores. partner's household chores.
B: Oh, that's ..... .. . 's job.

H oW often do you clea n your house? On ce a week?

Tw ice a month ? Never? Well , these two rob ots clea n the hou se
fo r you. T he iRobot Roo mba turn s r ight or left, and vac uum s whil e
yo u watch T V or exercise. Take a nap, and the house is clea n
when you get up. A nd i f yo u wa nt to was h the fl oor,
the i Robot Scooba was hes the f loor for yo u. The Scooba moves
aroun d corn ers and washes the fl oor while yo u li sten to mu sic or
check yo ur e- mail. Now that 's help w ith household chores!

A nd who is thi s? M eet ASIMO, a robot from th e

f t Hond a M otor Company. A SIMO does n' t clea n the
house. It does n' t wash d ishes or take out the ga rb age.
B ut ASIMO wa lk s and ca rri es things. Say " turn left" or
" turn ri ght," and A SIMO turn s.

N o one wa nts to mow the law n. But the L 200 Evo luti on lawn
mower mows the lawn for you. Tell th e robot what tim e yo u
wa nt to mow. H ow about midni ght, after yo u go to bed? It mows
the law n while yo u sleep. H ow about in the afterno on? It mows the
law n whil e yo u go out for lunch or go shopping.

Sources :, .com / AS IMO, www.robotl

On yo ur Active Book Self-Study Di sc:

2 READING COMPREHENSION Comp lete each statement. Extra Reading Comprehension Questions
Circle th e correct ve rb.
1 The Roomba (washes / vacuums / mows) . 4 The L200 Evolution (washes / mows / cleans) .
2 The Scooba (washes / vacuums / mows) . 5 ASIMO (washes / mows / walks) .
3 Th e Roomba and the Scooba (wash / clean / vacuum) .

3 INTEGRATED PRACTICE On a separate sheet of paper, write five

senten ces about the robots . Use the simple present tense.

4 DISCUSSION Which robots do you like?

, , I w ant the Roomba because Extra practice . p. 740
Do you want any of them? Why? it clea ns the house. "

58 UNIT7 ~ ~;; '~otch Pop

" On th e Weekend " Ly ri cs p . 14 7)

CONTEST Study the photos for one minute. Then close your
books. Who remembers all jack's activities?
PAIR WORK Create a conversation for jack and a friend .
Sta rt like t his:
Jack, are you a morf)if)9 perS"of) or af) evef)if)9 pers"of)? OR:
What'S" your typical day like?
TRUE OR FALSE? Make statements about jack's activities.
You r partner says True or False. Take turns. For examp le:
A; Jack uS"ually takeS" a S"holNer if) the evef)if)9'
/3; PalS"e. He takeS" a S"holNer if) the morf)if)9 .

WRITING Describe your typical week. Use adverbs of frequency

and time expressions. For example:

I I exerciS"e every lNeekef)d.

Units 1-7 Review

3 :17

1 ~ ))) LISTENING COMPREHENSION Listen to the conversations. Check each 6 PA

statement T (true) or F (false). Then listen again and check your work.
0 0 1 She's a manager. 0 0 4 He's a student.
0 0 2 He's a doctor. 0 0 5 They're artists.
0 0 3 She's an architect. 0 0 6 She's his neighbor.

2 PAIR WORK Ask and answer questions about places on the maps . ( , ' Where's - ? I', It's - ' , ,)

~ ~~~~ -~4~~ -=k:~_------1~~ 2


3 GRAMMAR PRACTICE Complete each sentence with l.!:1 Q!1 or at.

1 The movie is . ....... Friday ........ 8:00 . 3 The party is ........ Saturday . .. midnight.
2 The meeting is ..... . .. June 6th ........ the 4 The dinner is ... April. 3
morning . 5 The dance is . . .... 8:00 P.M . ..... . .. Friday.
7 GR
4 GRAMMAR PRACTICE Complete the sentences with this, that, these, or those.

1 I want ... .. . .. . . . 2 I like ...... . . .. . 3 I like .. suit. 4 I want ........... tie.

pants. jackets .

Partner A: Ask these questions . Partner B: Read the Partner B: Ask these questions. Partner A: Read the
correct response to each question aloud . correct response to each question aloud .
1 Does he have grandchildren? 4 When's the dance?
a Yes, he has two sons. a On Saturday. 8 C
b Yes, he does . b At the school. ir
2 Where's the pharmacy? 5 Do yo u like this suit?
a Don't walk. Take the bus. a Yes, I do.
b It's around the corner. b Yes, it is.
3 Are we late? 6 How do yo u go to work?
a Yes, you're early. a I walk.
b Yes. It's 10:00. b Walk.

60 Units 1-7 Review

6 PAIR WORK Write your own response to each person . Then practice
your conversations with a partner.

~ . Nice ~om~etyov . 4

What's your When's your

last name? birth day?

2 5

Do you have

3 6

7 GRAMMAR PRACTICE Look at the pictures. Write an imperative for each .

....... WaJk .. to the bank. 2 .... . .. . .. . .. . ..... . ..... to work. 3 .. . ... ... .. . ... .. .. . . .... to the pharmacy.

4 . to the 5 .................... . .. . . to 6 .. to the bookstore .

resta u ra nt. school.

8 CONVERSATION PRACTICE With a partner, exchange real

information about your families . Start like this:

, , Tell me about you r family. "

Ask about names. Ask about occupations.
Ask about ages. Describe people.

3, 18

9 ~ »)) LISTENING COMPREHENSION Listen to the conversations. Answer the questions. 14 (

Then listen again and check your work.
1 What's her phone number? It's _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . 2
2 Wh a t's his last name? It's _ _ _ _ _ _ . 3
3 How old is his son? He's _ years old. 4
4 What's the address? It's _ _ West 12th Street.
5 What time is it? It's2 : _ _ .

10 GRAMMAR PRACTICE Circle the correct word or words to complete each statement or question. 15 I

1 Is he (your / you) husband? 4 (Our / We) birthdays are in May.

2 Is she (their / they) granddaughter? 5 How do you spell (her / she) name?
3 (Her / His) name is Mr. Grant. 6 I'm (Ms . Bell / Ms. Bell's) student.

11 INTEGRATED PRACTICE Write a question for each response .

1 A: . . ..... ? 5 A: ....... . ....................... . .. . . .... ?

B: No. She's a student. B: It's 34 Bank Street.
2 A: ........................ . 6 A: . ............................. ?
B: I' m an architect. B: The newsstand is around the corner.

3 A: . .................................... . ? 7 A: . ... ?
B: The bank is across the street. B: My birthday? In February.

4 A: . ? 8 A: . ..... ?
B: It's 9:45. B: They're my sisters.

Partner A: Ask these questions. Partner B: Read the Partner B: Ask these questions . Partner A: Read the
correct response to each question aloud. correct response to each question aloud .
1 Does Jack have a large family? 4 Does she like red shoes?
a Yes, I do. a No, she doesn ' t.
b Yes, he does. b Yes, I do.
2 Does her father shave every morning? 5 Does he need a new tie?
a Yes, he is . a Yes, he does .
b No, he doesn't. b Yes, I do.
3 Is Ms. Wang his English teacher? 6 Does she always clean the house on Sunday?
a Yes, he is . a Yes, she is .
b Yes, she is . b Yes, she does .

13 GRAMMAR PRACTICE Circle the correct verb to complete each sentence .

1 We (am / are) friends. 4 (Do / Does) she (want / wants) new shoes?
2 They (has / have) two children . 5 Why (do / does) they (need / needs) new shoes?
3 Who (has / have) a blue suit? 6 (Is / Are) we on time?

62 Units 1-7 Review
14 GRAMMAR PRACTICE Complete the statements with verbs in the simple present tense.
1 I usually . .. TV in the evening, but my brother . . to music.
2 We so metimes . the house and . .. the laundry in the morning .
3 After dinner, I always . . . . . ... the dishes and my wife out the garbage .
4 My neighbors never . shopping on weekdays.
5 My sister always .. . ......... . .... to bed before 10:00 r.M., but I usually . . .. e-mail at 10:00.
6 My grandfather always . . a nap in the afternoon.

15 INTEGRATED PRACTICE On a separate sheet of paper, answer the questions. Use frequency
adverbs or time expressions. Then te ll your classmates about your activities.
1 What do you do on weekends?
2 What do you do after breakfast?
3 What do you do after work or school?
4 What do you do at night before you go to bed?


talk about the times of events. Use the
pictures or your own ideas. Start like this:

( , , Look . There's a _ on _ . , ,)

$ Be sure to recycle this language.

What time?
Let's go!
Good idea .
across the street
down the street
arou nd the corner

\ \ 'U :KIXI) Co~t[l{T


a meeting
a party

SUNDAY, 3:30 P.M.
a dance
a dinner
your own idea _



5 IN
Home and Neighborhood Pr

GOAL Describe your neighborhood T
_~1_i_. :"i_~",~u... • ..:;;..'..;L.i'~d~:.I.~'.L..'_~


1 ~ ))) VOCABULARY • Buildings Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat.

1 a house 2 an apartment building 3 an office building

2 GRAMMAR · The simple present tense: questions with Where / Prepositions of place

Questions with Where

Where do {~~~r parents} live? Where does { ~~ur mother} work? N

Prepositions of place
in at on
She lives in an apartment. I live at 50 Main Street. He r house is on Bank Street.
They live in a house. He works at the bookstore. We go to school on 34 th Avenue .
I work in an office . Th ey study at the new English School. I work on the tenth floor.

3 GRAMMAR PRACTICE Complete the co nve rsations. Use prepositions

of place and the verb be or the simp le present tense.

1 A: Where ........ your sister's apartment? 3 A: ........ your neighbor . . .. a bank?

B: Her apartment .. Green Street. B: No. She works . a bookstore.

2 A: Where . .. you ........... English? 4 A: Where . . ... your parents .............. ?

B: We study ........ the school around the corner. B: They live ........ 58 Gray Street.
3: 20

4 ~ ))) PRONUNCIATION • Linking sounds Read and listen . Then listen and repeat.
1 It's_on First Avenue. 3 He live ~ n an apartment.
2 She works_at home. 4 My friend studies_at home.

64 UNIT 8

5 INTEGRATED PRACTICE Ask and answ er question s

Where does you r fathe r wo rk?
with Where about yo ur partn er's relatives.
Practice lin king sounds in your answ ers. , , He wo rks at a bank. "

6 -4))) VOCABULARY • Places in the neighborhood Read and listen. Th en

listen agai n and repeat. ) ,22

~))) Preposition ~

Th e bus station is ~ear

t.h e train stat ion. It's
ri ght across the st reet.

1 a bus station 2 a train station 3 a stadium

4 a park 5 a mall 6 a mu seum 7 an airport 8 a hospita l

-------------------------------------- ----------
NOW YOU CAN _Describe your neighborhood
) ,23

~ ))) CONVERSATION MODEL Read and listen .

A: Do you live far from here?

B: No. About fifteen minutes by bus .
A: And is the neighborhood nice?
B: Yes, it is. My apartment is near a park and a mall.
A: Really? My apartment is next to an airport!
3 :24

2 ~ ))) RHYTHM AND INTONATION Listen again and repeat.

Then practice the Conversation Model with a partner.

3 PAIR WORK Personalize th e conversati on .

A: Do you ... far from here?
B: ........ .
A: And is th e neighborhood nice?
B: ........ , it . . . My . is
Don't stop!
A: Really? My . . .. is ........ . Describe more places in your neighborhood.
Ask question s with Wh ere.
4 CHANGE PARTNERS Ask about anoth er Where do you [go shopp ing]?
classmate's neig hborh ood. Where do you [g o out for dinn er]?
. aboul

GOAL Ask about someone's home

3, 25

1 ~ »)) VOCABULARY • Rooms Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat.


1. Pc
6 a bedroom DJ
I 7 a living room ~ J\
2 downstairs 2.8
0 1

8 a dining room
9 a kitchen
~ 10 a window
, , My apartment has one large
2 PAIR WORK Tell you r partner about the rooms in your home. bedroom and two sm all bedrooms . "

3 GRAMMAR · There is and there are / Questions with How many A

There is and There are there is ~ there's
BUT there are NOT theFe' Fe A
Use there is with singular nouns. Use there are with plural nouns.
There 's a small bedroom downstairs. There are three large bedrooms upstairs.
There 's a large closet and two windows. There are two windows and a large closet.
There 's no kitchen . There are no elevators. A
Be careful!
I th bI ? { Yes , there is. A th I t ? { Yes , there are. Yes, th ere is.
s ere a a cony. No, there isn 't. re ere c ose s. No, there aren 't.
NOT Yes, tftefe!s. a

How many 3 P
Ask questions about quantity with How many. Always use a plural noun with How many. [
How many bathrooms are there? (There are two.) P
How many bedrooms do you have? (We have three .)

4 GRAMMAR PRACTICE Complete the sentences. Use there's, there are, is there, or are there.
1 How many closets (jret:h{?re ... in the house? 5 . a garden next to her house.
2 .......... a small bedroom downstairs. 6 . .. two bedrooms upsta irs.
3 ..... a balcony on the second floor? 7 . a park near my apartment.
4 4
..... an elevator and two sta irways. 8 How many windows ?

66 UNIT 8
5 GRAMMAR PRACTICE On a separate sheet of paper, write ten sentences
about your house or apartment. Use There is and There are .
• number of rooms
There') a )mall bathroom nextto my bedroom. • size of rooms
• location of rooms

6 ~ ») LISTENING COMPREHENSION Listen to the conversations.

Check the best house or apartment for each person .


I. Paris 3. Tokyo
o Atwo-bedroom house with alarge kitchen o Aone-bedroom apartment with alarge kitchen
o Aone-bedroom apartment with a smal l kitchen o Aone-bedroom apartment with alarge closet
2. Buenos Aires 4. Montreal
o Atwo-bedroom house with three bathrooms o Atwo-bedroom house with asmall garden
o Atwo-bedroom house with two bathrooms o Atwo-bedroom apartment with abalcony

- - - - - --- - - - -~ - - - - - -

NOW YOU CAN Ask about someone's home


~ ») CONVERSATION MODEL Read and listen .

A: Do you live in a house or an apartment?

B: An apartment.
A: What's it like?
B: Well, there are three large bedrooms,
and it has a large kitchen .
A: Sounds nice!

2 ~ ») RHYTHM AND INTONATION Listen again

and repeat. Then practice the Conversation
Model with a partner.

3 PAIR WORK Personalize the conversation .

Describe your house or apartment to your
partner. Then change roles.

A: Do you live in a house or an apartment?

B: ........ . Don't stop!
A: What's it like? Ask more questions.
Is there _ 7
B: Well, ........ . Are there _ 7
A: Sounds nice! How many _7

4 CHANGE PARTNERS Talk about another

classmate's home.

LESSON 3 3 PAlll

GOAL Talk about furniture and appliances

3, 29

1 ~ »)) VOCABULARY • Furniture and appliances First write the name of each room (a-f).
Then read and listen. Listen again and repeat.

1 ~)

3 : 3~

2 ~)

3 Pt

13 a tab le


2 ~ »)) LISTENING COMPREHENSION Listen to the comments about furniture

and appliances. Look at the pictures in the Vocabulary. Write t he correct room.
1 It's in the 4 It's in the ... .. . .. ... .
2 It's in the 5 It's in the
3 It's in the 6 It's in t he

68 UNIT 8
3 PAIR WORK Ask your partner about t he furniture
and appliances in his or her home. " Wh at 's in your living room ? "

, , My living room has a sofa and two

chairs, and th ere's a large bookcase. , ,

-- - - -------------
NOW YOU CAN Talk about furniture and appliances

~ »)) CONVERSATION MODEL Read and listen .

A: This is a nice sofa. What do you think?

11 k
B: Actua y, I thin it's p,efl,u.w~l· .. »)) Positive an~ .
3 :33

A: And what about this lamp? negative adjectIves

B: I don't know. I'm not sure.
© ®
beautiful ugly
3:32 ilk'e' , , . awful
2 ~ »)) RHYTHM AND INTONATION great terrible
Listen again and repeat. Then practice
the Conversation Model with a partner.

3 PAIR WORK Change the model. Ask your

partner's opinion about the furniture and
appliances in the pictures. (Or use your
own pictures.) Then change roles .

A: This is a nice ........ . What do you think?

B: Actually, I think it's ........ .
A: And what about this ........ ?
B: ...... . . .
Don't stop!
Ask about other furniture
and appliances.

Be sure to recycle this language,

I li ke this _ .
I don't like this _ .

4 CHANGE PARTNERS Practice t he conversation again .


reading . spea king . pronuncia ti on

1 -4 ))) READING Read about where people live . Who lives in a house?
Who lives in an apartment?

My name is Ana Karina Espinel. I I'm Cem Korcan and I'm from I'm Soon-Ju Cho, from Korea . I'm a
live in Cumbaya, Ecuador. My family Turkey. I live in a three-bedroom bank assistant. I live in a small house
has a very nice house with a two-car apartment in Istanbul. The building with my husband, Sun-Yoon Jong. We
garage. It has a big, beautiful garden. has a garage and a big garden. have three floors and a garage. There
Downstairs there is a large living I have one bathroom, a big living are two bedrooms, a small living
room, a dining room, and a large room, and a small kitchen. There's no room, a small kitchen, a dining room,
kitchen. Upstairs there are four dining room. It's a small apartment, but and one bathroom.
bedrooms. And we have a lot of that's OK. My favorite room is the living room
bathrooms-five in all! My favorite room is the living room. because it has a TV! I really want a
My mother also has an office It has a beautiful view of Istanbul and garden, but unfortunately, we don't
upstairs. We love our house. the sea. have one.

2 READING COMPREHENSION Check the descriptions that match each person 's home .

Ana Karina Espinel (em Korean Soon-Ju (ho

four bedrooms .-J .-J .-J
five bathrooms .-J .-J .-J
a small kitchen .-J .-J .-J
no dining room .-J .-J .-J
no garden .-J .-J .-J
a garage .-J .-J .-J
an offiee .-J .-J .-J

3 PAIR WORK Compare your home with the homes in the Reading . On yo ur ActiveBook Self-Study Disc:
Extra Reading Comprehension Questions
, , I like Ms. Espinel 's house. There's a big
garden . My house doesn't have a ga rd en. "
.. .. : ..
" Mr. Korean lives in an apartment. I live in an apartment, too. Extra practice . p. 741
His apartment has one bathroom, but my apartment has two . "

3:35- 3:36
Top Notch Pop
" Home Is Where th e Hea rt Is" Lyrics p. 148
70 UNIT8

INFO GAP Find everything that's different in the two

pictures. Ask questions. For example:
Howmany _ arethere? I)there _ ?
Doe) the _ have _ ? Are there _ ?
1 Express your opinions about the houses, the furniture,
and the app li ances. For example:
A What do you think of _ ?
B: I think it') really nice.
What about you?
2 You r partner closes his or her book. You describe
one of the houses. Your partner draws a picture of
the house. For example:
Up)tair), there are two )maii bedroom) and a
)maii bathroom .
WR ITING Compare your home with one of the
houses on this page. For example :

Thi) hou)e ha) two bedroom) up)tair),

but ~ hou)e ha) ...


Activities and Plans


1 ~ ))) VOCABULARY • Weather expressions Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat. 1

1 It's sunny. 2 It's cloudy.

6 It's hot. 7 It's cold.
3 It's windy.

8 It's warm. 9 It's cool.

4 It's raining. 5 It's snowing.


temperature? 2 I
Listen to the weather reports. Check
the co rrect word for each city. Then
listen again and write the temperatures.
2 Madrid
Finally, listen again and describe the
3 Seoul
4 Dubai
5 Montreal

3 GRAMMAR · The present continuous: statements

The present continuous expresses actions in progress now. Use a form of be and a present participle.
Affirmative Negative
Present participles
I'm studying . I'm not eating . wear -+ wearing
You 're shaving . You 're not making lunch. [OR You aren 't making lunch.] study -+ studying
She's taking a bath. She's not taking a shower. [OR She isn't taking a shower.] exercise -+ exercising
It's raining . It's not snowing . [OR It isn 't snowing .] Some others:
We 're watching TV. We 're not reading . [OR We aren 't reading .] doing, listening, reading, 4
They're exercising . They're not taking a nap. [OR They aren 't taking a nap.] working, meeting, getting

72 UNIT 9

4 GRAMMAR · The present continuous: ill / no questions

Are you eating right now? Yes, I am. / No, I'm not.
Is she taking the bus? Yes, she is. / No, she's not. [OR No, she isn 't.]
Is it raining ? Yes , it is. / No, it's not. [OR No, it isn't.]
Are they walking ? Yes , they are. / No, they're not. [OR No, they aren't.]

5 GRAMMAR PRACTICE Complele each statement, question, or short answer with the present
continuous. Use contractions.
........... ......... now, and . ... a nice, warm sweater.
It / snow
2 ? Yes, he . ......... He) read .... his textbook.
.he !study
.. Dad / not make ' . , " dinner right now. ........ ' He i work ' ' , , " late at the office.
4 . , and .......................... a shower.
Ann / take
5 ...... TV. . to music.
' " the ct)i'ldren / riotwatch They) 'tisteri '
6 ..................... ...... this morning? No. It's cloudy and windy, but it .
it / ra in
7 , , in the office right now? Yes,
, they i meet '

--- - - - - - -.~ -~""" . ~.,.~ ....= .. ~ -

NOW YOU CAN _[)escribe today's weather
) , )9

~ »)) CONVERSATION MODEL Read and listen. bad ®

A: Hi, Molly. Jonathan. ter;-;'b"le
B: Hey, Jonathan. Where are you? good ©
A: I' m calling from Vancouver.
How's the weather there in Sao Paulo?
B: Today? AY'1~l. It's raining and cold.
A: No kidding! It's hot and sunny here.
3: 40

2 ~ »)) RHYTHM AND INTONATION Listen again

and repeat. Then practice the Conversation
Model with a partner.

3 PAIR WORK Change the model. Choose two

cities. Role-play a conversation about the weather
there. (Option: Find the weather report in the
newspaper. Or log onto www.weath .)
Then change roles.

A: Hi, '
B: ........ , ........ . Where are you?
A: I'm calling from ,
How's the weather there in ........ ?
B: Today? ., ...... . It's ........ .
A: No kidding! It's . .. here. Don't stop!
Tell your partner what you're wearing.
4 CHANGE PARTNERS Describe the I'm wearing _ .
weather in other places. I'm not wearing _ .
. 1 I

GOAL Ask about people's activities 2 '

-- - -,._- - - 3042

6 .. »))
1 GRAMMAR · The present continuous: information questions cor
What is she wearing ? (A long black skirt.) What are you doing? (We're checking e-mail.) 2
Where is he driving? (To work.) Where are they going? (They're going to the movies.)
BUT: Note the different word order when who is the subject.
Who is working? (Ben.)
2 PAIR WORK Ask and answer questions about Mike and Patty. 1 I
, , It's 8:20. What's Mike doing? , ,

Use the present continuous and What, Where, and Who .

3: 41

3 .. »)) PRONUNCIATION • Rising and falling intonation Use rising intonation for ~ / no questions .
Use falling intonation for information questions. Read and listen . Then listen again and repeat.

Yes / no questions Information questions

1 Are you eating? What are you eating?
2 Is he walking?
Where is he walking?
3 Are they watching a movie?
~ --.....
Who's watching a movie?
4 Is her family at home?
Where is her family?
5 Are you a teacher?
What do you do?

4 GRAMMAR · The present participle: spelling rules

base form present participle base form present participle

talk -7 talking mak~ -7 making
read -7 reading tak~ -7 taking
watch -7 watching com ~ -7 coming 4
shop -7 sho pping get -7 getting put -7 putting

74 UNIT 9
5 GRAMMAR PRACTICE Write the present parti ciple of each base fo rm .
1 read .... ... ..... .. . ... .. . . 3 wash .... . .... . . . 5 drive
2 write 4 go .......... . ....... . . 6 get up .

6 ~ ))) LISTENING COMPREHENSION Listen. Complete each statement in the present

Sara's ... .. .. . .. . 4 Paul 's ..
2 Dan's . 5 Marla's ... . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. ..... ... ... .
3 Eva's . . . . . .. . .. . ... .. .. . ..... . .. .

- •• .~ ..... -<"'" ... -~--.-

NOW YOU CAN Ask about people's activities


~ ))) CONVERSATION MODEL Read and listen .

A: Hello?
B: Hi, Grace. This is Jessica . What are you doing?
A: Well, actually, I'm doing the laundry right now.
B: Oh, I'm sorry. Should I call you back later?
A: Yes, thanks. Talk to you later. Bye.
B: Bye.

2 ~ ))) RHYTHM AND INTONATION Listen again

and repeat. Then practice the Conversation Model
with a partner.

3 PAIR WORK Role-play a telephone call'. Use your

own names. Use the pictures or use your own
activities. Then change roles.

A: Hello?
B: Hi, ....... . This is ........ . What are you doing?
A: Well, actually, I ........ right now.
B: Oh, I'm sorry. Should I call you back later?
A: Yes, thanks. Talk to you later. Bye.

4 CHANGE PARTNERS Ask and ta lk about oth er activities.


GOAL Discuss plans the p


1 ~ »)) VOCABULARY • More time expressions Rea d and listen. Th en listen again and repeat.
( 5 tomorrow )
3 :46

~ August2 1 ~ »):
8:00 AM
9:00 AM
10:00 AM B:
11 :00 AM A:
12:00 PM
1 :00 PM
2:00 PM
• B:
3 this afternoon
• 3:00 PM •
4:00 PM A:
MondaY, Au9!-l.:;t ·9I~~
• S:OO

8:00 AM • 2
~ »)

} 4 this evening I tonight 9:00
10:00 AM
• an

2 GRAMMAR · The present continuous with present and future time expressions 3 PL
Actions in the present Future plans
Are you watching TV right now? I'm buyi ng shoes tomorrow.
I'm not studying English this year. They' re cleaning the house on Friday, not today.
She's working at home this week. Janet's meeting Bill at 5:00 this afternoon .

3 GRAMMAR PRACTICE Read Marissa Miller's date book for this week.
Then comp lete the paragraph. Use the present co ntinuous.

Today is Monday, February 12th. Marissa ..i~ i')1eetin9 .

he r mom at the mali, and she ... i~ ~c>rkif)9 FEBRUARY
11:00 meet Mom for lunch at the mall
p- ay 15
Tomorrow, she '3 '" and at do the laundry
1:00-5:00 work
90 to Chinese class ~:~o
5 :30, she . ........... . Sandy at the meet -lames at Rossini's Restaurant
Frt ay 16
City Bookstore. The day after tomo rrow, she
work work 9:00- 12:00
G:OO take the bus to Colin's house
, and she . 5:~0 meet Sandy at the City Bookstore make dinner with Colin
5 6
he r Dad at 1 :00 . Then, on Thursday morning, atur ay 17
9:00 exercise In the park with Sarah
she ...... . . . At 3:30, she work 7:00 90 to the concert with Scott
7 call Dad at work 1:00
........ 8' .. ............... , and later, she (4 ~2-897G)
ay 18

9 ' " ........ her brother James at

Rossini's Restaurant. On Friday, Marissa

. from 9:00 to 12:00. After work, she , , to Colin 's house. Colin
10 11
a nd Marissa . . dinner tog ether. Final ly, the weekend! On Saturday, Marissa .... · in
' i3 '
the park w ith Sarah . That evening, she .. ... ... to a concert with Scott. On Sunday, she . . .. .... two
14 i5
importa nt things! Sh e .. .... .... . .. . .. .. . .. for her driving test, and after that she , ............... . the kitchen .
16 17

76 UNIT 9

4 PAIR WORK Ask your partner three ~ / no questions and

" Is Marissa exercisi ng on Tu esday? , ,
three information questions about Marissa's schedule. Use
the present continuous. Answer yo ur partner's questions.
" Where is she making dinner on Friday? , ,



~ ») CONVERSATION MODEL Read and listen.

A: So what are you doing this weekend?

B: I'm not sure. What about you?
A: Well, on Saturday, if the weather is good, I'm
meeting Pam in the park.
B: Do you want to get together on Sunday?
I'm not doing anything special.
A: Sure! Call me Sunday morning .

2 ~ ») RHYTHM AND INTONATION Listen again

and repeat. Then practice the Conversation
Model with a partner.


date book for this week. Write your activities
and the times.


Tuesday 4 PAIR WORK Use the date book to personalize

the conversation with real information . Th en
change roles.
A: So what are you doing . .?
B: ........ . What about you?
Thursda-;- A: Well, on .
B: Do you want to get together .... . .. . ?
I'm not doing anything special.
A: .. .. ... . ! Ca ll me .

Don 't stop!

Ask about plans for other
days of the week.
Be sure to recycle this language.
Time expressions Weather expressions Ways to agree
on [Frid ay] raining Sure!
this [afternoon] snowing OK!
in the [evening] if it's hot / cold Good idea!
tomorrow { windy
the day after tomorrow sunny

5 CHANGE PARTNERS Discuss other plans.


reading . speaki ng . p ro nun ciation

3:48 Sam an
1 ~ »)) READING Read the news pape r column . about,
For exa
"" ," "'" " ~
Hi) ~

What's going on in Compton Beach? ~ WR ITII

Around Town with Samantha Keyes (( nextw

S inger Luncheonette is Shh ! Don't tell anyone, but the Elegance Ha ir Salon is ~(
si nging all thi s week at the having a special event thi s weekend at the Templeton
Cadi llac Cafe Restaurant
and Concert Space. She
Ma ll. Elegance usuall y washes and cuts hair at their
salon in the Plaza Hotel, but thi s weekend only, they' re
has some great new songs,
hav ing a half-price sale for the fi rst 100 customers at the
so run, don't wa lk, to
Templ eton Ma ll.
the Cadillac Cafe if you
want a seat for one of the

Samantha Keyes
weekend shows.

The French movie I Have No Life is play ing Friday

On Saturday morning, Vin Blackwe ll, who usuall y
teaches exercise classes for Holl ywood mov ie stars, is
speaking about exercises yo u ca n do at work, school,
and the mall. Blackwe ll isn't very young, but he
and Saturday at the Seymour Movie theater on Old exercises morning, noo n, and night. Whether you' re a ~
Town Road, next to the Town Sq uare Shopping Center. morning person or an even ing person, he has somethi ng
There are two shows: the early show starts at 8:20, and
the late show is at II :45.
right for you.
2 READING COMPREHENSION Check t he state me nts t hat a re tru e. Co rrect th e sta teme nts th at a re no t tru e.
D 1 Samantha Keyes is a singer.
D 2 I Have N o Life is playi ng at t he Town Squ are Sho pping Ce nte r.
D 3 Elega nce Ha ir Sa lo n's usua l add ress is t he Plaza Hotel.
D 4 Vin Blackwe ll is a movie sta r. On you r ActiveBook Self-Study Disc:
D 5 Mr. Blackwe ll o nly exe rcises o n Saturd ays. Extra Reading Comprehension Questions

3 GAME Tea m 1 mimes an activity. Tea m 2 as ks q uestions. Use th e activiti es fro m t he box.

comb you r hair go to bed check e-mail

drive brush your teeth listen to music
exercise wash the dishes put on makeup
talk on the phone take out the garbage
get dressed
take a shower Are you puttin g
read o n makeup?
watch TV
. , .. : ..
Extra practice . p. 142

78 UNIT 9

PAIR WORK Create te lephone conve rsations for

Sam and Debbie on Thursday and on Saturday. Ask
about activities and plans . Ask about the weather.
For example:

Hi} 5am. TJ-,i 5 i5 Debbie. Jim cal/if19 from ...

WRITING Write five sentences about your plans for

next week. Use the present continuous. For exa mple:


GOAL Discuss ingredients for a recipe

~-~------'-. ~ --- - -.

4 :02

1 ~ ))) VOCABULARY • Foods: count nouns Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat. 1 il

6 PA

1 an egg 6 a banana
3 an appl e 5 a lemon

1 I

11 peas
7 a tomato , .: : ,,
More vegetables and fruits . p. 1 32
8 a potato 10 beans

2 ~ ))) LISTENING COMPREHENSION Listen to th e conversations. Check t he

foods you hear in each conversation .


3 PAIR WORK Which foods do you like? Tell your partner.

Compare your likes and dislikes.
I' I don't like bananas, but
I really like appl es. , , Dc
4 GRAMMAR . How many / Are there any

Use How many and Are there any with plural nouns.
How many onions are there ? (Ten or twelve.) 4
How many apples are there in the refrigerator? (I 'm not sure . Maybe two .)
Are there any lemons? (Yes, there are. OR Yes . There are three.)
(No, there aren't. OR No. There aren 't any.)

80 UNIT 10 ~'~~~.w.... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ '-- __ _ ___ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ..-_ _ _ _ ~t::_.~
...,~:.... ____________ .______ . ___________ . __________ :..-._.:.!!....[i!.::',.'
.~~-."-".-------------------- - - - - - - - . - - - ._______ ~~L.~. " _ ' M __


5 ~))) VOCABULARY • Places to keep food in a kitchen Read and listen. Th en listen aga in and repeat.

in the fridge (i n the refrigerator) 2 on the shelf 3 on the counter

6 PAIR WORK Ask and answer questions about the Vocabulary , , How many potatoes are there
on the shelf? , , ~---....I-------...
pictures. Use How many and Are th ere any. '--_ _ _ _ _ _--{ " Th ere are th ree. , ,



~ ))) CONVERSATION MODEL Read and listen .

A: How about some green bean salad? peas

B: Green bean salad? That sounds delicious! I love green beans.
A: Are there any bean s in the fridge?
B: Yes, there are.
A: And do we have any onions? rngredients :
B: I'm not sure. I' ll check. bananas
4,06 oranges
2 ~ ))) RHYTHM AND INTONATION Listen again and repeat.
Then practice the Conversation Model with a partner.

3 PAIR WORK Change the model. Use the recipes .

Then change roles. Start like this:
Ingredien-rs :
A: How about some 7
B: ........ ? That sounds delicious! I love ... . .... . potatoes
A: Are there any 7
Potato Pancakes
Continue with the other ingredients in the recipe. potatoes
Be sure to recycle this language. eggs

We need _ . We don 't have _ .

Don't stop! I like _ . I don 't like _ .
Talk about w hat you need,
want, have, and like. What do yo u think? Stuffed Peppers '--~-.-= .....
So und s g reat.
4 CHANGE PARTNERS Di scuss another recipe. onions


GOAL Offer and ask for foods 5 GR
4 :07

1 ~ ))) VOCABULARY • Drinks and foods: non-count nouns Read and listen. Then listen agai n and repeat.



6 ~ ))

1 water 2 coffee 3 tea 4 j uice 5 mil k 6 soda

7 GF
7 bread 9 rice 10 ch eese 4

13 fish 14 oil 15 butter 16 sugar 17 sa lt 18 pepper

2 GROUP WORK Whi ch foods from th e Vocabulary

" Not me. I rea lly
do you like? Discuss with yo ur classmates . don't li ke ch eese. , ,

3 GRAMMAR · Count nouns and non-count nouns

Count nouns name things you can count. Non-count nouns name things you can not
They can be singular or plural. count. They are not singular or plural.
I want an apple . I don 't eat sugar. Be careful!
I like bananas . Rice is good for yo u.
• Use sing ular verbs with
We have three tomatoes on the shelf. Cheese is my favorite food . non-count nouns.
Rice is good for you.
NOT Rice af€ good for you.
• Don't use :? or 9. / an w ith
non-cou nt nouns.
wate r NOT a-watef
NOT wa-tefS

82 UNIT 10

4 GRAMMAR PRACTICE Complete the chart. Be careful! I eat pas-tal peas-...

Make the count nouns plural. Then compare with a partner. 1I
I don't eat
5 GRAMMAR • How much / Is there any I drink I:
I don't drink
Use How much to ask about non-count nouns.
t "c"""",,,,,,",,--~,,",,~' .·L'~ -", -0 ·-',·d -~

How much bread does she want? (NOT Ho',\! many bread does she want?) Remember:
How much milk is there? (NOT How many milk is there?) Use How many with plural count nouns.
Is there any butter? Yes , there is. / No , there isn 't. OR No. There isn 't any. How many apples are there?·
NOT How much apples are there?
,~"',:- - ,-~"," -- r
6 ~ ») VOCABULARY • Containers and quantities Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat.

\ fA~:r!j _~
\ .-~­

1 a box of pasta 2 a loaf of bread 3 a bottle of juice 4 a can of soda 5 a bag of onions

7 GRAMMAR PRACTICE Complete each question with How much or How many.
. ,. loaves of bread do you need? 5 .... .................. eggs are there for the
2 "",",.,' . . " bags of potatoes do we have? potato pancakes?
3 ., .. ... ...... . . .. . " cheese is there in the fridge? 6 ...................... cans of tomatoes are there
4 on the shelf?
' .. ,' sugar do you want in your tea?

------------------~, ~~~-~- ... -~ .. """. ...

NOW YOU CAN Offer and ask for foods

.. ») CONVERSATION MODEL Read and listen .

A: Would you like coffee or tea?

B: I'd like coffee, please. Thanks.
A: And would you like sugar?
B: No, thanks.
A: Please pass the butter.
B: Here you go.


Listen again and repeat. Then practice
the Conversation Model with a partner.

3 PAIR WORK Change the model. Use other

foods and drinks. Then change roles.

A: Would you like .... .... or ........ ?

B: I'd like .. , please. Thanks.
A: And would you like ........ ?
Don 't stop!
B: ........ .
Offer other foods and
A: Please pass the drinks.
B: Here you go.

4 CHANGE PARTNERS Change the model again .

LESSON 3 5 .. )

GOAL Invite someone to join you at the table

1 GRAMMAR · The simple present tense and the present continuous

Remember: Use the simple present tense Use the present continuous for actions in
progress right now. 6 PA
with verbs have, want, need , and like.
We're making dinner now. sh'
I like coffee. NOT I'm lildng coffee .
She's studying English this year.
Use the simple present tense to describe
habitual actions and with frequency adverbs. Be careful! N(
I cook dinner every day. Don't say: We Eeek dinner now.
I never eat eggs for breakfast. Don't say: I am cooleing dinner every day.

2 GRAMMAR PRACTICE Complete each statement or question

with the simple present tense or the present continuous.
1 Who . . .... lunch in the kitchen right now? 6 Why . ...... six cans of tomatoes?
eat .. you i rieed
2 Where . ....... he usually .............. lunch-at ............. make ' .... tomato soup for lunch?
home or at the office? 7 ............ ' you i 'go ............. to work tomorrow?
3 They ... . 'riot 'like
...... . a lot of sugar in their tea. 8 How many boxes of rice .. . ...................... ?
you / want
4 We 'deari ........... the kitchen every day. 9 I. . ................ a bottle of juice in the fridge .
not have
S Elaine and Joe aren't here. They ........ drive . 10 I can't talk right now. I .. ......... study
to wo rk. 2
3 GRAMMAR PRACTICE Look at Suzanne and her weekly schedule. On a separate sheet of paper, write about
Suzanne. What is she doing right now? What does she do at other times? Use the present continuous and the
simple present tense. 3

Teoch EI)91i fh [il)termediote] Work ot home 8:00-12:00
ot Lil)9uotec: 10:00 A.M. TeoCh EI)91i fh [be9il)l)iI)9] ot l3ol)k
5treet 5chool: '1 :00-(,,:00

11 Tuesday 5tud y Chil)e fe

Work ot home 8:00-12:00
TeoCh EI)91ifh [be9il)l)iI)9] ot l3ol)k
5treet 5chool: '1:00-(,,:00
Saturday 15
Loul)dry / fhOppil)9
12 Wednesday
Teoch EI)91ifh [il)termediote]
ot Lil)9uotec: 10:00 A.M. Sunday 16
Cook for Mom ol)d Dod

4 PAIR WORK Ask and answer questions about Suza nne's activities.
, , What's Suzanne doing
Use the simple present tense and the present continuous. right now? , ,
, ' Does Suza nne " She's listening to music. "
teach English? " Yes, she does.

84 UNIT 10

5 .. ))) PRONUNCIATION • Vowel sounds Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat.

1 /i/ 2 /I/ 3 /el/ 4 h/ 5 /Cf/

see six late pepper apple
tea fish potato red jacket
street this train lemon has

6 PAIR WORK Read a word from Pronunciation aloud. On a separate

sheet of paper, yo ur partner writes t he word .


NOW YOU CAN Invite someone to join you at the table




A: Hi, Alison. Nice to see you!

B: You too, Rita . Do you come here
A: Yes, I do . Would you like to join
B: Sure. What are you drinking?
A: Lemonade.
B: Mmm. Sounds good.


again and repeat. Then practice the
Conversation Model with a partner.

3 PAIR WORK Change the model. Use

you r own name and your own foods
or drinks or use the pictures. Then
cha nge roles .

A: Hi, ........ . Nice to see yo u!

B: You too, ....... . Do you come
here often?
A: Yes, I do. Would you like to
join me?
B: ........ . What are you ... ?
A: ....... .
B: Mmm. Sounds good .

Don't stop!
Offer other food s and drinks

Be sure to recycle this language.

Would you like _ ?
Sure. / No thanks .

4 CHANGE PARTNERS Invite another

classmate to join you .


grammar . vocabulary • listening

rea ding . spea king . pronunciation
4: 14

1 ~ ))) READING Read a recipe with only three ingredients.

Hungarian Cabbage
and Noodles

1 large head of green cabbage
1/2 cup unsalted butter
11 ounces (700 grams) of
egg noodles
1 Cut the cabbage into small slices.
2' Put the cabbage into a large bowl and add salt.
3'. Put the cabbage into the refrigerator overntght.
4. The next day , drain the cabbage.
5. Melt the butter in a large p~n .
6 Saute the cabbage until it IS light brown
. and very soft (30-40 minutes) . .
7 Cook the noodles and drain them. MIx them
. with the cabbage . Add lots of black pepper.

Source : Adapted from Recipes )·2·3 by Rozanne Gold (New York: Viking, 1997)

2 READING COMPREHENSION Answer the questions .

1 How many ingredients does the recipe have?
2 What are the ingredients?
3 Is there any butter or oil in the reci pe?
4: 16

3 ~ ))) LISTENING COMPREHENSION Listen to the rad io cooking program.

Write the correct quantity next to each ingredient. Then listen again and On yo ur ActiveBook Self·Study Disc:
number the pictures in the co rrect order. Listen again and check your work. Extra Reading Comprehension Questions

'Pasta with Garlic

and Olive Oil
_ cloves of garlic
_ tablespoons of
olive oil
_ box of pasta
cloves of

4 SPEAKING PRACTICE Tell a partner

what you eat fo r each meal.
Extra practice . p. 143
, , My favorite food for
breakfast is eggs . , , 4 :17/ 4 :18

Top Notch Pop

86 UNIT 10 " Fruit Salad, Baby" Ly rics p. 148

Monlla~ IWellneslla~ I FMm.'

~ei: 110 iaunll1\l
(MOnlla~ oni~)
SI!Ivia: go sho~~ing
SI!Ivia: &ook lIinne( MEMORY GAME Look at the pictures for one
\ueslla~ I lhu(sllm l SaMII.ili minute. Then close your books and say all the foods
;i"via: take out the gal'bag e and drinks you remember. Use count and non-count
Mi('haei: go sho~~ing anll &ook nouns correctly.
Ask and answer questions about the pictures. Use
How many and How much. Answer with There is
and There are. For example:
A; HoVJ many boxe, of paS"ta are there
on the counter?
{3; There are tVJo.
2 Create conversations for Michael and Sylvia
in the three pictures. For example:
A Would you like peM?
{3; Ye,) pleMe. And pleaS"e paS") the S"alt
DESCRIPTION Describe the activities and habitual
actions. Use the present continuous and the simple
present tense. For examp le:
It)S" TueS"day. Michael is" cookin9 dinner. 5y lvia
cookS" dinner on Monday.
WRITING Write about what you eat in a typical day.
Start like this: 'I
For breakfMt I eat. . .


Past Events
. 4
GOAL Tell someone about a past event
~ ..
~_L._. ~ ..:;;~B--':'_~ __ ..... __ ~ ~
4 :2 2
4 :19
6 ~ })
1 ~ }») VOCABULARY • Describing times before today Read and listen. Th en liste n again and repeat. ev,

1 the day before

August 30 It,.
2 yesterday

August 31

!lseptember 1
I 3 last
r ek

4: 20
4 two

r' 1
mont s
h ago


4 :2 1
~») Years decad 1
2 ~ }») LISTENING COMPREHENSION Listen ' es, and centu .
1900 - ni nes
and circl e the year yo u hear. 1901 -= ni neteen hUndred
2001 -= neteen oh one
1 1913 / 1930 3 1967 / 1976 - twoth oUsand one
== two tho
2 2016 / 2060 4 2001 / 2021 1990 to 1999 == the . usand ten / twenty ten
1901 to 2000 == the (nrnet.e en) nineties
3 PAIR WORK Choose five of the following years. Say 2001 to 2 100 == th twentIeth century
a year to your partner. Your partner circ les the year. e twenty-first century

4 GRAMMAR · The past tense of be

was not -+ wasn 't
IHe { was We { were } were not -+ weren 't
wasn't } at school yesterd ay. You weren't at home.
She Th ey
It was cloudy yesterday.
There was a concert last night.
There were two movies last weekend.

Was he at work yesterday? Were they stu de nts in the eighties?

Where was the party last night? Wh ere were they last weekend ?
When was she in Italy? When were you at the bookstore?
BUT: When who is the subject:
Who was at the party? (Adam was.)

88 UNIT 11

5 GRAMMAR PRACTICE With a pa rtner, ta ke t urn s aski ng a nd answe rin g t he

questio ns abo ut th e ca le ndar. Today is April 20 . APRIL

1 What day was yeste rday? , , Yeste rday was Apri l 19th. , , Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat

2 What day was six days ago? 23456

3 What day was o ne m o nth ago? 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
4 What day was t he day befo re yesterday?
14 15 16 17 18 19
5 What were t he d ates of last Saturday a nd Sun day?
6 What day was tw o m o nt hs ago? 21 22 23 24 25

6 ~ »)) LISTENING COMPREHENSION Li ste n to t he co nve rsatio ns a bo ut 28 29 30

events. Th e n liste n aga in a nd circl e t he co rrect day or m o nth .
If today is Sun day, t he n t he pa rty was o n (Saturday / Friday / Thursday) .
2 If th is is Ja nu a ry, th e n th eir birt hdays w e re in (February / December / January) .
3 If today is Friday, t he n th e ga m e w as o n (Monday / Thursday / Wednesday) .

. - . - .• - - - - - - - - - -....... ,=""--........,-"""'-~...

NOW YOU CAN .Jell someone about a past event


~ »)) CONVERSATION MODEL Read and listen .

A: Where were you last night?

B: What time?
A: At about 8:00.
B: I was at home. Why?
A: Beca use there was a great party at Celia's house .
B: There was? Too bad I wasn't there!

2 ~ »)) RHYTHM AND INTONATION Listen again and repeat.

The n practice the Conversation Model with a partner.

3 PAIR WORK Make a list of places for an event in your

town. Or use the pictures of events. Then chang e the
mode l. Th e n change roles.

A: Where were yo u ... ?

B: What time?
A: At a bou t .
B: I was at ........ . Why?
A: Beca use t he re w as ........ at .
B: The re wa s? Too bad I wasn 't th e re !

4 CHANGE PARTNERS Ta lk about oth e r eve nts a nd p laces.


GOAL Describe past activities

1 GRAMMAR · The simple past tense
Form: regular verbs
Add -ed to the base form. ~ l)) GRAN
I If the base form ends in - e, 5
You You add -Q. - . Conversa
He He call ~ called likg ~ liked
She liked the movie. didn't like the concert. A: WherE
She BUT: study ~ studied
We We shop ~ shopped B:
They They ' 2
a goo

you you
he Yes , he did . B: Yes, v
Did watch TV last night?
she No, she didn 't. food .
we we
they they A: But .
B: He d
2 GRAMMAR PRACTICE Complete the e-mail. Use the simple past tense and the past tense of be.
' 1"6
Hi, Lucille: Yesterday was very busy. In the morning, I . . .... , . . .... my teeth,
1 shave 2 brush
and ............. the whole house-all before 8:30. Then I .................... until noon . After lunch,
3 clean 4 work
I . .. . .... to the weather report. The weather . . ... warm, so I . . .... all my
5 listen 6 be 7 invite
grandchildren here. We . . ..... together for a while. Then little Marie . . .... the piano
8 talk 9 play
while her older brother Jason . . .. in the garden. The other children . . ........ their
10 exercise 11 check
e-mail while I . . ... Marie and Jason . At the end of the day, my daughters, Usa and Eve, came
12 watch
home, and they .................... dinner for all of us. The kids . . ... pasta, of course. Eve
13 cook 14 want
...... a big pot of water for the noodles. Usa .................... the tomatoes for the salad. The
15 boil 16 wash
children ................... after dinner, and then we ..... to Marie and Jason sing. Brian ..... 4:28
1 7 study 18 listen ~l))
.~. _~~~ ?
. • C.
~- --- .. - -- - ~ J .. J ~

3 GRAMMAR · The simple past tense: information questions 3 PAl'

4 :25 De~
~ »)) Irregular verbs (Also see page 125.)
What did you do last weekend? buy -+ bought eat -+ ate read -+ read A:
Where did you go? come -+ came get -+ got say -+ said
When did he get home last night? cut -+ cut go -+ went see -+ saw B:
How many cups of coffee did she drink? do -+ did have -+ had take -+ took A:
How often did you take a nap? drink -+ drank make -+ made think ~ thought
drive -+ drove put -+ put write -+ wrote
Who did they see yesterday? B:
BUT: The word order changes when Who is the subject:
Who went to the mall this morning? (We did.) 4 CH

90 UNIT 11

4 ~))) PRONUNCIATION • The simple past tense ending Listen . Then listen again and repeat.

1 /d/ 2 /t/ 3 /Id/

listened listen /d/ liked = like/t/ wanted = want/rd/
exercised = exercise/d/ washed = wash /t/ needed = need /rd/

5 ~ ))) GRAMMAR PRACTICE Complete the conversations. Use verbs in the simple past tense.
Conversation 1 Conversation 2

A: Where .... i ' your 'fam'iiy /" go ' ....... on Saturday? A: ..... i"i who /" take .... out the garbage t his morning?
B: ...... i We / go .....
to the movies. . .... '3' we'(see B: Actually, Laura ... ' ,3
a good family movie. A: And .. " 4 who ( do " the laundry?
A: ........... 4yoi.i I" go .. out to eat afterwards? B: I'm not sure . But I think ....... '; 5 'Laura i do ...... t he
B: Yes, we ... Indonesian laundry this morning, too .
' 5' ' 6We( eat
food. . f it ( have " ...... a lot of pepper. A: :~~~;sreat, but ..... i6you ( do ' .... any household
A: But ............... .
8 I / think ..... 9 your 'husbancf i n6t"1"ike B: Me? Last week .. all the chores:
peppery food. '171/ do
B: He doesn't usually like peppery food, but
... ','8 i "/ go ... shopping, and . i 911come .. home
early, and ................. ........ dinner every night.
."'0 he(eat ..a little. Actually, ., i he / say '" he 20 1/ make
really likes Indonesian food.



~ ))) CONVERSATION MODEL Read and listen.

A: So what did you do yesterday?

B: Well, I got up at seven, I made breakfast, and
then I went to work.
A: What about after work? Did you do anything
B: Not really. I just made dinner and watched
a movie.

2 ~ ))) RHYTHM AND INTONATION Listen again

and repeat. Then practice the Conversation
Model with a partner.

3 PAIR WORK Personalize the conversation.

Describe your past activities. Then change roles.

A: So what did you do . .?

Don't stop! Ask more questions.
B: Well, I , and then I
Did you [do the dishes]?
A: What about . .. ? Did you do anything Who [took out the garbage]?
special? When did you [go to the movies]?

B: ........ .
4 CHANGE PARTNERS Ask about other • household chores
past activities. • leisure activities
• entertainment events

4 :31

GOAL 1 ~ »)


1 ~ »)) VOCABULARY • Outdoor activities Read and listen. Then listen again B:
and repeat.


4 :3

2 ~.

1 go to the beach 2 go running 3 go bike riding tv

3 N

4 go for a walk 5 go swimming 6 go for a drive

2 PAIR WORK Ask and answer questions with When and

How often and the Vocabulary.
, , How often do you
go to the beach? , ,

4 :30

3 ~ »)) LISTENING COMPREHENSION Listen to the conversations. 4

Then check the correct picture to complete each statement.

1 Rosalie went _ . 2 She's going _ .

a b a b

3 They're going 4 He went _ . 5

bl...-_ _
a a b

92 UNIT 11
.. . _... ..- ... -_.- . _ - - - - - - - - ~ -.-~ . ...." ... . -.-..

NOW YOU CAN Talk about outdoor activities


~ »)) CONVERSATION MODEL Read and listen.

A: Did you have a good weekend?

B: Let me think . ... Oh, yeah. We had a
great weekend .
A: What did you do?
B: Well, on Saturday we went bike riding and
to a movie. Then on Sunday, we went for
a drive. What about you?
A: Wel l, the weather was great, so we went
for a walk on Saturday. And on Sunday
we went to the beach.

2 ~ »)) RHYTHM AND INTONATION Listen again

and repeat. Then practice the Conversation
Model with a partner.

3 NOTEPADDING On the notepad, write what

yo u did on the weekend.

On Saturday

On Sunday

4 PAIR WORK Personalize the conversation . Don't stop!

Use you r own information. Ask your partner more questions
in the simple past tense. Ask about
A: Did you have a good weekend? other times in the past.
B: Let me think ... . ..... . . . . Be sure to recycle this language.
A: What did you do?
Past-time expressions Adjectives
B: Well, ........ . Then ........ . What about you? last week good
yesterday nice
A: Well, the weather was . ., so we . the day before yeste rday great
on Saturday. And on Sunday we ........ . last month bad
last [Wed nesday] awful
5 CHANGE PARTNERS Talk about more activities. a [week] ago terrib le


grammar . voca bulary . listening
4 :33 reading . speaking . pronunciation
1 ~ ») READING Read abo ut what people did last weekend .

For e)

Rafaela Mexico
That's a picture of my husband and me. We live in Merida,on the Yucatan Peninsula. Last
weekend we drove to the small port city of Sisal. The drive wasn't very long-it took WRI1
only about one hour. In Sisal, we wenttothe beautiful beach. We ate fish at a wonderful a Wr
b Wr
outdoor restaurant. The weather was beautiful-warm and sunny. We went to bed
For e.
early and got up early. We had a REALLY great time. Last weekend was my favorite
weekend ever!

I Comment

Last weekend was awful! I went to New York because my mom and dad live there. I
wanted to go to a concert and eat at a couple of good restaurants. But the weather
was really bad-it rained, and it was so windy! There were no taxis, so we stayed in
my parents' apartment and cooked and ate. The food was good, but it wasn't what
we wanted. We watched old movies on TV. We didn't go to a concert. Next time, my
parents are coming to Jamaica. It's always sunny here!

I Comment

Clifford Canada
Well , I actually had a good time. My friends came to visit me on Friday, and we went
out to eat at a terrific restaurant. On Saturday, I went for a wa lk alone in the park, and
that evening, I went dancing at a real ly nice nightclub with my girlfriend . (We took
the picture at the nightclub.) We stayed out real ly late-so late that we ate breakfast
when we left the nightclub. Sunday? On Sunday, I slept all day.

I Comment

2 READING COMPREHENSION Write one ~/no question and On yo ur ActiveBook Self-Study Disc:
Extra Reading Comprehension Questions
one information question abo ut Rafa ela, jeremy, and Clifford .
Then answer a partner's questions. . . :,'
Extra practice · p. 144

Yes / no questions Information questions

Rafaela Where were you (or Where did
you go) la st _?
What did you do?
Clifford Who were you with?
When _?
What _?
3 SPEAKING PRACTICE Ask yo ur partner questions about an activity in the
past. Then tell your classmates about the activity. Use p ast-time expressions. 4 :34 - 4:35

Top Notch Pop

94 UNIT 11 " My Favorite Day" Lyrics p. 148

VERB GAME Form two team s. Look at the pictures for one minute.
Then close your books. Each team makes a list of all the actions in the
pictures. The team w ith the most action s w ins. For exa mple:
t,vatch TV do the laut)dry Yesterday
STORY Tell a story abo ut one of the people. Use past-time expressio ns.
For example:
La~tweeket)d) i<.aret) lNet)tto a cOt)certlNith herfriet)d~. She ...

PAIR WORK With a partner, play t he ro le of Do n or Karen. Discuss your

activities from the day before and th e weekend before . Start li ke t his:
50 What did you do [Ia)t lNeeket)d?] ...

WRITING Choose one of the follow ing topics:

a Wri te about Don and Kare n. Write about what t hey did .
b Write about your wee kend. Write about what you did.
For example: I LQS"t lNeeket)d I wet)t to the beach . ..

o 0


5 (
Appearance and Health
GOAL Describe appearance 6 (
___ ->o.:e..J!.l1 ~~·~..u.L_..>l . . .'t. __

4 ,36 1
1 ~ ))) VOCABULARY • Adjectives to describe hair Rea d and listen. Th en listen ag ain and repeat.

1 black 2 brown 3 red 4 blonde 5 gray 6 white


15 a mustache 16 a beard

9 straight 10 wavy 11 curly 12 long 13 sho rt 14 bald

4:37 4:38

2 ~ ))) VOCABULARY • The face Rea d and listen. 3 ~ ))) LISTENING COMPREHENSION
Then listen aga in and repeat. Listen to the descriptions. Write the
number of t he conversation in the ci rcle.


5 GRAMMAR • Describing people with be and have

With be With have Adjectives come before the nouns they describe.
Her eyes are blue . She has blue eyes. She has blue eyes. NOT She has eyes blue.
Their hair is gray. They have gray hair. Adjectives are never plural.
Her eyelashes are long and dark. She has long , dark eyelashes. She has blue eyes. NOT She has eIttes eyes.
Her eyes are blu e. NOT Her eyes are eIttes.

6 GRAMMAR PRACTICE Compl ete each se nte nce w it h t he correct fo rm of be o r have.

A: What does you r brother loo k like? 4 A: Wh at does his gra nd m other look like?
B: Wel l, he . . ... a mu stache and w avy B: Sh e ........ curly, g ray hair and beautiful
hair. eyes.

2 A: What does yo ur m other look like? 5 A: Wh at does his siste r loo k like?
B: Her hair . . ... cu rly and b lack. B: His siste r? Her hair ....... lo ng and p retty!

3 A: W hat does her f ath er look li ke? 6 A: Wh at d o yo ur b ro th ers loo k like?

B: He .. a short, g ray bea rd . B: They ....... straig ht, b lack hair.

4 :39

.. »)) CONVERSATION MODEL Read and listen.

A: Who's that? She looks familiar.

B: Who?
A: The woman with th e long, dark hair.
B: Oh, that's Ivete Sangalo .
Sh e's a sing er from Brazil.
A: No kidding!

2 .. »)) RHYTHM AND INTONATION Listen again

and repeat. Th en practice the Conversation
M o del with a partner.

3 PAIR WORK Talk about th e peopl e in the photos.

(OR use your own photos.) Then change roles.

A : Who's that? .. . looks familiar.

B: Wh o?
A: Th e . . .... w ith t he ....... . .
B: Oh, t hat's . ...'s . fro m
A: N o kiddin g !

4 CHANGE PARTNERS Talk about oth er peopl e.

Julia Roberts • actress (th e U.5.)

4 :44

4 -4 »))
. Ther

GOAL Show concern about an injury 1 5

• _0_0 __ ..__ j _

2 r
4:4 1
3 5
1 ~ »)) VOCABULARY • Parts of the body Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat. 4 :45

5 -4 »))
head - [ . - - - - - 7 neck
,---- 8 shoulder 1
12 hand __- -........ ~- 13 finger
2 chest I:
--~--=:'-- 14 fingernail
10 arm

4 hip
15 foot
1 •
'e.---16 toe
"a-C'-'----17 toenail
5 knee
11 leg
one foot / two feet

2 I
6 ankle
More parts of the body . p. 137

2 GAME Follow a classmate's directions . If you make a mistake, sit down.

4 :42

3 ~ »)) VOCABULARY • Accidents and injuries Read and listen .

Then listen again and repeat.

He burned 2 Sh e hurt 3 She cut 4 He broke 5 He fell down. 4

his finger. her back. her hand. his arm .

98 UNIT 12

4 ~ »)) LISTENING COMPREHENSION Listen to the conversations. Write each injury.

Then listen again and check your work.
4 He
2 He .... ... . . .. . . . .. . 5 She ........ ......... . ... . .. . .. .
3 She 6 He ... .. . .... . .. .. .. . . ......... . .. . .. . .

5 ~ »)) PRONUNCIATION • More vowel sounds Read and listen . Then listen again and repeat.
Then practice saying the words on your own.

1 /u/ 2 /u/ 3 foul 4 h/ 5 /0/

tooth should nose awful blonde
blue good toe fall hot
food foot broke long wash

----- ~~ ,-
4 :48
NOW YOU CAN Show concern about an injury ~ »)) Ways to express concern
4:46 J'':l: ~~ rr¥!9 .h~pr !~~ t;
~ »)) CONVERSATION MODEL Read and listen . Oh, no.
That's too bad.
A: Hey, Evan . What happened?
B: I broke my ankle.
A: l'.n: .s.qrrY .t9. ~ ~~~ !~ ~~ . Does it hurt?
B: Actually, no. It doesn't.

2 ~»)) RHYTHM AND INTONATION Listen again and

repeat. Then practice the Conversation Model
with a partner.

3 PAIR WORK Change the model. Use the pictures

for ideas. Then change roles.

A: Hey, ........ . What happened?

B: I ..... ... .
A: ........ . Does it hurt?
B: Actually, .. . It .. .. ... . .

4 CHANGE PARTNERS Discuss other injuries .

99 4 : 51

LESSON 3 5 ~ ) ) LI
GOAL Suggest a remedy
4 :49 .....
1 ~ )) VOCABULARY • Ailments Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat. 1
I don't feel well. I have ... 2


1 a headache 2 a stomachache 3 an earache 4 a toothache 5 a backache

1 I he
2 I d(
3 My

9 a cough lOa runny nose

6 a cold 7 a sore throat 8 a fever
4 :52

1 ~ ))

2 PAIR WORK Tell your partner about a time you had an I had a headache last week. A: I
ailment. Use the Vocabulary. , , Really? I never have headaches. , , B: ,
4 :50

3 ~) ) VOCABULARY • Remedies Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat. A: I
B: I

A: I

B: I

2 ~ ))

3 PAil
take something 2 lie down 3 have some tea 4 see a doctor / a dentist
A: .
4 GRAMMAR · Should + base form for advice B: ,
A: .
Use should with the base form of a verb. He shouldn 't go
to school today. B: .
A: .
You B: I
He should take something.
She shouldn't go to work.

100 UNIT 12

5 ~»)) LISTENING COMPREHENSION Listen to the conversations . Check t he ai lment.

Then write the remedy. Use should or shouldn 't.

0 0 0
2 0 0 0 0 0 0 HI? ... ....... .......... ...

3 0 0 0 0 0 0 She ...... ....................

4 0 0 0 0 0 0 HI?.. .. .... .... .. ... ..... .. .............. ... ... .. .. ,

5 0 0 0 0 0 0 ......... .... .... ..... . .... ........ .. .......


6 0 0 0 0 0 He .... .. ..... ... ... .... .. ... ...... .... .. ..

6 GRAMMAR PRACTICE Partner A: Read items 1-3. Partner B, suggest a remedy. Partner B: Read items 4-6 .
Partner A, suggest a remedy. Use should or shouldn't.
I have a backache . 4 I have a bad toothache.
2 I don't fee l we ll. I think I have a fever. 5 I have a sore throat.
3 My son doesn't feel well. He has a cough . 6 My wife feels really bad . She has a stomachache.



~ »)) CONVERSATION MODEL Read and listen.

A: I don't feel well. 4:5 4

~ »)) Ways to say you're sick

••••• IO •••• IO •••

B: What's wrong?
I don't fee l well.
A: I have a headache . i re"el terrible. " "
I don't feel so good.
B: Oh, that's too bad. You rea lly
should take something.
A: Good idea. Thanks .
B: I hope you feel better.

2 ~ »)) RHYTHM AND INTONATION Listen again and repeat.

Then practice the Conversation Model with a partner.

3 PAIR WORK Personalize the model. Then change roles .

B: What's wrong?
B: ... .. ... . You really
A: ........ . Thanks.
B: I hope you feel better. Don't stop! Give other advice,
using should or shou ldn't.
go to bed go to class
take a nap exercise

4 CHANGE PARTNERS Discuss other ai lments.

grammar . voca bu lary . listening

reading . speaking . pronunciation
4 :55

1 ~ ») READING Look at the photos and read t he descriptions. Do you know th ese
famous people?

Shakira Isabel Mebarak Ripoll

is a singer and songwriter from
Barranquilla, Colombia. Her father's
family came from Lebanon, so
she often listened and danced
to traditional Arabic music. In
1995, at the age of 22, Shakira's
Spanish-language album Pies
Descalzos made her famous all
over Latin America and Spain, and
she became a star. In 2001 , she
recorded her first songs in English William Bradley Pitt is an actor from the U.S., famous
on the album Laundry Service. as "Brad Pitt." He and the actress Angelina Jolie have
Today, Shakira is famous all over the six children. In 1985, Brad Pitt moved to Los Angeles
world. Shakira was always beautiful, to study acting. He began acting on TV in 1987, but
with long, straight, black hair. In soon after, he became famous in movies. With his short,
2001 , she changed her hair style to straight, blonde hair and blue eyes, many people think he
long, curly, and blonde. But her fans
love her in any hair style.
is very handsome. But when he isn't acting and he wants
to relax, he sometimes grows his hair long. Or he doesn't
shave and wears a beard. Then he doesn't look familiar
to people-they don't know he's Brad Pi tt, the actor.

----..- ...... --------,-

2 READING COMPREHENSION Answer the questions.
1 Who sings in Spanish and English? ............ .. 4 Where is Shakira from? .
2 Who has six children? 5 What colo r are Brad Pitt's eyes? ....... .. .. . ... .
3 Who is from Lebanon? .... .. .. . .. 6 What does Pitt do when he
isn't acting? ...................... .. .... .. . . .. . ... .

3 PAIR WORK Partner A describes Shakira in her two pictures.

On your ActiveBook Self-Study Disc:
Partner B describes Brad Pitt in his two pictures. Extra Reading Comprehension Questions
Which pictures do you like?
, , In the fi rst pictu re,
Shakira has ... , ,

4 DISCUSSION What kind of hair is good-looking for " I like long, wavy
women? What kind of hair is good-looking for men? hair on women. "

5 GROUP WORK Describe someone in your class.

Your classmates guess who it is.
" She's short and very good-looking . She
has long hair and brown eyes. She's wearing
a white blouse and a blue skirt. " Extra practice • p. 144

102 UNIT 12

GAME Play in groups of three. Partner A: Describe a person 's

ai lment or injury. Partners Band C: Who can point to the
picture first? For example:
He ha~ a headache.
Describe a person . Your partner points to the picture.
For examp le:
He ha) brown hair.
2 Suggest a remedy. Your partner po ints to th e picture.
For examp le:
She ~hovld ~ee a doctor.
3 Create a co nversation for each situation .
Start like this: I feel terrible. OR What happened?
WRITING Describe someon e you know. Use the vocabulary
from this unit and from Unit 4. For example:

My friend Sve i~ very pretty. She ha)

~hortj cvrly hair . ..

5 GR
Abilities and Requests - 1 Express a wish.
2 Politely decline an invitation.
3 Ask for and agree to do a favor.

GOAL Express a wish
-- --
.. ) Adverbs ~ and .QEd!¥.
'--'- ~, -- - .

1 ~ »)) VOCABULARY • Abilities Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat.

6 Gf
Tom sings well.
Ryan sings badly. 1

sing 2 dance 3 play the guitar / the violin


4 swim 5 ski 6 cook 7 sew 8 knit 1

More musical instruments . p. 1 34

~(, 2
9 draw 10 paint 11 drive 12 fi x things

2 INTEGRATED PRACTICE Write three things you do well and three things 3
you do badly.
1 I );n9 [Nell. I dance badly.

2 5
3 6

3 PAIR WORK Tell your partner about your abilities. 4 GROUP WORK Tell yo ur class about some of your
Use well and badly. partner's abilities.
" I sing we ll, but , , Ann sings well, but
I dance badly. " she dances badly. "

104 UNIT 13

5 GRAMMAR • Can and can't for ability

To talk about ability, use can or can't and the base form of a verb.
Questions Short answers
Can you play the guitar? Yes, I can. / No, I can 't.
Can he speak English? Yes , he can. / No, he can't.

Use can or can't with well to indicate degree of ability.

She can play the guitar, but she can 't play well.

She can play the guitar. He can't cook.

can't = can not = cannot ~
6 GRAMMAR PRACTICE Complete each conversation with can or can't
and the base form of a verb.
A: . . ... you . . .... the guitar? 4 A: . ... Gloria . . English well?
B: Yes, I . . .... . But I don't play well. B: No, she ........... . She needs this class.
2 A: ........... Gwen ........... well? 5 A: ........... your mother . 7

B: Yes, she . .. . She swims very well . B: Yes . She knits very well.
3 A: . . .. your brother . ? 6 A: . . ... your sisters ........... ?
B: My brother? No . He ... cook at all. B: Yes. They go skiing every weekend .

- - - - - -- -~ - - - -<-~"'-~'-"~""-

NOW YOU CAN Express a wish


~ ») CONVERSATION MODEL Read and listen.

A: I wish I could draw. Can you?

B: Yes, I can.
A: Really?
B: I draw a lot. But not very well.

2 ~ ») RHYTHM AND INTONATION Listen again

and repeat. Then practice the Conversation
Model with a partner.

3 PAIR WORK Personalize the conversation.

Exp ress a wish and ask about your partner's
abilities. Then change roles.

A: I wish I could ....... . Can you?

Don't stop!
A: Really? Ask more questions. Say more
about your abilities.
B: .

$ Be sure to recycle this language.

4 CHANGE PARTNERS Express other wishes.
What do you [draw]? I draw [peo ple].
When do you [ski]? I ski [every wee kend].
Where do you [sing]? I sin g [in the showe r] .

5 :0

GOAL Politely decline an invitation 1 ~)

. -

1 ~ ») VOCABULARY • Reasons for not doing something Read and listen. Then listen again B:
and repeat. A
5: 0:

2 ~-

3 P,
She's busy. 2 They're not hungry. 3 She's full.

4 He's tired. 5 It's early. 6 It's late.

2 PAIR WORK Tell your partner about a time you

were busy, tired, or full. Last week, I worked late
every day. I was so tired.
3 GRAMMAR · Too + adjective

Too makes an adjective stronger. It usually gives it a negative meaning. Be careful!

I'm too busy. I can 't talk right now. Don't use too with a positive
I'm too tired. Let's not go to the movies. adjective.
It's too late . I should go to bed. She's so pretty.
NOT She's tee j3fetty.

4 GRAMMAR PRACTICE Complete each sentence. Use too and an adjective.

1 I don't want these shoes. 2 It's . __ today. 3 I'm .

They're too ~xpe'1 ~i ve . She ca n't go swim ming . I can't read right now.

4 He doesn't want that shirt. 5 I can't talk right now. 6 It's ................. _____ .
I'm I don't want to watch a movie.
It's .
106 UNIT 13
~--=-r~.,,--- L ~~_~~ ___ ~

NOW YOU CAN Politely decline an invitation


.. »)) CONVERSATION MODEL Read a nd listen .

A: Let's go to a movie.
B: I'm really sorry, but I'm too busy.
A: That's too bad . Maybe some other time.
S: 08

2 .. »)) RHYTHM AND INTONATION Listen again

and repeat. Then practice the Conversation
Model with a partner.

3 PAIR WORK Change the model. Suggest a

diffe rent activity. Use the vocabulary and the
photos (or your own ideas). Then change roles.

A: Let's go ........ .
B: I' m really sorry, but
A: ........ . Maybe some other time.

Don't stop!
Su ggest another activity.
Acce pt or decline the invitation.

Be sure to recycle this language.

How abo ut - ?
Sou nds g reat.
I [go]
[go] for a drive
bike ri ding
OK. [go] fo r a wa lk

to the beach

4 CHANGE PARTNERS Suggest oth er activities a nd give ot he r reaso ns.

5 ,10
4 ~ )J
GOAL Ask for and agree to do a favor 1
1 GRAMMAR Polite requests with Could vou + base form 3
Use Could YOU and the base form of a verb to make requests. 5
Could you wash the dishes?
Use please to make a request more polite.
Could you please wash the dishes?
5 ..
5 ,,-



2 .. »)) VOCABULARY • Favors Read and listen . Then listen again and repeat. 1

2 Could you please close the door? 3 Could you please turn on the light? 6 n

\ 1

Also : open t he door Al so : close t he wind ow Al so : turn on th e stove

open th e refrigera tor close th e microwave door turn on th e co mpu te r

Could you please turn off th e 5 Could you please hand me my glasses? 6 Could you please help me?

Also: turn off the microwave Al so: hand me my swea ter Al so: give me a hand
t urn off the lig ht hand m e my book

3 INTEGRATED PRACTICE Complete the polite requests. Use Could you please. Use the
Vocabulary and other verbs you know.
1 It's a little hot in here. . .... the window?
2 I have a headache. .. dinner tonight?
3 I' m going shopping . . . ................. my jacket?
4 I'm going to bed . ......... .. . . . ... the computer?
5 I want to read a book. .. ................... the lamp?
6 ..... . ................ .................. .. . ..... shopping? We need milk .
7 I'm making dinner righ t now. .. out the garbage?
8 Let's watch a movie . .......... .. . ... the TV?

108 UNIT 13

4 ~ »)) LISTENING COMPREHENSION Listen to the conversations. Then complete

each request.
1 Could you (;Io)~ :rh.ew.if)do~ , please?
2 Could you . . .... ........ . . ... .. .. ........... . ........ . .. ...... ?
3 Could you please ...... . .. . .......... . ........... . ..... . . .. ?
4 Could you please . . .. ?
5 Could you . .. ?

5 ~»)) PRONUNCIATION • Assimilation of sounds: Could vou ... ? Read and listen . Then listen
again and repeat.

/'kuc13u / /' kuc13u /

1 Could you please open the window? 2 Could you please close the door?

6 INTEGRATED PRACTICE Look again at the Vocabulary. Choose three requests to read
aloud . Pay attention to assimilation of sounds in Could you.


NOW YOU CAN Ask for and agree to do a favor



listen .

A: Could you do me a favor?


B: Of course. ~ »)) Ways to agree

A: Could you please close the w indow? to a request
B: ?~!~\ Nq pr9P)~rn· ~?: p'r.o.b.l~I)'1;
5,13 Of course.
2 ~ »)) RHYTHM AND INTONATION Listen My pleasure.
again and repeat. Then practice the OK.
Conversation Model with a partner.

3 PAIR WORK Ask for a different favor.

Then change roles.

A: Could you do me a favor?

B: ..... ... .
A: Could you please . .?

Ideas for favors

turn on the _ do the laundry
turn off the _ make dinner
open the _ take out the garbage
close the _ wash the dishes
hand me my _ clean the house
help me

Don't stop! Give a reason .

It's cold / hot. I'm going to bed.
I'm making lunch. I'm too tired.

4 CHANGE PARTNERS Ask for other favors.


5: 15
rea ding . speaki ng . pronun ciation
1 ~ ))) READING Read the article.

From infant to toddler. • •

At birth, an infant cannot do anything alone.
But before the age of two, a baby learns many things.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
• •
Between 1and 3 months
•• •
a baby can... • turn her head or •
smile when her mother cry when she's hungry, •
• or father speaks. roll over. thirsty, or afraid. see colors.
• •
• •
Between 3 and 6 months • •
a baby can... • •
• look at his own laugh and make •
• sit with help. reach for thing s. hands and feet. an "m" sound. •
• • -:

Between 6 and 12 months .
a baby can... •
sit without help and
• crawl and stand. pick up small things.
say some words.

Between 1and 2 years

a baby can ... •
• play next to
• throw things. say " no'~
other children. walk.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
2 READING COMPREHENSION Write./ for the things that five-month-o ld
babies can do, according to the article. Write X for the things they can't do.
o smile o say some words o crawl and stand o throw things
o pick up sma ll things o walk o reach for things o sit without help
o see colors o roll over o laugh

3 INTEGRATED PRACTICE Complete the sentences On your ActiveBook Self-Study Disc:

about what a baby cannot do. Extra Reading Comprehension Questions

I At one month, a baby can't cralNl.

. . :,'
At two months,
Extra practice . p.145
I ~
2 At five months,
3 At eleven months, Top Notch Pop
"She Can't Pl ay Guitar"
4 At sixteen months, Lyrics p. 148

4 GROUP WORK Discuss things children can and , , At three years, a child
can't do at other ages . can't ride a bicycle. " " At eight years, a child can 1
do some household chores . , ,
110 UNIT 13

Create conversations for the people.
A: Let\ _ .
{3 ; What time i) it?
2 Ask and answer questions with Can about the
people. For examp le:
CaT) )he _ ?/ CaT) he _ ?
GAME Make a fa lse statement about th e picture,
using too and an adjective. Your partner explains
why it's fa lse. For example:
A; ApartmeT)t2A i) too warm .
{3; Fal)e, becav)e the WomaT) i) cold .
STORY Create a story about what is happening
in the apartment building . Start like this:
It\ '1:)0 . ..

WRITING Describe some thing s people can and

can't do when they get old. For examp le:

At eighty, )Ome people caT)'t drive,

bvt my graT)dfather caT).

5 :21

6 ~ )) \

Life Events and Plans . 1 Get to know someone's life story.

2 Discuss plans.

3 Express wishes for the future.

GOAL Get to know someone's life story
~ ...... _ _ _ _ ~4_-""'_~ ~ __ _


1 ~ )) VOCABULARY • Some life events Read and listen . Then listen aga in and repeat.

__age 12 {
age 4 :1"
' (: .
a g~ .

1 be born 2 grow up 3 go to school
6 me


1 ~.
4 move 5 study 6 graduate
5:19 A
2 ~ )) PRONUNCIATION • Diphthongs Listen 3 PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE Look at the Vocabulary B
and repeat. pictures. Ask and answer the questions out loud with a
partner. Use the correct pronunciation of the diphthongs. A

1 larl 2 laul 3 1)11 B

1 What's the boy's first name?
my how boy 2 What's his last name? A
I noun oil 3 What school did he go to? B
tie town boil 4 What university did he graduate from? A

4 ~ )) LISTENING COMPREHENSION Listen to the conversation about Graciela Boyd's life story. 2 ~
Which statement about Graciela's life is true? rE
D She was born in Boston and D She was born in London and D She was born in Costa Rica and
lives there now. lives in Boston now. lives in Boston now. 3 pj
~ )) Listen again . Circle the correct word or words to complete each statement. If necessary, listen again .
1 Graciela's mother is from (Costa Rica I 4 Graciela's mother is a/an (Spanish I English) teacher.
Boston) . 5 Graciela grew up in (London I Boston) .
2 Graciela was born in (Costa Rica I London) . A
6 In May, Graciela is graduating from
3 Her father is (American I British) . (the university I medical school) . B
5 PAIR WORK Use the questions to interview yo ur partner. Then tell the class about yo ur partner.
1 When and where were you born? What about other people in your family? A
2 Where did you grow up? What about other people in your family?
4 C
112 UNIT 14 ".:;. :. _______________ -- - -
~ - -- - - -------I-,;.,.-~~

'.oL_______________ _ _ _ __, _ , _________ :..-L~L~:. . J~B1.

2Bi:il:......~1-~_~___________ _ __ ____ __ ____ _ ____________ ~~'"_L....~.d.::_tdtl
__ ~i.fl:::,--------------------, _ __ _ __ ___________ ~_L:.....L:i.:.:.:L.~_

6 ~»)) VOCABULARY • Academic subjects Read and listen. More academic subjects ' p. 135
Then listen again and repeat

1 architecture 2 medicine 3 psychology 4 business 5 education

6 mathematics / 7 information 8 nursing 9 eng ineering 10 law

math techno logy

NOW YOU CAN ,<;iet to know someone's life story


~ »)) CONVERSATION MODEL Read and listen .

A: Where were you born?

B: Here. In New York.
A: And did yo u grow up here?
B: Yes, I did. And you?
A: I was born in Brasilia.
B: Did you grow up there?
A: Actua lly, no. I grew up in Toronto .

2 ~ »)) RHYTHM AND INTONATION Listen again and

repeat. Then practice the Conversation Model
with a partner.

3 PAIR WORK Personalize the conversation with

real information.
Don't stop!

A: Where we re yo u born ? Ask and answer more
A: And did you grow up 7
.... -. . . . Be sure to recycle this language.
B: ........ . And you?
What do you do?
A: I was born in .. ...... .
What are you studying
B: Did you grow up . ... ? [or What did you study]?
Did you graduate?
A: .

4 CHANGE PARTNERS Get to know another classmate's life story.


5: 24
1 ~ »)) VOCABULARY • More leisure activities Read and listen . Then listen 4
again and repeat. 5

1 travel 2 go camping 3 go fishing 4 relax

1 I

Also remember
check e-mail
go dancing
go out for dinner
go running
go to the beach
go to the movies
listen to music 2 •
5 hang out with friends 6 sleep late 7 do nothing
play soccer
5,25 read
2 ~ »)) LISTENING COMPREHENSION Listen to the cell phone calls. take a nap
Complete each sentence with the present continuous form of one visit friends 3
of the words or phrases in the Vocabulary. l
1 Charlie's ~oi ,,9 f)otj,if)9
2 Rachel 's ... . . .. .. .... .
3 They're
4 Barbara's ..................... .
5 Harvey's family is ... . ... . .. .. . .. .... . .. .

3 GRAMMAR • Be going to + base form

Use be going to + base form to express future plans. is not going = 's not going = isn't going
are not going = 're not going = aren't going
I'm I'm
You 're You 're
He ~ He ~
She's going to relax this weekend. She's not going to go camping this weekend .
We're We're
They're They're
Yes / no questions
Are you going to sleep late tomorrow? Yes, I am . / No, I'm not.
Is she gOing to travel to Europe? Yes , she is. / No, she isn't.
Are we going to be on time? Yes, we are. / No, we aren't.

4 C~

114 UNIT 14
4 GRAMMAR PRACTICE Write sentences about future plans with be going to.
1 you / eat in a restaurant / this wee kend ? l\rf! yov .9{)iI)9 to eat. il) (lre~talJra.l)t.tJ,i~w.ef!kel)d?
2 They / go to t he movies / tonight. .................. . .. . .. ...... ....... .. .
3 1/ hang out with my parents / at the beach . .......... ... .
4 he / relax / tomo rrow? .
5 she / go fis hing / with you? ...... . ... ... ... .. . .. .. .. . . ... ... ..... .. . .... . .
6 we / exercise / on Saturday? ........ . .
7 they / move? .
8 Jeff and Joan / study / architecture. . . .. ... ....... .. .... ... ..... .
9 She / grad uate / in May. .. . .. ..... .



~ ») CONVERSATION MODEL Read and listen.

A: Any plans for the weekend?

B: Not really. I'm just going to hang out with
friends. And you?
A: Act ually, I' m going to go camping .

2 ~ ») RHYTHM AND INTONATION Listen again

and repeat. Then practice the Conversation
Model with a partner.

3 PAIR WORK Personalize the conversation.

Use the Vocabulary or the pictures below
and be going to.

A: Any plans for ... ?

B: ........ . I'm . . . And you?
A: Actually, I'm

Don 't stop!

Ask about other times. Ask more
questions with be going to.

Be sure to recycle this language.

next week
after cl ass
Are you going to _ ?

4 CHANGE PARTNERS Ask another classmate about his or her plans.


GOAL Express wishes for the future 6 GRAM


1 ~ ))) VOCABULARY . Life cycle events Read and listen. Then listen again and repeat. Wha

1 W
2 W
3 W
4 W
get married 2 have children 3 retire 4 change careers
5 W
2 GRAMMAR • Would like + infinitive: statements and !lfl.§/no questions 6 Vv

Use would like + an infinitive to express your wishes for the future.
5 ,)0
She 'd like to study art. Contractions
1 ~ );
They wouldn't like to have children . would like ~ 'd like
would not like ~ wouldn't like
Yes / no questions
Would you like to change careers? Yes , I would . / No, I wouldn 't. B:
Would they like to get married? Yes , they would . / No, they wouldn 't. A:

5,29 B:
3 ~ ))) LISTENING COMPREHENSION Listen to each person . Then complete each sentence
with would like. Use the infinitive form of a word or phrase from the Vocabulary.
1 She L:VQ(.Ildli.k~ tQ9.E;'tI'YJQrri~d ................ . 3 She. ..... ..... ....... ... ......... ..... ...... . B l

2 ~)
2 He . 4 They .
4 INTEGRATED PRACTICE Complete the survey. Then, on a separate sheet of paper, write M
statements about yourself, using would like and wouldn't like + infinitives.
3 PI
In the next two years, would you like to ... re

D get married? D study a new language? D meet a Scorpio?
D graduate? D write a book? D paint your living room?
D have children? D learn to play a musical instrument? D buy a new refrigerator? B:
D move to a new country? D get a new car? D OTHER I'd like to .
D move to a new city? D meet a good-looking man?
D move to a new apartment D meet a good-looking woman?
or a new house? 4 Cl

116 UNIT 14

5 PAIR WORK Ask your partner questions from the survey in Exercise 4. Would you both like to do the same
things? Or would you like to do different things?

6 GRAMMAR Would like + infinitive: information questions

What would you like to study? (Business.)

When would they like to retire? (In June.)
Where would he like to go next weekend? (To the movies.)
Who would you like to marry? (Elena.)
BUT: Note the difference in word order when Who is the subject:
Who would like to study Italian? (I would!)

7 INTEGRATED PRACTICE Write information questions with would like, using the cues.
1 Where / you / get married .. ~ov.ld tQ9etmarried? .
2 What / their children / study . . .. . . ... ... .. . ..... ........ . . .. . . .. ... . .... . . .. . . .. ..... .. .. .
3 What / her husband / do .......... ... .. ... .
4 When / your parents / move .
5 Who / her daughter / marry
6 Who / change careers


~ ))) CONVERSATION MODEL Read and listen.

A: So what's next for you, Shawn?

B: What do you mean?
A: Well, would you like to get married or
have children?
B: Actually, yes. I'd like to get married and
have children. What about you?
A: Me? Actually, I'd like to study art.
2 ~ ))) RHYTHM AND INTONATION Listen again
and repeat. Then practice the Conversation
Model with a partner.

3 PAIR WORK Personalize the conversation.

Use the Vocabulary from page 116 and
real information.

A: So what's next for you, ........ ?

B: What do you mean?
A: Well, would you like to . . ... ?
Don't stop!
B: Actually, ......... I'd like to ........ . CC?ntinue asking about other
What about you? wishes for the future.
• graduate
A: Me? Actually, I'd like to ....... . . • study [nursing]
• move to _
• get a new job
• meet my future [husband / wife]
classmate what he or she would like to do.


grammar Lau f'

reading . speaking . pronunciation Born 1
1 -. ») READING Read about Harry Houdini, a famous escape artist.

In 1893, Houdini married

Beatrice Raymond , whom
he called Bess. For the rest
of Houdini's career, Bess
Harry Houdini was born Ehrich Weisz in
worked as his assistant on
Budapest, Hungary, on March 24 , 1874.
stage. The couple didn't
He came from a large family. He had six
have ch ildren.
sibl ings-five brothers and one sister.
At first, Houdini wasn 't
At the age of four, Ehrich moved with
very successful. But in
his family to the United States, first to
1899, he started to do
Appleton, Wisconsin , and then later to
"escape acts, " in which he
New York City.
escaped from chains and
The family was poor, and young Ehrich handcuffs. People came to see him
didn't get an education and never escape from chains and boxes underwater.
graduated from school. Instead, he In one famous act, Houdini escaped from a
worked to help the family. Ehrich and large milk can filled with milk. Houdini became
his brother Theo were interested in rich and famous all over the world.
magic, and at the age of seventeen,
In 1926, Houdini was sick during a
Ehrich began his career as a magician .
performance. After the show, he went to
He changed his name to Houdini,
the hospital. But it was too late- Harry
after the name of a famous French
Houdini died at the young age of 52.
magician , Robert Houdin.

Information source : hup: //www.apl.m:g

On you r ActiveBook Self-Study Disc:
Extra Reading Comprehension Questions
2 READING COMPREHENSION Answer the questions in
complete sentences.
1 What was Houdini's original name? .... ...... .
2 Where was he born? ........................ .
3 When did his family move? .... . .... . .
4 Where did they move? ........................... . Next)

5 Did Houdini graduate from a university?

6 Did Houdini get married? .... ... .. ... .. . .. . .. . .. . ..... . .. ...... . .. .... .. . ..... . ..... ..
7 What was his wife's name? ............ .
8 Did the Houdinis have children? ........... . .
9 When did Houdini d ie? .
10 Challenge: What would you like to know more about?
. ' :,'
On a separate sheet of paper, write three information Extra practice ' p. 746
questions. Example:
Why did tiovdini'S' family moVe to the United State S' ?
Top Notch Pop
j I
3 PAIR WORK Tell your partner your life story. Ask your partner questio ns about " I Wa sn't Born Yesterday"

his or her story.

Lyrics p . 148 In thre

118 UNIT 14


Lau ren Denmark

12 1990
n Born May '
New York (~.S.)
PAIR WORK Ask and answe r questions about Lauren's life .
Ask about her plan s and her wishes for the future .
For exa mpl e:
Where Wa S" Lauren born?
TELL A STORY Tell th e story of Lauren Denmark 's life.
Talk about the past, the present, and the future. What did
she do? What is she doing now? What would she like to
do? Start like this:
Lauren WaS" born in 1'1'10. She 9rew up in ...

WRITING On a separate sheet of paper, w rite the story

of your own life. Then write your plans and w ish es for th e
future. Include a picture or pictures if poss ible.
For example:

I WaS" born in Madrid in 1'187. I 9rew up in ...

Barton College of Engineering Los
Ang eles (U .S.)


Units 8 -14 Review

1 ~ ))) LISTENING COMPREHENSION Listen to th e conversations . Check the picture that Are
a nswe rs each question .

1 Wh e re does he live? 2 Where does he work?

b b

3 Where does she work? 4 Where does she teach?

4 GR.

b b
5 Where does she work? 6 Where does his daughter work?

a b a ' - J"""""_ _ _......_ - - '

2 INTEGRATED PRACTICE Complete the e-mail about Anna's new apartment. Use there's
and there are, and the names of furniture and appliances. 5 CO
My new apartmen t' Gr
Hey, Mel: I have this great furn ished apartment. It has everything! yo
The .......... i ........... has a nice big stove and fo ur ....... ' 2 .. .. ... .
There's a dining room with a ........ '3 ........ and four ....... '.4 '
Next to the dining room ........... .5 .... a large living room with
a green ........ 6' . . . . And . . . .. i ....... four chairs: great for
ha nging out with my friends and watching ........ S......... . There's no Id
oflice, but there's a .............. in the living room. And •
I love the bedroom. It has a .......... , o.......... for all my books. There are •
two . . i'1" and two blue.. .. .. . .. ' '2 ' . . ... . Very •
nice! There's even a beautiful balcony next to the bedroom, with a little
.. i'3 ' ....... and two . ..... i 4 ......... . The bathroom i
the only room that isn't perfect. .. "" 5' ......... a hower but no
....... ""i e; ......... .

120 Units 8-14 Review

3 GRAMMAR PRACTICE Write questions about home and work. Use What, Where, Is there, and
Are there. Ask your partner the questions. Write your partner's answers.

Your questions Your answers

2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6

4 GRAMMAR PRACTICE Complete the conversations with the correct forms of the verbs .
A: Where ........... Jill ........... last weekend? 3 A: Where ........ you this morning?
go be
B: I' m not sure. I know she . . .... to B: Me? I running.
want go
go camping . A: Did Sheri . ........... with you?
A: Maybe she . . ....... camping, then. B: No. She ...... to class.
go go
2 A: Would you like to go to the beach? 4 A: ........... you ......... work . . yesterday?
B: No way. We ... 'be ......... the re yesterday. B: No, I . . . Yesterday I .... sick.
We .. .... 'have . ..... an awfu l time . A: I'm sorry. ............ you have '" a fever?
A: Why? What ............ .. wrong? B: Yes, I .
B: The water ....... 'be ....... really dirty,
so I . .. . .... swimming.

Use the questions you wrote in
Grammar Practice 3. Exchange
real information about where
you live and work. Start like this:

" What's your 1

[ apartment like? "

• the location of your home,
school, and workplace
• the places in your neighborhood
• the description of your hom e
6 GRAMMAR PRACTICE Complete the telephone conversations with the present 9 ~ )))
continuous or the simple present tense. ThE
1 A: Hello? 3 A: Hello?
B: Hi, Sid. Ann . .. .. ... . . . ? B: Hi, Liz. Where are you?
you / sleep
A: No, I'm not. breakfast. A: ............ right now. Can I
1/ make I / drive
B: ..... breakfast? call you back?
you / usually / make
A: Actually, .. . ... often . B: Sure . . ......... .. . . my office
I / not cook you have
But for a test. number? . . ... today.
Gwen / study 1/ work

2 A: Hello? 4 A: Hello?
B: Hi, Bonnie . .. for food. B: Hi, Stan. What time . 10 IN
I / shop you / get up
on Satu rdays?
anything from the store? 1
you / need
A: Actually yes .. . ............... a salad for A: Why . . that now?
1/ make you / ask
It's on ly Thursday!
dinner and . . .... any tomatoes.
1/ not have
B: Because . her driving
B: No problem. . . ... those Maria / take
They / sell
beautiful tomatoes from Mexico right now. test at 8:30, and . .. a ride to
she / need
the test.
A: Great! .. . . ... . .. . .. those tomatoes.
1/ like
, , Are there any
7 PAIR WORK Partner A: Look at your picture.
apples on you r tab le? "
Partner B: Turn your book and look at your picture.
Ask questions about the foods on the table . " No, there aren't. "

., . .,

8 INTEGRATED PRACTICE Write questions to complete each conversation.

1 A: . 6 A: .. . .... ?
B: I usually eat lunch at the office . B: I'd like to study architecture.
2 A:. ........... ? 7 A: . .. ?
11 t
B: Dana and Eric? They went to Colorado. B: No. I'm not going to graduate this year.
3 A: . ..... ? 8 A: .. ......... . . ?
B: Milk? We need two large containers. B: She broke her leg.
4 A: . ........................... . .... ? 9 A: . .. ?
B: Sally teaches math. B: Oh, that's juliette Binoche, the actress.
5 A: . . ......... .. ..... .. ... ..... ? 10 A: .
B: Madhur was born in India. B: Yes, my parents can speak Arab ic, but I can't.

122 Units 8-14 Review

9 ~ »)) LISTENING COMPREHENSION Listen to the conversations . Check past, present, or future.

Then listen again and check your work.

Past Present Future

0 ~ 0
1 I 2 0 0 0
3 0 0 0
4 0 0 0
5 0 0 0
6 0 0 0

10 INTEGRATED PRACTICE Express sympathy to each person . Make suggestions with should and shouldn't.

have a terrible headache 5 I didn't sleep last night.

I? I fee l terrible!

~ I'm I"ol"orry . . You . . You

g I" hO lJ Idtake:l"ol'Y)ethi.f19..

My son has an earache and a fever.

2 6 He's only eighteen months old.

~ .. . . . . . . ... . . .. . . He .... . He

My broth er and I have
stomachaches. I think
we ate something bad .
. ~.~ ,
My grandfather fell down and broke
his arm when the weather was bad .

.. . . . You I"0 . .o ooo·~.!\

0 .0
. He

\\1; / .
My wife has a terrible backache!

~ ...... . She

11 CONVERSATION PRACTICE Discuss relatives and friends. Start like this :

, ' Tell me about your mother.
• Appearance Where was she born? "
• Stud ies
• Abilities Be sure to recycle this language.
• Life events
• Wishes for the future Te ll me about _ .
No kidding.

Reference Charts
Argentina Argentinean / Argentine Guatemala Guatemalan Peru Peruvian
Australia Australian Holland Dutch Poland Polish
Belgium Belgian Honduras Honduran Portugal Portuguese
Bolivi a Bolivian Hungary Hungarian Russia Russian
Brazi l Brazilian India Indian Saudi Arab ia Saudi / Saudi Arabian
Canada Canadian Indonesia Indonesian Spain Spanish
Chile Chilean Ireland Irish Sweden Swedish
China Chinese Italy Italian Switzerland Swiss
Colombia Co lombian Japan Japanese Taiwan Chinese
Costa Rica Costa Rican Korea Korean Thailand Thai
Ecuador Ecuadorian Lebanon Lebanese Turkey Turkish
Egypt Egyptian Malaysia Malaysian t he United Kingdom British
El Salvador Salvadorean Mexico Mexican the United States American
France French Nicaragua Nicaraguan Uruguay Uruguayan
Germany German Panama Panamanian Venezuela Venezuelan
Greece Greek Paraguay Paraguayan Vietnam Vietnamese

100 one hundred 1,000 one thousand 10,000 t en thousand 1,000 ,000 one million
500 five hundred 5,000 five thousand 100,000 one hundred thousand 1,000,000,000 one billion

This is an alphabetical list of all irregular verbs in the Top Notch Fundamentals units. The page number refers to the
page on which the base form of the verb fi rst appears.
base form simple past page base form simple past page base form simple past page
be was / were 4 get got 52 say said 90
break broke 98 go went 25 see saw 85
buy bought 76 grow grew 112 sing sang 104
can could 23 hang out hung out 114 sleep slept 114
come came 52 have had 32 study studied 52
cut c ut 98 hurt hurt 98 swim swam 104
do did 52 lie lay 100 take took 22
draw drew 104 make made 52 teach taught 84
drink drank 85 meet met tell told 88
drive drove 22 put put 52 think thought 90
eat ate 52 read read 54 wear w ore 72
fall fell 98 ride rode 92 write wrote 5
feel felt 100

These are the pronunciation symbols used in Top Notch Fundamentals .

Vowels Consonants
Symbol KeyWords Symbol KeyWords Symbol KeyWords Symbol KeyWords
feed ;:) banana, around p p ark, happy butter, bottle
did ()'- shirt, birthday b b ack, cabbage t' button
el date, table al cry, eye t t ie f she, stat ion,
c bed, neck au about , how d d ie spec ial, discussion
re bad, h.a nd :J I boy k c ame, k itchen, quarter 3 leisure
0 box, father Ir here, near 9 g ame, g o h hot, who
:J wash er chair If ch icken , watch m m en
00 co mb, po st or gu itar, are cB jacket, orange n sun, kn ow
0 book, good :Jr door, chore f face, photographer I) sung, si nger
u boot , food, student or tour v vacation w w eek, white
11 but , mother e th ing, math light , long
0 then , that rain , writer
s c ity, psychology y yes, use, music
z please, goes

References 125

Vocabulary Booster MiU"'1

~ ))) Mor
~ ))) More occupations

1 as
2 an
On a !
1 an accountant 2 a bank teller 3 a dentist 4 an electrician For ex

5 a florist 6 a gardener 7 a grocery clerk

1 a cI(

8 a hairdresser 9 a mechanic 10 a pharmacist 11 a professor

5 a s~

12 a reporter 13 a salesperson 14 a travel agent

9 ag

15 a secretary 16 a waiter 17 a nurse 18 a lawyer

On a sepa rate sheet of paper, write five statements about the pictures . Use He or She and the verb be.
For example: He J5 an accountant

126 Vocabulary Booster


B 9

-'J») More titles

a supervisor 3 a teammate 1 Doctor [Smith] 2 Professor [Brown] 3 Captain [Jones]

2 an employee or Dr. [Smith]

On a separate sheet of paper, write three statements about the photos, using He's or She's and possessive adjectives.
For exa mple: She J5 her 5vpervi50r.

~J») More places in the neighborhood

1 a clothing store 2 an electronics store 3 a fire station 4 a police station

5 a shoe store 6 a toy store 7 a video store 8 a dry cleaners

9 a gas station 10 a hotel 11 a supermarket 12 a convenience store

On a separate sheet of
paper, write five questions
about the places.
For example:
Where 5 the clothit)9 5tore?
Cat) I lNalk to the hotel?
13 a travel agency 14 a post office 15 a taxi stand

Vocabulary Booster 127

5 ,41 5 ,43

~ »)) More adjectives to describe people -4»)) Mor

2 muscular

1 bath
On a separate sheet of paper, write a
sentence for each photo . Use a form
of be and the adverb very or so.
For example: He'5 very _.

1 slim / thin 3 heavy

5 ,42

~ »)) More events

8 ani
1 a n exhibition 2 an opera

4 a football game
3 a ballet .mID

5 a volleyball game 6 a baseball game

7 a play 8 a speech
1 du
On a sepa rate sheet of paper, write five statements about the events. Use your own times and dates .
For example: There'5 an eXhibition 0'1 Tve5day, Jvne 15.

128 Vocabulary Booster



~I)) More clothes

1 bathing suits / 3 boots

swimsuits 6 a shirt
2 a bathrobe 4 a coat 7 jeans

12 pajamas
11 sandals

13 a T-sh irt
14 shorts

17 underwear
15 socks
8 a nightgown 9 an umbrella On a separate sheet of paper, write five
10 a raincoat questions and answers about the colors
of the clothes and shoes. For example:
Whatcolor are the boot,? They're brolNn.
16 pantyhose


~I)) More household chores

1 dust 2 sweep 3 mop 4 vacuum

Who does these chores in your house? On a separate sheet of paper, write four statements,
using the simple present tense and frequency adverbs or time expressions.
For example: I v,vally dv,t once a lNeek.

Vocabulary Booster 129

~ »)) More home and office vocabulary

1 a fence 2 a driveway 3 a roof

1 a 1

8 a blanket
9 a sheet
7 a pillow

10 a medicine cabinet 13 a shower curtain

11 toothpaste 14 a bath mat
12 a toothbrush

15 towels 16 a faucet
3 a
5 :47
~ »)) Se


21 a ladle
20 a coffee maker
22 a pot 23 a food processor
17 a burner 19 a dishwasher
18 an oven

1 SI
24 a napkin
25 a place mat
26 a glass

a saucer 31 afork
32 a knife
33 a tablespoon I
a soup spoon
34 a teaspoon

On a separate sheet of paper, write five statements.

Use the Vocabulary. For example:
My apartmef)t ha5 a fire e5cape. 3 fe
There '5 f)O 5hoVJer cvrta if) if) my bathroom .
35 a filing cabinet 36 a fa x machine
130 Vocabulary Booster

~»)) More weather vocabulary

1 a thunderstorm 2 a snowstorm

3 a hurricane 4 a tornado

~»)) Seasons

spring 2 summer

3 fall / autumn 4 winter

On a separate sheet of paper, write four statements about the pictures_

For example: It)~ not rainin9 _

Vocabulary Booster 131
5 ,50
04 ») More vegetables ~ ») MOl

1 go

1 carrots 9 lettuce
2 cabbage 1 0 asparagus
3 broccoli 11 an eggplant
4 cauliflower 12 beans
5 leeks 13 peas
6 cucumbe rs 14 celery 5 go
7 brussels sprouts
O na
8 corn
5,49 15 garlic five SE
~ ») More fruits Use d
For e)

10 apricots
.. ») Mc

9 a pear
1 a tangerine 11 peaches
2 a grapefruit
3 a lemon
4 a lime
5 an orange 6 grapes 12 strawberries
7 a pineapple 13 raspberries
8 bananas

19 a watermelon
14 a honeydew melon
15 an avocado
16 a papaya 20 raiSinS
17 a mango 21 figs
18 a kiwi 22 prunes
23 dates On ,
o ne
On a separate sheet of paper, write f ive statements about the fruits and vegetables you and your family like.
For example: I like lemof)5. My 5i5ter doe5f)'t like lemof)5.
Fo r E

132 Vocabulary Booster


~»)) More outdoor activities

1 go horseback riding
2 go sailing 3 play golf 4 go rollerblading

5 go snorkeling

On a separate sheet of paper, write

five sentences to describe the photos.
Use the simple past tense.
For example: They wel)t ~ailiI)9.

6 go rock climbing 7 go ice skating 8 go windsurfing


~l») More parts of the body

5 tongue

6 elbow
7 calf
8 thigh

1 forehead 3 earlobe
2 cheek 4 lip

On a separate sheet of paper, describe

one of the people. Write three statements.
Use the Vocabulary from Unit 12.
For example: She hM ~trai9ht; broWI) hair.

Vocabulary Booster 133
~ ») More musical instruments ~ )) More

4 a trumpet

1 biolol

3 a tuba 5 a trombone
2 a piano
1 a cello

6 a flute
7 a clarinet

8 a recorder

3 histo

~ ») Mo

10 a xylophone

9 a saxophone

11 an accordion 12 drums
1 go

On a separate sheet of paper, write four statements with the Vocabulary.

Use can / can't and the adverbs well and badly. For example:
My fifter cat) play the piat)o.
My father playf the accordiot) !Nell.

5 go

134 Vocabulary Booster


~ ») More academic subjects

1 biology 2 chemistry

3 history 4 fine art 5 drama 6 science


~ ») More leisure activities

1 go skiing 2 go hiking 3 play 4 garden

On a separate sheet of paper, write

four statements, using I'd like to or
be going to and the Vocabulary.
Include time expressions.
For example:
I~ like to S"tudy fil)e art il) the future .
I'm I)ot 90il)9 to 90 01) a crui S"e thi S" y ear.

5 go on a cruise 6 get a manicure

Vocabulary Booster 135

Grammar Booster l'Uii')

The Grammar Booster is optional. It contains extra practice of each unit's grammar. 1 Write
1 Mis
UNIT 1 2 Mr.
3 Mr~
Write each sentence again. Use a contraction.
} . 4 Jor
1 He is an engineer. He £ an en 9'neer.
5 Are
2 We are teachers. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
6 Mr.
3 No, we are not. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
7 Ja~
4 They are not artists. _ _ _ _ _- - - - - - - - - -
8 Mr.
5 I am a student. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
6 She is a chef. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 2 Com
2 Write the indefinite article!! or an for each occupation.
2 Mi:
1 _ _ chef 5 _ _ scientist
3 Mr
2 _ _ actor 6 _ _ architect
4 Mr
3 _ _ banker 7 _ _ photographer
5 M~
4 _ _ musician
6 Mr
3 Complete each sentence with the correct subject pronoun. 7 Mr
8 M:
1 Mary is a student. She is a student.
2 Ben is a student, too. is a student, too.
3 COrT
3 My name is Nora. am an artist.
4 Your occupation is doctor. are a doctor.
1 -
2 _
5 Jane and Jason are scientists. ____ are scientists.
3 _
4 Write a question for each answer. 4 _
1 A: Are yov mv~ician~ 5 _
B: Yes, we are. We're musicians. 6 _
2 A: 7 7 _
B: No, they're not teachers. They're scientists . 8 _
3 A: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7
B: Yes. Ann is a doctor. 4 Cor
4 A: 7 1 A
B: No. Ellen is a flight attendant. She's not a writer. B
5 A: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7 2 A
B: Yes. I am a pilot. B
6 A: 7 3 A
B: No. We 're not flight attendants. We're pilots . B
4 A
5 Write six proper nouns and six common nouns. Use capital and lowercase letters correctly. B
Proper nouns Common nouns 5 A
7 El
2 8 6 A
3 9
4 10
5 11
6 12

136 Grammar Booster

Write the correct possessive adjectives.

1 Miss Kim is Mr. Smith 's student. Mr. Smith is her teacher.
2 Mr. Smith is Miss Kim 's teacher. Miss Kim is student.
3 Mrs. Krauss is John 's teacher. Mrs. Krauss is teacher.
4 Joh n is Mrs. Krauss 's student. John is student.
5 Are colleagues from Japan? No, they aren 't. My colleagues are from Korea.
6 Mr. Bello is ____ teacher. I am _ _ _ student.
7 Jake is not Mrs. Roy's student. He's _ _ __ boss!
8 Mr. Gee is not Jim and Sue 's teacher. He's ____ doctor.

2 Complete the sentences about the people. Use He's from, She's from, or They're from.
1 Ms. Tomiko Matsuda: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hamamatsu , Japan.
2 Miss Berta Soliz: Monterrey, Mexico.
3 Mr. and Mrs. Franz Heidelberg: Berlin, Germany.
4 Mr. George Crandall : Victoria, Canada.
5 Ms. Mary Mellon : Melbourne, Australia.
6 Mr. Jake Hild and Ms. Betty Parker: Los Angeles, US.
7 Mr. Cui Jing Wen: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wuhan , China.
8 Ms. Noor Bahjat: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Cairo , Egypt.

3 Complete the questions.

1 your name?
2 are you from?
3 his e- mail address?
4 she a student?
5 her phone number?
6 they colleagues?
7 he from Ch ina?
8 their first names?

4 Complete each question with the correct possessive adjective.

1 A: What's _ _ __ name?
B: I'm Mrs. Barker.
2 A: What 's last name?
B: My last name is Crandall .
3 A: What's address?
B: Mr. Marsh 's address is 10 Main Street.
4 A: What 's e-mail address?
B: Ms. Down 's e-mail address? .
5 A: What are first names?
B: They're Gary and Rita.
6 A: What's phone number?
B: Miss Gu 's number is 555-0237 .

Grammar Booster 137
2 Unscral
1 so / f,
Write the sentences with contractions. 2 broth,
1 Where is the pharmacy? Where'~ the pharmacy? 3 granc
2 It is down the street. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 4 his / t
3 It is not on the right. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 5 granc
4 What is your name? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ 6 girlfri!
5 What is your e-mail address? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
6 She is an architect. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 3 Compl!
7 I am a teacher. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 11 _
8 You are my fri end. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 2 She _
9 He is her neighbor. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 3 They
10 They are my classmates. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 4 We _
5 You _
2 Complete each sentence with an affirmative or a negative imperative. 6 He _
_ _ _ _ _ _ the bus to the restaurant. _ _ _ _ _ walk.
2 _ _ _ _ _ _ the bus to the bank. 4 Compl
1 __
3 to the school. It's rig ht over there, on the right.
4 _ _ _ _ _ _ take a taxi to the bank. ______ . It's across the street. 2 _
3 _
3 Complete the questions and answers. Use contractions when possible. 4 _
1 A: the pharmacy? 5 _
B: The pharmacy? across the street. 6 _
2 A: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the newsstand?
B: down t he street on the rig ht.
3 A: to the restaurant? Mm"I'
B: No, don't walk there . _ _ _ _ a taxi.
1 Write
4 A: do you go to school? 1 WJ
B: Me? I go motorcycle. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ you?
2 _
3 _
UNIT 4 4 _
5 _
Write questions. Use Who's or Who are and he, she, or they.
6 _
1 A: Who'£ he ? 7 _
B: He's my grandfather.
8 _
2 A: ?
B: She's my mother. 2 Com~
3 A: ?
1 The
B: He's Mr. Ginn 's grandson .
2 ThE
4 A: ?
B: They're Ms. Breslin 's grandparents. 3 ThE

5 A: ? 4 ThE
B: She's Sam 's wife. 5 ThE
6 A: ? 6 ThE
B: They 're his wife and son.

138 Grammar Booster
2 Unscramble the words and write sentences. Use a form of be.
1 so / father / my / handsome My father is" S"o haT1dS"ome.
2 brother / very / her / short _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
3 grandchildren / cute / neighbor's / so / my _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
4 his / tall / not / sister / very _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
5 grandfather / very / old / my / not _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
6 girlfriend / pretty / so / brother's / my _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __

3 Complete the sentences. Use have or has.

1I two brothers.
2 She one child .
3 They fou r grandchildren.
4 We six children .
5 You ten brothers and sisters!
6 He three sisters.

4 Complete the questions. Use How old is or How old are.

_ _ _ _ __ _ _ your ch ildren?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ his son ?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ her grandchildren ?
4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Nancy's sisters?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Matt's daughter?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ their grandmother?

Write a question for each answer. Use What time, What day, or When.
What time is" it? It's six thirty.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The party is at ten o' clock.
3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ The dinner is on Friday.
4 The dance is at eleven thirty on Saturday.
5 The concert is in May.
6 The meeting is at noon .
7 It's a quarter to two .
S The movie is on Wednesday.

2 Complete each sentence with in, on, or at.

1 The concert is March .
2 The di nner is Friday 6:00.
3 The party is April 4 th 9:00.
4 The movie is 3:00 P.M. Tuesday.
5 The game is noon Monday.
6 The meeting is August 10 9:00 A.M .

Grammar Booster 139
-;- ---. ",,-- UNIT 6 2 Com~

1 Wh,
Complete each sentence with the correct form of the verb. 2 Wh:
1 They _-;--_ _ nice ties at this store_ 3 HO\
2 She _ _-,-_ a long, blue skirt for the party. 4 Wh
5 Ho'
3 I _...",..,--_ my shoes.
like 6 Wh
4 We --c:-::"7""""",----- clean shirts _ 7 Wh
not have
8 Ho'
5 Our children _--,:-=-=-=-:-:;-_ _ blue pants for school.
not need
6 short skirts? 3 Unsc
she / like
1 USl
7 new shoes?
your wife / need 2 go
8 a suit for work? 3 in 1
1/ need
9 Why ---.-----;--e.,---- those old shoes? 4 al'"
she / like
5 we
10 Which shirt _ _-:-:-=:-..,..,-,,= ,--_ _ for tomorrow?
you J want 6 so
11 ------oT-:-...,.,-.,----- this sweater in extra large?
they J have
4 Corn

2 Answer each question. 1 WI

1 What clothes do you need? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 2 WI
2 Do you need new shoes? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 3W

3 Why do you need new shoes? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 4W

4 Do you have a long skirt? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 5W

5 Do you like pink shirts? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 6W

6 Do you have a loose sweater? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
7 Do you like expensive clothes? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

1 Wri1
1 ye
Write the third-person singular form of each verb. 2 J(

1 shave ~hQVe~ 13 come _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 3 hE

4 y(
2 brush 14 change
5 tt-
3 go 15 make
4 have 16 get
6 R

5 study 17 comb 7 hi

6 do 18 put 8 y'

7 take 19 eat
2 COl
8 play 20 watch
1 H
9 exercise 21 clean
2 T
10 visit 22 read
3 I\,
11 practice 23 check
4 It
12 wash 24 listen
5 J
6 t\
7 f-
8 ~

140 Grammar Booster


2 Complete each question with do or does

1 When _ _ _ you go shopping?
2 What time she make dinner?
3 How often they clean the house?
4 What time your son come home?
5 How often your parents go out for dinner?
6 What time you go to bed?
7 When our teacher check e-mail?
8 How often Alex do the laundry?

Unscramble the words and write sentences in the simple present tense.
1 usually / on weekends / go shopping / she She lIS"lIally 9oe S" S"hoppifl9 Ofl l.NeekefldS".
2 go dancing / my sisters / on Fridays / sometimes _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
3 in the morning / never / check e-mail / I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
4 always / my daughter/ to work / take the bus _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
5 we / to school / walk / never _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
6 sometimes / my brother / after work / visit his friends _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Complete each response with do or does.

1 Who takes out the garbage in your house? My daughter _ __
2 Who washes the dishes in your family? I _ __
3 Who makes dinner? My parents _ __
4 Who does the laundry in your house? My brother _ __
5 Who watches TV before dinner? My granddaughter _ __
6 Who takes a bath in the evening? My sister _ __

Write questions with Where.

1 your grandparents / live Where do YOllr 9rafldpareflts" live?
2 John 's friend / go shopping _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
3 her brother / study English _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
4 you / eat breakfast _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ __
5 they / listen to music _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
6 Rob and Nancy / exercise _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
7 his mother / work _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
8 your brother / do the laundry _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

2 Complete the statements with in, on, at, or to.

1 His house is _ _ Barker Street.
2 They work _ _ the tenth floor.
3 Ms. Cruz takes the train _ _ work.
4 It's _ _ 18 Spencer Street.
5 Jack studies French _ _ the BTI Institute.
6 Mr. Klein works _ _ the hospital.
7 Her office is _ _ the fifth floo r.
8 She works _ _ 5 Main Street.

Grammar Booster 141
3 Complete each sentence with There's or There are. 3 Camp

1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a movie at noon. 1 A:_

2 a concert at 2:00 and a game at 3:00. B: _
3 a bank on the corner of Main and 12th Street.
4 two apartment buildings across the street. 2 A: _
5 bookstores nearby.
B: _
6 a pharmacy and a newsstand around the corner.
7 two dressers in the bedroom . 3 A: _
8 three elevators in the Smith Building.
B: E

4 Write questions with Is there or Are there. A: _

1 a dance I this weekend h there a dance thiS" lNeekend?
B: ~
2 three meetings I this week _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __
3 abank / nearby _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___
5 A: _
4 How many I games I this afternoon _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __
5 How many I pharmacies I on 3 rd Avenue _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ ___ B: I

6 How many I parties I this month _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __

1 Corn

Write the present participle of the following base forms. 1 _

1 rain ra'n'n9 15 come

2 _
3 _
2 snow 16 wear
3 watch
4 _
17 shop
4 eat 18 go
5 _
5 take 19 study
6 _
6 drive 20 listen
7 _
7 check 21 wash
8 _
9 _
8 make 22 play
10 _
9 do 23 read
10 exercise 24 clean
2 Cho
11 shave 25 work
1 l_
12 put 26 write
13 comb 27 talk
14 brush 28 buy a
3 Ar
2 Check the sentences that indicate a future plan.
o 1 I'm watching TV right now. 4 HI
o 2 Is Marina taking a shower? a
o 3 On Tuesday I'm working at home.
o 4 Where is she going tomorrow night?
o 5 Jen 's eating dinner.
o 6 I'm driving to the mall this afternoon.
o 7 I'm studying Arabic this year. My teacher is very good.
o 8 Who 's making dinner on Saturday?

142 Grammar Booster

. ~====================~========~------------------~--~
Complete each conversation with the present continuous.

1 A: What are you doing ?

you / do
B: ---....,,--:-:-c::-::-;:---- my hair.
1/ wash

2 A: -----=~~.".,,_:__;_:T7C",___--- ?
Where / she / drive
B: _ _ _~......,...---- to the bookstore.
She / go
3 A: _ _ _ _~-..,,..,--,...,---,----- the bus?
Why / he / take
B: Because
it / rain

4A: at home tonight?

we / eat
B: No. out for dinner.
We / go

5 A: a dress to the party?

Maya wear
B: No. a dress. pants.
she / not wear She / wear

Complete each question with How much or How many.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ sugar do you want in your coffee?
2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ onions do you need for the potato pancakes?
3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ cans of coffee are there on the shelf?
4 meat do you eat every day?
5 loaves of bread do we need for dinner?
6 pepper would you like in your chicken salad?
7 bottles of oil does she need from the store?
8 eggs do you eat every week?
9 oranges are there? I want to make orange juice.
10 pasta would you like?

2 Choose the correct word or phrase to complete each statement. Circle the letter.

1 I _ _ English every day. 5 This store _ _ beautiful clothes .

a am studying b study a is having b has
2 We usually _ _ the bus to work. 6 On Wednesdays I _ _ dinner for my parents.
a are taking b take a am cooking b cook
3 Annemarie _ _ the kitchen now. 7 They never _ _ coffee.
a is cleaning b cleans a are drinking b drink
4 He really _ _ lemonade. 8 Our children _ _ on weekdays.
a is liking b likes a are watching TV b don 't watch TV

Grammar Booster 143
2 Compl,
1 It's y<
Complete the conversations with the past tense of be. 21 ' ms

1 A: Where Paul and Jackie last night? 3 Then

B: I don 't know, but they here. 4 You I
2 A: she at school yesterday? 5 Weh
B: No. She at home. tome
3 A: When _ _ _ _ _ you in Italy? Last year? 6 Pam
B: Last year? No, we in Italy last year. 7 Mart
We _ _ _ _ __ there in 2005.
8 It's ti
4 A: What time the movie?
B: It ___ _ _ _ at 7:00 .
5 A: _ _ _ _ _ _ your parents at home at 10:00 last night?
B: No. They _ _ _ _ _ _ at a play.
6 A: Who _ _ _ _ _ _ at work on Monday? 1 Write :
B: Barry and Anne . But I _ _ _ __ 1 myl
2 myr
2 First complete each question. Use the simple past tense. Then write an answer.
3 my!
_____ you __--=-=--_ to work yesterday? 4 my '
5 my
~ ------------------------------- 6 my
2 What time _____ you _ _.,--__ dinner? 7 1/ P

~ --------------- 2 Answ
3 What _____ you _----:-,.,..-_ for breakfast? 1 Car

~ - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - 2 Car
3 Car
4 Who __--==-_ breakfast with you?
eat 4 Car
~ ------------------------------ 5 Car

5 What _____ you __....,-_ _ this week? 6 Car

~ - - - - - - - - -- - - -- ---- 3 Com


Write sentences with be or have.

1 Kate's / hair / long / straight I<.ate)~ hair i~ /Of)9 af)d ~trai9ht
2 George / short / black / hair _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
3 Harry / long / curly / hair _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
4 Mary's / eyes / blue _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ ____
5 Adam / beard / mustache _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
6 Amy / pretty / eyes _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

144 Grammar Booster
Complete each sentence with should or shouldn't and a verb from the box.
1 It's your birthday. You _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ out for dinner!
(not) exercise
2 I'm sorry you have a toothache . You ______________ a dentist.
3 There's a movie on TV tonight. We _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ it.
4 You have a cold? You _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ today.
5 We have tomatoes, potatoes, and onions. We _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ make
tomato potato soup for dinner tonight! (not) play
6 Pam's taking a shower right now. You ______________ back later. see
7 Martin has a headache. He soccer tonight. get
8 It's time for bed. You undressed.

Write sentences with the simple present tense and the adverbs well or badly.
1 my father / sing / really well My father S"iI)9S" really well.
2 my mother / cook French food / well _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
3 my grandfather / play the guitar / badly _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
4 my grandmother / sew clothes / very well _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
5 my sister / knit sweaters / well _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
6 my friend / draw pictures / really well _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
7 1/ play the violin / badly _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

2 Answer each question. Use short answers with can or can't.

1 Can you play the piano? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
2 Can you ski? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
3 Can your parents sing well? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
4 Can your friends speak English? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
5 Can you draw? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
6 Can your father fix things? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

3 Complete each sentence. Use too and an adjective.

1 I need a new dress. This dress is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

2 This skirt is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . I want a short skirt.

Grammar Booster 145

1 :30
~ ))) What

3 His shirt is _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ . He needs size small. What do yl

What do Y'
I' m a stude
You 're ate:
She's a dOl
He's a nur~
What abou
4 I don 't want that suit. It's _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ What do y'
I' m a floris·
You're a g,
He's a wai
She's a ch
That 's whe
5 He needs size medium . This shirt is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ It's nice to
What 's yOI
Can you s
Thank yOL
Yes, it's ni
We are ar
UNIT 14 architects
Answer the following questions, using be going to. What do :
We are be
1 Are your classmates going to study tonight? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _
we are de
2 Are you going to relax this weekend? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ __ engineer~

3 Are you going to exercise today? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Do-do-de

That's wr
4 Are you going to make dinner ton ight? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Hi , I'm Lil
5 Are you going to move in the next two years? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ No , he's I
6 Are you going to check your e-mail today? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Excuse n
7 Are you going to hang out with your friends or fami ly this weekend? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
2 Write a question with be going to for each answer. Don't use the verb do. Do-do-d<
Are yov 9 0i 1)9 to 9 0 to the movie) t01) i 9 ht? Yes. I'm going to go to the movies tonight. Do-do-d<

2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Yes. They're going to eat in a restaurant after the concert .


3 Yes. Carla's brother is going to go fishing with her. ~ ))) Ex(

4 Yes. I'm going to go to work tomorrow.
5 No. He's not going to graduate this year. What's 1
6 Yes. They're going to take the bus to school. What's 1
I would
3 Write three yes/no interview questions for a new friend. Then write three information questions. and I ha
Use WQuld like + infinitive. I' ll give 1
Would yov like to )tvd y a 1)elN la1)9vage? WhatlNovld yov like to )tvd y? Write to
You can
so I'll kn
who itc
Was tha
and I de
want to

146 Grammar Booster
~w? •
~ Top Notch Pop Lyrics

~»)) What Do You Do? [Unit 1] But it's really nice to meet you . (CHORUS)

(CHORUS) I'll be seeing you again. Let's make a date.

What do you do? Just call me on my cell phone Let's celebrate.
What do you do? when you 're looking for a friend . Let's have a great time out.

I'm a student. (CHORUS) Let's meet in the Village

You're a teacher. So welcome to the classroom . on Second Avenue
She's a doctor. There 's a seat right over there. next to the museum there.
He's a nurse. I'm sorry, but you're sitting in What time is good for you?
What about you? our teacher's favorite chair! It's a quarter after seven .
What do you do? Excuse me-please excuse me. Th ere's a very good new show
I'm a florist. What's your number? weekdays at the theater.
You' re a gardener. What's your name? Would you like to go?
He's a waiter. (CHORUS)
2: 15
She's a chef. Sounds great. What time's the show?
Do-do-do-do ... ~ »)) Tell Me All About It [Unit 4]
The first one is at eight.
That's what we do. Tell me about your father. And when's the second one?
It's nice to meet you . He's a doctor and he's very tall. The second show 's too late.
What's your name? And how about your mother? OK, how do I get there?
Can you spell that, please? She's a lawyer. That's her picture on The trains don 't run at night.
the wall.
Thank you . No problem. Take a taxi.
Tell me about your brother.
Yes, it's nice to meet you, too. The place is on the right.
He's an actor, and he's twenty-three.
(CHORUS) Uh-oh! Are we late?
And how about your sister?
We are artists and musicians, No, we're right on time.
She's an artist. Don 't you think she looks
architects, and electricians. like me? It's 7:58 .
How about you? Don 't worry. We'll be fine!
What do you do? Tell me about your family- (CHORUS)
We are bankers, who they are and what they do. 3:15
we are dentists, Tell me all about it.
engineers, and flight attendants. ~ »)) On the Weekend [Unit 7]
It's so nice to talk with you.
Do-do-do-do .. . (CHORUS)
Tell me about your family. On the weekend,
That's what we do.
I have a brother and a sister, too. when we go out,
Hi, I'm Linda. Are you John?
And what about your parents? there is always so much joy and laughter.
No, he's right over there.
Dad 's a teacher, and my mother's eyes
Excuse me. Thank you very much . On the weekend,
are blue.
Good-bye. we never think about
Do-do-do-do .. . the days that come before and after.
Who 's the pretty girl in that photograph? He gets up every morning.
Do-do-do-do .. .
That one's me! Without warn ing, the bedside clock rings
Do-do-do-do .. .
Yo u look so cute! the alarm.
Do-do-do-do .. .
Oh , that picture makes me laugh! So he gets dressed-
rt. And who are the people there, right below
1046 he does his best to be on time.
that one?
~ »)) Excuse Me, Please [Unit 2] He combs his hair, goes down the stairs,
Let me see ... that's my mom an d dad .
(CHORUS) and makes some breakfast.
They both look very young.
Excuse me-please excuse me. A bite to eat, and he feels fine .
What's your number? (CHORUS)
Yes, he's on his way
What's your name? Tell me all about it. to one more working day.
I would love to get to know you, Tell me all about it. (CHORUS)
and I hope you feel the same.
On Thursday night,
I'll give you my e-mail address. when he comes home from work,
~ »)) Let's Make a Date [Unit 5]
Write to me at my dot-com . he gets undressed , and if his room 's a mess,
It's early in the evening-
You can send a note in English he cleans the house. Sometimes he takes
6:15 P .M.
so I'll know a rest.
Here in New York City
who it came from . Maybe he cooks something delicious,
a summer night begins.
Excuse me-please excuse me. and when he's done
I take the bus at seven
Was that 0078? he washes all the pots and dishes,
down the street from City Hall.
Well, I think the class is starting , then goes to bed .
I walk around the corner
and I don 't He knows the weekend 's just ahead.
when I get your call.
want to be late. (CHORUS)

Top Notch Pop Lyrics 147
3:35 4 :34 (CHORUS)
~ )) Home Is Where the Heart Is ~ )) My Favorite Day [Unit 11] And she says,
[Unit 8] Last night we walked together. "Could you please help me?
There 's a house for everyone It seems so long ago. When did you learn?
with a garden in the sun. And we just talked and talked. Was it hard? Not at all?
There 's a stairway to the stars. Where did the time go? Are my hands too small? "
Where is this house? We saw the moonlit ocean She can cook a meal so nicely
It isn 't far. across the sandy beach. in the kitchen, and there are
(CHORUS) The waves of summer fell , lots of things that she does well ,
Home is where the heart is. barely out of reach. but she can 't play guitar.
Home is where the heart is. (CHORUS) (CHORUS)
She lives on the second floor. Yes, that was then,
There are flowers at her front door. and this is now, 5 :33
There 's a window with a breeze. and all I do is think about ~ )) I Wasn't Born Yesterday [Unit 141
Love and kindness are the keys. yesterday, I went to school and learned the lessons
(CHORUS) my favorite day of the week. of the human heart.
There 's a room with a view of the sea. When I woke up this morning, I got an education in
Would you like to go there with me? my feelings were so strong. psychology and art.
I put my pen to paper, It doesn't matter what you say.
and I wrote this song. I know the silly games you play.
4 :17 I'm glad I got to know you. (CHORUS)
~ )) Fruit Salad, Baby [Unit 10] You really made me smile. I wasn't born yesterday.
You never eat eggs for breakfast. My heart belonged to you I wasn't born yesterday.
You don't drink coffee or tea. for a little while. Well , pretty soon I graduated
I always end up cooking for you (CHORUS) with a good degree.
when you're here with me. It took some time to understand
It was wonderful to be with you.
I want to make something delicious, the way you treated me,
We had so much to say.
'cause I like you a lot. and it's too great a price to pay.
It was awful when we waved good-bye.
I'm checking my refrigerator, I've had enough , and anyway,
Why did it end that way?
and this is what I've got: (CHORUS)
So you think I'd like to marry you
How about a fruit salad, baby- 5: 16 and be your pretty wife?
apples, oranges, bananas too? ~ )) She Can't Play Guitar [Unit 13] Well, that's too bad, I'm sorry, now.
Well, here you go now, honey. She can paint a pretty picture. Grow up and get a life!
Good food coming up for me and you. She can draw well every day. It doesn 't matter what you say.
Are there any cans or bottles She can dance and she can sing, I know the silly games you play.
or boxes on the shelf? but she can 't play guitar. (CHORUS)
I put my dishes on the counter. She can sew a dress so nicely,
I mix everything well . and she does it beautifully.
(CHORUS) She can knit a hundred sweaters, ;:;;1"Ite·userl:........
Chop and drain it. but she can 't play guitar. FREEWARE ON THE I
Slice and dice it. (CHORUS) Education, Inc. (·We
Mix and serve paid, and your agreel
And now it's too late. andlor our Ucensors
with an ounce of love. She thinks it's too hard. computer (I.e .• with I
Pass your glass. Her happy smile fades, the documentation 0
terminal at the same
What are you drinking? 'cause she can't play guitar. works based on the:
Tell me what dish provide instruction ir
She can drive around the city. Instruction of a studl
I am thinking of? She can fix a broken car. responsible for any c
(CHORUS) She can be a great mechanic , the Company If you f
Documentation and:
but she can 't play guitar. limitation of liability,
you purchase this Se
operate in substantli
30 days the disk(s) (
use. The Company c

For Technil
for frequen

148 Top Notch Pop Lyrics


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