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Revision exercises Units 7-8

I) Read the text. Are the statements true (T) or false (F)?

Teens Talking to Teens

Tina and Jana, two high school students, are chatting when the phone rings. Jana answers,
'This is Teens Talking to Teens.' All this is happening in Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia, at the
Young People's Support Centre. Young people in the city help at a telephone hotline for
teenagers with problems. What's so special about this hotline? Well, the people who answer
the phones are fourteen to eighteen-year-olds. They aren't experts but they try to help. Two
teenagers work every day from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. They don't work at weekends or during
Most teenagers who phone are high school students with problems. 'We have to have a sense
of humour because teenagers sometimes think we'll do their homework for them,’ says Jana,
'But that's not what the hotline is for. People think teenagers' lives are fun but they often
worry about school, problems with parents or even trouble with the police. Teenagers today
complain that their parents don't give them enough freedom. But the biggest problem is
school. They worry about teachers, marks and exams, and there is a lot of exam pressure.
Also, many kids are unhappy about their appearance. We listen and try to help.’
'We're in the media, so everybody knows our phone number,’ says Tina, 'even parents.
sometimes call us for support when they are having problems with their teenage daughter or
son. They don't know what to do. Kids call us because they find it difficult to talk to their mum
or dad. Some kids even want to leave home but we ask them to think about it for a day or
two. Kids listen to us because we're kids too.’
The fifty Slovenian teenagers love their work. 'It's really interesting to talk to other teenagers
about their problems. I think all the hotline helpers are good at listening, talking and giving
advice and support to people in trouble,’ says Jana.

1 The hotline is in a Support Centre in the UK. ____

2 Teenagers work at the hotline in the morning. ____
3 Hotline helpers don't work on Saturdays. ____
4 Today's teenagers want more freedom. ____
5 Teenagers worry about their school exams. ____
6 A lot of kids worry about the way they look. ____
7 Only teenagers call the hotline. ____
8 The hotline helpers are good at their job. ____
II) Match the two halves of the second conditional sentences.

1 I’d rent a flat with my friends ____ A if he did more sport.

2 If I didn’t have any friends, ____ B he’d have more energy.
3 Dad would be fitter ____ C if I didn’t live with my parents.
4 Would he become a rock star ____ D I wouldn’t be late for school every day.
5 If I got up earlier, ____ E if he was a good singer?
6 If my brother slept for longer, ____ F I’d feel lonely.

III) Complete the second conditional sentences with the correct form of the verbs below.

be can feel have help not stay up not take win

1 If you had a problem, I …………………….. you.

2 If I …………………….. more time, I’d see more of my friends.
3 I …………………….. the bus to school if I had a bike.
4 If you …………………….. so late, you wouldn’t be so tired in the morning.
5 How …………… you …………… if Sam didn’t invite you to his party?
6 My parents …………………….. cross if I didn’t revise for my exams.
7 You …………………….. afford a new mobile if you didn’t waste your money on DVDs and games.
8 If I …………………….. the lottery, I’d buy my mum a new car.

IV) Complete the text with who, which or where. Which pronouns can be replaced with that?

The town (1) ………… I was born has changed greatly over the last twenty
years. Now, there is a modern shopping centre in the place (2) …………
my school used to be, and all the children (3) ………… went there have
grown up and moved away. The local cinema, (4) ………… was built
several years ago, used to be a dance hall (5) ………… big bands played.
The park, (6) ………… was my favourite place as a child, is now a car park.
Some things are still the same, though. Mrs Jones, (7) ………… is now
sixty years old, still works in the Post Office and Mr Jones still owns the
baker’s shop, (8) ………… his two sons now work. The hospital (9) …………
I was born in is still standing, although it is now much bigger. And Emily, (10) ………… I was in
love with throughout school, is still as beautiful as she was then.
The day my family and I left our home town was one of the saddest days of my life.
V) Read the text. Choose the correct answers.

Once, when I was teaching English to children in Cambridge, I died while eating my dinner.
The children were eleven to fourteen years old and there were about one hundred and
twenty of them in the large hall of a boarding school. We
were all eating ice cream when I made strange noises and
fell forward onto my plate.
This was not some unusual way of teaching the children
about crime, but a murder mystery game. It was a bit like a
play in the theatre, but the whole school was involved. All
of the teachers were either victims or suspects and all of
the children were detectives trying to find out who the
murderer was. The children knew the situation was serious
as many teachers were ‘dying’, so they were all very excited!
Lying next to my ice cream, I loved being a ‘victim’. However, I had to remember not to smile
as the teachers dragged me across the floor to get rid of my ‘dead body’ so the students knew
I was really ‘dead’. This was just the start of my murder mystery career!
Soon after that, one of my friends bought a murder mystery game and invited me and several
other friends to a dinner party. We all had to dress up as different characters. The story was
that one of our close friends had been murdered and we were all suspects. We had to tell the
other characters important information and question people about the information they gave.
Then, at the end of the evening, we tried to work out who had done it. I wasn’t very good at
the police investigation part, but I loved playing a part and the excitement of knowing that
one of the people in the room was a ‘murderer’.
Now I run my own company – Murder Mystery Occasions. I organise murder mystery parties
in restaurants or historic buildings. Usually I hire a private room so that the ‘murder’ doesn’t
upset other guests. Castles are particularly popular with my guests because they’re so
atmospheric, so I use them if they’re available. I write the scripts and employ actors to be
some of the key characters. People pay to come along and join in with the fun while having a
wonderful dinner. The murder usually happens somewhere between the starter and the main
course and there is always a lot of excitement when the police arrive to take fingerprints and
interview key suspects. People tell me that’s the best part. Then, at the end of the evening,
there is a prize for the table that guesses who is the murderer, but everybody who comes
along seems to enjoy the drama. So, you could say I’ve made a good, honest career out of

1 When the writer was eating her dessert, she

A became ill.
B had an accident.
C did some acting.
D made a mess.
2 The writer tried not to smile because
A she didn’t want the students to think she was enjoying herself.
B she was trying to look like she wasn’t alive.
C she wasn’t sure who was watching her.
D she knew the situation wasn’t funny.

3 At her first murder mystery party, the writer enjoyed

A asking the other guests about themselves.
B deciding who the murderer was.
C being a different character.
D telling people her story.

4 The writer’s company organises murder mysteries in castles because

A they are always available.
B guests like them the most.
C they have lots of space.
D the rooms are so interesting.

5 What title would be best for this article?

A My love of murder mystery
B Different ways to die
C In search of a criminal
D A life of crime

VI) Choose the correct options: active or passive.

Over $7,500 (1) finds/was found in a shoe box by a lady who (2) works/is worked in a charity
shop in the USA. Teodora Petrova, who recently (3) arrived/was arrived from Bulgaria, (4)
found/was found the money on her first day at work at the shop. The money (5) was
hidden/hid inside a pair of shoes. When Teodora made the discovery, she immediately (6)
gave/was given the money to her manager. The charity bosses (7) told/were told what
happened and they have said that they are looking for the person who (8) gave/was given the
shoes to the shop, as they probably (9) left/were left the money inside by accident. If the
owner of the money (10) is not found/does not find, the money will be kept by the charity.
VII) Complete the sentences with the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets.

1 The central bank ………………… (rob) last Friday evening.

2 If a bag ………………… (leave) at the airport, the police have to evacuate the terminal.
3 The two shops ………………… (burgle) three times last year!
4 She ………………… (find) writing graffiti on a wall.
5 A lot of minor crimes ………………… (not report) to the police nowadays.
6 If you ………………… (catch) without a ticket, you will have to pay a fine.
7 Most crimes nowadays ………………… (not commit) by young people.
8 In the past, victims ………………… often ………………… (not believe) by the police.

VIII) Complete the sentences with the correct form of have and the verbs in the list. There are
two extra verbs.

change follow steal catch dry-clean install fix chase

1 We ………… a burglar alarm ………………. last month.

2 Be careful, or you’ll ………… your bag ……………….
3 After my house was burgled, we ………… all the locks ……………….
4 Amy doesn’t trust her husband. She’s going to ………… him ……………….
5 My lawyer ………… his suits ………………. every week.
6 You should ………… that window ………………. Someone could get in through it.

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