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To create a module that adds a sub menu on the main menu in Odoo, follow these steps:

1. Create a new module by running the following command in your Odoo development environment:


odoo-bin scaffold my_module /path/to/addon_directory


2. Open the `` file in your module directory and add the following code to define your


'name': 'My Module',

'version': '1.0',

'summary': 'Add sub menu to main menu',

'description': """

This module adds a sub menu to the main menu in Odoo.


'category': 'Tools',

'depends': ['base'],

'data': [



'installable': True,


3. Create a new file called `my_menu.xml` in your module's `views` directory and add the following code
to define your sub menu:




<menuitem id="menu_my_module" name="My Module" sequence="10"/>

<menuitem id="menu_my_sub_menu" name="My Sub Menu" parent="menu_my_module"


<record id="action_my_sub_menu" model="ir.actions.act_window">

<field name="name">My Sub Menu</field>

<field name="res_model">my_module.my_model</field>

<field name="view_mode">tree,form</field>





4. In this example, we have created a sub-menu called "My Sub Menu" under the main menu "My
Module". We have also defined an action for the sub-menu that will open a tree and form view of a
model called `my_module.my_model`.

5. Finally, install your module by restarting Odoo and going to the Apps menu. Find your module and
click the "Install" button.
6. Once installed, you should see your new sub-menu in the main menu of Odoo. Clicking on it should
open the view defined in the `my_menu.xml` file.

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