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Trustworthiness- The primary problem in undertaking qualitative research is

how to handle credibility. The reliability or rigor of a study is the extent to which its data,

interpretation, and processes can be trusted to provide reliable results (Pilot & Beck,

2014). Given the importance of these efforts to the continued credibility of the area of

study and the advancement of knowledge, researchers must develop the methods and

rules necessary for a study to be judged credible. Researchers indicate four important

criteria—credibility, transferability, dependability, and conformity—to assess the

credibility of the research's conclusions. Credibility. People are more likely to believe

the study's conclusions if they can trust the researchers' interpretation of the

participants' experiences. To determine reliability, we researchers analyze participant

transcripts by searching for shared characteristics. As the complement to internal

validity, credibility is preoccupied with some aspect of veracity (Korstjens & Moser,

2018). Researchers ensure that the research results correctly represent the lived

experiences, viewpoints, and traditions of our participants to demonstrate reliability in

the context of our study. Consistency is a key component of dependability (Becker,

2018). Researchers guarantee thorough documentation of processes and analysis by

using rigorous data gathering methods. Since conformability is concerned with

neutrality, it is essential to protect the inter-subjectivity of the data in order to address it

(Becker, 2018). Evidence, rather than the researchers' subjective inclinations, is used

to draw conclusions. Researchers minimize the potential for bias and ambiguity in their

data by, for example, writing down their impressions of interviewees' feelings and

insights as soon as possible afterward and by letting the interviewees guide the
conversation rather than taking the lead. In order to ensure that the findings of the study

may be applied to different situations, it is necessary to provide a variety of case studies

that readers can use as a foundation for their own actions and knowledge. As

mentioned by (Korstjens & Moser 2018), transferability covers the feature of application.

The results of a study may have more relevance and contribute to the development of

knowledge if the researchers evaluate the study's transferability outside the unique

sample or location used in the investigation.

Ethical Provisions

Research investigations always follow strict ethical rules to protect the well-

being of participants. Ethical requirements are a set of rules that dictate how the study is

to be set up and carried out. Researchers have ethical obligations to follow certain

guidelines while interviewing subjects. The common goals of human research include

understanding real-world occurrences, comprehending methods, and bettering people's

lives (Bhandari, 2021). In addition, these worries help to safeguard the rights of study

participants, improve the reliability of research, and maintain academic and ethical

standards. Informed consent, risk and benefits, confidentiality, fabrication and

falsification, plagiarism, and authorship were all taken into account to guarantee the

study was conducted in an ethical way. Informed Consent. Educated consent is one of

the cornerstones of research ethics; it refers to a scenario in which all possible

participants are provided with and comprehend the relevant information to make an

educated decision about their participation (Bhandari, 2022). Researchers should never

pressure people into taking part in a study. Participants are needed to sign an informed

consent and should be acquired before the person joins the data conduction of the
project. During orientation, researchers brief participants on the research project and

answer any questions they may have. Risks and Benefits. Before getting clearance

and beginning a study, researchers should weigh the risks and benefits to participants

(Barrow et al., 2022). Researchers must take sufficient precautions to ensure the safety

of their subjects and uphold the beneficence principle by protecting them from

unnecessary risks. Participants' personal information and any data gathered during their

participation in the study must be kept private at all times. Confidentiality. Keeping

participants' identities secret is another useful principle of study ethics. (Fleming &

Zegwaard, 2018), maintaining the confidentiality and anonymity of study participants is

of the utmost importance. This goes beyond only protecting their names and includes

not using any self-identifying comments or information. Researchers were tasked with

keeping participants' identities and personal details hidden by using a code to conceal

their names and other identifying information in this study. No information was shared at

any point throughout the study's data collecting, analysis, or reporting processes.

Fabrication and Falsification. By contrast, research falsification involves the

intentional manipulation of research materials, equipment, or processes, as well as the

intentional alteration or omission of data or results, all of which contribute to a

misleading research record (Macmillan, 2018). Researchers used voice recordings and

handwritten notes from in-person interviews to guarantee the veracity of the information

they gathered and deter any possibility of data manipulation or fabrication. Plagiarism.

In the perspective of education, plagiarism is viewed as a severe ethical infraction.

Using the words and ideas of another writer without permission and passing them off as

your own is called plagiarism (Yang, 2018). All material used in a study must be
properly cited and referenced so that the original authors get the due credit they

deserve and plagiarism is avoided. And to make sure that everything in the research

paper is genuine, the University supplies a plagiarism detection program. Authorship.

An author is someone who has taken primary responsibility for a work and made

substantial contributions to it. For this reason, proper and exact attribution of works is of

the utmost importance. The study's authors took sure to publicly thank everyone who

contributed ideas and expertise. Involvement in the research and acceptance of

responsibility for the presentation's contents are required for a person to be

acknowledged as an author.

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