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Scientists are analyzing the movement patterns of slime mold, which grows outward to search for
its food sources by retracting from everything but the most efficient route, in an effort to better
understand how to optimize traffic patterns.
A. grows outward to search for its food sources by retracting
B. grows outward to search for its food sources, and the slime mold retracts
C. grows outward, searching for its food sources and retracting
D. searches for its food sources by growing outward and retracts
E. searches for its food sources and grows outward, retracting
2. A team of researchers reported that five endangered bird species had resumed nesting or
investigated nesting boxes erected by volunteers having been ferried out to the island last month.
A. investigated nesting boxes erected by volunteers having been
B. begun investigating nesting boxes erected by volunteers, being
C. investigating nesting boxes, erected by volunteers,
D. were investigating nesting boxes erected by volunteers
E. investigate nesting boxes erected by volunteers, which
3. When an active tooth in the shark's jaws is lost or worn down, many spare teeth lie in seemingly
limitless reserve, each of which is ready to slide into the appropriate position.
A. When an active tooth in the shark's jaws is lost or worn down, many spare teeth lie in seemingly
limitless reserve, each of which is ready to slide into the appropriate position.
B. Whenever an active tooth is lost or worn down, many spare teeth lie in seemingly limitless reserve
in the shark's jaws, which are each ready to slide into the appropriate positions.
C. Many spare teeth lie in seemingly limitless reserve in the shark's jaws, each one of which is ready
to slide into the appropriate position when an active tooth is lost or worn down.
D. The many spare teeth lying in seemingly limitless reserve in the shark's jaws, each one of which is
ready to slide into the appropriate position whenever an active tooth is lost or worn down.
E. In the shark's jaws, many spare teeth lie in seemingly limitless reserve, each one ready to slide into
the appropriate position whenever an active tooth is lost or worn down.
4. In order to be converted into high-quality digital versions, analog audio files, created at a time when
the recording equipment itself introduced pops, hisses, and other anomalous sounds that detract
from the performance, analog files must be edited to remove undesirable audio artifacts introduced
during the original recording.
A. In order to be converted into high-quality digital versions, analog audio files, created at a time when
the recording equipment itself introduced pops, hisses, and other anomalous sounds that detract
from the performance,
B. In order to convert analog audio files, created at a time when the recording equipment itself
introduced pops, hisses, and other anomalous sounds that detract from the performance, into high-
quality digital versions,
C. In order for analog audio files, created at a time when the recording equipment itself introduced
pops, hisses, and other anomalous sounds that detract from the performance, to be converted into
high-quality digital versions,
D. Analog audio files, created at a time when the recording equipment itself introduced pops, hisses,
and other anomalous sounds that detract from the performance, can be converted into high-quality
digital versions,
E. Analog audio files, which were created at a time when the recording equipment itself introduced
pops, hisses, and other anomalous sounds that detract from the performance and can be converted
into high-quality digital versions,
5. In some African languages, verbs not only encode the timeframe of an event but also imply the
origin of the speaker's knowledge, which may be direct observation, hearsay, or intuition, resulting
in speakers of those languages who cannot state facts without an attribution to some source.
A. not only encode the timeframe of an event but also imply the origin of the speaker's knowledge,
which may be direct observation, hearsay, or intuition, resulting in speakers of those languages
who cannot state facts without an attribution to some source
B. not only encode the timeframe of an event but also imply the origin of the speaker's knowledge,
direct observation, hearsay, or intuition; therefore, speakers of those languages cannot state a fact
without some source of attribution
C. encode not only the timeframe of an event but also the origin of the speaker's knowledge, whether
direct observation, hearsay, or intuition; as a result, speakers of those languages cannot state facts
without attributing them to a source
D. do not encode the timeframe of an event; they also imply the origin of the speaker's knowledge—
whether direct observation, hearsay, or intuition—resulting in the inability of those languages'
speakers to state facts and not attributions to some source
E. not only encode the timeframe of an event but also imply the origin of the speaker's knowledge,
direct observation, hearsay, or intuition; speakers of those languages, therefore, do not state facts
without attributing them to sources
6. When a ton of wheat was being moved from Buffalo to New York City before the opening of the Erie
Canal in 1825, the move took three weeks and cost $100, but when the canal was used, the move
took less than eight days and cost less than $6.
A. When a ton of wheat was being moved from Buffalo to New York City before the opening of the
Erie Canal in 1825, the move took three weeks and cost $100, but when the canal was used, the
B. Moving a ton of wheat from Buffalo to New York City before the opening of the Erie Canal in 1825
took three weeks and cost $100; but when the canal was used, it
C. Before the opening of the Erie Canal in 1825, moving a ton of wheat from Buffalo to New York City
took three weeks and cost $100; on the canal the move
D. In 1825, before the opening of the Erie Canal, to move a ton of wheat from Buffalo to New York
City took three weeks, which cost $100; moving it on the canal
E. To move a ton of wheat in 1825 from Buffalo to New York City took three weeks before the
opening of the Erie Canal, costing $100, but while using the canal, the move
7. Although the lines of competition are clearly defined in industries that are more established, they
are blurred and indistinct in the Internet industry, as competing companies one day may be
partners the next.
A. Although the lines of competition are clearly defined in industries that are more established, they
are blurred and indistinct in the Internet industry, as competing companies
B. Whereas lines of competition are clearly defined in the more established industries, in the Internet
industry they are blurred and indistinct, as companies that compete
C. The lines of competition are clearly defined in the more established industries, unlike those in the
Internet industry, where they are blurred and indistinct, as companies that compete
D. Unlike more established industries, where the lines of competition are clearly defined, in the
Internet industry they are burred and indistinct, as companies that compete
E. Unlike in more established industries, with clearly defined lines of competition, the lines of
competition in the Internet industry are blurred and indistinct, as competing companies
8. The discovery that Earth’s inner core rotates independently of and more quickly than Earth’s
outer layers is responsible for advancing studies of how heat from the inner core flows through
the outer planet, and how Earth’s magnetic field forms and the periodic reversal of its direction.
A. core rotates independently of and more quickly than Earth’s outer layers is responsible for
advancing studies of how heat from the inner core flows through the outer planet, and how
Earth’s magnetic field forms and the periodic reversal of its direction
B. core rotates independently of and more quickly than Earth’s outer layers is responsible for
advancing studies of how heat from the inner core flows through the outer planet, and the
formation and periodic reversal in direction of Earth’s magnetic field
C. core rotates independently of and more quickly than Earth’s outer layers is responsible for
advancing studies of the flow of heat from the inner through the outer planet and of the formation
and periodic reversal in direction of Earth’s magnetic field
D. core, rotating independently and more quickly than Earth’s outer layers is responsible for
advancing studies of the flow of heat from the inner through the outer planet and of the formation
and periodic reversal in direction of Earth’s magnetic field
E. core, rotating independently of and more quickly than Earth’s outer layers is responsible for
advancing studies of the flow of heat from the inner through the outer planet and of the formation
and periodic reversal in direction of Earth’s magnetic field
9. The best evidence that we have is the statistics from the Government and the opinions of scientists
at leading universities.
A. that we have is the statistics from the Government
B. which we have is the Governmental statistics
C. that we have are the Government's statistics
D. that we have are the statistics from the Government
E. which we have are the Governments statistics
10. Though the law will require emissions testing of all diesel vehicles, from tractor trailers to
excursion buses, it will have no effect on sport utility vehicles, almost all of which are gasoline
powered, and will not be subjected to emissions-control standards as stringent as they are for
diesel-powered vehicles.
A. powered, and will not be subjected to emissions-control standards as stringent as they are for
B. powered, and therefore not subjected to emissions-control standards that are as stringent as those
C. powered and therefore not subject to emissions-control standards as stringent as those for
D. powered, which are not subject to emissions-control standards as stringent as they are for
E. powered and therefore they are not subject to emissions-control standards as stringent as those
11. What both puzzles and intrigues many investigators is the differing tendencies of the cloned lines
of PBA in causing cerebral changes.
A. What both puzzles and intrigues many investigators is
B. What both puzzle and intrigue many investigators are
C. What both puzzles and intrigues many investigators are
D. What both puzzle and intrigue many investigators is
E. What are both puzzles and intrigues for many investigators are
12. The growth of the railroads led to the abolition of local times, which was determined by when the
sun reached the observer's meridian and differing from city to city, and to the establishment of
regional times.
A. which was determined by when the sun reached the observer's meridian and differing
B. which was determined by when the sun reached the observer's meridian and which differed
C. which were determined by when the sun reached the observer's meridian and differing
D. determined by when the sun reached the observer's meridian and differed
E. determined by when the sun reached the observer's meridian and differing
13. Most of Portugal's 250,000 university students boycotted classes in a one-day strike to protest a
law that required them to contribute $330 a year toward the cost of higher education, previously
paying $7 per year.
A. year toward the cost of higher education, previously paying $7 per year
B. year toward the cost of higher education, for which was previously paid $7 per year
C. year, compared to the previously $7 per year, toward the cost of higher education
D. year toward the cost of higher education, instead of the $7 per year required previously
E. year as opposed to the $7 per year required previously for the cost of higher education
14. Unlike mainstream American businesses, more than half of which fail, the failure rate for
businesses in the Amish community hovers around 5 percent.
A. Unlike mainstream American businesses, more than half of which fail
B. Unlike mainstream American businesses, in which the failure rate is more than half
C. Unlike mainstream American businesses, where more than half of them fail
D. While the rate of mainstream American businesses failing is more than half
E. While more than half of mainstream American businesses fail
15. The principal feature of the redesigned checks is a series of printed instructions that the company
hopes will help merchants confirm a check’s authenticity, which includes reminders to watch the
endorsement, compare signatures, and view the watermark while holding the check to the light.
A. which includes reminders to watch the endorsement, compare signatures, and view
B. which include reminders for watching the endorsement, to compare signatures and view
C. by including reminders for watching the endorsement, comparing signatures, and viewing
D. including reminders to watch the endorsement, comparing signatures and viewing
E. including reminders to watch the endorsement, compare signatures, and view
16. Written in ink or engraved by stylus, more than 2,000 letters and documents on wooden tablets
excavated at the site of the old roman fort at Vindolanda in northern England are yielding a
historical account of the military garrison in the first and second centuries that are so vivid in
their details about personal life as they are from Pompeii.
A. are so vivid in their details about personal life as they are
B. are as vivid in their details of personal life as those gathered
C. is as vivid in their detail about personal life as that gathered
D. is as vivid in its details of personal life as that gathered
E. is so vivid in its details of personal life as
17.The standard framework of cap and trade is fundamentally conservative, in which a central body
generally establishes a limit on the total amount of pollution that can be produced, allocates a
certain number of permits, and then allows market forces to dictate the price a company must pay
to pollute.
A. The standard framework of cap and trade is fundamentally conservative, in which a central body
generally establishes a limit on the total amount of pollution that can be produced, allocates a
certain number of permits, and then allows market forces to dictate the price a company must pay
to pollute.
B. The standard framework of cap and trade, a central body generally establishes a limit on the total
amount of pollution that can be produced, allocates a certain number of permits, and then allows
market forces to dictate the price that companies must pay to pollute, is fundamentally
C. The standard framework of cap and trade—a central body generally establishes a limit on the total
amount of pollution that can be produced, allocates a certain number of permits, and then allows
market forces to dictate the price a company must pay to pollute—is, fundamentally, a conservative
D. The fundamentally conservative standard framework of cap and trade is: a central body generally
establishes a limit on the total amount of pollution that can be produced, allocates a certain number
of permits, and then allows market forces to dictate the price that a company must pay to pollute.
E. The fundamentally conservative standard framework of cap and trade, in which a central body
generally establishes a limit on the total amount of pollution that can be produced, allocates a
certain number of permits, and then allows market forces to dictate the price that companies must
pay to pollute.
18.Atul Gawande, the former surgeon general, in his book, The Checklist Manifesto, argues that doctors
could use the same sort of checklists as pilots and greatly reduce the number of medical errors,
saving both money and lives.
A. Atul Gawande, the former surgeon general, in his book, The Checklist Manifesto, argues that doctors
could use the same sort of checklists as pilots and greatly reduce the number of medical errors,
saving both money and lives.
B. Atul Gawande, the former surgeon general, argues in his book, The Checklist Manifesto, that doctors
could use the same sort of checklists that pilots do to greatly reduce the number of medical errors,
saving both money and lives.
C. Former surgeon general Atul Gawande argues in his book, The Checklist Manifesto, that doctors
could use the same sort of checklists as pilots, greatly reducing the number of medical errors, saving
money and lives.
D. Former surgeon general Atul Gawande argues in his book, The Checklist Manifesto, that doctors
could use the same sort of checklists that pilots do to greatly reduce the number of medical errors,
both saving money and lives.
E. In his book, The Checklist Manifesto, former surgeon general Atul Gawande argues that doctors
could use the same sort of checklists that pilots use to greatly reduce the number of medical errors,
saving money and lives.
19.When shown boards for just a few seconds from previous chess games, grandmaster chess players
display an impressive ability to recall the exact position of all of the pieces on the board, but when
shown a board with randomly placed pieces, the average person performs just as well as
grandmasters at this task.
A. for just a few seconds from previous chess games, grandmaster chess players display an impressive
ability to recall the exact position of all of the pieces on the board, but when shown a board with
randomly placed pieces, the average person performs just as well as grandmasters at this task
B. for just a few seconds from previous chess games, grandmaster chess players display an impressive
ability to recall the exact position of all of the pieces on the board, but when shown a board with
randomly placed pieces, grandmasters perform just as well as the average person does at this task
C. from previous chess games for just a few seconds, grandmaster chess players display an ability to
recall the exact position of all of the pieces on the board that is impressive, but when shown a board
with randomly placed pieces, average people perform just as well as grandmasters do at this task
D. from previous chess games for just a few seconds, grandmaster chess players display an impressive
ability to recall the exact position of all of the pieces on the board, but when they are shown boards
with randomly placed pieces, grandmasters perform no better at this task than the average person
E. from previous chess games for just a few seconds, grandmaster chess players display an ability to
recall the exact position of all of the pieces on the board that is impressive, but when they are shown
boards with randomly placed pieces, grandmasters perform just as well at this task as does the
average person
20.Had Russian lieutenant colonel Stanislav Petrov not correctly judged the early warning system’s
reports of an incoming nuclear missile on September 26, 1983 to be false and disobeyed orders
from his superiors to retaliate, Russia and the United States would likely have entered a large-scale
nuclear war.
A. Had Russian lieutenant colonel Stanislav Petrov not correctly judged the early warning system’s
reports of an incoming nuclear missile on September 26, 1983 to be false and disobeyed orders
from his superiors to retaliate, Russia and the United States would likely have entered a large-scale
nuclear war.
B. If Russian lieutenant colonel Stanislav Petrov had not correctly judged the early warning system
that reported an incoming nuclear missile on September 26, 1983 to be false and then disobeyed
orders from his superiors to retaliate, Russia and the United States likely would have entered a
large-scale nuclear war.
C. Russian lieutenant colonel Stanislav Petrov likely prevented a large-scale nuclear war between the
United States and Russia on September 26, 1983 by correctly judging that the early warning
system’s reports of an incoming nuclear missile were false, disobeying orders from his superiors to
D.On September 26, 1983, Russian lieutenant colonel Stanislav Petrov correctly judged that the early
warning system’s reports of an incoming nuclear missile were false, disobeying orders from his
superiors to retaliate and likely preventing the United States and Russia from entering a large-scale
nuclear war.
E. On September 26, 1983, Russian lieutenant colonel Stanislav Petrov likely prevented the United
States and Russia from entering a large-scale nuclear war when he disobeyed orders from his
superiors to retaliate and correctly judged that the early warning system’s reports that a nuclear
missile was incoming were false.
21.Once thought to be impossible, Alex Honnold successfully “free soloed” Yosemite’s El Capitan in
2017, climbing the 3,000-foot wall without the aid of any ropes in just under four hours.
A. Once thought to be impossible, Alex Honnold successfully “free soloed” Yosemite’s El Capitan in
2017, climbing the 3,000-foot wall without the aid of any ropes in just under four hours.
B. Once thought impossible, El Capitan was “free soloed” for the first time in 2017 by Alex Honnold,
who climbed the 3,000-foot wall in just under four hours without the aid of any ropes.
C. Alex Honnold “free soloed” Yosemite’s El Capitan in 2017, climbing the 3,000-foot wall without the
aid of ropes in just under four hours and becoming the first person to achieve a feat that was once
thought to be impossible.
D.In 2017, Alex Honnold became the first person to “free solo”—climb without the aid of any ropes—
Yosemite’s 3,000-foot El Capitan in just under four hours, a feat that was once thought to be
E. In 2017, Alex Honnold became the first person to “free solo” Yosemite’s El Capitan—a feat once
thought impossible—climbing the 3,000-foot wall without the aid of any ropes in just under four
22.Despite the fact that the impact of Daylight-Saving Time, at the onset of which clocks are set forward
by an hour, have been shown to be neutral at best—research indicates that it may actually
increase the number of car accidents occurring on the Monday after the clocks spring forward—
some countries do not observe it.
A. Despite the fact that the impact of Daylight-Saving Time, at the onset of which clocks are set forward
by an hour, have been shown to be neutral at best—research indicates that it may actually increase
B. Even though the impact of Daylight-Saving Time, at the onset of which clocks are set forward by an
hour, has been shown to be neutral at best—research indicates that it actually increases
C. Since the impact of Daylight-Saving Time, at the onset of which clocks are set forward by an hour,
has been shown to be neutral at best—research indicates that it actually increases
D. Because the impact of Daylight-Saving Time, at the onset of which clocks are set forward by an hour,
has been shown to be neutral—at best research indicates that it may actually result in an increase
E. Because Daylight-Saving Time, at the onset of which clocks are set forward by an hour, has been
shown to have a neutral impact, at best—research indicates that it may actually result in a possible
increase in
23.Since the 1980s, when Chile adopted free market economic policies that attracted significant
investment, copper has been the country’s top commodity, quadrupling the production of its next
biggest competitors, China and the United States.
A. Since the 1980s, when Chile adopted free market economic policies that attracted significant
investment, copper has been the country’s top commodity,
B. Since Chile adopted free market economic policies in the 1980s that attracted significant economic
investment, it has produced more copper than any country,
C. Chile attracted significant economic investment in the 1980s by adopting free market economic
policies, and ever since then, it has produced more copper than has any other country,
D. Copper has been Chile’s top commodity since the 1980s, when free market economic policies
attracted significant investment,
E. After Chile adopted free market economic policies that attracted significant economic investment
in the 1980s, it has produced more copper than any other country,
24.Porcupines shooting their quills is a common misconception, but the quills still pose a serious
threat, and it can be difficult to remove them because each one has up to 800 backward-facing barbs
that act as grappling hooks after they pierce skin.
A. Porcupines shooting their quills is a common misconception, but the quills still pose a serious
threat, and it can be difficult to remove them because each one has up to 800 backward-facing barbs
that act as grappling hooks after they pierce skin.
B. Porcupines shooting their quills is a common misconception, but the quills still pose a serious threat
because they can be difficult to remove since each one has up to 800 backward-facing barbs that
act as grappling hooks after they pierce skin.
C. That a porcupine can shoot its quills is a common misconception, but the quills still pose a serious
threat because each quill has up to 800 backward-facing barbs that act as grappling hooks after
they pierce skin.
D. Contrary to popular belief, porcupines do not actually shoot their quills, but the quills still pose a
serious threat: each quill has up to 800 backward-facing barbs that act as grappling hooks after they
pierce skin, which makes removing the quills difficult.
E. Contrary to popular belief, porcupines do not actually shoot their quills, even though each quill has
up to 800 backward-facing barbs that act as grappling hooks after they pierce skin and that still
pose a serious threat.
25.Recent studies have shown that the antioxidants found in the acai berry boost immune cell function
more effectively than almost any other fruit, making it one of the healthiest widely available
fruits on the market.
A. Recent studies have shown that the antioxidants found in the acai berry boost immune cell function
more effectively than almost any other fruit, making it one of the healthiest widely available fruits
B. Recent studies have shown that the antioxidants found in the acai berry boost immune cell function
more effectively than almost any other fruit, making them one of the healthiest fruits that is widely
C. Recent studies have shown that the antioxidants found in the acai berry boost immune cell function
more effectively than those in almost any other fruit, which makes the acai berry one of the
healthiest widely available fruits
D. Because the acai berry’s antioxidants boost immune cell function more effectively than they can do
in any other fruit, they are one of the healthiest widely available fruits anywhere
E. Because the antioxidants in acai berry boost immune cell function more effectively than those in
almost any other fruit, it is one of the healthiest fruits that are widely available
26.Among the sports played primarily by women in the United States is field hockey, which is one
of the most popular men's sports in South Asia, and volleyball, the sport of many male athletes in
Europe and South America.
A. Among the sports played primarily by women in the United States is field hockey, which is one of
B. In the United States, among the sports played primarily by women are field hockey, one of
C. Played in the United States primarily by women, field hockey is among
D. Sports played primarily by women in the United States, including field hockey, one of
E. One of the sports played in the United States primarily by women is field hockey, among
27.In some African languages, verbs not only encode the timeframe of an event but also imply the
origin of the speaker's knowledge, which may be direct observation, hearsay, or intuition, resulting
in speakers of those languages who cannot state facts without an attribution to some source.
A. not only encode the timeframe of an event but also imply the origin of the speaker's knowledge,
which may be direct observation, hearsay, or intuition, resulting in speakers of those languages who
cannot state facts without an attribution to some source
B. not only encode the timeframe of an event but also imply the origin of the speaker's knowledge,
direct observation, hearsay, or intuition; therefore, speakers of those languages cannot state a fact
without some source of attribution
C. encode not only the timeframe of an event but also the origin of the speaker's knowledge, whether
direct observation, hearsay, or intuition; as a result, speakers of those languages cannot state facts
without attributing them to a source not encode the timeframe of an event; they also imply the origin of the speaker's knowledge—
whether direct observation, hearsay, or intuition—resulting in the inability of those languages'
speakers to state facts and not attributions to some source
E. not only encode the timeframe of an event but also imply the origin of the speaker's knowledge,
direct observation, hearsay, or intuition; speakers of those languages, therefore, do not state facts
without attributing them to sources
28.In 1983, using both ground-penetrating radar equipment—much of it constructed themselves—as
well as clues from the autobiography of film director Cecil B. DeMille, the film enthusiasts Peter
Brosnan and John Parker located and unearthed the massive set of DeMille's epic 1923 film The Ten
A. much of it constructed themselves—as well as clues from the autobiography of film director Cecil
B. DeMille, the film enthusiasts Peter Brosnan and John Parker
B. they constructed much of it themselves, and used clues from film director Cecil B. DeMille's
autobiography—Peter Brosnan and John Parker, the film enthusiasts,
C. constructing much of it themselves—and taking clues from film director Cecil B. DeMille's
autobiography, Peter Brosnan and John Parker were film enthusiasts who
D. they constructed much of it themselves, as well as clues from film director Cecil B. DeMille's
autobiography—Peter Brosnan and John Parker were film enthusiasts who
E. much of which they constructed themselves—and clues from the autobiography of film director
Cecil B. DeMille, film enthusiasts Peter Brosnan and John Parker
29.Before the Civil War, Harriet Tubman, along with other formerly enslaved people and abolitionists,
helped create what had become known as the Underground Railroad, and were responsible for
leading hundreds, if not thousands, of people to freedom.
A. had become known as the Underground Railroad, and were
B. would become known as the Underground Railroad, and were
C. had become known as the Underground Railroad, and was
D. has been becoming known as the Underground Railroad, and was
E. would become known as the Underground Railroad, and was
30.With an emphasis on color and form at the expense of exact duplication of detail, art historians have
suggested that Impressionism had evolved in response to the advent of black-and-white
photography, which allowed precise, albeit monochromatic, pictorial reproduction of a landscape.
A. With an emphasis on color and form at the expense of exact duplication of detail, art historians have
suggested that Impressionism had evolved
B. Emphasizing color and form at the expense of exact duplication of detail, it has been suggested by
art historians that Impressionism evolved
C. Art historians have suggested that Impressionism, with its emphasis on color and form at the
expense of exact duplication of detail, had evolved
D. Art historians have suggested that Impressionism, with its emphasis on color and form at the
expense of exact duplication of detail, evolved
E. Impressionism, with its emphasis on color and form at the expense of exact duplication of detail,
was suggested by art historians to have evolved

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