Routine Referral 1

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‘Assume that today's dato le 15 May 2021. You have been Ms Bennet GP for wo yaars ahd have been treating her recenl following her hasptasaton for cardac problems. PATIENT DETAILS: Name: Eleandr Bennet os: (06 Dec 1975 (45 y0) ‘Address: 32 Staton Road, Oakville ‘Social background: Commercial iawyer —frequent international travel Dhvoreed—2 daughters (18 816 0.) Chikren ive mainly with chiro’ fthor (custody curently contested) — Pt roports extreme stres8 ro worias about qualty of father's chidesre Since 2019 “aleohel intake trom 10 > 40 units; smokes 20 ged IMI 28 (overweight) ~ Iie exercise (gyn xtinth) Family history: Father died 53 y| hear disease Older brother - mental health pobloms (2 suicide atoms in lst 12 mi) Medical history (08 Feb 2021, 0800 Hrs ‘Haar attack at airport after long-haul fight (pain in jaw, nausea, SOB), ‘Defibrillator applied by first-aider 2 (08 Feb 2021, 0918 hrs Emergency hospital acmission (Oakville General Hospital) Ballon-expendabe stent applied via groin (rm tried inital, artery too smal) ABFeb 2021 Discharged, 4 wooks off work > gradual tum fo work Mather moved in to give cae. Pt reports ‘stress (poor relationship) Nedicatonsirestment on decharge: ‘Capopi ing day ‘Nowvastatn 90n9 daly Referral fo cara renadiltaton sessons~non-attendanice Counesling gen testy changes Presenting complaint 15May 2021 Side efectsofcaptpni— dizziness and ightheadedness, headaches, episodes oF eiarhoes Ptreparts tes tom sda eats rt requetscapopl continuation (sl eft) reluctant a stat new meds Plan: Rotorsal to cardiologist re review of meds and ways to encourage lifestyle changes Using the information given inthe case notes, write a later of rferal to Dr Banesee, consultant cardiologist In your eter, bre outine Ms Bennets hilary and reaiment so far, requesting advice and a review of ber ‘medication, Adress your Iter io Or James Banerse, Consultant Carico, Sancton Cy Hospital, Santon. TT peste aiiolae ve emehisamnor OY Wa rkly Do not use note form Use ottorformat

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