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SDOAnet: An Efficient Deep Learning-Based DOA

Estimation Network for Imperfect Array
Peng Chen, Member, IEEE, Zhimin Chen, Member, IEEE, Liang Liu, Member, IEEE, Yun Chen, Member, IEEE,
Xianbin Wang, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—Direction of arrival (DOA) estimation is a fun- Typically, the DOA estimation is based on an ideal antenna
damental problem in both conventional radar and wireless array model, without considering any imperfect effect, in-
communication applications and emerging integrated sensing cluding the mutual coupling effect, inconsistent gains/phases,
and communication (ISAC) systems. Due to many imperfect
factors in the low-cost systems, including the antenna position nonlinear effect, etc. In this ideal scenario, the DOAs can be
perturbations, the inconsistent gains/phases, the mutual coupling estimated by traditional methods such as the monopulse angle
effect, the nonlinear amplifier effect, etc., the performance of the estimation method [3] and the fast Fourier transformation
DOA estimation often degrades significantly. To characterize the (FFT)-based methods.
realistic array more accurately, a novel deep learning (DL)-based Moreover, the super-resolution estimation methods have
DOA estimation method named super-resolution DOA network
(SDOAnet) is proposed in this paper. Different from the existing also been proposed. On one hand, subspace-based methods
DL-based DOA methods, our proposed SDOAnet employs the such as the algorithms of multiple-signal classification (MU-
sampled received signals, instead of the covariance matrices of SIC) [4]–[6] and estimation of signal parameters via rotational
the received signals, as the input of the convolution layers for invariance techniques (ESPRIT) [7]–[10] were proposed. On
extracting data features. Moreover, the output of SDOAnet is the other hand, sparse reconsturction-based methods have also
a vector that is independent of the DOA of targets but can be
used to estimate their spatial spectrum. As a result, the same been proposed by exploiting the signals’ sparsity in the spatial
training network can be applied with any number of targets, domain. For example, the compressed sensing (CS)-based
which significantly reduce the implementation complexity. At last, methods for the DOA estimation have been proposed, such as
the convergence speed of our SDOAnet with a low-dimension net- sparse Bayesian learning-based methods [11]–[16], the mixed
work structure is much faster than existing DL-based methods.
l2,0 norm-based methods [17], etc.
Simulation results show that the proposed SDOAnet outperforms
the existing DOA estimation methods with the effect of the However, the above works did not consider the effect of
imperfect array. imperfect antenna arrays. As a result, the performance of
these algorithms is significantly affected in practical DOA
estimation systems. In the literature, some works have started
Index Terms—Convolution layer, deep learning, direction to investigate the DOA estimation schemes under imperfect
of arrival (DOA) estimation, imperfect array, super-resolution antenna array. For example, for an array with mutual coupling,
gain or phase errors, and sensor location errors, a method
estimating both DOA and model errors is proposed in [18].
I. INTRODUCTION A fourth-order parallel factor decomposition model using
IRECTION of arrival (DOA) estimation is a fundamental imperfect waveforms is given in [19] to estimate the DOA.
D problem in the wireless communications, radar-based
applications, and the future integrated sensing and communi-
Then, ref. [20] proposes a two-dimensional (2D) DOA esti-
mation method for an imperfect L-shaped array using active
cation (ISAC) systems [1,2], and has been studied for decades. calibration. However, each of the above works only considered
a subset of the imperfect array effects, because optimization
This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation
of China (Grant No. 61801112), the Equipment Pre-Research Field Founda- over the complicated array model with all imperfect effects
tion, the Industry-University-Research Cooperation Foundation of The Eighth considered is challenging. This motivates us to use the deep
Research Institute of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation learning (DL) technique for DOA estimation with all imperfect
(Grant No. SAST2021-039), the National Key R&D Program of China
(Grant No. 2019YFE0120700), and the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu array effects taken into account because of its efficiency for
Province (Grant No. BK20180357). training over difficult networks.
P. Chen is with the State Key Laboratory of Millimeter Waves, Southeast In the literature, several works have been done for DL-based
University, Nanjing 210096, China (e-mail:
Z. Chen is with the School of Electronic and Information, Shanghai DOA estimation [21]–[24], and have the advantages of low
Dianji University, Shanghai 201306, China, and also with the Department computational complexity and high accuracy. There are some
of Electronic and Information Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic types of DL-based methods:
University, Hong Kong (e-mail:
L. Liu is with the Department of Electronic and Information Engineer- 1) The input data is the raw sampled data from the array;
ing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong (e-mail: liang- 2) The input data is the covariance matrix of the received signal;
Y. Chen is with the State Key Laboratory of ASIC and System, Fudan
University, Shanghai 201203, China (e-mail: 3) The outputs are the directly estimated DOAs;
X. Wang is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineer- 4) The output is the spatial spectrum, and the DOAs are
ing, Western University, London, ON N6A 5B9, Canada (e-mail: xian- estimated from the spectrum.

For example, in [25,26], a DL-based method is proposed for the number of targets, i.e., different networks should be
the DOA estimation, where the input is the covariance matrix trained given different number of targets. This is of high
and the output is the spectrum. A sparse loss function is used complexity in practice.
to train the network. Ref. [27] gives a CNN-based method for • Furthermore, when the spatial spectrum is used, we must
the DOA estimation using the estimated covariance matrix, discretize the DOAs into grids, and the possible DOA
and estimates the DOA by discretizing the spatial domain must be on the discretized grids exactly. More girds as the
into grids. In [28], a synthetic dataset for angle classification output must be used for high accuracy, and the network
is shown under the presence of additive noise, propagation will become more complexity and hardly to train.
attenuation and delay. Then, a CNN-based method is proposed
for the DOA estimation. An angle separation learning method In this paper, we propose a new type of DNN network based
is proposed in [26] for the DOA estimation of the coherent on CNN, i.e., super-resolution DOA network (SDOAnet),
signals, where the covariance matrix is formulated as the to overcome the above mentioned difficulties in the DOA
input features of the deep neural network (DNN). In [29], estimation. The proposed SDOAnet is used for performance
a deep convolution network (DCN) is given for the DOA evaluation of imperfect array under realistic conditions. Com-
estimation with the covariance matrix as the under-sampled pared with the existing methods, the proposed SDOAnet can
linear measurements of the spatial spectrum, where the signal achieve better estimation performance with lower complexity.
sparsity in the spatial domain is also exploited to improve The contributions of this paper are given as follows:
the estimation performance. A MUSIC-based DOA estimation
method is proposed in [30] by using small antenna arrays, 1) A system model with imperfect array effects for the
where DL is formulated to reconstruct the signals of a virtual DOA estimation is formulated. The imperfect effect
large antenna array. Ref. [22] gives an offline and online DNN includes the position perturbation, the inconsistent gains,
method for the DOA estimation in the massive multiple-input the inconsistent phases, the mutual coupling effect, and
multiple-output (MIMO) system, where DOA is the output of the nonlinear effect, etc. As a result, our results are
the network and can be estimated directly from the received directly applicable in a practical system.
signal. For the DOA estimation with low sjgnal-to-noise ratio 2) A new DL architecture is proposed based on the
(SNR), a convolutional neural network (CNN) is proposed imperfect array. Different from existing methods, the
in [31], where the covariance matrix is the network’s input input of the SDOAnet is the raw sampled signals, and
and shows enhanced robustness in the presence of noise. the output is a vector, which can be used to estimate
Moreover, a multiple deep CNN is designed in [32], where the spatial spectrum easily. Convolution layers are then
each CNN learns the MUSIC spectrum of the received signal, used to get the signals’ features and avoid the complex-
so a nonlinear relationship between the received sensor data ity due to high-dimension signals. The output of the
and the angular spectrum is formulated in the network. For SDOAnet is a vector for the spectrum estimation and
the imperfect array, ref. [33] introduces a framework of the can avoid the problem of discretizing the spatial domain.
DNN to estimate the DOA using a multitask autoencoder and Compared with the existing CNN-based method, the
series of parallel multilayer classifiers. proposed SDOAnet can be trained easily and achieve
better estimation performance.
We can find that the DL-based DOA estimation methods
3) A loss function to train the SDOAnet is proposed,
mainly use the CNN as a typical network structure [34],
where Gaussian functions are used to approximate the
and the input is the statistic results such as the covariance
spatial spectrum. Inspired by the atomic norm minimiza-
matrix. Since the estimation performance is limited by the
tion (ANM)-based DOA estimation method, the output
information in the statistic data, the performance cannot be
of SDOAnet is used to formulate the spatial spectrum.
better than that use the raw sampled data. Furthermore, the
Then, a loss function is used to measure the error
network output is the estimated DOAs, the spatial spectrum
between the refereed spectrum and the estimated one,
cannot be obtained. Therefore, the network structure should be
and to train the network.
adjusted with different targets numbers, and it is not suitable
in the practical applications. There are some limitations with The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. The
the existing DL-based methods: system mode of practical DOA estimation is formulated in
• Since the classic DOA estimation algorithms such as Section II. The review of super-resolution DOA estimation
MUSIC are just based on the covariance matrices of method is given in Section III. Then, the proposed SDOAnet
the received signals, most existing ML-based schemes for the DOA estimation is shown in Section IV. Simulation
use these covariance matrices as the input data to train results are carried out in Section V, and finally, Section VI
the network. However, the covariance matrices are not concludes the paper.
sufficient for the optimal estimator design in general. As Notations: Upper-case and lower-case boldface letters de-
a result, the input data used in these works does not note matrices and column vectors, respectively. The matrix
preserve all the useful information. transpose and the Hermitian transpose are denoted as (· )T
• In addition, the output of the existing ML-based DOA and (·)H , respectively. R{·} and I{·} denote the real and
estimation schemes is usually the spatial spectrum of the imaginary parts of a complex value, respecitvely. Tr{·} is the
targets. In this case, the training network depends on trace of a matrix. ǁ · ǁ2 is the l2 norm.

3) The inconsistent gains: The radio frequency (RF) chan-

nels usually cannot have exactly the same amplifiers, and
will cause the amplitude differences among the received
Mutual DOA signals. The channel gain of the n-th antenna is denoted
effect as An > 0;
4) The inconsistent phases: The difference among the RF
channels will also cause the delay and phases errors of
Position the received signals, and The channel phase of the n-th
peturbation antenna is denoted as φn;
5) The nonlinear effect: The nonlinear effect among RF
Inconsistent channels and analog-to-digital converter (ADC) will
gains and RF RF RF RF Nonlinear introduce the nonlinear effect and degrade the DOA
phases effect
estimation performance. We use a nonlinear function
g( ·) to represent the nonlinear operation in the receiving
Hence, collect the received signals into a vector
Baseband signal processing
r , r 0(t), r 1(t), . . . , r N−1 (t)
. (3)
The DOA estimation problem can be formulated as a pa-
DOA rameter estimation problem with the received signal r. Most
existing works consider the methods in the scenario with
Fig. 1. The system model for the DOA estimation in a practical array. perfect array, where we have the linear function g( · ), the
mutual coupling coefficient Bn,n' is 0, the channel gains are
the same (An = 1 and φ0 = 0), and the position dn of antenna
ESTIMATION However, when an imperfect array is considered, the imper-
In this paper, we consider the DOA estimation problem fect elements include the mutual coupling effect, the nonlinear
in a practical system, and propose a DL-based estimation effect, the inconsistent phases, the inconsistent gains and the
framework. As shown in Fig. 1, we consider K far-field position perturbations, etc. In the practical systems, most
signals, and the k-th (k = 0, 1, . . . , K − 1) signal is expressed existing super-resolution methods cannot outperform the tradi-
π π
as sk(t) ∈ C with the DOA being θk ∈ —2 , 2 . A linear tional methods, where the super-resolution methods must have
array system with N antennas is used to receive the signals perfect systems and high SNR. In this paper, we will focus
and estimate the DOAs, where the wavelength is denoted as λ. on a robust super-resolution method for the DOA estimation
Considering an additive noise wn(t) ∈ C, the received signal with imperfect system effect.
at the n-th (n = 0, 1, . . . , N − 1) antenna can be expressed as
rn (t) = g xn (t) + Bn,n' xn' (t) + wn (t). (1)
n' n A. The Atomic Norm-Based Estimation Methods
Then, we have In recent years, the atomic norm-based methods have been
Σ d proposed for the line-spectra estimation and achieved better
sin θk ,
xn(t) = sk(t)An ejφn ej2π λ (2) performance by exploiting the sparsity of the spectrum in the
k=0 frequency domain. Additionally, the DOA estimation problem
where taking the 0-th antenna as the reference one, i.e., d0 = can be easily described as a line-spectral estimation problem,
0, the position of the n-th antenna is dn, and for a uniform so atomic norm-based methods have been proposed for the
linear array (ULA), the position of antenna is dn = nλ/2. In DOA estimation.
the received signal (1), the following imperfect problems are Usually, in the atomic norm-based methods. the ideal ULA
considered: is assumed, and the received signal based on (1) in the n-th
1) The mutual coupling effect: The antennas cannot be array can be expressed as
ideally isolated and introduce the mutual coupling ef- Σ
s ke j2π sin θ k
fect among the received signals. The mutual coupling rn = λ + w n (t), (4)
coefficient between the n-th and n′-th (n n′) antenna k=0
is Bn,n' ∈ C with | Bn,n' |< 1 in (1);
where the distance between adjacent antennas is d = λ2 . Then,
2) The position perturbations: The antenna positions can-
not be exactly at the desired positions, and will cause with the definition of a steering vector
h iT
the phase errors of the received signals among antennas
a(θ) , 1, e j λ sin θ , . . . , 1, e j 2π(N−1)d
λ sin θ , (5)
in the steering vector;

collect all the received signals into a vector, and we have B. The MUSIC-Based Estimated Methods
r , r 0, r 1, . . . , rN−1
T In the super-resolution estimation method, the MUSIC-
based methods can achieve better performance by using the
= As + w, (6) noise and signal subspaces. For the single-snapshot spectral
where we define the steering matrix as estimation, ref [39] proposes a MUSIC-based method. A
A , a(θ ), a(θ ), . . . , a(θ ) , (7) Hankel matrix is obtained from the received signal r as
0 1 K−1
r0 r1 ... rN−L
the signal vector is defined as
r1 r2 ... rN−L+1
T R = Hankel(r) .. , (15)
s , s0, s1, . . . , sK−1 , (8) . . . .
and the noise vector is rL−1 rL ... rN−1
w , w 0, w 1, . . . , w N−1 .
(9) where the received signal r is reshaped as a matrix R ∈
CL×N−L+1. Then, a singular value decomposition (SVD) is
In the ANM-based DOA estimation method, an atomic norm
used as
is defined as
[U 1, U 2]Λ[V 1, V 2] = SVD{R}, (16)
ǁxǁA , inf , Σ αn' : x = αn' e jφn' a(θn' ),
, where U 2 is corresponding to the small singular values, and Λ
φn' ∈ [0, 2π), αn' ≥ 0 , (10) is a diagonal matrix with the entries from the singular values.
Finally, the spatial spectrum can be estimated as
which describes a sparse representation of x with the sparse 1
coefficients being αn' (n′ = 0, 1, . . . , N ′ − 1). Then, with g(θ) = . (17)
ǁaH(θ)U 2 ǁ22
the received signal r, we denoise the signal with a sparse
reconstruction signal x, which can be expressed as an ANM IV. THE PROPOSED DOA ESTIMATION METHOD
From the above sections about the exisiting DOA estimation
min ǁr − xǁ22 + βǁxǁ A, (11) methods, we can find that the DOAs are estimated by searching
x 2
the peak values of the spatial spectrum. In this section, we
where the parameter β is used to control the trade-off between will propose a new DL-based super-resolution method for the
the sparsity and the reconstruction accuracy. This ANM prob- DOA estimation, and it is named as a super-resolution DOA
lem can be solved by introducing a semi-definite programming network (SDOAnet), which contains more information and
(SDP) method, which is can be trained faster than the existing covariance matrix-based
ǁr − hǁ22 methods.

B h
s.t ≥0 (12) A. The SDOAnet Architecture
hH 1
The SDOAnet architecture is show in Fig. 2. First, the
B is Hermitian matrix received signal in (1) is rewritten as a vector with real and
Tr{B} = β2 imaginary parts
Bn,n+n' = 0, for n′ 0 y(t) , [RT {r(t)}, I T {r(t)}]T ∈ R2N ×1 , (18)
where we have the received signal vector
and n′ = 1 − N, . . . , N − 1.
By solving the SDP problem (12), the sparse reconstruction r(t) = [r0(t), r1(t), . . . , rN−1(t)]T ∈ CN×1. (19)
signal h can be obtained, and the DOA of the received signal With the batch size being MB, the input signal is
can be estimated by finding the peak values of the following
polynomial Y , [y(0), y(1), . . . , y(MB − 1)] T, (20)
f (θ) = |a (θ)h| .
H 2
(13) and the size is MB × 2N .
Then, since the SDOAnet is based on the convolution
The ANM-based DOA estimation method is for the ideal network, we use a full connection (FC) as the input layer with
array with perfect assumptions, but for the practical array, the output dimension being MF MI , where MF denotes the
the ANM-based method must be extended. In [35]–[38], the number of filters in the convolution layers and MI denotes the
atomic norm-based methods are extended for the practical ar- inner dimension extension. After the input layer, the dimension
ray. We can find that the much complex optimization problems of the signal is MB × MF MI , and we reshape the signal as
are formulated, and a vector like h denoted as h′ can be a tensor f1(Y ) with the dimension being MB× MF ×MI ,
obtained. Then, the DOAs are estimated by the peak values where f1( ·) is a input layer function.
of the following polynomial The tensor is passed into the convolution layers and the
f ′ (θ) = |aH (θ)h′ |2 . (14) number of convolution layers is MC. In each convolution
layer, a one-dimensional (1D) convolution operation is realized

Batch Batch
normaliz normaliz
ation ation
... ...




Received signals

Reshape 1D convolution Reshape 1D convolution

Input layer (FC) ( F filters) ( F filters)

Output layer (FC)

Fig. 2. The network architecture of the proposed SDOAnet.

Y f1


f2 f3 f4


-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 f2 f3 f4

Fig. 3. The ReLU function. ...

with the kernel size being MF × MK and the padding operation

is used to keep that the size of convolution output is the same f2 f3 f4
with that of input. The output of convolution operation is
MB ×MF × MI . Then, the batch normalization is applied on
the convolution output, and the normalization output is denoted
as f3 (f2 (f1 (Y ))). The function f2 (·) denotes the convolution
f5 G
operation and f3 (·) is the batch normalization operation Fig. 4. The flowchart of the function operations.
x — E{x }
f3(x) = √ , (21)
Var{x} + ϵ
where E{ } Var x{ are
x and } the mean and variance of x, re-
spectively. ϵ is a value added to the denominator for numerical
stability and can be set as ϵ = 10−5. In each convolution layer,
a ReLU function f4( · ) as shown in Fig. 3 is applied on the
output of the batch normalization, and is defined as vector

f4(x) , max(0, x). (22) ...

The SDOAnet
Real part
After the convolution layers, a FC layer is used as an output
layer with the input and output sizes being M×B MIMF and
× , respectively. The operation in the output layer is
MB 2N ...
denoted as f5( ·). Complex vector
Finally, as shown in Fig. 4, we can obtain the output of the
SDOAnet as Spatial
G = f5(f4(f3(f2(f4(. . . f4(. . . f2(f1(Y )) . . . ) . . . ))))), Imaginary
where we have
Fig. 5. The flowchart to obtain the spatial spectrum from the network output.
G , g(0), g(1), . . . , g(MB − 1) ∈ RMB×2N . (24)

As shown in Fig. 5, the corresponding complex vector

can be obtained from the network output g(m) (m = 1.2
Approximated spectrum
0, 1, . . . , MB − 1) as Ground-truth DOA
z(m) , g0:N−1(m) + jgN :2N−1(m), (25)
where g0:N−1(m) denotes a sub-vector of g(m) with the index 0.8
from 0 to N— 1, and gN :2N− 1(m) denotes that from N to

2N −1. With the output z of SDOAnet, the spatial spectrum 0.6
can be estimated by
fsp(ζ) = |aH(ζ)z|2, (26) 0.4

where ζ is chosen based on the detection area, such as from

− π/2 to π/2. 0.2
In the proposed SDOAnet, the network is different from
existing methods. The novelty is that we use the raw sampled 0
data as the network input, and the convolution layers are used -50 0 50
Spatial angle (deg)
to obtain the features of the raw data. The raw data contains
all the information of the received signals. The network’s
output is a vector, which is neither the DOA results nor the Fig. 6. The refereed spatial spectrum approximated by the Gaussian functions.
spatial spectrum used by the existing methods. The output
size is the same as the number of antennas in the array.
Therefore, the dimension of the SDOAnet is lower than that Start
using the spectrum as the output. Hence, the training time
can be reduced significantly. Additionally, the DOAs can be
obtained by finding the peak values of fsp(ζ) in (26), which Position
Perfect array
can avoid the problem of adopting the determined number of perturbations
the received signals in the networks that using the DOA values
as the output.
Inconsistent Inconsistent
B. The Training Approach phases gains

To train the SDOAnet, the spatial spectrum fsp(ζ) is ob-

tained from (26) and the refereed spectrum is given as follows Mutual coupling Nonlinear
K−1 (ζ−θk )2 effect effect
Σ −
fref(ζ) = Ak e G , (27)
All the imperfect
where we use Gaussian functions to approximate the spatial
spectrum. Ak denotes the spectrum value, and σG is the
standard deviation of the Gaussian function. In this paper, we
Fig. 7. The training procedure for the SDOAnet.
set the value of σG as
σG = σ̄G /N. (28)
For the practical system, the mutual coupling effect, the
An example of the refereed spatial spectrum approximated by
nonlinear effect, the inconsistent phases, the inconsistent gains,
the Gaussian functions is shown in Fig. 6, where we use 16
and the position perturbations are considered in this paper. The
antennas, σ̄G = 100, and the ground-truth DOAs are − 30°,
training procedure is shown in Fig. 7, and the following steps
10°, and 20°. The 3 dB-spectrum width is about 10.4°.
With the refereed spectrum the loss function is defined as can be used to train the SDOAnet:
1) Perfect array step: The received signals using perfect
1 2 array without the imperfect effect are used during the
floss(ζ) = ǁfref(ζ) − fsp(ζ)ǁ2 , (29) training procedure;

where fref(ζ) R

Ω×1 and f (ζ) RΩ×1 are vectors with the ω-
sp ∈ 2) Position perturbation step: The received signals with
th (ω = 0, 1, . . . , −Ω 1) entry being fref(ζω) and fsp(ζω), position perturbation are used. The position perturbation
respectively. We define is generated by a Gaussian distribution with the mean
being 0 and the standard deviation σper selected by a
ζ , ζ0, . . . , ζ Ω−1
, (30)
uniform distribution σper ∈ [0, σmax_per]. The parameter
where Ω is the number of the discretized spatial angles. The σmax_per can be specified in the simulation;
SDOAnet is trained to minimize the loss function floss(ζ) in 3) Inconsistent gains step: The inconsistent gains are
(29) by updating the network coefficients. considered in this step. Similarly, the inconsistent gains

are generated by a zero-mean Gaussian distribution with TABLE I

the standard deviation σgain being σgain∈ [0, σmax_gain], SIMULATION PARAMETERS
where σmax_gain is specified in the simulation; Parameter Value
4) Inconsistent phases step: The inconsistent phases The standard deviation in the Gaussian function σ̄G = 100
are also generated by a zero-mean Gaussian distribu- The batch size 64
tion with the standard deviation σphase being σphase ∈ The number of convolution layers 6
[0, σmax_phase], where σmax_phase is specified in the simu- The number of filters in the convolution layer 2
lation; The kernel size in the convolution layer 3
5) Mutual coupling effect step: The mutual coupling The learning rate 5 × 10−4
effect is described by a matrix B with complex entries, The number of antennas N = 16
and the diagonal entries are all ones. The entry at the n- The number of targets K =3
th row and the n′-th column is denoted as The distance between adjacent antennas 0.5 wavelength

Bn,n' = |Bn,n' |ejψn,n' ,

The maximum standard deviation of
(31) σmax_per = 0.15
position perturbation
and | Bn,n' | is |n−n
' by a uniform distribution The maximum standard deviation of
inconsistent gain σmax_gain = 0.5
| ′
| n,n | ∈
B ' [0, σ mc ] with n =/ n . The phase ψn,n'
The maximum standard deviation of
follows a uniform distribution ψn,n' ∈ [0, 2π). The σmax_phase = 0.2
inconsistent phase
parameter σmc is specified in the simulation;
6) Nonlinear effect step: The nonlinear effect is described The maximum mutual coupling effect σmc = 0.06
The nonlinear effect σnonlinear = 1.0
by a nonlinear function
fnonlinear(x) = tanh(xσnonlinear), (32)
where σnonlinear is specified in the simulation to control Layers = 2
the nonlinear effect; Layers = 4
The RMSE of DOA estimation (deg)
7) All the imperfect effect step: We consider all the Layers = 6
Layers = 8
imperfect effect to train the network. Layers = 10
After training the SDOAnet in sequence according to the above Layers = 12
Layers = 14
steps, we start over from the first step to train the network
again until the maximum number of the training procedures. 1.5

In this section, simulation results show the DOA estimation
performance of the proposed SDOAnet using a practical array.
The simulation results are carried out in a personal computer
with MATLAB R2020b, Intel Core i5 @ 2.9 GHz processor,
and 8 GB LPDDR3 @ 2133 MHz. The code about the
SDOAnet is available online 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
SNR (dB)
SDOAnet.git, where the training codes and a pre-trained net-
work are also provided. The network is based on PyTorch 1.4
and Python 3.7. Simulation parameters are given in Table I. We Fig. 8. The DOA estimation performance with different numbers of layers.
use N = 16 antennas to receive the signals and the SDOAnet
to estimate the DOA, where the number of signals is K = 3.
Moreover, the hyper-parameters for the imperfect array are estimation performance and the network complexity, better
also given in Table I. performance is achieved with MF = 2, so we will use 2
First, the proposed SDOAnet contains convolution layers, filters in the following simulations.
and each convolution layer has convolution, batch normaliza- In the procedure of training the SDOAnet, the referred
tion, and ReLU active function operations. In the SDOAnet, spatial spectrum is used to measure the loss function, where
some important hyperparameters must be considered for a bet- we use the Gaussian functions to approximate the spatial
ter DOA estimation. The first hyperparameter is the number of spectrum. Hence, the standard deviation σ̄G in the Gaussian
1D convolution layers. In Fig. 8, we show the DOA estimation function is important in approximating the spatial spectrum.
performance with different numbers of convolution layers. As We show the DOA estimation performance with different
shown in this figure, when the number of convolutions is standard deviations σ̄G in Fig. 10. When the standard deviation
6, a better estimation performance is achieved, so we use 6 σ̄G is 100, a better DOA estimation performance is achieved,
convolution layers in the following simulations. so we will use σ̄G = 100 in the following simulation.
Then, we compare the DOA estimation performance among Next, based on the above SDOAnet parameters, the es-
the networks using different numbers MF of filters that used timated spatial spectrum is shown in Fig. 11 for the DOA
in the convolution layers. For the consideration of both the estimation and is also compared with the following existing

Proposed method
Filters = 2 MUSIC method
0.9 ANM method
2.5 Filters = 4
The RMSE of DOA estimation (deg)

FFT method
Filters = 6 0.8
OMP method
Ground-truth DOA
Filters = 8
2 Filters = 10 0.7

The spatial spectrum





-50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50
Spatial angle (deg)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
SNR (dB)
Fig. 11. The spatial spectrum compared with the existing methods.
Fig. 9. The DOA estimation performance with different numbers of filters.

DOA in the continuous domain. It can solve the off-grid

problem caused by the discrete methods.
Standard deviation = 10 • FFT method: The FFT method is widely used in practi-
3 cal systems with low computational complexity. However,
The RMSE of DOA estimation (deg)

Standard deviation = 20
Standard deviation = 40
2.5 Standard deviation = 60 the resolution of the FFT method is unsatisfactory but
Standard deviation = 80 robust to the imperfect array;
Standard deviation = 100 • OMP method [46]–[48]: The orthogonal matching pur-
2 Standard deviation = 120
Standard deviation = 140 suit (OMP) method is a CS-based method using the
discretized spatial angles, and has relatively low com-
putational complexity. Hence, it has been widely used in
sparse reconstruction problems.
As shown in Fig. 11, the spatial spectrum estimated by the
proposed SDOAnet has better performance than the MUSIC,
ANM, FFT, and OMP methods. Additionally, the proposed
method is based on the convolution network and has low
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 computational complexity than the ANM and MUSIC meth-
SNR (dB) ods. Therefore, the proposed SDOAnet is efficient in the DOA
estimation problem.
Next, the DOA estimation performance under different
Fig. 10. The DOA estimation performance with different standard deviations SNRs is shown in Fig. 12, where the SNR is from 0 dB to
σ̄G .
30 dB. This figure shows that a better estimation performance
is achieved by the proposed method in the scenario with the
methods: imperfect array than that using ANM, FFT, MUSIC, and OMP
methods. The estimation performance is measured by the root
• MUSIC method [39]: In the traditional MUSIC method, mean square error
multiple snapshots are used to estimate the covariance r
1 ¨
¨ θ̂ − θ ¨¨2,
matrix, which is used to obtain the DOA based on the 2
RMSE = (33)
eigenvalue decomposition. For a fair comparison, we NsimK
use the MUSIC algorithm with only snapshot proposed
in [39], where uses both a Hankel data matrix and the where Nsim is the number of simulations, θ̂ is the estimated
Vandermonde decomposition in the MUSIC method; DOA vector, and θ is the ground-truth DOA vector. For the
• ANM method [40]–[42]: The ANM-based methods have SNR being 10 dB, the RMSE of the proposed SDOAnet is
been proposed for the DOA estimation and can exploit about 0.70° and that of ANM method is about 1.15°, so the
the target’s sparsity in the spatial domain. Unlike the RMSE improvement is about 39.13%. Additionally, when the
current CS-based methods discretizing the spatial domain SNR is 7.5 dB, the RMSE of the proposed SDOAnet method
into grids and using a dictionary matrix for the sparse is the same as that of the ANM method with the SNR being
reconstruction [43]–[45], the ANM method estimates the 15 dB, so the SNR improvement is about 7.5 dB.

5 1
4.5 Proposed method
The RMSE of DOA estimation (deg)

4 ANM method
3.5 FFT method 0.8
MUSIC method
3 OMP method 0.7

The spatial spectrum

2.5 0.6

2 0.5

ProposedProposed methodProposed
0.2 methodm
ethod frequency network
1 DeepDmethod
FFT eepDeep
0.1 frequencyfrequencyfrequency
OMP method
Ground-truth network
-50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20
methodm30 40
ethodmethod 50
Spatial angle (deg) OMP OMP OMP
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 truthGround-
Fig. 14. The spatial spectrum compared with the existing deep learning-based

Fig. 12. The DOA estimation performance with different SNRs.

2 101 Proposed method

FFT method
The RMSE of DOA estimation (deg)
Proposed method OMP method
The RMSE of DOA estimation (deg)

1.8 FFT method Deep frequency network

OMP method
1.6 ANM method
MUSIC method



0.6 100


0.2 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 SNR (dB)
The imperfect factor

Fig. 15. The DOA estimation performance compared with the existing deep
Fig. 13. The DOA estimation performance with different imperfect factors. learning-based method.

We use an imperfect factor to measure the imperfect effect, where the output of the network is the spectrum. In Fig. 14,
which is defined as ξ. With the imperfect factor ξ, the the spatial spectrum of the proposed SDOAnet and that of
imperfect parameters for position perturbation, inconsistent the deep frequency network is given. Since the output of the
gain, inconsistent phase, mutual coupling effect and non- deep frequency network is the spatial spectrum, the estimated
linear effect will be ξσmax_per, ξσmax_gain, ξσmax_phase, ξσmc, spectrum is not smooth compared with the proposed SDOAnet.
and ξσnonlinear, respectively. In Fig. 13, the DOA estimation Hence, a better DOA estimation performance can be achieved
performance with different imperfect factors is shown, where by the SDOAnet than that by the deep frequency network.
a better estimation performance is achieved by the proposed Finally, the DOA estimation performance under different
SDOAnet method than the compared methods. Additionally, SNRs is given in Fig. 15, where the SNR is from 0 dB to
the proposed method works better in the scenario with a higher 30 dB. The same training data set is used for the SDOAnet
imperfect factor, which means that the proposed method is and the deep frequency network. Compared with the existing
robust to the imperfect effect. methods, including the FFT method, OMP method, and deep
Furthermore, a DL-based method is also proposed in [49] frequency network, the proposed SDOAnet can achieve better
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[40] A. Govinda Raj and J. H. McClellan, “Single snapshot super-resolution 2017 to 2018, and a Postdoctoral Fellow in the
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[41] Z. Wei, W. Wang, F. Dong, and Q. Liu, “Gridless one-bit direction- of- next generation cellular technologies and machine-type communications for
arrival estimation via atomic norm denoising,” IEEE Commun. Lett., Internet of Things. He was the recipient of the 2021 IEEE Signal Processing
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[42] Z. Yang and L. Xie, “Enhancing sparsity and resolution via reweighted Author Best Paper Award, and a Best Paper Award from 2011 International
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pp. 995–1006, Feb. 2016. recognized by Clarivate Analytics as a Highly Cited Researcher in 2018.
[43] Z. Yang, C. Zhang, J. Deng, and W. Lu, “Orthonormal expansion l1- He is an editor for IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, and was
minimization algorithms for compressed sensing,” IEEE Trans. Signal a leading guest editor for IEEE Wireless Communications special issue on
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[45] G. Yu and G. Sapiro, “Statistical compressed sensing of Gaussian degree from UESTC in 2000 and the Ph.D. degree
mixture models,” IEEE Trans. Signal Process., vol. 59, no. 12, pp. 5842– from Fudan University in 2007.
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[46] K. Aghababaiyan, V. Shah-Mansouri, and B. Maham, “High-precision has been with faculty since March 2008. She has
OMP-based direction of arrival estimation scheme for hybrid non- been with Fudan University as an Associate Pro-
uniform array,” IEEE Commun. Lett., vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 354–357, Feb. fessor of the State Key Laboratory of ASIC and
2020. System. She has published more than 60 articles
[47] M. Lin, M. Xu, X. Wan, H. Liu, Z. Wu, J. Liu, B. Deng, D. Guan, and on such international journals and conferences as
S. Zha, “Single sensor to estimate DOA with programmable metasur- IEEE ASSCC, the IEEE Transactions ON CAS, the
face,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 8, no. 12, pp. 10 187–10 197, IEEE Transactions ON Communication, IEEE ASP-
Jun. 2021. DAC, IEEE ICASSP, ICC, and ISCAS. She applied for more than 20 patents.
[48] Y. Chen, W. Wang, Z. Wang, and B. Xia, “A source counting method us- Her research fields include base-band processing technologies for wireless
ing acoustic vector sensor based on sparse modeling of DOA histogram,” communication and ultra-low power FEC IC design. She also serves as a
IEEE Signal Process. Lett., vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 69–73, Jan. 2019. Chair Secretary of the Shanghai Chapter of IEEE SSCS, a TPC Member
[49] G. Izacard, S. Mohan, and C. Fernandez-Granda, “Data-driven estima- of ASSCC, a Co-Chair of the Circuit System Division, Chinese Institute of
tion of sinusoid frequencies,” in NeurIPS, 2019. Electronics, a member of the Steering Committee of SIPS and the ASICON
technical committee.

Xianbin Wang (S’98-M’99-SM’06-F’17) is a Pro-

fessor and Tier-I Canada Research Chair at Western
Peng Chen (S’15-M’17) was born in Jiangsu, China University, Canada. He received his Ph.D. degree in
in 1989. He received the B.E. degree in 2011 and the electrical and computer engineering from National
Ph.D. degree in 2017, both from the School of Infor- University of Singapore in 2001.
mation Science and Engineering, Southeast Univer- Prior to joining Western, he was with Commu-
sity, China. He is currently an associate professor nications Research Centre Canada (CRC) as a Re-
at the State Key Laboratory of Millimeter Waves, search Scientist/Senior Research Scientist between
School of Information Science and Engineering, July 2002 and Dec. 2007. From Jan. 2001 to July
Southeast University. His research interests include 2002, he was a system designer at STMicroelectron-
target localization, super-resolution reconstruction, ics, where he was responsible for the system design
and array signal processing. of DSL and Gigabit Ethernet chipsets. His current research interests include
From Mar. 2015 to Apr. 2016, he was a Visiting 5G technologies, Internet-of-Things, communications security, machine learn-
Scholar in the Electrical Engineering Department, Columbia University, New ing and locationing technologies. Dr. Wang has over 300 peer-reviewed journal
York, NY, USA. He was a recipient of the Best Paper Award from the and conference papers, in addition to 26 granted and pending patents and
IEEE International Conference on Communication, Control, Computing and several standard contributions.
Electronic Engineering in 2017. He was recognized by the IEEE Wireless Dr. Wang is a Fellow of Canadian Academy of Engineering, a Fellow of
Communications Letters (WCL) as an Exemplary Reviewer in 2021 for signif- IEEE and an IEEE Distinguished Lecturer. He has received many awards and
icant contributions made in furthering the objectives of IEEE Communications recognitions, including Canada Research Chair, CRC President’s Excellence
Society. Award, Canadian Federal Government Public Service Award, Ontario Early
Researcher Award and five IEEE Best Paper Awards. He currently serves
as an Editor/Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Communications,
IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, and IEEE Transactions on Vehicular
Technology and He was also an Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions
on Wireless Communications between 2007 and 2011, and IEEE Wireless
Zhimin Chen (M’17) was born in Shandong, China, Communications Letters between 2011 and 2016. Dr. Wang was involved in
in 1985. She received the Ph.D. degree in infor- many IEEE conferences including GLOBECOM, ICC, VTC, PIMRC, WCNC
mation and communication engineering from the and CWIT, in different roles such as symposium chair, tutorial instructor, track
School of Information Science and Engineering, chair, session chair and TPC co-chair.
Southeast University, Nanjing, China in 2015.
Since 2015, she is currently an associate profes-
sor at Shanghai Dianji University, Shanghai, China.
From 2021, she is also a Visiting Scholar in the
Department of Electronic and Information Engineer-
ing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong
Kong. Her research interests include array signal
processing, vehicle communications and millimeter-wave communications.

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