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DATE: 12/04/2023
PRODUCER: Maja Mucsy
FILM TITLE: Phantasia

Crew member (name and Contact No. Time on Location:
role): set/location
Maja Mucsy 07391351019 4 hours Holdenhurst Rd, Bournemouth, BH8 8GN
(Director/Cinematographer) Horseshoe Common, Bournemouth, BH1
Nyx Mucsy 07388100157 4 hours Madeira Car Park, Madeira Rd,
(Make-up Artist) Bournemouth, BH1 1QQ

Cast Cast Character Contact Number Time on
No set
1 Nyx Mucsy Soma 07388100157 4 hours
2 Lenka Mucsy Pneuma 07305842498 4 hours

Name of location: Reality/Fantasy
Holdenhurst Rd, Bournemouth, Contact Name(s) Contact Number:
BH8 8GN BCP Council’s Events 01202 128555
Horseshoe Common, Team
Bournemouth, BH1 1LY
Madeira Car Park, Madeira Rd,
Bournemouth, BH1 1QQ

Equipment Required: Props / Special Items

Canon EOS 700D Cigarette
Supplied Tripod Canned drinks
Tote bag

Shoot Details / Schedule:

Time(s) Action Scene No. Cast No.
13:00 Prepare work at location 1 1-2 1,2
13:30 Shoot starts 1-2 1,2
14:20 Prepare work at location 2/shoot starts 3-4 1,2
15:00 Look through the footage reshoot if crew or cast unsatisfied 1-4 1,2
15:30 Break
16:00 Head to location 3
16:20 Prepare work at location 3/shoot starts 4-5 1,2
17:00 Wrap
Health and Safety Considerations
Activity Hazard Who is at risk? How will you reduce the risk?
Running Could trip over Cast No 1 and 2 I will make sure to clear their path from any
pavement and obstacles and warn them to stay mindful of
their surroundings.
get hurt
Crowds Could get Cinematographer, Picking a time when crowds are smaller at
knocked into Cast No 1 and 2 shooting locations and shooting when few
people are around.
someone if the
crowd in public
locations are big
Passing vehicles Could get hit if Whole cast and Keeping a safe distance from the road,
too close to the crew practising road safety for pedestrians and
staying aware of possible hazards in
road or in the way immediate area
of one in the car


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