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Learning Goal:

By the end of this activity, students will be able to describe key aspects of English-speaking
countries, such as culture, geography, and traditions, using appropriate vocabulary and
language structures. They will engage in blended learning through online resources and
in-situ interaction to enhance their understanding of English-speaking cultures.

Activity Plan:

Introduction (2 minutes):

Welcome students and introduce the topic of exploring English-speaking countries.

Explain the learning goal for the activity and the importance of understanding different
cultures and traditions.
Online Resource Engagement (8 minutes):

Direct students to an online platform where they can access multimedia resources such as
videos, articles, and interactive maps showcasing various aspects of English-speaking
Instruct students to explore at least two different countries and take notes on key cultural
elements, landmarks, and traditions they find interesting.
In-Situ Interaction (7 minutes):

Divide students into pairs or small groups.

Provide each group with a specific task, such as creating a short dialogue between tourists
visiting an English-speaking country or planning a virtual trip itinerary.
Instruct students to use the information gathered from the online resources to complete their
task and encourage discussion among group members.
Feedback and Interaction (3 minutes):

Circulate among the groups, observing their discussions and providing guidance as needed.
Encourage students to actively participate by asking questions, sharing insights, and offering
suggestions to their peers.
Conclusion (2 minutes):

Gather students back as a whole class.

Recap the key cultural aspects and interesting findings discovered during the activity.
Provide feedback on their engagement and contributions during the activity.
Evaluation Criteria:

Blending of Online and In-Situ Resources: The activity effectively combines online resources
such as videos and articles with in-situ interaction through group discussions and tasks.

Fostering Interaction: Students engage in both online exploration and face-to-face interaction
during group tasks, promoting collaboration and exchange of ideas.

Clear Explanation: The activity is clearly introduced, with the learning goal explained upfront
to guide students throughout the session.
Strategies for Active Participation: Group tasks and discussions foster active participation,
encouraging students to engage with the material and each other.

Meaningful and Timely Feedback: Feedback is provided during the activity to guide students
and enhance their learning experience.

Demonstration of Preparation: The activity is well-structured and organized, demonstrating

thorough preparation to ensure its effectiveness within the allocated time frame.

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