Spread Kindness, Not Hatered (Mihrawati)

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Name: Mihrawati

Spread Kindness, Not Hatred

Youth is the spearhead of development and world peace which has a strong influence to create and drive world
peace. But often, many young people are not aware of this role. For example, in a global era with rapid
technological advances, technology does not make media as a vessel for creating peace, on the contrary, it creates

Many young people use technology as a platform to spread hate, slander, and carry out cyberbullying. This really
does not reflect the real role that youth should be able to carry out and be able to realize in this very advanced era.

The existence of social media as a communication technology changes the style of communication that was
previously high context to be low context. The old style of communication in which the message is conveyed is
implicit, conveyed indirectly so as not to offend other people. But now, communication has changed 180 degrees.
Many people feel that they can say whatever they want without being known by many people, even harsh and
inappropriate words are becoming a trend among young people.

Some people think that hatered comments have no effect compared to throwing them face to face. However, it
turns out that the impact of hatered comments via social media is even greater than those expressed directly on
face to face, because the perpetrators are unknown and generate higher levels of fear and suspicion.

How peace can be realized if the youth who play an important role instead become the main actors. We judge and
judge things all the time without thinking about the consequences. Holding a person's perspective and perspective
is different, but this also affects the habit of giving hate comments in dealing with this problem, of course there are
many things that must be corrected, the role of the closest person is very influential, for example the family as the
closest adviser who can provide and build confidence to tell every problem that is being passed and can be
resolved as a family.

Hate comments can have a very broad effect, not only on the victim but also on those closest to them. This is our
weakness as human beings who are too selfish and don't think about the impact our actions have on others.

As youth who have an important role in the sustainability of a peaceful future, youth should use technology that
has developed rapidly as a medium to spread goodness, praise each other, connect with each other, give each
other compliment, criticize each other but with constructive criticism.

For me the peace in the present that must be realized is the wise attitude and responsibility of youth in using
technology, which should strengthen instead of tear down, what should strengthen instead distance.
Therefore, as one of the youth who wants peace, not only peace in the real world, but peace in the virtual world,
uphold responsibility and wisdom in using technology as one of the efforts to achieve peace, both peace in the real
world and peace in cyberspace. Actually we may comment, but keep in mind that is it positive which brings good,
or is it negative which harms? Spread kindness, not hatred for world peace.

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