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Pre-Requisite Competency (PRC) Stage Examination

60 minutes – 50 marks

Name: ____________________ Batch # _______

Test # 10 (Chapter 10)

1. Electric power supply has a direct correlation with:

a) Immune system b) Medical profession c) R and D d) Economic development
2. Which has an adverse impact on country’s GDP through productivity:
a) Power Industry b) Investment c) Real estate d) None of these
3. Which is responsible for power distribution in Karachi:
a) WAPDA b) K-Electric c) LESCO d) All of these
4. KESC was privatized in:
a) 2002 b) 2001 c) 2003 d) 2005
5. Who manage water issues and hydropower resources:
a) Sui gas b) WAPDA c) K_ELECTRIC d) Cable network
6. Which refers to the material inputs needed for production:
a) Up stream b) Down stream c) Value chain d) Supply chain
7. What refers to the entire process of making and selling commercial goods:
a) Up stream b) Down stream c) Supply chain d) Value chain
8. What are some of the key challenges faced by a power company?
a) Availability of machines b) Reliable and safe operations
c) Time collection of bills d) All of these
9. Which one is one of the largest industries in Pakistan:
a) Pottery b) Stationary c) Computers d) textiles
10. Cotton production is a must for:
11. How much labour force is linked with textile industry:
a) 20% b) 60% c) 40% d) 10%
12. The major cities representing textile industries include:
a) Karachi b) Lahore c) Faisalabad d) All of these
13. Which of these are famous textile companies:
a) Nishat b) Sapphire c) Gul Ahmad d) All of these
14. Which are the primary raw materials used in the textile industry:
a) Cotton b) Polyester c) Viscose d) All of these
15. What is the process in which raw material is converted into yarn:
a) Sourcing b) Viscose c) Cotton d) Spinning
16. Mark the top pharmaceutical companies in Pakistan:
a) Glaxo b) Abbot c) GSK d) All of these
17. Oil and gas industry is categorized into:
a) Up stream b) Mid- stream c) Down stream d) All of these
18. Which of these are end consumers:
a) Households b) Commercials c) Industry d) All of these
19. Which of these are Gas distributors:
a) SNGPL b) SSGCL c) Both of these d) None of these
20.Water and hydropower resources came under the umbrella of ______ .
a. NEPRA b. WAPDA c. NTDC d. none of the above.
21.Which of the following was not previously part of the power wing of WAPDA?*
a. Generation Companies( GENCOs) b. National Transmission Dispatch Company (NTDC)
c. Distribution Companies ( DISCOs) d. None of these
22. Which of the following is a set of activities that an organization operating in a specific industry performs in
order to deliver a valuable product for the market.
a. Marketing b. Supply chain c. Horizontal integration d. Value chain
23._______ refers to the entire process of making and selling commercial goods, including every stage from the
supply of materials and the manufacturer of the goods through to their distribution and sale.
a. Vertical integeration b. operation management.
c. Capital intensive. d. Supply chain
24. Which part of the value chain at a power plant is called generation or generators?.
a. upstream b. downstream c. all of the above d. none of the above.
25. The shortfall of electricity between energy generated and energy billed is called ________ .
a. Transmission and energy losses b. Generation to distrubution losses
c. Transmission and distribution losses d. none of the above.
26. Pricing(Tariff) in the power industry is determined by the ________
a.independent power producers b.regulator and government authorities
c.WAPDA d.General authorities
27. Which of the following are the key responsiblities of Heath, safety and environment department of Powe
generation company?
a. Compliance with legal and regulatory requirements related to HSE
b. To ensure HSE requirements are embedded in routine and non-routine activities
c. Employee trainings and supervision
d. All of the above
28. Which of the following is one of the largest industries in pakistan?
a. Football b. Oil c. Surgery Instruments d.Textile
29. Which of the following term is not generally agreed with customers with respect to export ?
a.Free on Board ( FOB). b.Carriage Insurance and Freight ( CIF)
c.Freight on Board (FOB) d.none of the above.
30. In which of the following textile representatives cities local market does not exists?
a.Karachi and Lahore b.Karachi,Lahore, Faisalabad
c.faisalabad and multan d.none of the above
31. From which of the following countries the pharmaceutical industry is highly dependent on import of active
a. China and Bangladesh. b. Iran and India
c. China and India d. All of the above
32. Upstream sector, also known as_______ , is associated with exploring and producing hydrocarbons (crude oil and
natural gas).
a. Searching gas Exploration (S&E) sector b. Exploration and Production (E&P) sector
c. Searching and Production (S&P) sector d. none of the above.
33 At which port Crude oil, white-oil products, Low Sulphur Furnace Oil (LSFO) are recieved?
a. At Qasim port. b. At Gawadar port
c. At karachi port d. none of the above.
34.During which phase of Oil & Gas, land neither purchased nor taken on long term rent /lease?
a. Development phase. b. Exploration phase
c. Production phase. d. All of the above.
35. In which of the following areas including provision of water resources for drinking and cleaning E&P companies
have contributed for the last many years?
a. Primary and secondary schools and vocational training centers.
b. Building and managing small hospitals and dispensaries to provide health services to local communities.
c. Vaccination against communicable diseases such as Hepatitis B and C.
d. All of the above
36. Who of the following are given a fixed salary and a variable incentive pay in Pharmaceutical industry?
a.Healthcare Professionals. b.Sales representatives
c.Production representatives d.Clinical professionals.
37. How many actively marketed drugs in Pakistan are sold at licensed pharmacies on prescription?
a. Around 6000 b. Around 9000
c. Around 11000 d. none of the above.
38. Around how much percentage of the total country's demand of Finished Medicine does the Pakistan
Pharmaceutical Industry meet?
a.30% b.50% c.70% d.None of the above.
39. How many multinational companies operating in the Pakistani pharmaceutical market out of total pharmaceutical
companies ?
a.20 b.30 c.35 d.40
40. Which of the following pakistani value added product contributes major share in the export?
a.cotton fabrics b.Bed ware
c.Textile made-up other than bed ware and towels d.ready made garments
41. Due to which of the following reason sometimes, air shipments have to be made by textile companies for avoiding
penalties? Choose the most appropriate.
a. due to the light weight of the product. b. due to delays in supply chain process
c. due to heavy freight cost d. All of the above.
42. In quality audit for sample selection and passing criteria, different _____________ are being applied.
a. Acceptable Audit Limits (AALs) b. Acceptable Quality Limits ( AQLs)
c. Quality Assurance Limits(QALs) d. none of the above.
43. ________ is designed to burn off the surface fibers the fabric to invoke smoothness in it.
a. De-sizing b. Printing c. singeing d. Bleaching.
44. ______ are installed on creels in warping section which are warp in the form of sheet of longitudinal yarn threads.
a. Yarn spindles b. Yarn cones c. yarn rings d. All of the above
45. Which of the following introduced certain financing schemes at low markup rates to facilitate export oriented
a. Government of Pakistan b. State Bank of Pakistan(SBP)
c. All Pakistan Textile Mills Association (APTMA) d. none of the above.
46. All Pakistan Textile Mills Association has ______ member textile mills.
a. 396 b. 445 c. 250 d. none of the above
47. There are certain special payments made to DRAP for various purposes.Which of the following is inculded in those
special payments in addition to central research fund?
a. New Drug Registration Fees. b. Drug Registration renewal Fees.
c. Drug Manufacturing License Fees d. All of the above
48. To which of the following the role of finance executive in textile companies is not limited?
a. Costing b. general accounting
c. legal compliances (including those relating to taxation, corporate and labor laws)
d. All of the above
49. Which of the following is incoterm?
a. Party-mill b. ex-mill
c. Carriage Insurance and Freight (CIF) d. All of the above.
50. Which of the following is highly regulated sector?
a. Manufacturing sector b. Power sector
c. Public sector d. none of the above

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