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Escuela del Encuentro

Unit 1- Listening Test A

2nd year Student´s name: ________________

You will hear a recording about a person’s hobbies. Listen and write what you hear.
You will hear the recording twice.






You will hear a girl, Annie, phoning a friend about a talent competition. You will hear the recording twice.

Task 1
Complete the information. Write one word, or a number, or a date, or a time.

Talent competition

Place: Bank College

Day: (1)

Time it begins: (2)

Who to report to: Miss (3)

Phone number to apply: (4)

Second prize: (5) £

Task 2
Complete the sentences.

6 Annie is calling with ______________ news.

7 The competition is for _____________ .
8 It finishes at ________________ .
9 Eva and Maria are _____________ in the competition.
10 The first prize is _______________ .
Escuela del Encuentro
Unit 1- Listening Test B
2nd year Student´s name: ________________

You will hear a recording about a person’s hobbies. Listen and write what you hear.
You will hear the recording twice.







You will hear a girl, Annie, phoning a friend about a talent competition. You will hear the recording twice.

Task 1
Complete the information. Write one word, or a number, or a date, or a time.

Talent competition

Place: Bank College

Enter before: (1)

Competition ends: (2)

Competition will be in: (3)

Give your name to: Mr (4)

First prize: (5) £

Task 2
Complete the sentences.

6 Annie is calling with exciting ::::::::::::: .

7 The competition is on :::::::::::::: .
8 It starts at _______________ .
9 Eva and Maria are not very ____________ at dancing.
10 The second prize is ___________________________ .

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