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filière et niveau : lea l2

code de l'épreuve : llt313e1

intitulé up: civilisation anglophone
n° etudiant : 39191

I) carte à compléter
1) quebec
2) labrador
3) new found land
4) prince edward island
5) nova scotia
6) new brunswicq
7) ontario
8) manitoba
9) saskatchewan
10) alberta
11) british columbia
12) yukon
13) north west territory

II) what do the following dates refer to?

– 1910 : the union of south africa was created. it gathers british and dutch colonies (cape,
natal, transvaal and the orange free state)
– 1964 : nelson mandela was sentenced to life inprisonment and brought to robben island
with some other anc members.
– 1990 : nelson mandela was released after 27 years in prison.
– 2004 : general elections : anc won 70% of the seats in parliament and thabo mbecki was
elected president for the second time.
– 1962 : aborigines were given the vote.
– 1999 : a referendum asked australians if they wanted the queen and her representative,

the general governor, to be replaced by a president elected by a 2/3rd majority of the

federal parliament. the amendment was rejected by 55% of australians.
– 2007 : general elections in november : kevin rudd, leader of the labor party, was elected

III)what do the following words or phrases refert to?

– the boer war: in 1899 the boer war broke out between the british and the boer (dutch
people who lived in the transvaal and the orange free state) in south-africa. this war is
also called the anglo-boer war or the south-africa war. the leader of the boer was paul
kruger. in 1900 the british annexed pretoria and paul kruger went into exile in
netherlands. but the boer continued to try to defeat the british. in 1902 the british
declared the « earth scorched policy », they burned everything on the land. boer children
and women were held in concentration camps and most of them died of diseases. the
british won the war in 1902.
– the truth and reconciliation commission: this commission had to give justice for the
past wrongs. the commission had to judge the culprits of past crimes committed under
apartheid. some questions still remain, for example, the bicko's death. south-africa is still
divided over the question « should the commission continue to judge crimes committed
under apartheid? »
– the concept of « white australia » : it refers to the so called « purity of the white race ».
this concept was defended in australia because of darwinism. it influenced the australian
immigration policy (no one of black or asian origin could settle in australia until the
1960s) and also the domestic policy (marriages and cohabitation were controled).
– the bush and the outback in australia: the bush is a kind of grassland where sheep are
bred. it is composed of accacias. beyond the bush there are the suburbs composed of
scrubs, spinifex and saltbush. and beyond these suburbs there is the outback.

IV)why are the anc's political methods criticized?

thabo mbecki is criticized for his autocracy. the anc is no longer commited with democratic
pluralism and it is said to be quite intolerant. if whites want to join in they have to adopt social and
political black way of life.
for thabo mbecki critics are racists or coconuts : black on the outside and white in the inside.
anc is also criticized because it is no longer commited with the free market and the liberal economy.
poor blacks also disaproved of this policy.
moreover there are corruption affairs. thabo mbecki « fired » jacob zuma who was the president
deputy and also mbecki's potential successor because he was accused of corruption and rape. he is
still in charge with corruption.
white young skilled people leave south-africa because they are affraid of not having the same job
opportunities as blacks because of the positive action for black people.

V) what are the different stages of the australian aborigines' fight for their rights?
in 1836 there was the creation in london of the british and foreign aborigines' protection society.
in 1938 the aborigines progressive action was set up.
in 1962 aborigines were given the vote.
in 1988 it was the bicentennial birthday of the australian settlement and some australians wore a
black armbands so as to apology for the mistreatment of aborigines.
in 1989 they erected a tent embassy in front of parliament. tv screens shew the struggle between the
police forces and the aborigines. this action permitted the recognition of their rights and the
commission for aboriginal affairs was created.
in 1992 the high court determined that eddie mabo had common civil law rights to native title to his
land. this was a kind of recognition for aborigines' land rights. yet, the aborignes can't be given all
their land because it is difficult to prove the original ownership. the ayers rock was given back to
the aboriginal ownership and it was named uluru (its original name).
in 1997 the policy that consisted in stealing aboriginal children from their natural mothers (this
policy began in 1910 and ended in 1970. it refers to the stolen generation) was publicly known and
the south australian government expressed its « deep and sincere regrets at the forced seperation of
some aboriginal children from their homes and families », but yet did not want to give any
apologize for the stolen generation.
the 2000 olympic games in sydney were a good opportunity for aborigines to show the world their
plight, especially when cathy freeman won the gold medal in track and field and waved the
aboriginal flag.
in 2007 neal pearson, an aborigine who has a law degree from the university sydney, delivered a
speach in the sydney stock exchange to underline that aborigines should take part to the australian
economy instead of depending on welfare.
yet, aborigines are still the most disadvantage group in australia.

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