Hydroelectricity Notes

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Hydroelectricity is a renewable energy source that uses water to generate electricity.

works by building dams on rivers. The water stored in these dams flows through
turbines to produce power.

One of the main advantages of hydroelectricity is that it's both renewable and clean. It
relies on the water cycle, which is continually renewed by rain and snow, and it creates
very little pollution. Additionally, once the dam is built, the costs to run and maintain it
are low, making it a cost-effective energy source in the long term. Hydro plants can also
store energy by controlling the flow of water, which helps meet electricity demand during
peak times. Moreover, hydro plants are long-lasting and can control river water levels,
providing flood control and supplying water for various uses like farming and cities.

However, there are also some disadvantages to hydroelectricity. Building dams can
have significant environmental impacts, such as disrupting habitats and changing water
flows. Large dams can also force people to move, leading to social and cultural
disruptions. Additionally, suitable sites for large-scale hydro projects are limited and may
be far from where the power is needed, requiring the construction of extensive
transmission infrastructure. Over time, dams can fill with sediment, reducing their ability
to store water and generate power. Lastly, while hydroelectricity is considered clean,
decomposing plants in the dam can produce methane, a strong greenhouse gas, which
can offset some of its environmental benefits.

In summary, hydroelectricity is a green and renewable energy source that uses water to
generate electricity. It's cost-effective and can store energy, but building dams can harm
the environment and communities.

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