Eapp Module 2

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Module 2:
Determining the Author’s Purpose and Intended Audience; and
Identifying the Author’s Tone and Point of View

Grade Level and Strand:

Duration: One Week

Essential Topics:

1. Author’s Purpose
 To persuade
 To inform
 To express
2. Author’s Intended Audience
3. Author’s Tone and Point of View
 Personal experiences
 Cultural exposures

Learning Objectives:

At the end of this module, students are expected to:

1. Identify the characteristics of persuasive, informative, and expressive texts;

2. Name the factors that distinguish the different types of audience to whom
the authors would write for; and
3. Explain what tone a written text sends to the reader.

Expected Output:
1. Analyse the given activity and answer it appropriately.
2. An essay about the chosen current issues happening in the
THREE-WAY MATCH. Match the words on the left with the words at the middle to
point out to whom you think the text in the first column is written for. Write the letter
of your answer in the third column, and then write also the author’s purpose for
writing such text or literature. (2 points each)

Kindly insert the box below your essay.

Title of the Printed Intended Audience Purpose
1. Hunger Games a. teenagers a. To inform
2. English 101 b. Animal d. To inform
3. Dogs Are Better c. Street Vendors b. To express
Than Cats
4. Bulgar (sexy d. students e. To inform
5. Philippine Star e. Coffee Shop c. To inform
(newspaper) customers

CREATE AN ESSAY. Choose one of the topics listed below. Find an

article (online blog, news article, etc.) that could support about your
chosen topic. It should be 5 paragraphs containing the introduction,
body and conclusion. Then, identify which of the three types of purposes
(persuade, inform, and express) you as the author of the text or article
is aiming for, the intended audience, and the tone and POV of the text.

1. Covid19
2. Anti-Terrorism Act of 2020
3. Online class
4. Community Quarantine
5. Cyberbullying


For you to become a critical, analytical, and expert reader, you need to know that
every time an author writes a text, he or she has purpose and an intended audience in
mind. Every time you read, try to determine the author’s purpose, intended audience as
well as his or her tone and point of view first before evaluating the material any further.

Author’s Purpose

Authors write for many different reasons. Those reasons are called the author's
purpose. When we talk of the author’s purpose, we are referring to the why behind their
writing. What motivated the author to produce their work? What is their intent and what
do they hope to achieve? A simple trick to summarize the three main types of author's
purpose is to use the acronym PIE, which stands for persuade, inform and express.

Three (3) General Types of Purposes an author has when writing: persuasive,
informative, and expressive or also known as PIE.

1. Persuade: The author's goal here is to convince the reader to agree with the
author. This might mean the author wants the reader to think or even act in a
specific way. Examples of persuasive writing include speeches, advertisements,
commercials and newspaper editorials. Any forms of propaganda are examples
of pieces written to persuade.
2. Inform: The author's goal here is to enlighten the reader about real-world topics
and provide facts on those topics. Examples of texts written to inform include
textbooks, cookbooks, newspapers and encyclopedias.
3. Express: The author’s goal here is to engage the reader’s emotions such as joy,
anger, and frustrations. Examples of texts written to express include diaries or
journals, personal commentaries, personal essays, and blogs. Satire is another form
of an expressive text.
A. Purpose: To Persuade

The term “persuasive” is an adjective derived from verb “persuade,” which means
“to convince somebody.” An author may use a lot of factual information as tools to
persuade the reader, but the main goal is to really persuade and not just to inform the
reader. There are two main goals in convincing a person:

a) To make you change your mind on something; or

b) To make you do a certain action.

With this type of writing the author will attempt to persuade the reader to agree
with this point of view and/or subsequently take a particular course of action. Let's
take a look at this example:

We Are Training Our Kids to Kill (by Dave Grossman)

“Our society needs to be informed about these crimes, but when the images of the young
killers are broadcast on television, they become role models. The average preschooler
in America watches 27 hours of television a week. The average child gets more one-on-one
communication from TV than from all her parents and teachers combined. The ultimate
achievement for our children is to get their picture on TV. The solution is simple, and it comes
straight out of the sociology literature: The media have every right and responsibility to tell the
story, but they must be persuaded not to glorify the killers by presenting their images on TV.”

This is an excerpt from Grossman’s essay. He is clearly convincing the public about
the violent television programs and their impacts on the kids. See how strong his
arguments are in favor of his topic.

B. Purpose: To Inform

Informative texts, unlike persuasive texts, aim to give information only, but not
necessarily to convince the reader to believe or to do something. Writing informative
texts requires a lot of research. The author must check if the sources of the information
are valid and reliable. The author must also cite sources properly to avoid plagiarism
and conflict with other authors or sources. After gathering the date for writing
informative texts, the author must present the information in a fresh, organized, and
interesting way. Let's take a look at this example:
“Philippine Literature in English has its roots in the efforts of the American forces at the turn
of the century to pacify the Filipino people and instill in them the American ideals of
“universality, practicality, and democracy.” By 1901, public education was institutionalized,
with English serving as the medium of instruction. Around 600 educators who arrived in that
year aboard the S.S Thomas replaced the soldiers who also functioned as teachers.”

Source: https://ncca.gov.ph/about-ncca-3/subcommissions/subcommission-on-the-arts-
C. Purpose: To Express

Expressive text is used to communicate, or express, the personal feelings or

thoughts of the author. This kind of writing is concerned primarily with the author as an
individual. The writer may include personal opinions, personal values, or
autobiographical episodes. It may have more opinion than facts. One less-known form
of an expressive text is satire. It is a form of writing that uses humor to scorn and/or expose
follies of a person, an organization, or politics in a government.

Fig. 1. Nowadays, there are many websites offering satirical (false) news, such as the Onion
(http://www.theonion.com), which offers some completely false stories that might make you laugh.

For more examples about satire, you might also want to check this article published
by Spot.ph, “10 News Sites You Shouldn’t Take Seriously” in 2016. (Here’s the link:

Expressive texts may be found in literary pieces such as poems and stories. College
subjects on literature may require you to read several expressive texts. In real life,
expressive texts can be found in the feature articles of magazines and newspapers.
The Author’s Intended Audience

Upon weighing the author’s purpose, you should also keep in mind that the author
has an intended audience when he or she wrote the text. An Audience is the person for
whom an author writes. An author uses a particular style of language, tone, and content
according to what he knows about his audience. In simple words, audience refers to the
intended readers of a writing. For instance, Stephanie Meyer’s novel series, Twilight, has
targeted primarily younger female audiences. Similarly, J. K Rowling’s Harry Potter series
became a blockbuster hit, with a target audience of youth, and
adult fantasy fiction lovers.

A reader can tell to whom the text is written based on different factors such as
vocabulary words used, the length of the sentences, the nature of the topic, and the
way the topic is presented. Here are a few things that you should consider when you
assess a text for its intended audience:
Gender – the author’s main goal is to reach a specific gender (e.g., females, males, and
homosexuals). For example, blog articles about women empowerment, online articles for
males encouraging them to “man up”, or articles written for the LGBTQ+ community that
discusses their rights and issues.
Age level – some texts are written for young children, some for teenagers, and some for
adults. In the academe, textbooks are classified according to grade level.
Social position or status – some texts are written for people in a particular social position or
status. For example, glossy expensive magazines target the wealthy, while tabloids target
the masses.
Specific professions – some published materials also cater to those practicing specific
professions. They cater to a specific group of people. For example, journals or magazines
for those in the field of engineering, for businessmen, for medical practitioners, and so on.

The Author’s Tone and Point of View

The tone is the author’s attitude toward the topic or issue. The reader can tell
whether the author has a positive, negative, or neutral point of view at a certain thing or
issue based on the tone of the author’s choice of words. When an author takes side in an
issue, the author is said to be biased.
Two (2) factors that may affect an author’s point of view:

1. Personal Experiences – an author’s personal experiences and attitudes toward those

experiences affect his or her point of views. For example, a president of a company who
had been through many of the company’s ups and downs will be able to share much
wisdom about running a business.
2. Cultural Exposures – an author’s perspective is based on the lens he or she is originally
wearing, plus all the other colored lenses that he or she acquired over the course of his or
her cultural exposures and personal experiences. For example, a foreign businessman, who
has been nabbed in the Philippines will surely not agree with some people when they say
that Filipinos are very hospitable. When he goes back to his home country, he will tell
people how dangerous it is to live in the Philippines.
An author may have one or a combination of any of these purposes: to
persuade, to inform, or to express. As a reader, you should identify the purpose
or intention of the author and the author’s reasons. He or she also has an
intended audience in mind. Some authors produce write-ups that may have
a general audience in mind while some are very specific at the gender, age,
level, social status, and/or specific profession.

A text has a tone that can be positive, negative, or neutral depending

on the author’s choice of words. His or her choice of words can affect the
meaning and tone that he or she wish to convey. An author’s point of views
may also be affected by his or her personal experiences and/or cultural

Note: Please watch all the videos that I have provided for you to understand
this module better.

Here is a recap of all tasks for this module.

Finished the module jumpstart activity.

Read and understood the discussions.
Read the given articles.
Wrote an essay about one of topics/issues given.
Essay about “Online Class” – the purpose is to “express”

Stepping in this next stage of our educational years is not an easy thing for me to think as
I’m still not totally equipped with the decision to come after my longing to have education in
a University-based school. I would say that I absolutely don’t have the hand to actuate
independence, to force out on my own all by myself in the power of singularity and to live it
up a mature self in the discretion to thrive hard to be successful in life. How would that seem
to be? How could I carry on to persist? Could I get on along the path? In spite of
counterinfluences, discouragement and skepticism I feel in myself, I needed to break free from
the limits imposed by my own fear of failure. I need to remind myself that there’s no such
thing and someone who is an aspirer like me to reach for the stars, to make my dreams come
true and who could be the one to bloom a good life without my intervention with others.
Taking up to Grade Eleven is we were used to projecting in our decisions and having hard
planning with my former classmates about one another where do we want to take our Senior
High School Journey. Where do we pursue our career. My advance thought effecting me to go
to Capitol University where I entrust who will find the more in me and could help me to give
a part for my imparting of knowledge to become an Engineer someday. It’s a crucial shift for
me in terms that I live in the province mark of Camiguin which I will venture to new points of
life. I’m not scaled to process my life in a city but later on , I realized that that’s my way
towards my future I’ve been dreaming for. If I will draw back, could it still largely bring me for
my own? I know that there are so many opportunities life could offer but it can’t give us the
same feeling. Feeling of facing another point of life with courage and steadfastness will set
me apart towards achieving bigger possibilities in all my dreams. Those were the things that I
was conscious about in the earlier months to begin my journey as a Senior High School

Online Class is the new mode of teaching and conduction of classes this new normal as we’re
still in the face of the virus. As DepEd released statement and memorandum that most schools
now this time are practicing on. The President also ordered to take this thing during these
hard times of crisis as we embattle with it for the protection of the students especially the
young children preventing from the virus and to help the potentiality of the transmission
neutralize. This is the only way that we can continue learning despite constraints. We haven’t
wondered about this could be like because this is just the first ever adjustment we have from
a decade of traditional class – face to face formally and regularly. It is now likely happened
and occurred and as we know that the education system of the Philippines isn’t that marked

The experience of having an online class is really a need to double our time. As we are in
our new way of time, we students should still get to the time. Teachers are doing their best
to provide good quality education for the effectiveness of the students. Us students should
be responsible in making way our time to be flexible in working for our assigned tasks and
given activities. I realized that if you want to be productive and to excel in course you are
taking, it is taken by serious effort along the line. Like these times, no others still can help us
always. We can’t always ask for help where not everytime people can help us. But should we
better not to keep on finding and depending on others and from them, never to expect that
they will help us because we’ve been brought to a larger life where demands are in excess and
responsibilities become more. Comparing to the traditional set-up, we adhere to the
appropriated time and we can understand the lessons well because there is a maximal
interaction between students and teachers that is taking place in a more comprehensible
manner to make clear for everything. We are guided and in reach to discuss possible terms in
an accessible time. Unlike the online class herewith, even if it can’t be distinguished by the
students quickly, we only work on our own for compliance. With the barrier that stops us to
show our full potential, there is to realize that we also set time in doing our obligations at
home, for our personal time and pleasurable enjoyment. But time for now roughens us to
make it freely possible because it’s insufficient what we supposed. It’s really fortunate to
those who are efficient makers. This part now is from a student who’s having her thoughts
regarding the Online Class. As a student, my online learning experience has been even busier
compared to attending regular classes on campus in person because for the most part, I am
not taking it as seriously as I need to take it. However, what I like about learning online is that
I’m not as pressured to present myself as an excellent student, I can relax more, as well as
think more (and I mean really THINK) because, in a school environment, I, as well as other
students have to pace ourselves to think, which for most of us causes stress and anxiety. What
I don’t like about online learning is that it can take me up to a whole school day (6-7 hours) to
finish two assignments at most, given to me by my teachers. Comparing to my experience as
a student in a physical classroom, online learning is definitely harder because I and maybe
other students (even the independent people that like working by themselves) are so used to
working with other students. If I could choose from wanting to do more online learning in the
future, I will not because, although I’m the independent type, the vibe of learning online at
home is just not the same as in a classroom with other students.
The unfair reality about these modern times, the world is revolving, time is fast moving and
many responsibilities are held to us. Because of the fast track of time, we are so much stressed
over the more we take into it. Through so many things we are full-loaded with, intensive
pressure is put onto us that we tend to forget our mental health. We aren’t conditioned to
the state that how long we are facing the exposure to log in online exhausts us to bring more
up to our other activities in life. There are some students who don’t have accessibility for that
easy to attend to the platforms set by the teachers. And we can’t deny the fact in facing that
problem and excuse. These are some of the disadvantages of having this online class. We are
worrying to meet the expected deadline which students ask for chances to recover. And
what’s the best that we could ever give to be receptive to take consideration. Undesirably
may, we lose chances to make it up with our family and we can’t easily stretch to do all things
now. But at the end of the day, we would realize that we are still students and to take part of
our own to have functionality is what we need to succeed in life.

All of us don’t want this kind, don’t we? But would we rather do our best here rather just
freezing the academic year that there are still so many things that should be in store for us
that we need to know. It isn’t a hindrance to obstruct us to continue learning. It’s really God’s
will why these things have happened for us also to discover new ways of learning to upgrade
more about our skills in the technological world. Whatever happens in this world, we only
have to adopt to it and embrace the reality of human life. We’ll never know things that are
inevitable. When we feel tired of doing something, let’s just go back to the point and be
emboldened why we started and what we’ve been dreaming for. Life is worth fighting for
whatever it is.

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