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City Rent
Vancouver, BC $2,793.00
Toronto, ON $2,300.00
Calgary, AB $2,300.00
Mississauga, ON $2,120.00
Ottawa, ON $2,000.00
Mississauga, ON $2,102.00
Montreal, QC $1,815.00
Hamilton, ON $1,637.00
Edmonton, AB $1,250.00
Box Plots – Practice

1. The table to the right shows the cost of renting a 2-bedroom apartment in some major Canadian

a) Create a boxplot in Google Sheets for this data.

b) The “X” on your boxplot indicates the mean cost of rent. Is the mean greater or less than the
median cost of rent?

c) Explain the meaning of your answer for part b.

d) What is one thing the boxplot tells us about the cost

of rent in Canada?

2. Living Wage is the hourly rate of pay needed for a

household to meet its basic needs. It differs from city to
city. The boxplot to the right shows recent living wage
calculations for some Ontario Cities.
a) Excel chose to leave Toronto’s datapoint out of the whisker of the plot. It is the dot at the top of the
graph. Why do you think Toronto was left out?

b) What is the living wage range of the middle 50% of the cities? (approximately)

c) Which data is more spread out (less dense), the lower half or upper half of Ontario’s living wage values?

d) What is one reason why the mean (“X”) is not on the median line?
3. Below is a graph illustrating the minimum wages of each province in Canada:

a) Find the mean, median, mode and range of the wage rates for each province. (You may need scrap
paper for rough work.)

Mean: Median: Mode:

b) Determine the following values: (You may need scrap paper for rough work.)

min max Q1 median Q3

c) Create an accurate box and whisker plot to display the spread of minimum wage rates:

d) What does your boxplot tell you about minimum wage rates in Canada? Be a detailed as you can.

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