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How is the Philippines made?

Once upon a time, there was a person named Philip who was poor and only lived in a small hut
surrounded by water. He had no food to eat every day and he was always hungry. Every day, he
goes out of his small hut and looks for something to eat in the forest. One day, when he was out
again in the forest looking for food, he suddenly saw someone who was sitting under the tree
with bread and a cupcake. He then came near to the man and asked if he could share some
food with him. The man said “Sure! I would like to share some of my food with you.” Philip was
very glad to hear that. Philip and the man sat under a tree and ate together. There, they had a
conversation and learned that the man’s name was Angelo. After their conversation, they
quickly became friends. When the moon rose, both Philip and Angelo waved goodbye to each
other and went home. Every day, they both meet up at the spot where they first met each
One day, as usual, they met up at the same location, which is the forest. While Angelo and Philip
were having a chit-chat under a tree, a lion suddenly appeared and started chasing the two.
Both started to run fast around the forest so that they could avoid the lion. But as they were
running, both reached the edge of a cliff, and neither knew what to do during that situation.
Then the lion managed to surround them a nd corner them. None can escape the lion. Then
while both were at the edge of the cliff, they decided to run towards the lion and bravely fight
back against it. They used the kinds of objects that they had to try to attack the lion. No one was
giving up! Both sides were still standing strong! And their battle was continuous! During their
fight with the lion, Philip suddenly ran out of strength and fell hard onto the ground. Philip
asked Angelo to help him stand. Then, Angelo came near to Philip. Philip was happy that his
friend would help him. But then, Philip was surprised by what he saw. He was shocked that
Angelo did not help him and just walked past him. Then Angelo looked behind at him and said,
“I’m sorry, but I saw a chance to escape and this is my only opportunity to do it, I can’t just let
this chance pass by.” Philip was angry and sad because Angelo betrayed him. Angelo left Philip
there all alone and he also managed to save him. The Lion then got near Philip and attacked him
with his claws. Then, Philip died. His body remained there and no one had ever found his body.
His body was being buried or disappearing because it was covered by large soils and grasses.
Those became large lands. Those soils have an appearance like a human because those lands
were Philip’s body. Those large lands started to distance each other due to volcanic eruptions.
When several years passed, the large lands that were separated, now formed or became a
country called the Philippines. People, after hearing the story about Philip, named that country
the Philippines and began to pass it down to the next generations. People named the large
lands that have an appearance like Philip "Philippines" because firstly, it was named right after
“Philip” and added the word “pines or pine” because the Philippines is also surrounded by a lot
of Pine trees. So, that’s why our country looks like a human when we look at a Philippine map.
All of us should remember that we need to value and love our country, the Philippines. We also
need to protect our own country from enemies. You, our country, the Philippines, are unique in
so many ways. So that’s why, I would love, cherish, and treasure our country Philippines forever.
I will also not let anything bad happen to you. The story of Philip and the Philippines serves
as a reminder of the importance of friendship and resilience in the face of adversity.

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