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Payton Ryan

Georgia College & State University

Reflection Paper

KINS 4306: Internship

April 14, 2024

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This semester, I have had the opportunity to work under the Baldwin County Board of

Education. Under this, I have worked in School Nutrition as the Wellness Coordinator intern.

The Baldwin County School District's School Nutrition Department has a rich history of

providing nutritious, delicious, and cost-effective meals to thousands of students daily. They earn

recognition from esteemed state and federal organizations such as the GADOE and USDA for

their innovative practices. Staffed by a dedicated team of professionals including nutritionists,

chefs, and administrative staff, the department prioritizes the health and wellness of its primary

clientele, the students. Through a multifaceted approach, including nutrition education, physical

activity promotion, and adherence to wellness policies, the department fosters a culture of

wellness within the school community. Key areas of focus within the wellness policy include

nutrition education, physical activity, and other school-based activities that support student

wellness. Embracing Farm to School initiatives and promoting locally sourced produce through

GA Grown programs, the department not only supports local farmers but also ensures students

have access to fresh and nutritious food options. Engagement with stakeholders is a cornerstone

of the department's wellness program, with monthly Governance Council meetings and quarterly

District Wellness Meetings providing platforms for collaboration and feedback. Furthermore, the

department ensures that all foods sold at school comply with Smart Snack requirements,

reinforcing its commitment to offering healthy food options to students throughout the day.

Description of Experiences:

During my internship, I assumed a variety of roles within the realm of school nutrition,

offering me a varied experience. Primarily, I worked under the guidance of the bookkeeper,

where my responsibilities included managing weekly invoices from the district's seven schools.
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These invoices comprised orders for food and supplies for the cafeterias. Additionally, I assisted

in preparing deposit slips, compiling attendance count sheets for after-school programs, and

maintaining monthly records of meals and snacks served for claims processing. Another

significant portion of my internship involved hands-on work in the cafeterias of MHA and LVA.

Here, I engaged in food preparation, lunch service, and inventory organization. This Role

provided me with valuable insight into the operational aspects of school nutrition. Furthermore, I

had the privilege of collaborating with Food Corps, a nonprofit organization dedicated to

educating students on nutrition and health. Under their guidance, I shadowed experienced

mentors as we conducted interactive activities in multiple classrooms each day. This experience

not only allowed me to assist in food preparation but also fostered meaningful connections with

the students, particularly as I witnessed their exposure to new food items.

Regarding the best and most challenging aspects of my internship, the most rewarding

part undoubtedly stemmed from my interactions with the children. Whether through Food Corps

activities or the cooking class, I made connections with the students, leading me to recognize a

potential interest in working with this age group in the future. However, I also encountered

challenges, particularly during the initial learning phase of handling the math-intensive aspects

of invoice management. Moreover, balancing a full-time internship with my other job presented

time management challenges, necessitating a period of adjustment to find a good balance.

Reflecting on my experience, I wish I had been more outgoing during the initial weeks of

my internship. Despite my initial shyness, I was able to form strong bonds with my colleagues. I

recognize the value of stepping out of my comfort zone earlier to maximize opportunities for

networking and engagement.

Perception and Evaluation of the Internship:

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Reflecting on my internship experience, it's evident that while certain aspects aligned

with my expectations, others fell short. In part, it did meet my expectations. When I initially

selected this site, I was promised a varied experience encompassing a wide range of tasks

relating to nutrition. While this promise held to some extent, particularly in terms of diversity, I

found the accounting component to be somewhat detached from my overarching goals in public

health. Despite being involved in invoicing and math-related tasks, I felt my skills weren't fully

utilized in a way that resonated with my career aspirations.

Moving on to the organization's receptiveness to my ideas and contributions, I must admit

that while I felt heard, the opportunities for active involvement were somewhat limited.

Although I engaged with Food Corps individuals and shared insights on potential food-related

initiatives and changes, the avenues for meaningful brainstorming and implementation felt


Navigating the supervision from my internship site supervisor proved to be a challenge,

particularly during the initial month of my involvement. Her frequent absence left me feeling

adrift at times, as I was supposed to be working under her guidance but often found myself

assigned to different tasks instead. The administrative area seemed to need additional support,

especially with managers transitioning and staff turnover occurring. This dynamic posed

obstacles to developing a close working relationship with my supervisor. Additionally, the layout

of the office, coupled with the frequent reassignments to different locations, added further

complexity to the situation. Despite these hurdles, I was fortunate to find solace and guidance

from the bookkeeper and clerk, both of whom became invaluable mentors to me throughout my

internship. Our strong bonds and mutual support helped me navigate the challenges I

encountered during my time at the organization.

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Reflecting on areas for improvement, clearer communication, and instructions would

have greatly enhanced my experience. The inconsistency in assignments, particularly when

coupled with instances of arriving at locations only to find my assistance unnecessary, proved

frustrating, especially considering the personal expenses incurred in commuting.

Regrettably, I would hesitate this site to future interns unless they specifically harbor

aspirations for an accounting role. While the individuals I collaborated with were warm and

welcoming, the role of a wellness coordinator felt somewhat overshadowed by the accounting

responsibilities. However, the suitability of this setting ultimately depends on individual

preferences and career aspirations.

As for considering a career in a similar setting, my passion for the nutritional aspects of

wellness remains positive. However, my internship experience has prompted a reassessment of

my career trajectory, particularly regarding my aversion to working in a school environment.

This realization has sparked a deeper exploration of the age groups and settings where I envision

making the most meaningful impact in the future.

Internship Preparedness:

Regarding my academic preparedness for the internship placement, I felt generally

well-equipped due to the span of courses I have taken. However, this experience differed

significantly from my previous internships, offering me deeper insights into various sides of

administration interconnecting within public health. While I felt confident in many areas,

particularly those covered in courses like Health Promotion and Program Planning, where I

gained insights into grant work and implementation strategies, I also encountered areas where I

felt less prepared, notably in administrative aspects such as staffing management and budgeting.
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Again, a course that proved particularly helpful was Health Promotion and Program

Planning. It provided me with a comprehensive understanding of grant utilization and

implementation, which directly translated into my internship experience. Witnessing my

coworkers utilize grants for initiatives like snack carts and garden items highlighted the practical

relevance of this coursework. Additionally, community health coursework proved to be crucial,

offering insights into the socioeconomic dynamics of Baldwin County. Understanding the

challenges faced by low socioeconomic populations helped me empathize with the children I

served, especially in recognizing the impact of food deserts and limited resources on their

lifestyles. Also, skills gained from an Excel class proved useful in tasks such as tracking milk

prices and maintaining attendance sheets. While I received guidance from the bookkeeper,

having a foundation in Excel basics was beneficial.

In considering how GCSU/School of Health and Human Performance can further prepare

public health students for real-life application, hands-on experience remains important.

Community health classes and practical experiences offer invaluable insights that transcend

theoretical knowledge. However, given the broad scope of public health, ensuring alignment

between coursework and internships can be challenging. Nonetheless, the diverse scope of terms

covered in our courses equips students with a strong foundation, ensuring success in various

internship settings.

Internship Performance
Throughout my internship, I acquired valuable new skills and knowledge, with a notable

focus on honing my accounting abilities. It was enlightening to witness how accounting

intricately intertwines with public health and nutrition. Understanding the significance of

efficient food and supply orders underscored the critical role they play in sustaining operational

cafeterias. Additionally, I gained insights into how these tasks align with broader organizational
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goals, such as identifying potential grants and implementing menu changes to benefit the

children we serve.

Reflecting on my performance on assignments and projects, I can confidently say that I

met or exceeded expectations. Maintaining a consistent record of meeting deadlines and

delivering quality work was valuable to me. Knowing that my contributions eased the burden on

the administration and positively impacted their workflow was incredibly satisfying.

In assessing the overall quality of my work, I believe I fulfilled my responsibilities

effectively. Whenever I encountered challenges, I proactively sought assistance, ensuring tasks

were completed accurately and efficiently. Embracing a learning mindset and being open to

asking questions facilitated my growth and contributed to the quality of my work.

Looking ahead, I recognize the need to sharpen my interpersonal skills. While I was

diligent in executing tasks, I acknowledged the importance of confidently voicing opinions and

contributing diverse perspectives. Overcoming the tendency to prioritize pleasing others over

asserting my viewpoints will be crucial for success in future roles. Although I initially hesitated

to assert myself as an intern, I've witnessed my confidence in this area grow throughout the

semester, and I'm committed to further developing this skill to thrive in the real-world

professional field.

Personal/Professional Insights/Benefits:

Reflecting on the impact of the internship on my personal, professional, and academic

goals, the experience has been transformative in many ways. On a personal level, it has been

motivating for bolstering my confidence and resilience. The diverse tasks and responsibilities I

encountered in a professional setting provided me with invaluable life skills, equipping me to

adapt and thrive in dynamic environments. Moreover, the opportunity to form genuine
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connections with colleagues and engage with diverse populations has enriched my perspective

and deepened my empathy. Professionally, the internship has been a learning journey, offering

hands-on experience and real-world insight into the field of public health. From tackling

accounting tasks to engaging in community outreach, I gained practical skills and knowledge

directly applicable to future career opportunities. Witnessing the substantial impact of my

contributions on organizational goals has reaffirmed my passion for effecting positive change in

public health practice. Academically, the internship emphasized the importance of bridging

theory with practice. Concepts learned in the classroom were brought to life in tangible ways,

enhancing my understanding of the fundamentals of public health work. This experiential

learning not only deepened my academic knowledge but also inspired me to pursue further

studies and professional development in areas of interest that emerged during the internship.

Regarding personal growth, the internship has been a journey of self-discovery and

empowerment. Overcoming self-doubt and insecurities, particularly evident in successfully

passing the ServeSafe exam, highlighted the importance of believing in myself and the support

of my colleagues in fostering that belief.

Furthermore, the experience provided valuable insights into the organizations and

populations I worked with. Through community outreach and engagement, I gained a deeper

understanding of the unique health challenges facing various populations, including school-aged

children and underserved communities. This first-hand exposure broadened my perspective on

public health practice and reinforced my commitment to advocating for health equity and

well-being for all.

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