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Risk management.......................................................70
Risk factors..................................................................72
Saudi Aramco Annual Report 2022

2. R
S Abqaiq Plants, Aramco, through a system based on ISO 31000 principles

Operational resilience
Saudi Arabia and guidelines, integrates managing strategic, operational,
compliance and financial risks into its annual planning cycle.
The Company adds to its operational resilience through
localization, and has 63.0% local content across its procurement
chain, with a focus on using more sustainable materials.
During 2022, building on its exceptional history for energy

6. A
supply stability, Aramco achieved 99.9% reliability.

Risk management

Managing risk exposure

Risk objectives Internal Audit, as the third line, provides

Aramco operates in an industry characterized management and the Audit Committee with
by price volatility, hazardous operations, and independent assurance on the effectiveness of
uncertain project outcomes. Taking informed internal control systems. Aramco’s Global ERM
risks is an inherent and necessary part of doing Policy requires subsidiaries and operationally
business. Aramco manages its strategic, controlled affiliates to manage risks in a
operational, compliance and financial risks by structured manner, overseen by their Boards
continuously assessing them and undertaking of Directors. Aramco also encourages affiliates
appropriate responses. Business decisions are to apply ERM principles and practices to their
made after due consideration of rewards management of risks.
and associated risks. Management-level oversight of the ERM
framework is provided by the Management
Risk management framework
Committee, chaired by the President and CEO.
The Board of Directors provides risk oversight He also chairs the HSSE Committee, which
as a component of its strategic leadership. oversees health, safety, security, and
The Sustainability, Risk and HSE Committee of environmental risk management; the Strategy
the Board oversees the risk management Council, which reviews matters of strategic risk;
framework and monitors specific risks. and the Conflicts of Interest and Business Ethics
The primary role of the Sustainability, Risk Committee. Various other management-level
and HSE Committee is to monitor overall committees oversee specific risk-related topics,
management of risk and activities relating to such as the Sustainability Steering Committee
health, safety and the environment and to assist and the Information Security Risk Management
the Board of Directors with: Steering Committee.
I. Leadership, direction, and oversight with Business risk assessment
respect to the Company’s risk appetite, risk
The process by which individual organizations
tolerance, risk framework, and risk strategy;
identify, assess, mitigate, monitor and report
II. Governance and management of strategic, risks to the achievement of business objectives is
operational, sustainability, and integrated into Aramco’s annual planning cycle
environmental, social and governance (ESG) through a system based on ISO 31000 principles
related risks; and and guidelines. This includes the escalation, as
III. Assisting the Board and the Audit Committee appropriate, of risk ownership through Aramco’s
to foster a culture within the Company that organizational levels, resulting in a hierarchy
emphasizes and demonstrates the benefits of risks from individual departmental risks to
of risk management. The Audit Committee corporate risks. Annually, the Management
focuses on financial risks, including financial Committee reviews the composition of the top
reporting and treasury risks, as well as on risks, taking into consideration risks reported
internal and external compliance. from the businesses and a top-down scan for
new and emerging risks. The Management
Aramco’s enterprise risk management (ERM) Committee is updated quarterly on individual
framework follows the Three Lines Model. The risks, and every year several risks are presented
operating businesses and support organizations in detail to the Management Committee and the
form the first line, as risk owners, and have Board’s Sustainability, Risk and HSE Committee.
primary responsibility for identifying and
managing their risks. The second line comprises Decision-making
dedicated risk management functions, To reduce planning uncertainty and help
responsible for monitoring and reporting on manage the variability of outcomes, Aramco
risks, and providing guidance to risk owners. Risk has embedded risk assessment into its strategic
management functions include Loss Prevention, and investment planning. Strategic scenarios
Environmental Protection, Information Security, are stress-tested, and individual projects and
Saudi Aramco Annual Report 2022

Corporate Emergency Management and investments pass through a gated decision

Continuity, Corporate Compliance, and Financial process that includes risk assessments and
Risk Management organizations, as well as the value assurance reviews.
Corporate Enterprise Risk Management group.

Enterprise risk management framework


2. R
Sustainability, Risk and HSE Committee Audit Committee

Executive team

Management Committee

The framework is based on the Three Lines Model

First line Second line Third line
Business assets Risk and control Internal audit
and facilities functions

Identify and manage risk Monitor and report risk, Provide independent assurance
and provide guidance on the effectiveness of internal
control systems

Principal risk categories

6. A

Risks related to Legal and Risks related

Aramco’s operations regulatory risks to the Kingdom
and activities

See page 72 See page 80 See page 84

Risk factors

Understanding risks

The following risks do not necessarily comprise all the risks Aramco expects, or at all. All forward-looking statements
affecting Aramco. There may be additional risks that Aramco in this Annual Report should be considered in light of these
is currently not aware of, or that Aramco currently believes are explanations and shareholders should not put undue
immaterial, which may in the future become material or affect reliance on forward-looking statements.
Aramco’s business, financial position and results of operations,
The risks described in this section are not presented in
or the market price of the shares. As a result of these and
order of priority based on their importance or expected
other risks, the forward-looking events and circumstances
effect on Aramco.
discussed in this Annual Report might not occur in the way

Risks related to Aramco’s operations and activities

Aramco’s results of Sales of crude oil are the largest component of • The impact of climate change on the demand
operations and cash Aramco’s consolidated revenue and other for, and price of, hydrocarbons (see risk —
flow are significantly income related to sales, accounting for 47.0%, Climate change concerns and impacts
impacted by and 50.3% for the years ended December 31, could reduce global demand for hydrocarbons
international crude oil 2021 and 2022, respectively. Accordingly, and hydrocarbon-based products and could
supply and demand Aramco’s results of operations and cash flow are cause Aramco to incur costs or invest
and the price at which significantly impacted by the price at which it additional capital);
it sells crude oil. sells crude oil. • Changes to environmental or other regulations
International crude oil supply and demand and or laws applicable to crude oil and related
the sales price for crude oil are affected by many products or the energy industry (see risk —
factors that are beyond Aramco’s control, Aramco’s operations are subject to
including the following: environmental protection, health and safety
laws and regulations, and increased concerns
• Markets’ expectations with respect to future regarding the safe use of chemicals and plastics
supply, demand and price of petroleum and and their potential impact on the environment
petroleum products; have resulted in more restrictive regulations
• Global economic and political conditions and and could lead to new regulations);
geopolitical events, including any that impact • Prices and availability of alternative energies,
international trade (including trade routes); including renewable energy;
• Decisions regarding production levels by the • The electrification of transportation,
Kingdom or other producing states (the technological developments in the cost or
Kingdom is a member country of OPEC); endurance of fuel cells for electric vehicles,
• The impact of natural disasters and public and changes in transportation-mode
health pandemics or epidemics (such as preferences, including ride-sharing;
COVID-19) on supply and demand for crude oil, • Weather conditions affecting supply
general economic conditions, and the ability and demand;
to deliver crude oil;
• Fluctuations in the value of the U.S. dollar,
• The development of new crude oil the currency in which crude oil is priced
exploration, production and transportation globally; and
methods or technological advancements in
existing methods; • Crude oil trading activities.
• Capital investments of oil and gas companies
relating to the exploration, development and
Saudi Aramco Annual Report 2022

production of crude oil reserves;

$128 per barrel in the first half of 2022.

Continued International crude oil prices have fluctuated
significantly in the past and may remain volatile. On October 5, 2022, OPEC+ decided to cut oil
Aramco’s results of production quotas by two million barrels per day
Between January 2016 and February 2020, Brent
operations and cash starting in November 2022. As of December 31,
prices generally fluctuated between $40 and
flow are significantly 2022, the Brent price was $85.9 per barrel.
$65 per barrel. Brent prices fell below $23 per
impacted by
barrel in mid-March 2020 in response to the
international crude oil Fluctuations in the price at which Aramco sells
COVID-19 pandemic and other supply and
supply and demand crude oil could cause its results of operations
demand factors, and did not recover to above
and the price at which and cash flow to vary significantly. In addition,
$60 per barrel until February 2021. Since then,
it sells crude oil. decreases in the price at which Aramco is able
Brent prices have increased and rose significantly

2. R
to sell its crude oil could have a material adverse

in February 2022 in response to the Russia-
effect on Aramco’s results of operations and
Ukraine conflict, related international sanctions
cash flow.
and other macroeconomic factors, reaching

Aramco operates in The sale of crude oil outside the Kingdom is very geographies into which they sell refined products
a highly competitive competitive. Aramco’s primary competitors for or petrochemicals. Competitors include, but are
environment. the sale of crude oil outside the Kingdom include not limited to, refining and petrochemical plants
Competitive pressure national and international oil companies, many located in, or in close proximity to, relevant

could have a material of which have substantial crude oil reserves and markets, and in the case of refining and
adverse impact on financial resources. The primary factors affecting petrochemical plants that are net importers,
the price at which it competition are the price, reliability, quantity, from other international producers. Operating
sells crude oil and quality and geographic location of crude oil efficiencies and production costs are key factors
other products. produced. Increased competitive pressures could affecting competition for refined products and
have a material adverse impact on prices at chemicals. Accordingly, if the operating
which Aramco can sell crude oil and its regional efficiencies and production costs of Aramco’s
and global market share. refineries are not sufficiently competitive in
the geographies they serve, Aramco’s business,
In addition, outside the Kingdom, refining and
financial position and results of operations could

petrochemical plants in Aramco’s downstream
be materially and adversely impacted.
segment are subject to competition in the

Climate change Climate change concerns manifested in public countries that have ratified the Paris Agreement
concerns and impacts sentiment, government policies, laws and are adopting domestic measures to meet their
could reduce global regulations, international agreements and goals, which include reducing their use of fossil
demand for treaties, lawsuits against energy companies, fuels and increasing their use of alternative
hydrocarbons and company net-zero ambition and other energy sources. The landscape of GHG related

hydrocarbon-based commitments, investor pressure, fossil fuel laws and regulations has been in a state of

products and could divestment campaigns and other actions may constant reassessment and it is difficult to predict
cause Aramco to reduce global demand for hydrocarbons and with certainty the ultimate impact GHG related
incur costs or invest hydrocarbon-based products and propel a shift laws, regulations and international agreements
additional capital. toward lower carbon intensity fossil fuels, such as will have on Aramco. In addition, jurisdictions in
gas, or alternative energy sources. In particular, which Aramco operates or its products are sold
increasing pressure on governments, businesses, that are not currently subject to GHG regulation
organizations and individuals to reduce GHG may become regulated and existing GHG
emissions has led to a variety of actions that aim regulations may become more stringent.
to reduce the use of fossil fuels, including A reduction in demand for hydrocarbons and

6. A
international agreements to reduce GHG hydrocarbon-based products could have a
emissions. For example, the Paris Agreement material adverse effect on Aramco’s business,
became effective in November 2016, and many financial position and results of operations. 7. CONSOLIDATED

Risk factors continued

Risks related to Aramco’s operations and activities continued

Continued In line with the Kingdom’s announced aims and substantial costs and capital expenditures to
the Saudi Green Initiative, Aramco announced its achieve its net-zero ambitions. If Aramco does
Climate change
ambition to achieve net-zero Scope 1 and Scope 2 not meet its announced net-zero targets, or if
concerns and impacts
greenhouse gas emissions across its wholly- Aramco’s efforts do not meet increasing societal
could reduce global
owned operated assets by 2050, which in turn or stakeholder expectations and standards,
demand for
will help support the Kingdom’s aim to reach Aramco may be exposed to claims and its
hydrocarbons and
net-zero emissions by 2060 through the circular reputation, employee retention and business
carbon economy approach. Aramco may incur may be negatively impacted.
products and could
cause Aramco to
incur costs or invest
additional capital.

Terrorism and Aramco’s facilities have been targeted by terrorist Furthermore, in both May and August 2019,
armed conflict and other attacks. In March 2022, a storage the East-West pipeline and the Shaybah field,
may materially facility in Jiddah was subject to attack by respectively, were targeted by unmanned aerial
and adversely unmanned aerial vehicles and missiles and, in vehicle attacks. These attacks resulted in a brief
affect Aramco. March 2021, the Riyadh Refinery was subject to shutdown of the pipeline and fires and damage
an attack by unmanned aerial vehicles. In to the processing and cogeneration infrastructure
addition, in September 2019, the Abqaiq facility at the Shaybah NGL facility.
and the Khurais processing facility were subject
Additional terrorist or other attacks or armed
to attack by unmanned aerial vehicles and
conflict could impact Aramco’s operations and
missiles. As a result of the attacks on the Abqaiq
have a material adverse effect on Aramco’s
facility and the Khurais processing facility, crude
business, financial position and results of
oil production and associated gas production
operations, could cause Aramco to expend
were temporarily reduced and Aramco took a
significant funds and could impact the market
number of actions to minimize the impact of
price of the shares.
lower Arabian Light and Arabian Extra Light
production by tapping into Aramco’s inventories
located outside of the Kingdom and swapping
crude oil grades of deliveries to Arabian Medium
and Arabian Heavy.

Aramco exports a Aramco exports a substantial portion of its Since early 2020, economic conditions in Asia
substantial portion crude oil and refined products to customers have been significantly impacted by the outbreak
of its crude oil and in Asia. In 2021 and 2022, customers in Asia, of COVID-19. If there is a prolonged slowdown in
refined products to including Aramco’s affiliated refineries located economic growth, an economic recession or
customers in Asia, and in Asia, purchased 81% and 79%, respectively, other adverse economic or political development
adverse economic or of its crude oil exports. Aramco expects to in Asia, Aramco may experience a material
political developments export additional crude oil to Asia as new reduction in demand for its products by its
in Asia could impact downstream assets in Asia commence customers located in the region. Moreover,
its results of operations. operations. In addition, the refined, chemical, any such development in other parts of the
petrochemical, base oil and finished lubricant world (including political and social instability
products that are produced at Aramco’s joint or armed conflict) may result in other producers
ventures and international operations in Asia supplying surplus capacity to Asia, thereby
are generally sold locally and exported to increasing competition for customers in Asia,
other Asian countries. which could negatively impact the prices at
which Aramco sells its products to customers
there. A significant decrease in demand for
Aramco’s products in Asia could have a material
adverse effect on its business, financial position
and results of operations.
Saudi Aramco Annual Report 2022

(see risk — Aramco could be subject to losses

Aramco is subject to Aramco is subject to operational risks common
operational risks and in the oil and gas and petrochemical industries, from risks related to insufficient insurance).
hazards that may have including the following: To the extent a subcontractor is responsible for
a significant impact on • crude oil or gas spills, pipeline leaks and the damage, Aramco’s recourse to the relevant
its operations or result ruptures, storage tank leaks and accidents subcontractor may be limited by contract or the
in significant liabilities involving explosions, fires, blow outs and financial viability of such subcontractor. Such
and costs. surface cratering; occurrences could also interrupt Aramco’s
operations, delay Aramco projects or damage
• power shortages or failures; its reputation, which could have a material
• mechanical or equipment failures; adverse effect on its business.

2. R
• transportation interruptions and accidents; Furthermore, the majority of Aramco’s assets
• tropical monsoons, storms, floods and other are located in the Kingdom and it relies heavily
natural disasters (including weather conditions on a cross country pipeline system and terminal
associated with climate change); facilities to transport crude oil and products
• chemical spills, discharges or releases of toxic through the Kingdom. Aramco also depends
or hazardous substances or gases; and on critical assets to process its crude oil, such
as the Abqaiq facility, which is its largest oil
• changes in laws and regulations that could
processing facility and processes a significant
require Aramco to update or modify its
amount of Aramco’s daily produced crude oil.

methods of production, processing, storage
The East-West pipeline, the Shaybah NGL facility,
or transportation of products.
the Abqaiq facility and the Khurais processing
These risks could result in damage to, or facility have been subject to attacks in 2019.
destruction of, Aramco’s properties and facilities, If Aramco’s critical transport systems or processing
death or injury to people and harm to the facilities were subject to a significant disruption,
environment, which could have a significant it could have a material adverse effect on Aramco’s
impact on its operations or result in significant business, financial position and results of operations
liabilities and remediation costs. In addition, (see risk — Terrorism and armed conflict may
Aramco is not insured against all risks and materially and adversely affect Aramco).
insurance in connection with certain risks

and hazards may not be available

The resurgence of The COVID-19 pandemic and measures taken Aramco is not able to predict how long the
COVID-19 or to combat it have had a widespread impact on COVID-19 pandemic will persist or if there will be
outbreaks of other business and economic conditions, including further resurgences or new variants of COVID-19
infectious diseases on the demand for crude oil, natural gas, refined or outbreaks of other infectious diseases, how
and its impact on products and petrochemicals. Public health long measures that are introduced to respond
business and authorities and governments at local, national will be in place or if additional restrictive

economic conditions, and international levels implemented various measures may be introduced. It also cannot

may have negative measures to respond to the pandemic, including predict how long the effects and the efforts to
effects on Aramco’s restrictions on travel, voluntary and mandatory contain them will continue to impact its business
business, financial quarantines, workforce reductions of personnel after such outbreaks are under control.
position, cash flow, who are deemed to be nonessential and
In addition, if a significant percentage of Aramco’s
results of operations, restrictions on business activities. These measures
workforce is unable to work, or if Aramco is
and price of its led to lower demand for crude oil, natural gas,
required to close facilities because of illness or
securities. refined products and petrochemicals which has
government restrictions, Aramco’s operations
had, and may continue to have, a direct impact
and business may be negatively affected.
on Aramco’s operations. In addition, the COVID-19

6. A
pandemic has resulted in volatility in global
capital markets and investor sentiment, which
may affect the availability, amount and type
of financing available to Aramco.

Risk factors continued

Risks related to Aramco’s operations and activities continued

Estimates of proved Aramco’s reserve estimates conform to the or those utilized by D&M for the purposes of
hydrocarbon reserves SPE-PRMS definitions and guidelines, which are preparing its certification letter, will prove to be
depend on significant internationally recognized industry standards appropriate or accurate. Any significant deviation
interpretations, promulgated by the Society of Petroleum from these interpretations, assumptions or
assumptions and Engineers, the World Petroleum Council, the judgments could materially affect the estimated
judgments. Any American Association of Petroleum Geologists, quantity or value of Aramco’s proved reserves.
significant deviation the Society of Petroleum Evaluation Engineers, In addition, these estimates could change due
or changes in existing the Society of Exploration Geophysicists, the to new information from production or drilling
economic and Society of Petrophysicists and Well Log Analysts activities, changes in economic factors, including
operating conditions and the European Association of Geoscientists changes in the price of hydrocarbons, changes to
could affect the & Engineers. Reserve estimation is an inherently laws, regulations or the terms of the Concession
estimated quantity complex process that principally relies on a or other events. Further, declining hydrocarbon
and value of Aramco’s combination of knowledge, experience and prices may cause certain proved reserves to no
proved reserves. judgment. Aramco’s and D&M’s estimates of longer be considered commercially viable,
the quantity of Aramco’s proved hydrocarbon which could result in downward adjustments
reserves depend on significant interpretations, to Aramco’s estimates of its proved reserves,
assumptions and judgments relating to available impairment of its assets or changes to its capital
geological, geophysical, engineering, expenditures and production plans. Moreover,
contractual, economic and other information, proved reserve estimates are subject to change
and take into account existing economic and due to errors in the application of published rules
operating conditions and commercial viability and changes in guidance. Any material reduction
as at the date the reserve estimates are made. in the quantity or value of Aramco’s proved
reserves could adversely affect Aramco’s
There can be no assurance that the business and reputation.
interpretations, assumptions and judgments
utilized by Aramco to estimate proved reserves,

The independent Aramco retained independent petroleum There is no independent third-party certification
third-party consultants, D&M, to audit, as at December 31, letter with respect to the balance of the
certification with 2021, reservoirs Aramco believes accounted for Kingdom’s proved oil equivalent reserves or as
respect to the approximately 85% of its proved oil reserves to at a more recent date than December 31, 2021.
Kingdom’s estimated which it has rights under the Concession and Any material deviation in the quantity of proved
reserves does not remain to be produced after December 31, 2021, reserves could have a material adverse effect on
cover the entirety but before December 31, 2077 (the end of the Aramco’s financial condition and reputation.
of its reserves. initial 40-year term of the Concession plus the
first 20-year extension). Aramco chose this scope
because of the overall scale of the Kingdom’s
reserves and the concentration of deposits in the
major reservoirs that were assessed. Further
independent assessment of the Kingdom’s
smaller reservoirs would have taken several years
to complete. D&M’s reserves estimation of 217.0
billion barrels of oil equivalent reserves for the
reservoirs it evaluated was within the no material
difference category (within 5% of Aramco’s
internal estimation for the same reservoirs)
for the same Concession time period.
Saudi Aramco Annual Report 2022

operations and certain of its operations are

Aramco could be Aramco insures against risk primarily by self-
subject to losses insuring through its captive insurance subsidiary, insured separately from the rest of its business.
from risks related to Stellar, which provides insurance exclusively to Furthermore, there can be no assurance that
insufficient insurance. Aramco. Aramco also obtains insurance in certain Aramco can continue to renew its existing levels
areas from third-party providers in excess of the of coverage on commercially acceptable terms,
coverage provided through Stellar. or at all. As a result, it could incur significant
losses from uninsured risks or risks for which
Aramco does not insure against all risks and
its insurance does not cover the entire loss.
its insurance may not protect it against
Any such losses could have a material adverse
liability from all potential events, particularly
effect on Aramco’s business, financial position

2. R
catastrophic events such as major crude oil spills,

and results of operations.
environmental disasters, terrorist attacks or acts
of war. In addition, it does not maintain business
interruption insurance for disruptions to its

Aramco’s ability to Aramco’s ability to achieve its strategic growth These challenges have led and could lead to
achieve its strategic objectives depends, in part, on the successful, delays in the completion of projects and
growth objectives timely and cost-effective delivery of capital increased project costs. If projects are delayed,

depends on the projects, which are carried out by Aramco or cost more than expected or do not generate
successful delivery by it along with joint ventures or partners and the expected return, Aramco’s operations and
of current and future affiliates. Aramco faces numerous challenges expected levels of production could be impacted.
projects and achieving in developing such projects, including These occurrences could result in Aramco
these objectives the following: recognizing impairments on its projects,
may not have the • fluctuations in the prices for hydrocarbons, assuming liabilities of joint ventures or partners
anticipated impact. which may impact its ability to finance its and affiliates or other consequences, any of
projects from its cash flow from operating which could have a material adverse effect on
activities or make projects less economically Aramco’s business, financial position and results
feasible or rendered uneconomic; of operations.

• making economic estimates or assumptions Aramco is pursuing lower carbon intensity
based on data or conditions, including demand products and operations to address climate-
and price assumptions, which may change; related risks and opportunities, including
• constraints on the availability and cost of through lowering net carbon emissions. Other
skilled labor, contractors, materials, equipment oil and gas companies may benefit from
and facilities; governmental incentives, such as financial
incentives provided by the U.S. Inflation
• its ability to obtain funding necessary for the Reduction Act enacted in August 2022 for clean
implementation of the relevant project on energy, including hydrogen, energy storage,
terms acceptable to it, or at all;

clean energy vehicles and carbon capture,

• difficulties in obtaining necessary permits, utilization and storage. If Aramco is unable to
complying with applicable regulations and avail itself of similar incentives, its competitive
changes to applicable law or regulations; position may be impacted. In addition, Aramco’s
• difficulties coordinating multiple contractors ability to develop low carbon products and
and subcontractors involved in complex solutions will also depend on the market
projects; acceptance of and regulatory support for
these products.
• its ability to find major global industry partners
and new opportunities for downstream
investments globally;

6. A
• market factors outside of its control affecting
its ability to fund such projects, including
constraints that prevent or limit financing
providers’ ability to invest in hydrocarbons-
related projects; and
• undertaking projects or ventures in new lines
of business in which Aramco has limited or no
prior operating experience.

Risk factors continued

Risks related to Aramco’s operations and activities continued

Continued In addition, the financial impact resulting from Furthermore, many of Aramco’s projects require
certain of Aramco’s strategic growth projects significant capital expenditures. If cash flow from
Aramco’s ability to operating activities and funds from external
and from its ambition to achieve net-zero Scope 1
achieve its strategic financial resources are not sufficient to cover
and Scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions across its
growth objectives Aramco’s capital expenditure requirements,
wholly-owned operated assets by 2050 is
depends on the Aramco may be required to reallocate available
uncertain. There is a risk that even if Aramco
successful delivery capital among its projects or modify its capital
is able to achieve its strategic growth objectives,
of current and future expenditure plans, which may result in delays to,
their impact on its business may not be as
projects and achieving or cancellation of, certain projects or deferral
profitable or as beneficial as anticipated,
these objectives of certain capital expenditures. Any change to
which may have a material adverse effect on
may not have the Aramco’s capital expenditure plans could, in
its business, financial position and results
anticipated impact. turn, have a material adverse effect on Aramco’s
of operations.
growth objectives and its business, financial
position and results of operations.

Aramco’s historical In recent years, the Government has adopted a necessarily determinative of its likely future cash
results of operations number of changes to the fiscal regime under flows, results of operations or rate of growth,
may not be directly which Aramco operates. These changes have a and its past performance should not be relied
comparable from material impact on Aramco’s results of operations upon as an indication of its future performance.
year to year. and make its consolidated financial statements For a more detailed discussion of the fiscal
for certain periods less directly comparable, regime changes and their effect on Aramco’s
particularly with respect to revenue and other consolidated financial statements, see Section 2:
income related to sales, production royalties, Results and performance, Section 6: Additional
other taxes, income taxes and zakat. Accordingly, financial and legal information, and Section 7:
Aramco’s historical results of operations are not Consolidated financial statements.

Aramco may not Aramco has engaged in, and may continue These difficulties could impact Aramco’s ongoing
realize some or all of to engage in, acquisitions of businesses, business, distract its management and employees
the expected benefits technologies, services, products and other assets and increase its expenses which could, in turn,
of recent or future from time to time. Any such acquisition entails have a material adverse effect on its business,
acquisitions, including various risks, including that Aramco may not be financial position and results of operations.
the acquisition of a able to accurately assess the value, strengths and
On June 16, 2020, Aramco acquired the PIF’s 70%
70% equity interest weaknesses of the acquisition or investment
equity interest in SABIC for total consideration
in SABIC. targets, effectively integrate the purchased
of SAR 259.1 billion ($69.1 billion). For the
businesses or assets, achieve the expected
acquisition to be successful for Aramco, it will
synergies or recover the purchase costs of the
need to manage its ownership stake in SABIC in
acquired businesses or assets. Aramco may also
a manner which supports the optimization of
incur unanticipated costs or assume unexpected
SABIC’s performance. The realization of such
liabilities and losses in connection with any
benefits may be affected by a number of factors,
business or asset it acquires, including in relation
many of which are beyond Aramco’s control.
to the retention of key employees, legal
Failure to realize some or all of the anticipated
contingencies (such as, contractual, financial,
benefits of the acquisition may impact Aramco’s
regulatory, environmental or other obligations
financial performance and prospects, including
and liabilities) and risks related to the acquired
the growth of its downstream business.
business, and the maintenance and integration
of procedures, controls and quality standards.
Saudi Aramco Annual Report 2022

• adverse changes in economic and trade

Aramco is exposed A substantial portion of Aramco’s downstream
to risks related operations are conducted outside the Kingdom. sanctions, import or export controls and
to operating in Risks inherent in operating in several countries national security measures resulting in business
several countries. include, without limitation: disruptions, including delays or denials of
• complying with, and managing changes to import or export licenses or blocked or rejected
and developments in, a variety of laws and financial transactions;
regulations, including, without limitation, • conducting business with subsidiaries, joint
with respect to price regulations, data privacy, operations and joint ventures and their
cybersecurity, the environment, forced potential challenges implementing policies

2. R
divestment of assets, expropriation of property and procedures consistent with the Company’s

and cancellation or forced renegotiation of policies and procedures; and
contract rights; • fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates.
• complying with tax regimes in multiple Operating in several countries also requires
jurisdictions and the imposition of new or significant management attention and resources.
increased withholding or other taxes or royalties; The occurrence of any of these risks may be
• the imposition of new, or changes to existing, burdensome and could have a material adverse
transfer pricing regulations or the imposition of effect on Aramco’s business, financial position
new restrictions on foreign trade, investment and results of operations.
or travel;

Aramco is Aramco operates in a competitive environment, number of departures of its oil and gas experts
dependent on and its success depends upon its ability to in a relatively short period of time, attracting
Senior Management identify, hire, develop, motivate and retain and retaining a sufficient number of replacement
and key personnel. highly-qualified Senior Management and other personnel may be challenging. If Aramco is
key personnel. Aramco’s Senior Management unable to hire and retain Senior Management
and other key personnel may voluntarily and other key personnel with requisite skills and
terminate their employment with Aramco or expertise, it could have a material adverse effect

leave their positions due to reasons beyond on Aramco’s business, financial position and
Aramco’s control. If Aramco experiences a large results of operations.

Aramco’s operations Aramco relies on the security of critical attackers with access to the necessary resources
are dependent on the information and operational technology systems could successfully penetrate its systems.
reliability and security for, among other things, the exploration, Attempts to gain unauthorized access to Aramco
of its IT systems. development, production, storage and networks have been successful in the past,
distribution of hydrocarbons, the processing, including a 2012 cyberattack in which Aramco

use and security of financial records, proprietary resorted to manual procedures for certain

information, intellectual property, personal nonoperational related matters while the breach
information and operating data, and was contained. To date, none of these attempts
communications with management, personnel have been material to Aramco’s financial
and business partners. Cyber incidents may performance or reputation. Nonetheless, the
negatively impact these or other functions and, nature and breadth of any potential future
particularly in relation to industrial control cyberattack remain unknown and technology
systems, may result in physical damage, injury that has allowed an increase in remote working
or loss of life and environmental harm. Aramco’s arrangements may increase the risk of
systems are a high-profile target for sophisticated cybersecurity incidents, data breaches or

6. A
cyberattacks by nation states, criminal hackers cyberattacks. Such incidents could result in
and competitors, and it routinely fends off significant costs, including investigation and
malicious attempts to gain unauthorized systems remediation expenses, regulatory scrutiny, legal
access. While Aramco seeks to maintain a secure liability and the loss of personal or sensitive
network infrastructure to protect against critical business or third-party information, and could
data loss and to ensure operational integrity and have a material adverse effect on Aramco’s
continuity, there is a risk that determined operations and reputation.

Risk factors continued

Legal and regulatory risks

Aramco is and has Aramco is and has been subject to significant In addition, oil and gas companies are also
been subject to litigation, primarily in the United States and increasingly subject to lawsuits based on
significant litigation the Kingdom. Some of the most significant U.S. allegations that certain public statements
and other actions. litigation has involved allegations of violations regarding environmental, social and governance
of antitrust laws arising, in part, from the (ESG) matters or net-zero or carbon neutrality
Kingdom’s membership and participation in targets are made without clear plans, exaggerate
OPEC. Such antitrust litigation sought extensive spending on energy that comes from sources
relief, including treble damages, divestiture of other than fossil fuels, lack details or factual
assets in the United States and disgorgement of support or rely too heavily on carbon or other
profits. If granted, this relief could have had a offsets or technologies that are not yet viable or
material adverse impact on Aramco. To date, scalable and therefore are false and misleading
the OPEC-related antitrust lawsuits have been “greenwashing” campaigns or that climate-
dismissed on the basis of various sovereign related disclosures made by companies are
defenses under U.S. law. However, there is no inadequate. Aramco could be subject to such
assurance that Aramco will prevail on the basis lawsuits if it makes these types of statements and
of these defenses in the future in connection its customers or investors believe they have been
with OPEC-related or other lawsuits, and Aramco harmed as a result. Motiva is subject to this type
and its affiliates could be subject to similar claims of lawsuit where a state government in the
elsewhere in the future where it may not have United States alleged that Motiva engaged in
similar defenses. In addition, there is a risk greenwashing and misled consumers about the
that laws could be enacted in the future that consequences of the use of its products on
would expressly remove or weaken certain climate change.
sovereign defenses.
Litigation could result in substantial costs
In addition, increasing attention on climate (including civil or criminal penalties, or both,
change risks may result in increased litigation damages or the imposition of import trade
against Aramco and its affiliates. Claims relating measures) and require Aramco to devote
to climate change matters have been filed substantial resources and divert management
against companies in the oil and gas industry by attention, any of which may have a material
private parties, shareholders of such companies, adverse effect on its business, financial position
public interest organizations, state attorneys and results of operations.
general, cities and other localities, especially
Moreover, exports of crude oil, refined products
in the United States and Europe. These lawsuits
and petrochemicals by Aramco or its affiliates to
seek a variety of remedies, including financial
foreign countries may be affected by litigation,
compensation for alleged past and future
regulatory actions, investigations, disputes or
damages resulting from climate change and
agreements that lead to the imposition of import
court orders requiring energy companies to
trade measures, including anti-dumping and
reduce GHG emissions. Furthermore, oil and
countervailing duties, safeguard measures,
gas companies have been subject to a growing
import licensing and customs requirements, and
number of lawsuits alleging damages from the
new or increased tariffs, quotas or embargoes.
companies’ contributions to climate change,
The possibility and effect of any such measures
failure to protect the environment from the
will depend on the laws governing the foreign
effects of their operations, concealing
country to which the applicable products are
information about the consequences of the use
being exported and applicable international
of their products on climate change and similar
trade agreements. Foreign countries may
matters. Motiva has been named in several of
take such measures for political or other reasons,
these lawsuits, and Aramco and its affiliates may
including reasons unrelated to Aramco actions
be named in similar lawsuits in the future.
or operations. Because the majority of Aramco’s
products are exported, any such measures may
have a material adverse effect on Aramco’s business,
financial position and results of operations.
Saudi Aramco Annual Report 2022

is costly or otherwise has a material adverse

Continued In addition, the Kingdom is a party to
international trade agreements, such as World effect on its business, financial position or results
Aramco is and has
Trade Organization agreements, that include of operations. If the Kingdom fails to comply
been subject to
commitments by the Kingdom with respect to with these commitments, Aramco’s business
significant litigation
the composition of its laws, regulations and operations could be exposed to scrutiny and
and other actions.
practices that impact international trade. The Aramco or its affiliates’ exports could be subject
Kingdom may become a party to other such to potential remedial measures, such as duties,
agreements in the future. Compliance by the which could have a material adverse effect on
Kingdom with any such commitments may Aramco’s business, financial position and results
directly or indirectly impact Aramco and could of operations.

2. R
cause it to alter its operations in a manner that

Aramco operates in The oil and gas industry in the Kingdom is a amended and extended for an additional
a regulated industry regulated industry. Any change in the Kingdom’s 40 years thereafter subject to Aramco and
and its business may laws, regulations, policies or practices relating the Government agreeing on the terms of
be affected by to the oil and gas industry could have a material the extension), there is no assurance that the
regulatory changes. adverse effect on Aramco’s business, financial Government will not revoke the Concession
position and results of operations. In addition, in whole or in part or adversely change

although the Concession provides for an initial Aramco’s rights in respect of the Concession,
period of 40 years, which will be extended by which would have a significant adverse effect
the Government for 20 years provided Aramco on Aramco’s business, financial position and
satisfies certain conditions commensurate with results of operations.
current operating practices (and may be

Violations of Aramco currently conducts business, and could There can be no assurance that Aramco’s
applicable sanctions in the future decide to take part in new business corporate governance, compliance and ethics

and trade restrictions, activities, in locations where certain parties policies and procedures (including with respect
as well as anti-bribery are subject to sanctions and trade restrictions, to sanctions and trade restrictions, anti-bribery
and anti-corruption as well as anti-bribery and anti-corruption laws, and anti-corruption) will protect it from the
laws, could adversely imposed by the United States, the European improper conduct of its employees or business
affect Aramco. Union, the United Kingdom and other partners, which conduct could result in
sanctioning or regulatory bodies. Laws and substantial civil or criminal penalties. If Aramco
regulations governing sanctions, trade were to be sanctioned in the future, as a result
restrictions and bribery and corruption are of its transactions with other parties or
complex and are subject to change. For example, otherwise, such sanctions could result in asset
sanctions activities against Russia and individuals freezes against Aramco, restrictions on investors

and companies connected to the Russian trading securities issued by Aramco or other

government or its officials have increased adverse consequences. Such penalties or
following the start of the Russia-Ukraine sanctions could have a material adverse effect
conflict and additional sanctions could be on Aramco’s business, financial position and
imposed in the future that may adversely matter of operations.
impact Aramco’s businesses.

6. A

Risk factors continued

Legal and regulatory risks continued

Aramco is required to The rights granted to Aramco under the relevant authorities will issue any such licenses,
obtain, maintain and Concession represent Aramco’s licenses, permits permits or approvals in the time frame
renew governmental and approvals necessary to conduct business anticipated by Aramco, or at all. Any unforeseen
licenses, permits and in the Kingdom with respect to hydrocarbons failure to renew, maintain or obtain the required
approvals in order to operations and related activities. However, permits and approvals, or the revocation or
operate its businesses. Aramco is required to obtain and renew any termination of existing licenses, permits and
license, permit or approval that is required under approvals, may interrupt Aramco’s operations,
the Hydrocarbons Law, GSPR (which is replaced could result in financial and other penalties
by the Energy Supplies Law) or with respect to and could have a material adverse effect on
certain other activities unrelated to hydrocarbons Aramco’s business, financial position and
operations. There can be no assurance that the results of operations.

Aramco’s operations Aramco’s operations are subject to laws and In addition, a stricter interpretation of existing
are subject to regulations relating to environmental protection, laws and regulations, any changes in these laws
environmental health and safety. These laws and regulations and regulations or the enactment of new laws
protection, health govern, among other things, the generation, and regulations may impose new obligations
and safety laws and storage, handling, use, disposal and on Aramco or otherwise adversely affect
regulations and transportation of hazardous materials, the Aramco’s business, financial position and results
increased concerns emission and discharge of hazardous materials, of operations.
regarding the safe groundwater use and contamination and the
Aramco may also (i) incur significant costs
use of chemicals and health and safety of Aramco’s employees and
associated with the investigation, clean up and
plastics and their the communities in which it operates.
restoration of contaminated land, water or
potential impact on Compliance with these obligations can result
ecosystems, as well as claims for damage to
the environment have in significant expenditures. If Aramco fails to
property and (ii) face claims of death or injury
resulted in more comply with applicable laws and regulations,
to persons resulting from exposure to hazardous
restrictive regulations it could be subject to fines or the partial or total
materials or adverse impacts on natural resources
and could lead to shutdown of related operations. Aramco has,
and properties of others resulting from its
new regulations. from time to time, shutdown certain facilities in
operations (including potentially from the
order to ensure compliance with applicable laws
transportation of hazardous substances and
and regulations.
products, feedstock or chemical pollution). Any
The implementing regulation for air quality such costs or liabilities could have a material
was issued pursuant to the resolution of the adverse effect on Aramco’s business, financial
Minister of Environment, Water and Agriculture position and results of operations. In particular,
number (512258/1/1442) dated 24/09/1442H in the United States, Motiva and other companies
(corresponding to May 6, 2021) in accordance in the petroleum refining and marketing industry
with the Environmental Law issued by Royal historically used MTBE as a gasoline additive.
Decree No. M/165, dated 19/11/1441H Motiva is a party to pending lawsuits concerning
(corresponding to July 10, 2020), and became alleged environmental impact associated with
effective on January 13, 2021. The implementing historic releases of MTBE in the United States,
regulation for air quality imposes significantly many of which involve other petroleum
more stringent limits on emissions from various marketers and refiners. Plaintiffs in these MTBE
types of facilities, compared to earlier lawsuits generally seek to spread liability among
regulations, and the Company is currently large groups of oil companies and seek
engaged in discussions with the regulator to substantial damages. Additional lawsuits and
clarify or reconsider certain requirements set claims related to the use of MTBE, including
out under this regulation. Depending on the personal-injury claims, may be filed in the future.
outcome of the Company’s discussions with the Motiva could be subject to material liabilities
regulator, there is a risk that significant costs relating to MTBE claims.
could be required to bring Aramco’s facilities
into compliance with this regulation.
Saudi Aramco Annual Report 2022

Moreover, concerns regarding chemicals and approvals, increased costs related to complying

plastics, including their safe use and potential with more restrictive regulations, delayed
Aramco’s operations product launches, lack of market acceptance,
impact on the environment, and how plastics
are subject to lower sales volumes or discontinuance of
contribute to climate change, reflect a growing
environmental chemicals or plastics products, continued
trend in societal demands for increasing levels
protection, health pressure for more stringent regulatory
of product safety, less plastic use, environmental
and safety laws and intervention and increased litigation. These
protection and recycling. These concerns have
regulations and consequences could also have an adverse effect
led to more restrictive regulations and could lead
increased concerns on Aramco’s business, financial position, results
to new regulations. They could also manifest
regarding the safe of operations and reputation.
themselves in shareholder proposals, delays or

2. R
use of chemicals and

failures in obtaining or retaining regulatory
plastics and their
potential impact on
the environment have
resulted in more
restrictive regulations
and could lead to
new regulations.

The mechanism The Concession requires Aramco to meet No assurance can be given that either
for equalization domestic demand for certain hydrocarbons, equalization mechanism will not be revoked or
compensation Aramco petroleum products and LPG through domestic amended on terms less favorable to Aramco than
receives from the production or imports. In addition, pursuant to the existing mechanism. In addition, in the event
Government in respect the Kingdom’s regulatory regime, Aramco is that the equalization price is less than the
of domestic sales of required to sell crude oil and certain refined regulated price, in the case of liquids, or the
certain hydrocarbons products to third parties in the Kingdom at the Blended Price is less than the Domestic Gas Price,
may be changed. Government’s regulated prices. The regulated in the case of natural gas, the difference would
prices for these products have historically be due from Aramco to the Government. Any

generated less revenue for Aramco than if such event could have a material adverse effect
the same products had been sold for export. on Aramco’s earnings, cash flow, financial
position and results of operations.
Pursuant to an equalization mechanism, the
Government compensates Aramco for the
revenue it directly forgoes as a result of selling
these products in the Kingdom at regulated
prices. Under this mechanism, Aramco receives
compensation for the difference between
regulated prices and equalization prices in

respect of such sales.

Furthermore, in the Kingdom, natural gas prices
are regulated by the Government and the price
that domestic customers pay is traditionally set
by the Council of Ministers. Effective September
17, 2019, the Government implemented an
equalization mechanism to compensate Aramco
for the revenue it directly forgoes as a result of
selling Regulated Gas Products in the Kingdom
at Domestic Gas Prices, in the event that the

6. A
Government does not adjust the Domestic Gas
Prices to meet the pricing of the gas projects in
order to ensure Aramco receives a commercial
rate of return on each project. Under this
mechanism, Aramco receives compensation
for the difference between Domestic Gas Prices
and Blended Prices in respect of such sales.

Risk factors continued

Legal and regulatory risks continued

Aramco is required Effective January 1, 2020, the tax rate applicable into an independent legal entity before
to separate its to Aramco’s downstream activities is, for a December 31, 2024. If Aramco does not comply
downstream business five-year period, the general corporate tax rate in separating its downstream business within this
into an independent of 20% that applies to all similar domestic five-year period and is not granted an extension,
legal entity within downstream companies under the Income Tax Aramco’s downstream business will be taxed
a certain time period Law, rather than the 50% to 85% multitiered retroactively on an annual basis for such
as a condition of the structure of income tax rates that previously five-year period in accordance with the
Government allowing applied to domestic oil and hydrocarbon multitiered tax rates applicable to domestic
the general corporate production companies. In order for the general oil and hydrocarbon production companies.
tax rate to apply corporate tax rate to apply to Aramco’s In such case, Aramco may be required to pay
to Aramco’s downstream business, Aramco is required to the difference in taxes due to the Government,
downstream business. separate its downstream activities (from the which could adversely affect its financial position.
oil and hydrocarbon production activities)

Risks related to the Kingdom

The Government The Government determines the Kingdom’s MSC was 12.0 million barrels of crude oil per
determines the maximum level of crude oil production in the day from January 1, 2019, to December 31, 2022.
Kingdom’s maximum exercise of its sovereign prerogative. Accordingly, In line with the Government’s 2020 mandate for
level of crude oil the Government may in its sole discretion MSC to be increased to 13.0 million barrels of
production and increase or decrease the Kingdom’s maximum crude oil per day, Aramco is proceeding with
target MSC. level of crude oil production at any time based its plans to reach the mandated MSC by 2027.
on its sovereign energy security goals or for Future increases in MSC could require Aramco to
any other reason, which may be influenced incur significant additional capital expenditures.
by, among other things, global economic and
The Government’s decisions regarding maximum
political conditions and their corresponding
level of crude oil production and MSC, and
impact on the Kingdom’s policy and strategic
Aramco’s costs of complying with such decisions,
decisions with respect to exploration,
may not maximize returns for Aramco. For
development and production of crude
example, Aramco may be precluded from
oil reserves.
producing more crude oil in response to either
In order to facilitate rapid changes in production a decrease or increase in prices, which may limit
volumes, the Government requires Aramco to its ability to generate additional revenue or to
maintain MSC in excess of its then current increase its production of downstream products.
production in accordance with the Hydrocarbons Any of these actions could have a material
Law and has the exclusive authority to set MSC. adverse effect on Aramco’s business, financial
MSC refers to the average maximum number of position and results of operations.
barrels per day of crude oil that can be produced
for one year during any future planning period,
after taking into account all planned capital
expenditures and maintenance, repair and
operating costs, and after being given three
months to make operational adjustments.
Aramco incurs substantial costs to maintain MSC
and has historically utilized a significant amount
of this spare capacity. However, there can be no
assurance that it will utilize spare capacity in the
future. The Government has decided in the past
and may in the future decide to increase MSC.
Saudi Aramco Annual Report 2022

Therefore, if the forecasted growth in domestic

If growth in domestic The Concession requires that Aramco meet
gas demand is less domestic demand for gas and, according to IHS demand for natural gas is less than expected,
than expected, Markit, domestic demand for gas is expected Aramco may not receive its expected return on
Aramco may not to grow by a CAGR of 4.0%. In response to the its gas infrastructure investments, which may
receive its expected expected increase in demand for gas in the have a material adverse effect on its business,
return on its gas Kingdom, Aramco is undertaking several projects financial position and results of operations.
infrastructure to grow its gas supply. Aramco’s gas infrastructure
investments. investment costs may include costs related to
well drilling, upgrades to existing facilities and
the construction of new facilities to handle

2. R
additional volumes, including gas processing
facilities, pipelines and distribution networks
including MGS, and storage facilities. Aramco
is compensated for its sales of natural gas to
domestic consumers based on usage.

The Kingdom’s public The oil sector accounted for 38.6% and 40.9% of Aramco’s results of operations could materially
finances are highly the Kingdom’s real GDP in the years ended affect the macroeconomic indicators of the

connected to the December 31, 2021 and 2022, respectively. In Kingdom, including GDP, balance of payments
hydrocarbon industry. addition, oil revenues accounted for 58.2% and and foreign trade and the amount of cash
68.2% of the Government’s total revenues in the available to the Government. A shortfall in
years ended December 31, 2021 and 2022, funding to the Government or a decision to seek
respectively.1 The Government is expected to more revenue from hydrocarbons may lead the
continue to rely on royalties, taxes, dividends Government to change the fiscal regime to which
from Aramco and other income from the hydrocarbon producers in the Kingdom, including
hydrocarbon industry for a significant portion of Aramco, are subject. Any such change could have
its revenue. Any change in crude oil, condensate, a material adverse effect on Aramco’s business,
NGL, oil product, chemical and natural gas prices financial position and results of operations.

or other occurrences that negatively affect

Political and social Aramco is headquartered and conducts much In addition, the majority of Aramco’s crude oil
instability and unrest of its business in MENA. The MENA region is production is exported using international supply
and actual or potential strategically important geopolitically and has routes. In particular, the Strait of Hormuz and the
armed conflicts in been subject to political and security concerns Suez Canal are key shipping routes for Aramco’s
MENA may affect and social unrest. For example, in recent years, crude oil and are located in areas subject to
Aramco’s results of a number of countries in the region have political or armed conflict from time to time. For

operations and witnessed significant social unrest, including example, in May 2019, four oil tankers, including

financial position. widespread public demonstrations and, in certain two owned by the National Shipping Company
cases, armed conflict, terrorist attacks, diplomatic of Saudi Arabia (Bahri), were sabotaged near the
disputes, foreign military intervention and Strait of Hormuz and, in July 2019, a British oil
change of government. Such social unrest and tanker was seized by Iranian forces in the Strait
other political and security concerns may not of Hormuz. In addition, in April and July 2018,
abate, may worsen and may spread to additional Yemen’s Houthi group attacked tankers operated
countries. Some of Aramco’s facilities, by the National Shipping Company of Saudi
infrastructure and reserves are located near the Arabia (Bahri) off the coast of Yemen. Any
borders of countries that have been or may be political or armed conflict or other event,

6. A
impacted. No assurance can be given that these including those described above, that impacts
political or security concerns or social unrest Aramco’s use of the Strait of Hormuz, Suez Canal
will not have a material adverse effect on or other international shipping routes could have
Aramco’s business, financial position and results a material adverse effect on Aramco’s business,
of operations. financial position and results of operations.

1. General Authority for Statistics, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Risk factors continued

Risks related to the Kingdom continued

Continued Moreover, the majority of Aramco’s assets and Furthermore, any of the events described above
operations are located in the Kingdom and may contribute to instability in MENA and may
Political and social
accordingly, may be affected by the political, have a material adverse effect on investors’
instability and unrest
social and economic conditions from time to time willingness to invest in the Kingdom or
and actual or potential
prevailing in or affecting the Kingdom or the companies that are based in the Kingdom,
armed conflicts in
wider MENA region. Any unexpected changes in which may in turn adversely affect the market
MENA may affect
political, social or economic conditions may have value of the shares.
Aramco’s results of
a material adverse effect on Aramco, which
operations and
could in turn have a material adverse effect on
financial position.
Aramco’s business, financial position and results
of operations or investments that Aramco has
made or may make in the future.

Aramco’s financial Aramco has determined that the U.S. Dollar is In addition, Aramco pays dividends to the
position and results its functional currency because a substantial Government, in its capacity as a shareholder
of operations may be amount of its products are traded in U.S. Dollars of the Company, in U.S. Dollars and to other
adversely affected if in international markets. A portion of Aramco’s shareholders in SAR. If the SAR is no longer
the Kingdom stops capital expenditures and operating expenses are pegged to the U.S. Dollar and the SAR were
pegging the SAR to denominated in Saudi Riyals, while a significant to become stronger relative to the U.S. Dollar,
the U.S. Dollar. portion of its revenues and long-term liabilities Aramco may be required to expend additional
are denominated in U.S. Dollars. The Saudi Riyal cash to fund its SAR denominated dividends.
has been pegged to the U.S. Dollar in the Such changes could have a material adverse
Kingdom since 1986. If the Kingdom’s policy effect on Aramco’s financial position.
of pegging the SAR to the U.S. Dollar were
to change in the future and the SAR were to
become stronger relative to the U.S. Dollar,
Aramco may experience an increase in the SAR
denominated costs of its operations. Such an
increase could have a material adverse effect
on Aramco’s business, financial position and
results of operations.
Saudi Aramco Annual Report 2022

The Government has directed, and may in the While these projects and initiatives have

The Government may
direct Aramco to future direct, Aramco to undertake projects or generally been of national importance to the
undertake projects provide assistance for initiatives outside Aramco’s Kingdom and in Aramco’s long-term commercial
or provide assistance core business in furtherance of the Government’s interests, they have often been outside of
for initiatives outside macroeconomic, social or other objectives, Aramco’s core businesses and have not always
Aramco’s core leveraging Aramco’s know-how, resources been consistent with its immediate commercial
business, which may and operational capabilities. For instance, the objectives or profit maximization. If the
not be consistent with Government has previously directed Aramco Government directs Aramco to undertake
Aramco’s immediate to develop and construct large infrastructure future projects other than on a commercial
commercial objectives projects and provide management, logistical and basis, Aramco’s financial position and

2. R
or profit maximization. other technical assistance for certain Government results of operation may be materially and
initiatives. The Concession requires that all adversely affected.
Aramco contracts with any Government agency
or any arrangement for the furnishing of
hydrocarbons, services or otherwise shall be
on a commercial basis and, on September 5,
2019, Aramco and the Government entered into
a framework agreement to govern the furnishing
of services by Aramco to the Government.

6. A


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