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Name: Axel Manuel Rosales Malpica

Teacher: Miguel Tupayachi

First text:
A friendship is someone who is not part of your family but shares moments and
emotions. They are with you at all times and always support you in any
situation. I will tell an anecdote that I had with a distant friend.
I remember that when we met, we were very shy, but time passed and we
became best friends. I have a memory of him, we enjoyed playing soccer.
Being invited by him one day to play soccer in a park near his house, I
remember that it was a memorable day since during the game I was injured and
he was the only one who helped me calm the pain of the injury, having been
helped by him meant a lot to me since at that time I didn't know what to do and
his help was amazing. Since that day I see him as a brother of another blood.
Having that memory, since that day we have not passed each other, we were
used to seeing each other every day, but one day he told me that he had bad
news for me and I but I took it as a joke, what I didn't know was that it was
actually bad. I tried to talk to his parents, but they insisted on clarifying the
situation and it was shocking for me since I didn't want to leave my friend. It was
a hard moment for me and since that day I haven't been able to see him and I
don't know anything about him but I always remember him as a great brother.
In conclusion, a friendship is the one that will always support you in good and
bad times, in addition to marking beautiful moments that are very difficult to
forget and the day they have to leave, it will hurt a little but you will always
remember those times with that person.
Second text:
Currently, there are many endangered species that cause some animals to die.
On this occasion I will talk about 2 species of animals that are in danger and
give some recommendations to avoid these problems that affect our fauna.
The white-winged guan in our country is being attacked because people destroy
its habitat, causing these species to not be able to get used to it and die shortly
after. For example, a white-winged guan needs to be in a dry climate to survive,
but lately its habitat is disappearing and so there are very few species of it left.
The forests where the only remaining species live were used to be used for
illegal logging, this caused there to be no restriction on these people and to this
day they continue to do so. Therefore, they need a keeper who is an expert in
these types of birds so that some of our Peruvian fauna can be conserved, it’s
totally necessary.
Continuing with the other species that is in danger are the Andean condors.
They are another type of birds that lives in the Andes Mountain range, hence
their peculiar name. The climate that these condors best adapt to are dry and
cold areas, they get used to these places because they are born there and
since they were little, they know what these temperatures are. Toxic baits are
responsible for the fact that they are in danger of disappearing. People who use
this type of tool handle them poorly and that causes these animals to die.
Therefore, to conclude, the animals must be cared for and protected in the best
way and the best recommendation that I would give is to take them to a zoo but
always giving them their freedom to move and good nutrition and implement
rules that involve the protection of these species. to avoid its extinction.


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