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ECON0054 Economics of Development: Research Component Guidelines

The research component of the ECON0054 "Economics of Development" course is a

critical part of the curriculum, designed to enhance students' understanding and
application of economic development principles. To ensure clarity and uniformity in this
task, the following guidelines are set:

1. Independent Submission: Irrespective of group membership, every student is

required to submit their research independently.
2. Individual Elements: Each student must craft their own conclusion, which is
mandatory. Additionally, students have the option to write their own introduction.
3. Uniform Main Body: Before submission, students should ensure that the main
body of their paper is identical to that of their peers. This includes sections such
as descriptive statistics, the model, regression results, and robustness checks.
Furthermore, the title of the paper must also be identical across the group.
4. Cover Page Requirements: The cover page, which is excluded from the final
word count, should adhere to the format provided (see attached example). If you
worked in a group, it is essential to include all peers' candidate numbers on the
cover page. This ensures proper attribution and recognition of each member's
5. Formatting and Length: The maximum length of the research paper is 10
pages. This limit includes all components except the cover page and
bibliography. The paper must be formatted in Arial font, size 12, and should be
single-spaced. We expect a maximum of 3,000 words not including maths,
figures, citations, and references. Adherence to these formatting guidelines is
crucial for standardization and ease of assessment.

Please ensure that your submission aligns with these guidelines for a successful
evaluation of the course.

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