Science Week 7

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School: Grade Level: IV

DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher: Learning Area: SCIENCE

Teaching Dates & Time: June 12-16, 2023 (Week 7) Quarter: FOURTH


A. Content Standards HOLIDAY Demonstrate understanding of the Demonstrate understanding of the Demonstrate understanding of the Demonstrate understanding of the
INDEPENDENCE DAY Sun as the main source of heat and Sun as the main source of heat and Sun as the main source of heat Sun as the main source of heat and
light on Earth light on Earth and light on Earth light on Earth
B. Performance Standards
C. Learning Competencies/ Describe the changes in the position Describe the changes in the position Describe the changes in the Describe the changes in the position
Objectives and length of shadows in the and length of shadows in the position and length of shadows in and length of shadows in the
( Write the Lode for each) surroundings as the position of the surroundings as the position of the the surroundings as the position of surroundings as the position of the
Sun changes Sun changes the Sun changes Sun changes

S4ES-IVh-9 S4ES-IVh-9 S4ES-IVh-9 S4ES-IVh-9

II. CONTENT Length of Shadows as the position Length of Shadows as the position of Length of Shadows as the position Length of Shadows as the position of
( Subject Matter) of the Sun Changes the Sun Changes of the Sun Changes the Sun Changes


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Material pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from Modules Modules Modules
Learning Resource LR
B. Other Learning Resources Audio-visual presentations, pictures Audio-visual presentations, pictures Audio-visual presentations,
A. Reviewing previous Lesson or Directions: Encircle the five different Directions: Arrange the following Look at the picture below and Summative Test/Weekly Progress
presenting new lesson sources of light that you can find in jumbled letters to form the hidden observe it properly. Answer the Check
the box. words. questions that follow. Write your
answer in your notebook.

1. What are the objects found in
the picture?
2. Which object produces light?
3. Does the light pass through the
tree? Why?
4. What is formed when the light is
5. Can the length of our shadows
determine the time of
the day?
B. Establishing a purpose for the Almost all living things rely on the The sun brightens the day for us to We receive the right amount of
lesson steady heat and light of the sun. see the things in our surroundings. heat from the sun to survive. What
What do you think will happen if What do you think will happen if there do you think will happen if there is
there is no light coming from the is no light coming from the sun.? no light coming from the sun.

C. Presenting examples/ Directions: Study the pictures below. Study each illustration. Answer the Study each illustration. Answer the
instances of the new lesson. Answer the questions briefly. questions that follow. Write questions that follow. Write the
the letter of your answer in your letter of your answer in your
notebook. notebook.

1. Which of these pictures of

shadow is formed at day time? At
night time?
2. How are shadows formed?
1. When the sun is high in the sky, 3. At what time of the day the
the shadow is __________? shadows are the shortest?
A. Shorter C. Bigger A. 9:00 am C. 6:00 pm
B. Longer D. Taller B. 2:00 pm D. 12: 00 noon
2. When the sun is low in the sky, the 4. What is the best time of the day
shadow is __________? can we do our outdoor
A. Shorter C. Bigger activities like playing?
B. Longer D. Taller A. Late morning and late afternoon
C. Noon and Midnight
B. Midmorning and midafternoon
D. Sunrise and sunset
5. Does the length and position of
shadows in the surroundings
affect our daily activities,
especially outdoor activities? Why
A. Yes, because we can determine
the time of the day.
B. No, because we can do our
activities even without
determining the shadows.
C. No, because we cannot do any
D. Yes, because we cannot
determine the time of the day.
D. Discussing new concepts and Shadow is a dark area formed when A. How are shadows formed?  Light rays travel in a straight line.
practicing new skills. #1 straight light rays are blocked by When light is blocked with
opaque objects. When light strikes an object, shadow will be formed.
on opaque object, they don’t allow  In the morning, as the sun rises or
light to pass through and form sets in the afternoon, it is low on
shadows. So, shadows are formed the horizon, its light rays are
when light strikes on opaque slanted as they hit the ground,
objects. longer shadows are formed. When
In a day, the position of the sun in Have you ever been followed by your the sun is high or nearly above the
relation to the earth changes (This is shadow? Or have you horizon, the sunlight strikes the
because the earth is rotating on its ever followed it? When there is no ground at nearly a right angle so a
axis). Therefore, the direction of the light there is no shadow. As light shorter shadow is formed. When
rays of the travels in a straight line, then it is the sun is directly above the
sun also changes hence, shadows blocked with an object, there is a horizon, the light rays of the sun
“move” or change in position. In the formation of shadows. The object strike directly above the object so
morning, as the sun rises or sets in does not let the light pass through it. no visible shadow is seen on the
the afternoon, it is low on the So, shadow is formed when light ground since the shadow of the
horizon, its light rays are slanted as travelling to a source is blocked. entire body would fit in the
they hit the ground, so longer  Based on the illustration, what footprints.
shadows are formed. When the sun object blocked the rays of the
is high or nearly above the horizon, sun?
the sunlight strikes the  What is formed?
ground at nearly a right angle so The tree blocked the rays of the sun
shorter shadows are formed. When which caused the
the sun is directly above the horizon, formation of the shadow.
the light rays of the sun strike
directly above the objects so no
visible shadow is seen on the
ground since the shadow of the
entire body would fit in its footprints.
E. Discussing new concepts and The Sun reaches its highest point at B. Why do shadows change in  The changes in the position and
practicing new skills #2. noon and then in the afternoon position and length? length of shadows in the
gradually sinks lower until it dips surroundings depend on the angle
below the horizon in the west. The at which the sunlight strikes the
sky darkens as the Sun sets and object to the ground.
night falls.  Difficult word:
Shadows are made by blocking Horizon - the line where the earth
light. Light rays travel from a source seems to meet the sky.
in straight lines. If an opaque (solid) Study the picture above. Answer the
object gets in the way, it stops light questions that follow.
rays from traveling through it. This 1. Describe the shadow of the pole at
results in an area of darkness 8:00am, 10:00 am, and
appearing behind the object. The 12:00 noon?
dark 2. At what time is the shadow of the
area is called a shadow. pole longest? Why is this so?
3. At what time is the shadow
shortest? Why?

The length of the shadows varies

during the day. In the morning, the
light rays are slanted, so the shadow
is long. Even in the afternoon, the
shadow is also long because the
light rays are slanted. At noon, when
the sun is directly above, the
shadow is very short. Therefore, the
changes in position and length of
shadow depend on the angle at
which the sunlight strikes the object
to the ground.
F. Developing Mastery Directions: Read each item Directions: Write True if the statement Directions: Read and understand
(Lead to Formative Assessment carefully. Choose the letter of the is correct and False if the questions. Write the letter of
3) correct answer. not. Do it in your notebook. the correct answer in your
1. What is the main source of light? ________ Light rays travel in a notebook.
A. Sun C. Candle zigzag line. 1. Which of the pictures below will
B. Bulb D. Flashlight ________ When the light rays cannot form a shadow?
2. What is formed when an opaque pass through an object, there is the
object or material is placed in the formation of shadow.
path of rays of ________ The shadow is shortest
light? when the sun is high in the sky.
A. Heat C. Shadow ________ The shadow is longest
B. Light D. Sunlight when the sun is low in the sky. 2. What happens when a light ray
3. Why are shadows black in color? ________ The length and position of cannot pass through an
Shadows are black because of shadow will not change as the sun object/material?
___________. changes its position. A. The object creates a dark spot.
A. absence of the light B. The object creates a shadow.
C. absence of heat C. The object creates a reflection.
B. presence of light D. The object creates a light spot.
D. presence of heat
4. When the sun is high or nearly 3. Which of these pictures is the
above the horizon and the sunlight correct position of the shadow?
strikes the
ground, what shadow is formed?
A. Shorter C. none
B. longer D. long and short
5. In the morning, the light rays are
slanted, what shadow is formed?
A. Long C. none
B. short D. short and wide

G. Finding practical application of Directions: Let’s find out how many Directions: Fill the missing words. Directions: Read and understand
concepts and skills in daily of these words can you find in the Choose your answers from the the questions. Write the letter of
living box. words printed in the flashlight. Do it in the correct answer in your
your notebook. notebook.
1. What is the position of the sun
Light and Shadow when the shadow is shortest?
Light travels in a (1) _____________
line from a source of light that
bounces off an object. When an
object blocks out the (2) _________,
a (3) ___________ is formed.
Shadows are (4) __________ at A. The shadow is shortest when
midday and (5) _____________ at the sun is directly above an
the beginning and end of the day. object.
B. The shadow is shortest when
the sun is low in the sky.
C. The shadow is shortest when
the sun is high in the sky.
D. The shadow is shortest when
the sun is hiding behind the cloud.
2. What is the position and length
of a shadow at different
times of the day?

A. The position and length of

shadows change.
B. The position and length of
shadows do not change.
C. The position and length of
shadows remain the same.
D. The position and length of
shadows stay in one place.
H. Making Generalizations and A shadow is a dark (real image) A shadow is a dark (real image) area A shadow is a dark (real image)
Abstraction about the Lesson. area where light from a light source where light from a light source is area where light from a light source
is blocked by an opaque object. It blocked by an opaque object. It is blocked by an opaque object. It
occupies all the three-dimensional occupies all the three-dimensional occupies all the three-dimensional
volume behind an object with light in volume behind an object with light in volume behind an object with light
front of it. The cross section of a front of it. The cross section of a in front of it. The cross section of a
shadow is a two-dimensional shadow is a two-dimensional shadow is a two-dimensional
silhouette, or a reverse projection of silhouette, or a reverse projection of silhouette, or a reverse projection
the object blocking the light. the object blocking the light. of the object blocking the light.
I. Evaluating Learning Directions: Answer the following Directions: Read each item carefully. Directions: Take a picture showing
questions. Choose the letter of the correct shadows at daytime. Describe or
1. How does the size of a shadow answer. give your best
change when the light source is 1. When an object blocks the light, caption about shadows and send it
closer to it? what is formed? in our FB messenger group chat.
2. How does the size of a shadow A. A reflection
change when the light source is B. A illumination
further away C. A shadow
from it? D. A refraction
3. What time of day are shadows the 2. When an object moves closer to a
smallest? light source, its shadow...
A. Changes shape
B. Gets bigger
C. Stays the same size
D. Gets smaller
3. Why do shadows make by the Sun
move over the course of a day?
A. Because the weather changes
B. Because someone moves the
C. Because the sun appears to move
across the sky
D. Because it's magic!
4. When the Sun is behind you, your
shadow is ___________.
A. behind you
B. Next to you
C. At the side of you
D. in front of you
5. Shadows made by the Sun are
A. In the morning, when the sun is
B. At midday, when the sun is directly
C. In the evening when the sun is
D. Never. It stays the same length all
the time
J. Additional Activities for
Application or Remediation

A. No. of learners earned
80%in the evaluation.

B. No. of learners who required

additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lesson
work? No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson.

D. No. of learner who continue

to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why did
these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal or
supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I used/discover
which I wish to share with other

Prepared by:
Checked by:

Teacher III
School Principal I

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