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DE-7/2014/21 @ Maximum : 100 marks Time : 1% hours Generally, the control of erime and the maintenance of law and order, the Police force of a district will be under the control of (A) _ Inspector General of Police (B) Dy. Inspector General of Police (© Superintendent of Police DP) District Collector Any Army personnel suspected to be a deserter from the Army and also personnel who are found travelling without authority from their Army Unit can be arrested by W) Any Police Officer (B) Officer of the Rank of Circle Inspector (©) Officer of the rank of Dy. Superintendent of Police (@) Officer of the rank of Superintendent of Police Reply to the communications in regional language received from Public should be given in : (A) English only GB) Regional language only (©) National language (D) Either (A) or (C) How many copies of finger or foot impression of a dead body is to be taken for examination? @) Five (8) Four © Two _) Three The discretion of the Station House Officer to abstain him from investigation of a cognizable offence is mentioned in : ~(A) Rule 315(1) of Kerala Police Manuel (B) Rule 157 of KPM (©) Rule 117 of KPM (Dy Rule 140 of KPM ‘The circumstances to which a Police officer can register an FIR : (A) Reporting of a complaint to Police station » 4B) On the basis of a preliminary enquiry conductéd in connection with a cognizable offence reported (©) Telephonic message/other message from higher authority (D) Offices have the power to register FIR against any person without orders from any source ‘Sub Divisional Police Officer is known as : (A) Superintendent of Police (B) Dy Inspector General of Police {©) Deputy Superintendent of Police (D) Circle Inspector of Police 3 [P.-T.0] 8. Railway warrants will be accepted by : (A) Station masters B) Booking clerks (© Railway Police ) Both (A) and ®) a 9. Police Family Welfare centres are organized in every districts for the benefit of : éA) Women folk (B) Retired Police personnel (©) Children of the Police Force (D) Disabled Police personnel 10, Police must invariably make sure the presence of where a breach of the peace necessitating the use of force is anticipated. A) Magistrate (B) Judge (© Panchayath President ) Medical Officer 11, A missing person who is traced out by Police should be handed over to the guardian only ~" after getting the orders of : (A) Superintendent of Police (B) Station House Officer (©) Director General of Police @) Magistrate 12. The responsibility of Police officer in dealing with the Air Craft Accident is mentioned in : (A) Rule 108 of PSO AB) Rule 465 of PSO (©) Rule 582 of PSO ) Rule 486 of PSO 13, Air Craft Nationality mark denoting India is : () vr @®) PL © H @) Yi 14. Dacoity comes in the category of : (A) Ordinary crime (B) Simple crime (CY Grave crime (D) Crime of special nature 15. Special Investigation Support ‘Team (SIST) is a part of : (A) Special Branch CID <) Crime Branch CID (©) Vigilance (@) District Police 16. Which of the following particulars should be included in the Railway Warrant? (A) Name and number of Police Officer and nature of duty (B) Reasons for travelling by mail train (©) _In the case of transfer, whether it waé on public grounds or at the request of the officer or for misconduct _@) Allof these DE-7/2014/21 4 B 1. 18. 19. 21. 22. should verify the cash book, while on their visit to Police Stations. (A) Sub Inspector (B) Dy. Superintendent of Police AO) Circle Inspector (D) Superintendent of Police Under the Dangerous Drugs Act Police Officers not below the rank of ————— are ‘empowered to enter and search a private place and seize any incriminating articles. 4A) Head constable (B) Sub Inspector of Police (©) Circle Inspector of Police (D) Dy. Superintendent of Police ‘The officer nominated as member of Discharged Prisoners Aid Society and rescue Home in Districts is (A) Superintendent of Police, district (B) Dy. Superintendent of Police sub division (©) Dy. Inspector General Range (D) Inspector General, Zone Under Fisheries Act 1950, the person committing offences can be arrested without warrant by: (A) Dy. Superintendent of Police B) Clof Police (©) STof Police QP) Any Police Officer Person to be arrested under a bailable warrant to give bail should: (A) Be compelled to come to the Police station 4B) Not be compelled to come to the Police station ‘ (©) Forcibly taken to the station (D) Not be taken action ‘The officer responsible for taking a decision as to when an unlawful assembly to be dispersed by force is : (A). Superintendent of Police (B) Dy. Superintendent of Police (© Commandant @) Magistrate Deserted Army Personnel arrested by Police will be sent to the nearest : () Jail ®) Military unit ~(C) Magistrate (D) None of the above Head constables and constables proceeding on leave should invariably furnish the leave application with passports in form number : KPF 120 @) KPF 121 KPF 76 (@) KPF 74 5 DE-7/2014/21 [P.7.0] 25,) Police officers are entitled to get pay advance while on their transfer according to the system Oe (A) One month pay to be recovered in 6 monthly instalments §8) One month pay to-be recovered in 3 monthly instalments (©) Three months pay to be recovered in 6 monthly instalments (D) One month pay to be recovered in 12 monthly instalments 26," To report the defect of vehicles the form number used is : MA) KPF41B ®) KPF4I1C (©. KPF 14 @®) KPF 140 27, In the case of all bailable offences, bail granted is considered as : A) aright (B) a favour (© ahelp () a forcible arrangement 28, Under Explosive Act, the power of search and seizure of Explosives is vested with : (A) Officer of and above the rank of Dysp (B) Officer of and above the rank of CI of Police (©) Officer of and above the rank of Head Constable ~(D) Officer of and above the rank of Sub Inspector of Police 29. The report on refusal of admission to destitute persons in hospitals are to be filed before : A) First Class Magistrate (B) Superintendent of Police, District (© _Dysp, sub division (D) Executive Magistrate 30. Ina forest offence, the authority to arrest a criminal is vested with : (A) Deputy Superintendent of Police B) Circle Inspector of Police (C) Superintendent of Police ) Any Police Officer 31. Railway warrants can be used by all officers of and below the rank of for their official journey. (A) Circle Inspector of Police (B) Sub Inspector of Police (©) Dy. Superintendent of Police () Superintendent of Police 32. Boat warrants are issued to officers for travel by boat on duty. (A) Gazetted Officers $B) Non gazetted officers (©) None of these () Allof these (83) Application for extension of leave should be made at least days prior to the expiry of the leave availed. 3 (A) 20 days (B) 15 days ©) 10 days (D) 30 days DE-7/2014/21 6 B 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. Police officers in charge of prisoners will not keep them hand cuffed in court except (A) Juvenile offenders B) Specific orders from court (©) Sick prisoners under treatment () Violent or dangerous prisoners Under section 9 of the Indian Explosive Act, all accidents referred to in Section 8 other than under the control of Indian Armed forces, an enquiry is ordered by : A) Magistrate (®) Superintendent of Police (© Chief Inspector of explosives (D) DIG of Police Section 63 of Copy rights Act “persons committing infringement” is not cognizable by Police and offences under the Act are triable only by a: (A) District Judge _(B) First Class Magistrate (© Second Class Magistrate ) High Court It is authorized to drive the Department vehicle by = (A) Driver or Cleaner (®B) Station House Officer (C) All Police men having driving license (D) All of these Request for Passport to outside state subordinate officers should furnish the details in form number : (A) KPF No. 101 6) KPFNo. 1214 (C) KPF No. 125 (D) KPF No. 200 FIR shall be prepared by carbon process and the first copy to be sent : (A) To the Circle Inspector of Police (B) To the DYSP (©) Supt of Police _@) The Magistrate Charge sheet filed to court under security section (sec107 to 110 of CRPC) are to be countersigned by : (A) The Officer not below the rank of the Sub Inspector (B) The Officer not below the rank of Circle Inspector (©) The Officer not below the rank of DYSP (D) The Officer not below the rank of Superintendent of Police ‘Under the Kerala Goods Act 6 of 1963, the offences committed are considered as: 1A) Cognizable offence (®B) Non cognizable offence (C) Simple crime @) Petty case 7 DE-7/2014/21 [P.7.0) 42. Certificates and reports regarding maintenance of conveyance by Gazette Officers is ‘mentioned in (A) Rule 18 of Kerala Police Manual (B) Rule 437 of Kerala Police Manual (©) Rule 439 of Kerala Police Manual Sh Rule 617 of Kerala Police Manual 43. The untouchability (offences) Act came into force in : (A) 1946 @) 1951 O) 1955 @) 1960 44) The details of Suppression of Immoral Traffic Act 104 of 1956 is mentioned in :

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