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DE-07/2013/21 5. 7, Maximum : 100 marks ‘Time : 1 % hours Retention period of Medical History sheet (A) Lyear ®) 3 years (©) 5years (@) None of the above ‘The charge sheet filed by court under “Security sections” is to be counter signed by : (A) An officer not below the rank of Deputy Supdt of Police (B) An officer not below the rank of Circle Inspector (©) An officer not below the rank of Sub Inspector (D) An officer not below the rank of Supdt of Police Which of the following substances are not used for developing latent finger prints ? (A) Aluminium Powder {B) Magnesium Powder (©) Graphite Powder D) Charcoal Powder An outpost is managed by (A) Sub Inspector {B) Head Constable (©) Circle Inspector (D) Constable Death of any prisoner in jail should be inquested by = (A) dail Supat (B) Director General of Police - Jail (0) Magistrate (D) Supdt of Police of district ‘Under Habitual Offenders Act 1960 restriction on the movement of offenders within a specified area is imposed by government for a period of : (A) 6 months (B) lyear © 2years D). 3 years Boat warrants are issued to officers for travel by boat on duty : (A) Gazette (B) Non-gazette (© None of these D) Allof these In Cash book maintained in Police stations, the opening balance, receipts and closing balance should be entered in ———— ink colour : (A) Black (®) Blue © Green (DY Red [P.7.0] 9. Under Section 154 CrPC, recording of information of a cognizable offence in FIR is in Form No: MA) KPF 25 (B) General Form 45, (© KPF41 ©) KPF 15 10. ‘The muskets should be used on the following occasions : (A) Patrolling station yards, goods shed ete (B) Escorting running goods train (©) Escorting prisoners \(D). All of the above 11. Departmental vehicles may be hired out in the following cases : (A) For carrying servants and personal effects of police officers on transfer (B) When requested by other government departments for official use (© For use in connection with organized sports (D) Allof the above 12. Who should verify the cash book in police stations in their visit ? (A) Sub Inspector (B) Deputy Supdt of Police (CF Circle Inspector () Supdt of Police 13. Which of the following classes of criminals are registered as RCS. in Railway intelligence of Bureau? (A) Abad character that had convictions in more than one Railway Police Station (B) AK.D. or suspect registered in a local Police Station who is convicted in a railway crime (©) Any person whose activities due to special reasons are ordered by Supdt of Police to be watched @) Allof these 14, FIR shall be prepared by carbon process and the first copy is to be sent t (A) Cirele Inspector of Police (B) Deputy Supdt of Police (©) Magistrate D) Supdt of Police 15. Normally by the ————., jail authorities should sent printed release lists of convicts due to be released to the Inspector General of Police (A) 25%of every month (B) Every Monday (©) 1 of every month () 15" of every month, 16. Unclaimed property in railway coaches should be handed over to —— for disposal : (A) Railway Police Station (B) Guards of train (CY Station Master () Railway Protection Force DE-07/2013/21 4 B 17. Messages of which priority is used in conveying information related to natural calamities ? (A) Crash AB) Most Immediate (©) Immediate @) Ordinary 18. The vehicle stock register is maintained in which office ? (4) AR Camp BY District Police Office (©) Police Station (D) Deputy Supdt of Police Office 19. Which of the following comes under minor offense against property ? (A) Rash cut causing hurt or endangering life (B) Dacoity and preparation for dacoity (©) Administering of stupefying drugs to cause hurt (DY Cheating 20. How frequently should police personnel be medically examined ? (A) Yearly once (BY Once in 2 years (C) Once in 3 years () Halfyearly 21. FIR with mahazer in original is prepared under The Matches Act / Excise Duty Act shall be sent urgently to (A) Deputy Supdt of Police (8) Excise Commissioner (©). Excise Inspector (D) Supdt of Police 22. Sub-division is divided into : (A) Range ®) District (C) Circle (@) Police Station 23. Which of the following does not come under monthly maintenance task ? US) Check engine and control of motor vehicle (B) Check to see if mileage task is due (©) Check of lubrication for engine, cluteh, pedal bearing ete (D) General check for tightness 24. Which of the following members of the police officers are eligible for medical treatment ? (A) Legitimate children (B) Step children (©) Parents wholly dependent on them — (D)v All of these 25. In all grave crimes the gist of occurrence should be sent as express report to AY Supdt of Police concerned B) Director General of Police (©) Inspector General of Police concerned (D) Deputy Inspector General concerned B 5 DE-07/2013/21 IP.7.0.] 26. In case of request for passport to outside state, sub-ordinate officer must furnish in form VA KPF 121A (B) KPF 125 (© KPF 2008 ©) KPF 130 27. General Conviction Register in KPF No should be maintained separately in each Police Station for prohibition offences. (@) 107A @) 174A © 7A @) 464 28, Orders of competent magistrate should be obtained for keeping the prisoner under custody for a period of more than ———— hours. @ 4 ®) 10 © 2 @) 24 29. In which of the following months, the crime abstract is not prepared for the proceeding quarter of the calendar year ? (A) January (B) April (©) August ©) October 30, How often is the lubrication of arms & weapons done by armourers ? (Ay Once in a month (B) Once in 2 months (©) Once in 8 months (D) Once in a week 31, ——— is responsible to ensure that all main links are working in proper frequencies and to scrutinize the daily radio traffic. (A) Radio Supervisor (B) Radio technician (© Radio operator (D) Sub Inspector Communication - 82. Who is responsible to watch women compartment and each stopping place to ensure that nobody is travelling on foot boards in case of railways ? (A). Mufti Men (By Beat Constables (© Platform Staff D) Detective staff 88. Discretion of the Station House Officer to abstain him from investigation of a cognizable offense is mentioned in : (A) Rule 130 (1) of Police Manual (B) Rule 157 of Police Manual (©) Rule 315 (1) of Police Manual (D) Rule 120 of Police Manual DE-07/2013/21 6 B 34. 35. 36. ° 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. ‘The aircraft nationality mark denoting to India is (A) PI (B) VI (© HI @) VT Special Investigation supporting Team (SIST) is a part of : (A) SBCID (By CBCID (©) Vigilance ©) District Police Minimum strength of Police guard in the escort of two and not more than 4 prisoners are : (A) One Head Constable and two Police Constables (B) One Head Constable and one Police Constable (© Two Head Constables DP) Two Police Constables Which of the following can be prefixed to their ranks for the inspectors while serving in Crime Branch Criminal Investigation Department ? (A) Circle Inspector {B) Detective Inspector (©) Reserve Inspector (D) Armed Police Inspector Refusal to be photographed will constitute an offense under which section of IPC ? (A) Section 180 IPC 4B) Section 320 IPC (©) Section 306 IPC 4D) Section 186 IPC The officer empowered to investigate the offenses under Kerala Lime Shells Act 1958 is (A) of and above Deputy Supdt of Police By" of and above Circle Inspector (©) of and above Sub Inspector (D) of and above Head Constable The report on refusal of admission to destitute person is to be filed before : (QA First Class Magistrate (B) Deputy Supdt of Police (©) Executive Magistrate (D) Supat of Police District In all cases of missing person registered and the said person is traced out, the missing person should be handed over to their guardian only on the order of : JA) Magistrate (B) Supat of Police (© Station House Officer (D) Director General of Police 7 DE-07/2013/21 [P.7.0.) 42. 43. 44, 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. Identification of Fire Arms & Ammunition comes under which section of Forensic Science Laboratory ? (A) Physics ®) Chemistry (© Biology B) Ballistics is used to clean the fingers of dead bodies before taking finger prints, (A) Water SBF Methylated Spirit © oi ) Lotion The District Intelligence Bureau is under the direct control of = (A) Deputy Supdt of Police (BY Supdt of Police (C) Deputy inspector General (D) Inspector General of Police Arrest of military deserters is mentioned in Rule : (A) 127 of PSO ®) 110 CrPC (C) 130 0f PSO (DB) 327 of PSO Which of the following is strictly prohibited for railway police ? (A) Purchase or sale of railway tickets (B) Correction of excess fare demanded from passengers (©) Maintenance of law and order and prosecution of cases DY Both (A) & (B) How frequently is the mileage test of vehicle done ? ) Once in a year B) Once ina month (©) Once in 3 months @) Once in a week The arrest of MLA’s and MP’s is mentioned in : QS Rule 328 of PSO (B) Rule 338 of PSO (© Rule 128 of PSO (@) Rule 125 of PSO Register of KPF 89 A should be maintained in Police Stations to verify : & Ex-convicts (B) Crime Chart ) Bad characters D) History sheets Authority to arrest a criminal in a forest offense is A) Any Police Officer () Sub Inspector (©) Deputy Supdt of Police ©) Circle Inspector DE-07/2013/21 8 B 51. Police Motor Transport Unit will adhere to the provisions of (A) Motor Vehicles Act (B) Kerala Motor Vehicles Rule OF Both (A) & B) (D) None of these 52. Deputy Supdt of Police Arms comes under which service of Police Establishment ? (A) Kerala Police Service (B) Kerala Police Subordinate Service (©) All India Service (D) None of these 53. Malabar Special Police comes under (A) Mounted Police ®) City Police Unit (@) Armed Police Battalion (D) District Armed Reserve 54. Statement of witnesses examined during the investigation should not be signed by (A) _ Investigating officer \B) Witnesses (©) Panchayat Member (D) A Prominent Person 55. Public Prosecutor conducts prosecution for giving advice to : (A) The State (B) The Court (©) The Individual @D) The Corporation 56. Offences coming under untouchability act are treated as MA) Cognizable & compoundable (B) Cognizable only (©) Non cognizable ©) Ordinary 57. Finger print searcher will undergo training for a period of : (A), Lyear (B) 1 year and 6 months Cf 6 months () 9 months 58. Promotion roles are sent to Departmental Promotion board in the month of : (A) January (B) March My April @) June 59. Prevention of cruelty to Animals Act came into force in (A) 1946 (B) 1958 (©) 1959 @y 1960 B 9 DE-07/2013/21 [P.1.0] 60. 61. 62. 63. 64, 65. 66. What is called “select list” ? {A _ List of officers fit for promotion in the next higher rank prepared in the manner prescribed for each category. (B) List of officers fit for promotion in the next higher rank in the order of efficiency (© _ List of officers fit for promotion in the next higher rank according to their length of service @) List of officers fit for promotion in the next higher rank according to the recommendation of next superior officers ‘The name of people who is arrested or whose arrest is no longer required will be published and known as ——_—— ist. A A @® B © Cc @) D The books, premises and stocks of licensed manufacturers and vendors of explosives are to be inspected by police officers SAY Once in a quarter (B) Once ina half year (C) Once in an year () Once in two years Which of the following day of the week is allotted for cleaning of rifles ? (A) Monday (B) Wednesday © Friday (D) Thursday ‘Mention the place at which the 1* grade operators course for wireless operators is conducted : SAY New Delhi (B) Hyderabad (© Chennai (D) Kolkata Which of the following statement is correct regarding the confidential report of a retired officer ? (A) Confidential report is handed over to a retired officer (B) Confidential report of a retired officer will be destroyed after 5 years of retirement (© Confidential report of a retired officer is maintained by appointment authority indefinitely (D) None of these ‘Travelling allowance bills will be prepared by Station House Officer and forwarded directly to: (A) District Police office (B) Circle Inspectors office (C) Deputy Supdt of Police Office (D) Deputy Inspector General's Office DE-07/2013/21 10 B 67. 68. 69. 70. a 72: 73. 74. 15. All District Armed Reserves are to be mobilized once in a year for ——_—— ays. MAY 15 (B) 20 © 2% @) 30 Under Petroleum Act 1934 licensed places where petroleum is stored should be inspected once in a quarter by : (A) Station House Officer (B) Circle Inspector (©) Supdt of Police (D) Deputy Supdt of Police Robbery done by five or more people is called : (A) dacoity B) violence (©) burglary (D) none of these Police officer on arrival at a place where the body of the deceased is lying would : (A) Prevent taking photographs of the body (B) Prevent destruction of evidence (C) Prevent crowding around the scene and obliteration of foot steps \@) Both (B) & © ‘The examination of witness in court is governed by the provisions in (A) _Indian Police Act (B) Indian Penal Code (@) Indian Evidence Act (D) Constitution of India History sheets of Dossier criminals are written in: (A) KPF 170 (B) KPF 134 (Cy) KPF174C (@) KPF 200 Unclaimed properties of people who die in public road are sent to disposal to (A) District Police Officer ®)_ Police Station (©) Deputy Supdt of Police office (D) Executive Magistrate Personal file will be maintained for officers of and above the rank of (A) Head Constable (B) Police Constable © (©) Sub Inspector (D) Circle Inspector What is the scale of ammunition for practicing Armed Police Battalions for each trained constable ? (A) 30 rounds per annum (B) 25 rounds per annum (©) 50 rounds per annum (D) 65 rounds per annum un DE-07/2013/21 (P.7.0] 16. 71. 8. (er 80. 81. 82. ‘The T.0.0 stands for & (A) Time of Offense \)_ Time of Origin (©) Time of Order (D) Time of Occurrence What is the minimum year of service required for recommendation of Police Medal ? (A) 10 years (B) 20 years QO years D) Twenty Five years What is the minimum and maximum period of reduction to lower rank in seniority list ? (A) Six months, one year ‘BY Six month, two year (C) Three months, one year (D) Three months, six months ‘Mention the period of probation fixed for Police Constables : (A), A period of one year on duty within a continuous period of two years <@®) Two years on duty within a Continuous period of three years (© A period of one year continuous duty (D) Period of two years continuous duty ‘The authority to inspect the houses of licensed arms holders, once in a year is, (A) Head constable (B) Deputy Supdt of Police (Gj Station House Officer (D) Supdt of Police Where is the training for Head Constables in field crafts and tactical exercises arranged ? (A), Police Training College (B) Central Police Training College (©) MSP and SAP (D) Central detective School Who performs the Kit Inspection and how frequently is it done ? (A) Circle Inspector once in every six months (B) Circle Inspector once in a month ~4©) Station House Officer onee in a quarter year (D) Station House Officer once in every month 83. Retention period of ‘Tapal Book’ is years. (A), One @®) Two

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