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Career Research Paper – Assignment Information

All students enrolled in Agricultural Education will have an SAE through SAE for All, also known
as a Foundational SAE. For more information on SAEs, please the SAE Teaching & Grading
Plan. Other Foundational assignment choices can be found within this document.

Successful completion of this assignment will count for 15 out of 25 required points within the
career exploration and planning area. Successful completion is defined as 70% or higher. For
this assignment, you must earn 10.5/15 points based on the below rubric to earn the 15 points
toward your career exploration and planning area score.


Identify a career of interest to you. (This does not have to be an agriculture-related career.)
Before beginning your research, you may choose to discuss your idea with Ms. L. If you do this,
she will do her best to provide additional resources that may aid in your research. Review each
of the required components and their details before beginning research. Proceed to research
your career.

After completing your research, write a 1.5-page, double-spaced paper in 12-point Times New
Roman or Arial font on your findings. Before submitting your paper on Canvas, again review the

All class grading policies apply to this assignment. After receiving your assignment grade and
feedback, you are welcome to resubmit the assignment within one week (five full academic
days) and earn back credit, up to full credit.
Career Research Paper – Rubric
Required Components
Details of Career
- Identify career, pathway, and cluster
- Describe work responsibilities and duties
Education/ Training
- Identify and describe education or training required
- Identify and describe potential sites for this training
Skills & Aptitudes
- Identify and describe required skills for the job
- Identify and describe useful skills for the job
- Identify and describe personal characteristics useful for the job
Expected Income or Salary
- Identify average salary or hourly wage
- Identify high and low incomes
- Include possible benefits
Unsatisfactory – 0 Needs Improvement – 1 Good – 2 Excellent – 3

Details of No information provided Only a brief mention of required Includes some information on Includes thorough detail on
on required components. components. OR Missing 1 both required components but all required components.
Career required component. lacks detail.

Education/ No information provided Only a brief mention of required Includes some information on Includes thorough detail on
on required components. components. OR Missing 1 both required components but all required components.
Training required component. lacks detail.

Skills & No information provided Required components are only Includes some information on Includes thorough detail on
on required components. mentioned with no detail. OR all required components but all required components.
Aptitudes Missing 2 required components. lacks detail. OR Missing 1
required component.

Expected No information provided Required components are only Includes some information on Includes thorough detail on
on required components. mentioned with no detail. OR all required components but all required components.
Income or Missing 2 required components. lacks detail. OR Missing 1
Salary required component.

General More than 10 spelling Between 6 and 10 spelling and/or Between 3 and 5 spelling Less than 5 spelling and/or
and/or grammar errors. grammar errors. OR Does not and/or grammar errors. Meets grammar errors. Meets or
Mechanics Does not meet the meet the 1.5-page, the 1.5-page, double-spaced exceeds the 1.5-page,
1.5-page, double-spaced double-spaced length minimum. length minimum. double-spaced length
length minimum. minimum.

Comments: __________________________________________________________________

Details of Career ____/ 3 Skills & Aptitudes ____/ 3

Education/ Training ____/ 3 Expected Income or Salary ____/ 3
General Mechanics ____/ 3
Total ____/ 15

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