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Enhancing the Students’ Grammar Comprehension by Utilizing

the Video-based Instruction

Yella Dezas Perdani
Language Center, Computer Science Department, Faculty of Humanities, Bina Nusantara University, Bandung Campus,
Jl. Kebon Jati No.218, Kb. Jeruk, Kec. Andir, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia 40181

ABSTRACT and education. They also stated that this pandemic situation puts
The study investigated the impact of VBI on student grammar many countries worldwide in a recession state and struggling with
comprehension. The purpose of the study was to examine the ef- rising unemployment.
fectiveness of VBI in enhancing students’ grammar comprehension Moreover, an increasing gap in this recent outbreak of the Covid-
as well as the students’ perspectives on using VBI in the classroom. 19 pandemic also happens in the education sector. Reference [2]
This study employed a quantitative pre-experimental one-group reported that the situation had created educational fusses such as
pre-test and post-test research design. A pre-test, post-test, and teaching and learning disruptions, lessening access to education
questionnaire were used to answer the research questions. It was facilities like schools and universities, and student debts because of
conducted at one university in Indonesia, with the participation of their parents’ economic condition. Moreover, there are differences
forty students. The result showed that VBI could enhance students’ in the education arrangement that was initially face-to-face inter-
grammar comprehension as the post-test score of the students was action in the classroom before the Covid19 pandemic to completely
higher than their pre-test score. It indicated that the video-based in- non-classroom learning that most lecturers and instructors use
struction provided students with quality instruction. Moreover, four online learning by using applications such as WhatsApp, YouTube,
students’ perspectives after VBI implementation were presented. and Google Forms applications [3]. It is also stated by [4] that there
First, the VBI provided was informative that it assisted them to is a substitute condition that the teaching-learning process needs
comprehend the grammar materials. Second, VBI was easy to be to be transferred from face-to-face classroom activity to online
accessed at any time and from anywhere. Third, VBI given was classroom activity to avoid the spread of the virus.
interesting material. The final point was that VBI met the video Then, because the students should stay at home and forbid com-
quality expectations. To sum up, this learning media effectively ing to school, many lecturers use technology to ensure the con-
improves the students’ grammar comprehension. tinuation of the teaching-learning process during the Covid-19
pandemic. According to [2], there is an urgent need for lecturers
CCS CONCEPTS and students to adopt technology and increase their digital skills
to continue the teaching-learning process. In Indonesia, the edu-
• Applied computing; • E-learning;
cation policy comes from the Ministry of Education that there is
a change from usual learning to distance learning because both
lecturers and students are forbidden to go outside in pandemic
Covid19, grammar proficiency, online learning, video-based instruc- situations. As a result, the learning tools are also changed, such
tion as curriculum syllabus, lesson plan, teaching techniques, and me-
ACM Reference Format: dia. The challenge must be improving since the covid19 pandemic
Yella Dezas Perdani. 2022. Enhancing the Students’ Grammar Compre- when lecturers and students cannot meet face-to-face and do the
hension by Utilizing the Video-based Instruction. In 2022 14th Interna- teaching-learning process in the classroom. Based on the finding of
tional Conference on Education Technology and Computers (ICETC 2022), [5] and [6], some challenges are faced by the lecturers and students
October 28–30, 2022, Barcelona, Spain. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 6 pages. in the teaching-learning process with online way. The most com- mon problem is the unsteady network caused by the difficulty in
listening and understanding the lecturers’ explanations. The lousy
1 INTRODUCTION internet connection happens both to the lecturers and students.
Presently, a coronavirus pandemic has spread worldwide, also After that, as in [7] other challenges in applying online learning
known as the Covid19 pandemic. According to [1], the Covid19 are choosing a friendly learning platform, the student’s motivation
virus has reached almost every country worldwide and disturbed and engagement, and the time-consuming preparation to prepare
practically all sectors of human life, such as the economy, health, online learning materials. The lecturers should be able to develop
representative digital platforms, design appropriate materials, and
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or improve the quality of the teaching method. The change is applied
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation in every school and class, including English.
on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than ACM After that, the enlargement of technology in the constituents of
must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or republish,
to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a
the learning model for delivering materials to the students is prolif-
fee. Request permissions from erating from time to time, and more innovations from technology
ICETC 2022, October 28–30, 2022, Barcelona, Spain also have arisen related to the presentation of information, one of
© 2022 Association for Computing Machinery.
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-9776-6/22/10. . . $15.00
which is video-based instruction. It is made to produce movements, combined with sound for audiovisual needs. In choosing a learning
ICETC 2022, October 28–30, 2022, Barcelona, Spain Yella Perdani

model, video-based instruction is one of the practical solutions used information. Technology plays a significant role in engaging stu-
in the learning process, especially in the Covid19 pandemic when dents in activities and significantly impacts how teachers instruct.
the teaching-learning process is done online. If they do not incorporate technology into their lessons, teachers
Moreover, technology implementation is also needed in every will never be able to keep up with technology. In order to effectively
English class, including English in Focus class. English In Focus teach language skills, teachers must have complete knowledge of
is an English class that emphasizes the development of listening, these technologies [8]. Multimedia technology provides a sense
speaking, reading, and writing abilities. In contrast, this course of realism. It performs exceptionally well, thereby processing and
does not emphasize learning grammar, despite the fact that under- enhancing students’ interest and motivation in their studies and
standing grammar is necessary for listening, speaking, reading, and participation in-class activities [9].
writing. In addition, because this course focuses on developing the
four language skills, the strategies, methods, and learning materi-
als also emphasize the development of these four skills. Grammar 2.2 Teaching grammar
skills should not be neglected either. Therefore, it is necessary for Grammar is the center of language use; once the students can under-
students to have access to learning materials that can help them stand and cover the materials taught, they will be able to improve
comprehend the grammar they will use when they speak, read, and other skills. However, the debate comes on when and how to teach
write. grammar in the class [10] that the English teachers and instructors
The video-based instruction used in the research was created consider some factors in teaching grammar. According to [11], there
specifically for English in Focus students with the level of ability are three principles of teaching grammar; grammar is integrating
and grammar material they needed to complete without the use the inductive and deductive methods into the teaching; using as-
of previously available videos. Furthermore, the students in this signments to make a clear relationship between grammatical form
study had never previously received VBI treatment to improve their and communicative function; focusing on the improvement of pro-
English comprehension. No research has ever been conducted on cedural rather than declarative knowledge. Grammar is commonly
the application of VBI to improve students’ comprehension of gram- assumed to be a set of guidelines specifying the correct ordering
mar material in the English in Focus class. Because of the reason of words at the sentence level. Second, two types of grammar are
above, an experiment is necessary to determine the effectiveness prescriptive and descriptive grammar [12]. Prescriptive grammar
of video-based learning in improving students’ grammar under- is about saying what is right and wrong; meanwhile, descriptive
standing. This research aims to determine the use of video-based grammar is about the way people use language. In recent years, the
instruction to improve the students’ grammar understanding in tendency has been descriptive grammar.
English in Focus class. The research is intended to answer the ques- Comprehending grammar helps students to learn English easier.
tions 1. Does VBI improve students’ grammar comprehension? 2. It is in line with [13] that producing grammar is essential for EFL
What do the students’ perspectives on the VBI implementation? students because it is a crucial step in becoming fluent in the Eng-
The research results will be helpful as a learning media for learning lish language. There are nine grammar challenges. Those issues
grammar, particularly in English in Focus classes in one university are a negative thought of grammar, an excess of students, a com-
in Indonesia and other English classes in general. Additionally, the plex grammatical element, a lack of effective individual learning
research findings will contribute to the development of video-based strategies, and little time devoted to review outside of class. Then,
instruction as a part of technology-based learning models most [14] claims that grammar plays a critical role in all aspects of Eng-
notably for English instruction. lish proficiency that give meaning to those four English skills, and
learning grammar is not as simple as we believe. It is also in line
with [15] that English language instruction will be more effective
2 LITERATURE REVIEW if we also understand grammar. It becomes a critical subject when
learning a foreign language. Reference [16] mentions that to under-
2.1 Technology in language learning stand grammar materials, one needs to clearly understand why they
The enlargement of technology in the constituents of the learning are used and how people employ the specific grammar elements in
model for delivering materials to the students is overgrowing from their works. It is critical to show students examples of published
time to time, and more innovations from technology also have works in which writers use grammatical concepts to enhance their
arisen related to the presentation of information, one of which is works to help them understand how writers use these concepts to
video-based instruction. It is made to produce movements combined enhance their works.
with sound for audio-visual needs. In choosing a learning model, The difficulties are also found in teaching and learning the gram-
video-based instruction is one of the practical solutions used in mar of English as a foreign language. Before the Covid19 pandemic,
the learning process, especially in the Covid19 pandemic when the the difficulty faced by the teacher in teaching grammar was the
teaching-learning process is done online. lack of experience, the students’ expectations, the lack of facili-
Technology has always played an integral role in the teaching ties, the negative assumption about the teaching grammar, and the
and learning environment. It is an essential part of a teacher’s pro- preparation of grammar lessons [17]. From the students’ perspec-
fession that allows them to facilitate students’ learning. Technology tive, grammar is difficult to understand because of the incapable of
has the potential to alter the current method of language instruc- language transfer, interference of adverbs, copulative verb, word
tion significantly. By utilizing technology, students can take charge order, tense, overgeneralization, rule restriction, and incomplete
of their education and gain access to a wealth of uncontrollable application of rules [18]. As in [19], it is found that his research
Enhancing the Students’ Grammar Comprehension by Utilizing the Video-based Instruction ICETC 2022, October 28–30, 2022, Barcelona, Spain

that his participants face difficulty in understanding grammar and

its materials. Their difficulty is found in using word order, ellip-
sis, article, preposition, tense, verbs, pluralities, and comparative
Figure 1: Research design [21]
2.3 Video based instruction Review Stage
Video-based instruction has become a trend of learning media in
the 4.0 era that it has become a learning tool and can help students
3.2 Research Data collection techniques and
rationally describe learning material [18]. Using video as a teaching analysis
tool and media makes it easier for students to comprehend the The research examined the students in one university in Indonesia,
lesson with clear illustrations without confusing the students. It is who took English in Focus class. The nature of this study was
proved by [19] who find that there is an improvement in students’ a pre-experimental one-group pre-test and post-test quantitative
positive attitudes toward learning English by using video-based research method. This method had only a single group that got the
instruction techniques. Their participants are motivated to learn treatment, consisting of a pre-test, a treatment, and a post-test for
through video. Moreover, there is an improvement in the partici- a single group [21] (see Figure 1).
pants’ results between pre-test and post-test, and their post-test Furthermore, two data collection techniques were used: pre-test
score average is increased. and post-test and questionnaire [22]. First, each pre-test and post-
Moreover, [20] also mention an 80% improvement in their par- test consisted of 20 questions made by the English lecturers of
ticipants’ scores after using video-based instruction as delivering English in focus class. The test as tests could be used to diagnose
techniques. Then, [21] also discovered that their participants could the students’ grammar understanding before and after the VBI im-
comprehend the material in the video more efficiently and be ac- plementation. Both pre-test and post-test results were also part of
tive in expressing their opinion toward the materials given. No evaluation process for the students’ comprehension as it became
need for installation and clear video quality also become the reason the assessment tool. Those questions were checked and validated
video-based instruction does help students in learning. From that by a native speaker from the UK who an English Lecturer at one
previous research can be concluded that video-based instruction University in Indonesia is. The tests were in the form of multiple-
helps students to comprehend the lesson. VBI is created and de- choice test that it was the selected response assessment and the
signed directly by the lecturer who teaches to be adjusted to the most common test because it was easy to be managed and score
level of student ability. [13]. Multiple choice test is popular and valuable to standardize
the students’ ability. The questions were taken from the materials
2.4 English in Focus Class presented in the video-based instruction. There were four materials
The English in Focus course is designed for students with a BUEPT chosen, and each video contained one material. The second data
score between 433 and 463 who wish to achieve the B1 or Intermedi- collection technique was a questionnaire as a systematic format of
ate level of written and spoken English. This class is a prerequisite frequently answered questions by reading the question and select-
for the English Savvy course. As one of the university’s programs, ing the best answer or writing a brief response. The students used
English in Focus course contributes to the graduate competencies the Likert scale [23] by selecting four responses that reflected their
subdivided into employability and entrepreneurial skills, as well feelings about each statement: strongly agree, agree, less agree-
as study program-specific outcomes, which students must have able, and disagree. The questions focused on the students’ opinions
demonstrated by the end of the course. The employability and regarding the videos they watched.
entrepreneurial skills include planning and organization, problem-
solving and decision making, self-management, teamwork, commu- 3.3 Research procedures
nication, initiative, and enterprise. Moreover, based on its course The research was done in three stages: preparation, application, and
outline, the English in Focus class covers thirteen topics per meeting post-application (See Figure 2.). The video and both the test were
every week. Four meetings on the implementation of VBI were held. prepared and made in the preparation stage. Four videos were made
Then, VBI is not included in the course outline’s list of learning by an English lecturer who taught EIF and dubbed by an English
media. Therefore, it is important and crucial to determine whether native speaker. Then, the pre-test and post-test were prepared based
VBI can be a suitable learning medium for students with scores and on the four materials in the video, and there were 20 questions in
abilities comparable to those of the EIF class. each of the tests. In the next stage, the pre-test, the videos, the post-
test, and the questionnaire were given to the students. Furthermore,
3 METHODOLOGY in the last stage, the result of both the test and the questionnaire
3.1 Research Participants were collected, calculated, and coded. After completing the stages,
all the result was coded and analyzed by the triangulation method.
The research population was all students in one University in In-
donesia who took English in Focus class as one which is the first 4 RESULT AND DISCUSSION
English class of two levels. The sample was one class that consisted
of 40 students, which was chosen by purposive sampling as these 4.1 Students’ Learning Result
participants were easy to access, and they could be reached when Video-based instruction is one learning medium that can help both
additional data were required. lecturers and students teach and learn. The discussion is divided into
ICETC 2022, October 28–30, 2022, Barcelona, Spain Yella Perdani

Figure 2: Research procedures

Table 1: Test of Normality

Tests of Normality
Test Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk
Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.
Result pre-test .110 40 .200* .976 40 .544
post-test .146 40 .031 .957 40 .136

Table 2: Paired Samples Statistics

Paired Samples Statistics

Mean N Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean
Pair 1 pre-test 63.35 40 16.952 2.680
post test 80.12 40 12.633 1.997

two sections; the first section explains the student learning results. The next test conducted is paired samples statistics (see Table 2.).
This section is to answer the first research question: Does video- Based on the result of paired sample statistics, it is found that the
based instruction improve the student’s grammar comprehension? paired samples statistics table shows the descriptive value of each
The explanations begin by showing the result of the pre-test and variable in the paired sample. The pre-test has an average mean of
post-test. After getting the results of the pre-tests and post-tests, the 63.35 from 40 data. The distribution of data (Std. Deviation) obtained
scores were counted and proceeded by using SPSS to know whether is 16,952, with a standard error of 2,680. And then, the final test
the video-based instructions could improve the student’s grammar has an average value (mean) of 72.00 from 40 data. The distribution
comprehension. The tests conducted with SPSS were the test of of data (Std. Deviation) obtained is 15,351, with a standard error
normality, paired sample statistic, paired-samples correlation, and of 2,427. It proves that the final test on the data is higher than the
paired samples test. initial test, the distribution range of the final test data is also getting
The normality test was the first one that was carried out. The smaller, and with a higher standard error.
normality test is a statistical procedure that establishes whether Then, paired samples correlations are a parametric test used
the distribution of data within a set of data or variables is normally to compare two tests done, pre-test and post-test (see Table 3.)
distributed. It is helpful to determine whether the data collected are According to the test result, the correlation score is 0.901 and the
normally distributed or representative of the population by using significance score is 0 out of 40 students. Because 0.901 is higher
the normality test. than 0.005, the pre-test and post-test has correlated each other.
Based on the test result (see Table 1.), the significance level (p) After getting the correlation score result, paired sample test is
for the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test is 0.2 (p > 0.05), indicating that also done (see Table 4.). The result shows that the mean differences
the pre-test data is normally distributed. The significance level between pre-test and post-test is 16.77, the standard deviation is
(p) for the Shapiro-Wilk test is 0.5444 (p > 0.05), indicating that 7.8 and t-score is 135.96. moreover, the significance 2-tail is 0 that
the data are normally distributed. Moreover, the significance level is less than 0.005. It means that the video-based instruction has
(p) in the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test is 0.31 (p > 0.05), indicating given good instruction to the students that their post-test scores
that the post-test data is normally distributed according to the get higher. In short, based on the data found, VBI is effective in
Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality test. The significance level (p) for improving the students’ grammar comprehension.
the Shapiro-Wilk test is 0.136 (p > 0.05), indicating that the data are
normally distributed.
Enhancing the Students’ Grammar Comprehension by Utilizing the Video-based Instruction ICETC 2022, October 28–30, 2022, Barcelona, Spain

Table 3: Paired Samples Correlations

Paired Samples Correlations

N Correlation Sig.
Pair 1 pre-test & post test 40 .901 .000

Table 4: Paired Samples Test

Paired Samples Test

Paired Differences t df Sig. (2-tailed)
Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean95% Confidence Interval of the
Lower Upper
Pair 1 Pre -16.77500 7.80364 1.23386 -19.27073 -14.27927 -13.596 39 .000

4.2 Students’ perspective contributed to students’ difficulties with grammar, including nega-
In the second section of the discussion, collected student perspec- tive interlanguage and intralingual transfers in the form of adverb
tives on VBI are presented. The first perspective from the students interference, copulative verb interference, word-order interference,
was that the video-based instructions were informative. Based on tense-form interference, overgeneralization, ignorance of rule re-
the questionnaire result, ten students strongly agreed that they striction, and insufficient application of rules. It can be concluded
could understand the materials in the video well. Twenty-eight that the materials in the video-based instructions were understand-
students agreed, and only two students disagreed. After that, ac- able and helped the students to acknowledge the grammar material,
cording to the students, the video-based instructions helped them especially present-tense, modal auxiliaries, past tense, and present
comprehend the grammar materials, especially present tense, modal perfect tense, as grammar is challenging to be comprehended.
auxiliary, present perfect, and past tense. Sixteen students strongly The second opinion from the students was that the video-based
agreed that the four videos were appropriately double used to ex- instructions were accessible as it was found that 15 students
plain the grammar materials and the rest agreed. Nineteen students strongly agreed that the video was easy to be accessed and could
strongly agreed that they understood the grammar more through be played anytime and anywhere. Moreover, 19 students strongly
the video-based instructions. Twenty students agreed, and only one agreed that they could easily play old videos outside the classroom,
student disagreed. Besides, based on the open questions of the ques- 25 students agreed, and only one student disagreed. It is in line with
tioner, it was found that the student thought that "the video-based [19], who found an improvement in students’ positive attitudes to-
instructions given were good and understandable" (student 24), and ward learning English after using video-based instruction as their
other students thought that "The videos and materials are quite learning media. Their participants were motivated to learn through
good and very helpful in learning" (student 13). video. Then, [20] and [21] also revealed that their participants could
Based on the students’ questionnaire results, comprehending comprehend the video’s information better and were more engaged
grammar helps students learn English easier. It is in line with [12] in giving their opinions about the video’s content. Students could
who argued that producing grammar was essential for EFL students learn from video-based instruction because they did not need to
because it was a crucial step in becoming fluent in the English install anything.
language. There are nine grammar challenges they found; negative The third perspective was that the video-based instructions were
grammar thoughts, an excess of students, a complex grammatical interesting material. Based on the questionnaire data, it was found
element, a lack of effective individual learning strategies, and lit- that 11 students strongly agreed that the video provided Given was
tle time devoted to review outside of class; VBI could be used to interesting because there were relevant explanations and examples.
help students in learning grammar. Then, [16] also claimed that Twenty-four students agreed, and five students disagreed. Refer-
grammar played a critical role in all aspects of English proficiency ence [19] also discovered that the implementation of video-based
that gave meaning to the other four English skills. She argued that instruction made the students feel better about learning English.
learning grammar was not as simple as people believed based on Their participants’ results also got better scores after the implemen-
her research result. It is also in line with [17] who claimed that tation of VBI.
English language instruction would be more effective if the stu- The last perspective was that the video-based instructions met
dents also understood grammar. It became a critical subject when the expectations regarding the quality of the video. Fifteen students
learning a foreign language. Her research findings indicated that strongly agreed that the videos could be heard well, and the rest
students struggled with grammar concepts such as tenses, plural- agreed. Doubt students strongly agreed that the quality of the four
ity, article, preposition, and pronoun. Additionally, several factors videos is good. It can be seen clearly and not blurry, 26 of the
students agreed, and only those students disagreed. Moreover, 17
ICETC 2022, October 28–30, 2022, Barcelona, Spain Yella Perdani

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