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Student's Name

Institutional Affiliation

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Course Code: Course Name

Assignment Due Date


Discussion Two
What were your thoughts on the articles?
The articles bring to light the rising urgency of conducting scientific studies and
implementing legislative efforts to mitigate the effects of climate change in the Arctic. The three
tenets of sustainability are present in this article since they discuss the nexus between Arctic
society, economics, and ecology.
How does this article relate to the social, economic, and ecological aspects of sustainability?
These articles discuss the socioeconomic and ecological implications of sustainability.
They underline the need for a middle ground between rapid economic development, ecological
preservation, and social justice.
Discussion Three
What are your general thoughts on the reading Changing Conditions in the Arctic?
The rapid pace of change in the Arctic is highlighted in the reading, highlighting the
importance of cooperation between governments, NGOs, and local populations. Considering the
interconnectedness of a region's economic, social, and ecological frameworks through the lens of
the "three E's of sustainability" is useful.
Which of the E's of sustainability were referenced? Which of the E's of sustainability was
missing? In your opinion, what are the implications of not having this missing E included
in the summary your read?
The reading makes mention of all three E's of sustainability; however, the environmental
and ecological components get a greater amount of attention than the other two. The
underprivileged populations and the region's social sustainability may be negatively affected by
the lack of focus on equity and equality.
What are the positive and negative aspects of viewing ecosystems based on their worth to
Prioritizing the protection of ecosystems based on their importance to humans helps
ensure that natural environments are utilized sustainably. But keep in mind that ecosystems'
worth extends well beyond the benefits they provide to human beings.
Discussion Four
What were your thoughts on the articles?
The articles provide us with valuable information on the ways in which the thawing of
permafrost has an impact on the ecosystem as well as the inhabitants who reside in northern
Alaska. To better understand and mitigate the consequences of climate change in the area, it is
crucial to conduct permafrost research and to work to mitigate the harm caused by permafrost
How do the articles relate to the forms of capital?
The articles focus on two distinct types of capital: natural and social. The effects of the
thawing of permafrost on natural capital and social capital underscore how crucial it is to
practice sustainable practices to save both types of capital.
How do the articles relate to the system dynamics we discussed during course lectures over
the past week?
The articles focus on the intertwined dynamics of environmental and social systems as
they pertain to climate change and sustainability. It is critical to consider how the system's
components interact and how feedback loops function while trying to render a system more

Discussion Five
Socio-ecological systems are the highly interconnected relationship between society and
ecosystems. How do the topics relate to the concept of social-ecological systems?
All of the topics that have been brought up in this conversation are connected to the
concept of social-ecological systems as they demonstrate how human systems and natural
phenomena in the Arctic are interdependent on one another. They are related to sustainability
science because they bring attention to the need to use several disciplines to solve the world's
most pressing environmental problems effectively.
How do these topics relate to the concept of sustainability science and each other?
System dynamics and sustainability science are crucial to comprehending and fixing the
Arctic's tangled problems. They provide a structure for multidisciplinary work and
comprehensive sustainability strategies.
How do these concepts relate to the concept of systems dynamics?
System dynamics is particularly crucial because it demonstrates how intricately diverse
systems are interrelated and how essential it is to comprehend feedback loops and tipping points
to tackle sustainability challenges. Gaining an understanding of these processes is very necessary
to address the problems posed by sustainability effectively.
Discussion Six
What were your thoughts on the articles?
The articles discuss the impact of climate change on the Bering Sea ecosystems and
Alaska's military installations. They stress the need for long-term solutions based on responsible
leadership and management.

How do the articles relate to the topics of governance we've been addressing this week?
The articles are interrelated to the overarching theme of governance since they all stress
the need for strong leadership in resolving Arctic sustainability issues. They stress the need for
cooperative and inclusive approaches to governance to mitigate climate change's consequences.
Are the roles to be played by individuals, institutions, and organizations in Alaska clear? If
so, what are they?
The duties people, institutions, and organizations are expected to fulfill in Alaska are not
apparent. Yet, the papers highlight the significance of stakeholders cooperating and sharing
information to develop efficient answers to sustainability issues

Discussion Seven
What are your opinions on pillars 3 and 4 from the National Strategy for the Arctic
The third and fourth pillars of the National Plan for the Arctic Region are crucial
components of a comprehensive strategy for Arctic sustainability. They emphasize the necessity
of economic development, which is sustainable and equitable, as well as the significance of
international collaboration and governance.
How do these relate to the work of the Arctic Council?
The Arctic Council is crucial in fostering long-term prosperity and resolving regional
issues. The Arctic Council facilitates communication and cooperation between the many states
and indigenous peoples of the Arctic.

In both videos on economics, there was a discussion on the concept of incentives; what do
you think would be an effective pro-sustainability incentive, and can you think of an
unintended consequence?
One viable strategy for promoting sustainability is implementing a cap-and-trade system
that offers financial incentives for lowering greenhouse gas emissions. Yet unexpected
consequences can include consumer price increases or corporations' flight to nations with fewer
Your thoughts on the video from Hrönn Hrafnsdóttir on sustainability in Iceland?
Hronn Hrafnsdóttir's video on sustainability in Iceland provides excellent insight
regarding the significance of sustainability for economic expansion. It also emphasizes the need
to ensure that local communities benefit from economic progress rather than just attracting
foreign investors.
Discussion Eight
What are your thoughts on each article?
The article about the derailment and fire in Ohio raises concerns about potential health
and environmental consequences. The article about the Chilkat Native Village in Alaska
discusses the potential environmental implications of planned mining on the watershed.
Why have both of these articles been considered to discuss aspects of equity and
environmental justice? Who are the person/persons being impacted?
The two aforementioned articles address equity and environmental justice issues since
underprivileged populations are adversely affected by environmental dangers and catastrophes.
Notably, the Alaska mine may affect the Chilkat Native Village's sustenance and cultural
In the lecture on economics, we learned about negative externalities (A negative externality
exists when the production or consumption of a product results in a cost to a third party.
Air and noise pollution are commonly cited examples of negative externalities.) For the
articles, what are possible externalities for the communities referenced in the articles, and
should economic development in the state supersede the concerns of local citizens?
The communities discussed in the articles risk experiencing adverse health consequences,
disruptions to their natural environments, and the disappearance of cultural traditions. An
equitable middle ground must be found between the rapid expansion of the economy and
environmentally responsible growth that addresses the specific issues of each community.

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