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Statement of Intent/Application Essay

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Assignment Due Date


Statement of Intent / Application Essay

Dear Admissions Committee,

I am writing to express my genuine interest in the NYU SPS-DUAS program and to share

with you my personal and professional journey that prompted me to apply for this degree. As an

adult student who has always had a strong desire to deal with children, being a child therapist has

been a lifelong goal of mine. Nevertheless, due to my illegal status and financial hardships,

attending college seemed like an unachievable ambition. Yet almost a decade of experience as a

nanny, during which I cared for kids from all walks of life, has further solidified my resolve to

follow this path.

I witnessed firsthand the horrific impacts of child abuse and neglect as a youngster

growing up in Zimbabwe during the peak of the AIDS outbreak. Seeing the tragedy that so many

children went through inspired me to offer the greatest possible care for the youngsters I have

had the honor of caring for. Despite this, last year, when I was a remote caregiver for three first

graders, one of the kids had trauma-induced behavioral problems, and I felt unprepared to help

her. This experience inspired me to look into degree programs that would provide me with the

information and abilities essential to assisting children and families coping with traumatic events'


As I set out on this path to earn a degree in psychology, I cannot contain my excitement

about all of the new experiences and opportunities that await me along the way. I hope to learn

more about the complexity of human behavior and how that knowledge can be leveraged to help

disadvantaged children and their families. My goals for this degree include developing a solid

theoretical and methodological grounding in psychology and gaining practical experience

through apprenticeships and research.


I have decided to enrol in NYU's SPS-DUAS program because it is tailored to the needs

of working adults like myself. I am certain that the program's challenging coursework and

adaptability will allow me to meet my objectives while juggling my other commitments.

Furthermore, the program's emphasis on real-world applications and practical learning resonates

with my ambition to use the skills and information I gain in the classroom to influence my

community effectively.

At the moment, I intend to balance my work as a nanny with continuing my education.

As I continue my education in child development and psychology, I am confident that the

experience I gained while working with children will prove to be quite beneficial. Also, I intend

to look for apprenticeships and research opportunities that will provide me with practical

experience in child therapy. In the long run, I want to be a child therapist and treat traumatised

children greatly. I am certain that this degree program will provide me with the skills, insights,

and contacts I need to reach my goal. In addition, I intend to use my academic and professional

background to promote more supportive policies and procedures for abused and neglected kids.

Despite the many obstacles I had to overcome to further my education, I think that these

experiences have helped me become a better and more resilient individual. Being an illegal

immigrant responsible for providing for myself and my family in my home country, I had to put

in a lot of hard work to pursue my goals despite the financial and bureaucratic challenges I faced.

My experiences have taught me the importance of diligence, perseverance, and resiliency. I am

convinced that these characteristics will benefit me as I begin this new chapter in my life.

Thank you for taking the time to review my application. I am enthusiastic about

improving the lives of children and families, and I think getting a psychology degree is the best

way to do this. I look forward to the challenges ahead and am convinced that the NYU SPS-

DUAS program will provide me with the information, skills, and support I need to achieve my

professional goals.


[Your Name]

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