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Thesis Statement

The Grecian and Roman civilizations of the era c. 500 BC-c. 500 AD seems to have had a

huge influence on our present civilization. Our modern society relies heavily on many aspects of

ancient Greek and Roman life. Many facets of society reflect these cultural norms and practices,

including law, instruction, construction, celebrations, and more.


Ancient Greek and Roman civilizations contributed substantially to Western history in

various spheres, including engineering, engineering, politics, and philosophy. As a result of these

achievements, modern civilization bears an unmistakable stamp from these civilizations. These

two cultures represent two of history's most advanced societies. Both societies were very

prosperous as a result of their success in their prehistoric surroundings. This allowed these

ancient societies to progress in many other areas, including literature, law, and architecture.

Moreover, some of the most influential ancient political figures and philosophical thinkers

sprang from these two cultures. Ancient Greece and Rome contributed significantly to modern

civilization via advances in philosophy, literature, political institutions, architectural styles , law

systems, and military strategies.

Greek and Roman Influence on Modern Philosophy

The ancient civilizations of Greece and Rome contributed substantially to the

development of religion and philosophy. Polytheism was central to ancient Greek and Roman

religion, including veneration of a wide pantheon of deities. Religious adherents of both groups

held the view that supernatural beings were responsible for the world around them. To make

sense of these occurrences, the ancient Greeks created extensive myths or tales that detailed the

personalities, abilities, and backstories of the gods involved. Most Greeks had settled on a
pantheon of twelve gods as the supreme deities at the end of their civilization. All residents were

obliged to engage in public worship as part of their responsibility to the state, and the worship of

these 12 deities was related to the political discourse of the city-state.

The Romans, who admired Greek civilization, also endowed their gods with

characteristics and abilities borrowed from the Greek pantheon. Roman authors, who modified

the work of Greek writers, are responsible for the origin of a significant number of the myths and

other tales that are commonly associated with the gods of ancient Greece. Consequently, there

was opportunity for debate in the nonreligious way of life of the ancient Greeks over the

meaning of a happy existence and even the questioning of how nature is put together. The

examination of these issues was taken up by Greek and Roman philosophy, the systems of

thought founded and employed in ancient Greece and Rome. In other societies, religion provided

answers to similar issues. This is why the philosophies of ancient Greece and Rome were a

watershed moment in the development of Modern civilization. It developed the first scientific

terminology based on logical reasoning and paved the way for most of the rest of contemporary


The Greek and Roman Legacy in Modern Literature

Another aspect of contemporary life that the ancient Greeks and Romans had a

significant impact on is literature. Homer, a Greek, is credited with writing the first known

novel, The Iliad. The people who lived in this civilization produced many literary works, ranging

from plays to epics, and literary critics in the modern day continue to use these literary

masterpieces. Greeks were the first to develop the present comedy and tragedy theatrical genres 1.

It was Sophocles who gained the greatest prominence for his tragedy works. Many works of

Gilbert Highet. The classical tradition: Greek and Roman influences on Western literature. Oxford University
Press, USA, 2015.
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modern literature may trace their roots back to the Greeks, but the contributions of the Roman

culture cannot be ignored. The writings of ancient Roman authors like Virgil inspired many

European authors, particularly following the Renaissance. Moreover, the literary traditions of the

ancient Greeks and Romans have been incorporated into modern works. Works by later literary

giants like Shakespeare, such as a comedy of mistakes, show clear Greek and Roman influence.

Thus, modern literature owes a great deal to the foundation laid by ancient Greek and Roman


Greek and Roman Civilization's Impact on Modern Political Institutions

The governmental structures that were in place throughout the time of the Grecian and

Roman civilizations significantly impacted the development of modern political systems. The

Greeks created a new form of government that they termed the polis, short for the city-state.

Each city-state had its government, set of laws, and traditions. A wide variety of political

systems were in place among these city-states, from democracies to oligarchies. To this day,

democracy, which has its roots in ancient Athens, is regarded as one of Greece's finest

accomplishments2. On the other hand, the Roman Republic had a more complicated political

structure than the Republic of Ancient Greece, with two consuls, a Senate, and a people's

assembly. Consuls of the Roman Republic had limited authority due to the system of checks and

balances upon which the Republic was founded. The Roman Empire, which succeeded the

Republic, was a centralized system of governance built on the principles of representative

democracy. As a result, contemporary democracies and republics may trace their roots back to

the political structures of ancient Greece and Rome. As a foundational principle of contemporary

political thought, the idea of democracy was first articulated by the Greeks. Also, the Athenian

Saugat Adhikari, "10 Ancient Greek Inventions & Discoveries Still Used Today," World History Et Cetera – Thinking
with History, last modified October 22, 2015,
democracy was an early instance of a participatory democracy in which all people had a voice in


The Greek and Roman styles' influence on contemporary architectural styles

Greek and Roman civilizations are revered for their significant impacts on the evolution

of architectural styles. The Greeks created a design aesthetic known as "classicism," which

prioritized proportion, symmetry, and harmony. In addition, the Greeks were famous for their

architectural accomplishments, such as the construction of the arch and the dome. The aqueduct,

used to carry water across great distances, was also a concept created by the Greeks. In contrast,

the Romans perfected the arch and the dome, enabling them to construct structures that were

both bigger and more intricate3. While the ancient Greeks employed arches, the Romans pushed

the concept to new heights by building enormous arches for a wide variety of purposes. The

Romans were able to build massive, complex buildings without resorting to metals or other

materials that would have been cumbersome to carry because of their architectural innovations.

Consequently, classical Greek and Roman architecture have substantially affected modern

architecture. The classical architectural tradition is still widely used in the construction of

educational and other public structures of the current day. Using the arch and the dome in

contemporary structures, such as sports stadia and concert halls, is further evidence that the

heritage of Greek and Roman architecture will go on for generations to come.

Ancient Greece and Rome's Impact on the Development of Modern Law Systems

The significant contributions to the field of law made by the Greek and Roman

civilizations are seen as a gift to the society to which they belonged at the time. The first codified

laws of Greece and Rome were primarily concerned with the rights of Greeks and Romans. First,

"Traces of Ancient Rome in the Modern World," accessed March 6, 2023,
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the ancient Greeks were the ones who came up with the concept of a trial by a jury, which is still

one of the essential components of modern legal systems. In addition, they constructed judicial

structures that paled in comparison to those of today. Second, the Romans eventually came to the

idea that laws needed to be enacted once their empire grew4. No person, no matter their

economic or social standing, should be treated differently under these regulations. To ensure the

success of this endeavor, their judges began to study the concepts of justice developed by Stoic

thinkers. These judicial principles sprang from notions that were both realistic and common

sense. They also established norms for legal procedures. Some examples of such norms are the

presumption of innocence for all suspects unless proven guilty and the guarantee of equal

protection under the law. In conclusion, these ideas of justice remain the basis of the modern

legal systems in many countries, including Europe, and those nations affected by European

cultures, such as the U. S.

Greek and Roman civilization's impact on contemporary military strategies

Greece and Rome achieved unprecedented military success thanks to their well-planned

military strategies. The Greeks were famous for their hoplite warfare, which consisted of highly

armed men fighting in a phalanx formation. This style of combat earned them a reputation for

excellence. Phalanxes were notable formations in which warriors linked shields and attacked

with spears. Alexander the Great improved upon the traditional Greek phalanx by creating the

Macedonian phalanx, characterized by greater mobility and flexibility on the battlefield. This

advancement enabled the Macedonian phalanx to achieve higher levels of strategic success. On

the other hand, the Romans had a well-respected reputation for their well-trained and well-

organized armed forces. As a result of their innovative approach to training, weaponry, and

Gregory S. Aldrete and Alicia Aldrete, The Long Shadow of Antiquity: What Have the Greeks and Romans Done for
Us? (London: A&C Black, 2012)
strategy, they were able to expand their territory under their control. The Roman legions had a

well-developed structure and could easily adjust to new environments and adversaries. As the

Roman army needed to expand its territory under its control, it relied on the technical expertise

of its soldiers to construct the roads, fortifications, and walls essential to their success. Thus, the

Greek and Roman military tactics profoundly affected the evolution of modern warfare. The

Greeks and Romans established standards of military discipline, organization, and strategy that

are being employed today. Modern military formations still rely heavily on the idea of a well-

trained and outfitted professional army, which the Greeks and Romans pioneered.


In conclusion, most of the current features of life are founded on innovations of the Greek

and the Roman cultures of the time c.500 BC-c.500 AD, and therefore the creations of these

societies have had a tremendous effect on the present world. Greek and Roman culture laid the

groundwork for many contemporary fields, including philosophy, literature, political institutions,

architectural styles , law systems, and military strategies. The items listed above are the most

consequential in shaping our contemporary reality. Notwithstanding their fall and eventual

extinction, Greek and Roman legacy lives on in the modern world, and their timeless ideals and

structures ensure their impact will be felt for ages. The frameworks established by two of human

history's most advanced societies will continue to influence the development of many facets of

modern life.
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Adhikari, Saugat. "10 Ancient Greek Inventions & Discoveries Still Used Today." World

History Et Cetera – Thinking with History. Last modified October 22, 2015.


Aldrete, Gregory S., and Alicia Aldrete. The Long Shadow of Antiquity: What Have the Greeks

and Romans Done for Us? London: A&C Black, 2012.

Highet, Gilbert. The classical tradition: Greek and Roman influences on Western literature.

Oxford University Press, USA, 2015.

"Traces of Ancient Rome in the Modern World." Accessed March 6, 2023.

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