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1(a) Define Bio-Engineering with examples.

Illustrate justification of Bio-engineering method

over civil engineering method for slope stabilization. 2+6
(b) What do you mean by geomorphology of slope? Explain the three theories of slope
evolution. 2+6
2(a) Define the landslide mapping. Explain in brief about different types of erosions. 2+6
(b) Define plant propagation. Explain about the different method of Plant Propagation for
grass and trees. 2+6
3(a) Derive the relation to determine the increase in shear strength of soil due to presence of
plant. Also, mention the role of vegetation on slope stability.6+2
(b) What are the importance of small scale civil engineering structures in bio- engineering
method of slope stabilization? What is the function, site suitability and construction method of
jute netting. 8
4(a) Define grass plantation. Explain the function, method of plantation and limitation of
contour grass plantation for slope stabilization. 8
(b) How can you classify the site for implementing bio-engineering technique? Explain. 8
5(a) Explain the function, site suitability, design, limitation and procedure of tree plantation. 8
(b) List out nursery components? What are the factors to be considered in selecting site for
bio-engineering Nursery? 4+4
1(a) Define 3 categories of Bio-engineering method for slope stabilization. Explain the benefit
of applying Bio-engineering method. 4+4
(b) Describe the process of landslide mapping to be carried out before taking slope protection
measures. 8
2(a) Explain in brief about different types of Landslides.8
(b) Define the vegetation and plant community? What are the characteristics of plant
community? Explain briefly. 2+6
3(a) Describe Engineering role of vegetation with diagrams.8
(b) Explain function, site, limitation & method of bamboo plantation. 4+4
4(a) Explain function, site and construction of Fascines for slope stabilization. 8
(b) Write down the name of main civil engineering structures used for slope stabilization in
conjunction with bio-engineering. Describe function, site and integration with bioengineering
techniques of gabion wail. 2+6
5(a) What kind of nursery can be rated as good Nursery? Elaborate the Nursery techniques
with examples? 8
(b) What is optimal technique? Describe factors are to consider to determine the optimum
1(a) Define Bio-engineering method for slope stabilization. What are the advantages and
limitations of Bio-engineering method in slope stabilization? 2+6
(b) What do you mean by Landslide mapping? Write down the steps of Landslide mapping with
sketches. 2+6
2(a) Explain in brief about different types of rainfall hazards in relations to slope failures. 8
(b) What are the basic ideal requirements of Plants? Explain about the Plant Propagation with
its layout. 4+4
3(a) Explain in brief about the Mechanical effects of vegetation. 8
(b) Explain about the importance of small scale civil engineering structures in bio-engineering
method of slope stabilization. 8
4(a) Define Palisades. Explain the function, method of plantation and limitation of Palisades for
slope stabilization. 2+6
(b) Explain the process of selecting plant species on the basis of drought factor. 8
5(a) Explain different method of planting grass lines and their functions with suitable diagrams.
8 (b) What do you mean by Nursery Techniques? Explain in brief, the management of Nursery.
1(a) Describe scope and fields of applications of bio-engineering. 6
(b) Briefly explain causes of landslides in Nepal. Explain how rainfall and hazards are related.
2(a) Describe geomorphologic study of slope.8
(b) List out all vegetative bio-engineering techniques in practice in Nepal. Explain two of them
with major functions and design criteria. 2+6
3(a) Describe how soil strength and stability analysis is important for vegetation. 6
(b) Explain the different bio-engineering functions to address the problems on slopes. What do
you understand by plant propagation? 8+2
4(a) Explain major purposes of cutting that are used in bio- engineering. 8
(b) List out small civil engineering structures used in bio- engineering. Describe functional uses
of walls in bio-engineering. 2+6
5(a) What is the cause of failure? Explain the different causes of failure in Nepal. 2+6
1(a) Define Bio-Engineering with examples. Illustrate justification of Bioengineering method
over civil engineering method for slope stabilization. 2+6
(b) What do you mean by geomorphology of slope? Explain the three theories of slope
evolution. 2+6
2(a) Define the landslide mapping. Explain in brief about different types of erosions. 2+6
(b) Define plant propagation. Explain about the different method of Plant Propagation for
grass and trees. 2+6
3(a) Derive the relation to determine the increase in shear strength of soil due to presence of
plant. Also, mention the role of vegetation on slope stability. 6+2
(b) What are the importance of small scale civil engineering structures in bio- engineering
method of slope stabilization? What is the function, site suitability and construction method of
jute netting. 8
4(a) Define grass plantation. Explain the function, method of plantation and limitation of
contour grass plantation for slope stabilization. 8
(b) How can you classify the site for implementing bio-engineering technique? Explain. 8
5(a) Explain the function, site suitability, design, limitation and procedure of tree plantation. 8
(b) List out nursery components? What are the factors to be considered in selecting site for
bio-engineering Nursery? 4+4
1(a) Define 3 categories of Bio-engineering method for slope stabilization. Explain the benefit
of applying Bio-engineering method. 4+4
(b) Describe the process of landslide mapping to be carried out before taking slope protection
measures. 8
2(a) Explain in brief about different types of Landslides.8
(b) Define the vegetation and plant community? What are the characteristics of plant
community? Explain briefly. 2+6
3(a) Describe Engineering role of vegetation with diagrams.8
(b) Explain function, site, limitation & method of bamboo plantation. 4+4
4(a) Explain function, site and construction of Fascines for slope stabilization. 8
(b) Write down the name of main civil engineering structures used for slope stabilization in
conjunction with bio-engineering. Describe function, site and integration with bioengineering
techniques of gabion wail. 2+6
5(a) What kind of nursery can be rated as good Nursery? Elaborate the Nursery techniques
with examples? 8
(b) What is optimal technique? Describe factors are to consider to determine the optimum
bio-engineering. 2+6
1(a) Define Bio-technical method for slope stabilization. "Bio- engineering is best technique for
long term slope stabilization. Explain.2+6
(b) Explain how the repair with bio-engineering/civil engineering method can be decided? 8
2(a) Describe about the different types of Landslide as per Varnes. 8
(b) Define Plant community with example. How can the plant communities be managed for the
stabilization of slope? 4+4
3(a) Explain in brief about the Hydraulic role of Plant.8
(b) Describe the importance of revetment wall, its type, basic design features and integration
with bio-engineering method. 8
4(a) Write down the function, material, design, method of plantation and limitation of bamboo
plantation. 8
(b) Explain the process of selecting plant species on the basis of drought factor with example. 8
5(a) Given slope is bare, soil has poor drainage and probability of erosion if rainfall occurs.
What kind of engineering system would you propose? Explain design and construction
procedure. 8
(b) How can the environment in bio-engineering nursery be managed? 8
1(a) Define Bio-engineering method for slope stabilization. What are the advantages and
limitations of Bio-engineering method in slope stabilization? 2+6
(b) What do you mean by Landslide mapping? Write down the steps of Landslide mapping with
sketches. 2+6
2(a) Explain in brief about different types of rainfall hazards in relations to slope failures. 8
(b) What are the basic ideal requirements of Plants? Explain about the Plant Propagation with
its layout. 4+4
3(a) Explain in brief about the Mechanical effects of vegetation. 8
(b) Explain about the importance of small scale civil engineering structures in bio-engineering
method of slope stabilization. 8
4(a) Define Palisades. Explain the function, method of plantation and limitation of Palisades for
slope stabilization. 2+6
(b) Explain the process of selecting plant species on the basis of drought factor. 8
5(a) Explain different method of planting grass lines and their functions with suitable diagrams.
(b) What do you mean by Nursery Techniques? Explain in brief, the management of Nursery.
1(a) Describe scope and fields of applications of bio-engineering. 6
(b) Briefly explain causes of landslides in Nepal. Explain how rainfall and hazards are related.
2(a) Describe geomorphologic study of slope.8
(b) List out all vegetative bio-engineering techniques in practice in Nepal. Explain two of them
with major functions and design criteria. 2+6
3(a) Describe how soil strength and stability analysis is important for vegetation. 6
(b) Explain the different bio-engineering functions to address the problems or slopes. What do
you understand by plant propagation? 8+2
4(a) Explain major purposes of cutting that are used in bio- engineering. 8
(b) List out small civil engineering structures used in bio- engineering. Describe functional uses
of walls in bio-engineering. 2+6
5(a) What is the cause of failure? Explain the different causes of failure in Nepal. 2+6
(b) What is drought factor? Describe plant species selection based on drought factor.2+6
1. (a) What does Bio-engineering do? Where should bio-engineering be used? [3+5=8]
(b) Define filtration. What are the factors effecting on the infiltration? (a) What are the
mechanisms of landslide? Discuss with example. . 2 [3+5-8]
(b) Explain the important of small scale civil engineering structure in bio-engineering.8
3. (a) Explain the geographical soil classification. How can coarse and fine soil grained soil be
distinguished based on visual inspection. [5+3=8]
(b) What are the functions of surface and sub-surface drain? Which type of engineering
structure suitable for the slope steeper than 45° [5+3-8]
(a) What types of grasses are selected according to the moisture condition? Justify with
example. [8]
(b) Explain the function, method of operation, site selection and its limitation of Palisades. [8]
5. (a) What is the maintenance of bio-engineering? What are the general principles of
vegetation maintenance?[3+5-8]
(b) Krishnabhir landslide at Benighat in Prithvi Highway was one of great problematic landslide
in Nepal. What do you know about its landslide and usage of bio-engineering? [8]
1(a) What is bioengineering? How can you justify that application of bioengineering
techniques in our country is very much appropriate?
(b) What is the role of vegetation in controlling the erosion on slopes?
2(a) Define landslide. Classify the different types of landslides according to "Varnes" based on
nature of source material and the type of movement involved.
(b) Explain all about diagonal grass plantation as a bioengineering technique.
3(a) Explain the landform classification of our country. Describe the major landform
classification of Nepal.
(b) Explain the geological soil classification. How can the coarse and fine grained soil be
distinguished based on visual inspection?
4(a) What is palisades? Explain the function, method of operation, site requirement and
limitation of palisades.
(b) Explain the function method of operation, site requirement and limitation of turfing.
5(a) What are the main causes of slope instability? Mention them and list out the engineering
function to be performed for the slope instability caused by water movement.
1(a) Write down the scope of bioengineering. Write down the advantages and disadvantages
of bioengineering.
(b) What is infiltration? Explain the factors affecting infiltration.
2(a) What is landslide? How can different zones of a landslide be recognized?
(b) Explain all about horizontal grass plantation as bioengineering technique.
3(a) What is plant propagation? Explain the different methods of plant propagation.
(b) What is the role of vegetation in controlling the erosion on slopes?
4(a) What is brush layering? Explain the function, method of operation, site requirement and
limitation of brush layering.
(b) Explain the function method of operation, site requirement and limitation of fascine
5(a) What are the problems related with slope instability? Mention them and list out the
engineering function to be performed for this situation.
6(a) Write down the condition leading the overland flow of water. What may be the result of
overland flow of water and subsurface water movement?
(b) A gully is being formed due to surface erosion. What might be

6. Write short notes on any FOUR:

(a) Jute net
(c) French drain
(b) Grass plantation horizontal
(d) Bamboo plantation
(a) Maintenance work in Bio-engineering
(b) Distribution of plant species in Nepal
(c) Selection of optimal technique
(d) Soil forming factors
(e) Nursery management
(a) Severity analysis
(b) Vegetated Stone Pitching
(d) Pruning, Thinning and Vegetation Enrichment
(e) Repair priorities
(a) gully formation
(c) cascading
(b) planted grass line
(d) site assessment in landslide
(a) Selection of Optimal Techniques
(b) Bio-engineering Programming
(d) Plant Engineering
(e) Geological Study
a) Interaction between civil and vegetative system
( (b) Annual program of Bio-engineering.
(d) Crib wall
(e) Quality assurance and quality control

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