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Invention of Nylon

DuPont Corporation (US) is one of the largest chemicals co. in the world which contributed greatly to
many inventions and Naylon was one of its important inventions. Naylon has been invented by
Dupont’s Director of research centre Dr. Wallace Carothers. who studied Chemistry, specialising in
polymers molecules. Nylon is strong but fine synthetic fibre which can be using in Clothing Stockings,
toothbrushes, parachutes, fishing, lines, and surgical thread also some other Industrial uses. Because
it's one of the important inventions, Wallace Carothers has been patented on 1935. Nylon started
spreading and entering in many industries on 1939 which required mass production. DuPont
Corporation (US) has been started in the US market since 1902 and Nylon was one of the important
inventions in its history after 33 years from it’s founded.

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