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CS 3-1 Discuss how Lush uses sensation and sensory marketing for its products and

encourages its customers to process information.

Lush is known for its innovative approach to marketing, which heavily relies on sensation and sensory
experiences to engage customers. By appealing to multiple senses, Lush creates a unique and
immersive environment that encourages customers to process information in a more memorable and
engaging way.

Sensory Experiences in Lush Stores

Lush stores are designed to stimulate the senses and create a multisensory experience for customers.
They use various techniques to engage different senses:
 Visual: Lush stores are visually appealing, with vibrant colors, eye-catching displays, and
enticing product designs. This visual stimulation helps grab customers' attention and create a
positive first impression.
 Aromatic: Lush products are known for their distinctive scents, and the stores are filled with
these fragrances. The pleasant aromas create a welcoming atmosphere and evoke positive
emotions, enhancing the overall shopping experience.
 Tactile: Lush encourages customers to touch and interact with their products. They have
sinks and demo stations where customers can try out products, feel their textures, and
experience their effects firsthand. This tactile engagement helps customers form a deeper
connection with the products.
Encouraging Information Processing
Lush's sensory marketing approach also aims to encourage customers to process information
effectively. Here's how they achieve this:
 Product Demonstrations: Lush staff members are trained to provide product demonstrations
and explain the benefits and ingredients of each item. By showcasing the products in action,
customers can better understand their features and make informed purchasing decisions.
 Product Labels and Packaging: Lush uses informative and visually appealing labels and
packaging to convey product information. They include details about ingredients, benefits,
and usage instructions, making it easier for customers to process and understand the
 Engaging Storytelling: Lush uses storytelling to engage customers and create an emotional
connection. They share stories about the sourcing of ingredients, ethical practices, and the
company's values. This narrative approach helps customers process information in a more
meaningful and memorable way.

By combining sensory experiences with effective information processing techniques, Lush creates a
unique and engaging environment that encourages customers to explore their products and make
informed choices.

The objective of sensory marketing :-

is to create unique and memorable experiences for consumers that help establish an emotional
connection between them and the brand. By drawing the attention of the audience and awakening
their senses, a brand can become a pleasant and happy memory for the consumer. It is defined as
the application of stimuli and elements that enable the consumer to experience them through his
senses. In this way, it is also possible to create a connection between consumers and brands
(Lindstrom, 2006). Sensory marketing is directly related to 4 fundamental concepts: sensory
relationships, sensory experiences, imagination, and brand vision (Gómez R. & Mejía, 2013): • The
first is related to customer service, which must be the bearer of emotions, emotional dialogues that
stimulate the customer. • The second is related to the approach and experience manifested by the
brand in relation to the customer. It is from these experiences that occurs the stimulation of the
consumer of a permanent unfolding of imagination. • The sensorial imagination comes from the
previous phase because it is the one that allows establishing connections between the consumer and
the brand, stimulating his will to buy. • Finally, the brand vision is responsible for the set of stimuli to
which the customer is subjected from the moment he enters the shop until the moment he leaves.
The idea is to use a sensorial message (i.e. a song that brings us good sensations) to attract the
customers and make them think it was exclusively for them. This is important when they are creating
a particular product or service to get the consumer to always think of the brand when it comes to
acquiring something they need (Marques, 2018).

CS 3-2 Are the decisions of Lush’s consumers driven by a rational consumption

appeal that uses the message of ethical, organic, fresh, and healthy products, or is it

influenced by the hedonic consumption and the pleasurable multi-sensory

experience they encounter in the stores?

Lush's consumers are influenced by a combination of rational consumption appeal and hedonic
consumption experiences.
Rational Consumption Appeal: Lush's messaging of ethical, organic, fresh, and healthy products
appeals to consumers who prioritize sustainability, natural ingredients, and supporting ethical
practices. These consumers are driven by the desire to make responsible choices and align their
values with their purchasing decisions.
Hedonic Consumption and Multi-Sensory Experience: Lush stores provide a unique and pleasurable
shopping experience. The stores are designed to engage multiple senses, with vibrant colors, enticing
scents, and interactive product displays. This immersive environment creates a sense of enjoyment
and indulgence, making the shopping experience more than just a transaction. Consumers are drawn
to the sensory stimulation and the opportunity to pamper themselves.
In summary, Lush consumers' decisions are influenced by both rational factors, such as the appeal of
ethical and healthy products, and hedonic factors, such as the pleasurable multi-sensory experience
in the stores. These factors work together to create a compelling and holistic consumer experience.



2- Thierry, M. (2021) The impact of sensory marketing

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